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Lang K.R. — Astrophysical Formulae: Space, Time, Matter and Cosmology, Vol. 2 |
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Gravitational waves 169—178
Gravitational waves, bar detector 177 178
Gravitational waves, binary pulsar 168
Gravitational waves, binary stars 173
Gravitational waves, detector sensitivity 177 178
Gravitational waves, energy flux 171 172
Gravitational waves, force 177
Gravitational waves, luminosity 173
Gravitational waves, neutron stars 174
Gravitational waves, polarization 171
Gravitational waves, quadrupole 172
Gravitational waves, strain 170
Gravitational waves, strength 170
Gravitational waves, supernovae 175
Gravitons 171
Gravity theory, noniinearity 155
Gravity, bending of light 23 24
Gravity, curvature of space-time 146
Gravity, Earth surface 4
Great Attractor 295 296
Great attractor, mass 296
Great circle 1 2
Great wall 286 287
Green, E.M. 99
Greenstein, J.L. 143 158 216 260
Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST) 80
Greenwich Sidereal Time (GST) 73
Gregorian calendar 72
Gregorian calendar date 72
Gregory, S.A. 284 285
Grevesse, N. 89 259
Gribbin, J. 137 300
Grindlay, J.E. 227
GRO J1655-40, black hole 228
GRO J1655-40, micro-quasar 228
Grossman, S.A. 185
Groth, E.J. 281 282
Groups of galaxies, mass-to-light ratio 133
Groups of galaxies, virial theorem 133
GRS 1915+05, black hole 228
GRS 1915+05, micro-quasar 228
GS2000+25, black hole 208 209
Guerra, E.J. 246
Gull, S.F. 276
Gum, C.S. 10
Gundersen, J.O. 300
Gunn — Peterson effect 143 259
Gunn, J.E. 127 134 141 143 174 189 244 256 259 260 262 267 277 294 304 314
Gurzadyan, V.G. 95
Guth, A.H. 235
Gyroscope, black holes 222
Gyroscope, gravitational precession of spin axis 164
Gyuk, G. 142
H-R diagram see “Hertzsprung — Russell diagram”
Hafele, J.C. 152
Haigreaves, R. 146 150
Hal ley, E. 29 56
Hale, G.E. 277
Half life 83
Half life, neutron 261—264
Half life, radioactive isotopes 83
Hall, A. 162
Hall, D.N.B. 267
Hall, J.L. 152
Halo mass, elliptical galaxies 131 132
Halo mass, spiral galaxies 130
Halo, dark matter 142
Halo, elliptical galaxies 131
Halo, Galaxy age 101 102
Halo, Galaxy mass 126 127
Halo, spiral galaxies 129—131 138
Halpern, J.P. 191
Hammersley, P.L. 11
Hamuy, M. 64
Han, M. 296
Hancock, S. 273
Hanes, D.A. 50
Hanson, R.B. 29
Hardebeck, H. 276
Hardee, P.E. 212
Harkness, R.P. 52 64
Harm, R. 94
Harmonic coefficients, Earth 4
Harms, R.J. 211
Harris, J. 48
Harris, W.E. 100
Harrison — Zeldovich spectrum 273 302 309
Harrison, B.K. 188
Harrison, E.R. 168 197 235 273 309
Hart, M.H. 94
Hartle, J.B. 188
Harwit, M. 86 239
Haselgrove, B. 99
Hatcher, D.A. 72 73
Haugan, M.P. 152 153 154
Hauser, M.G. 284
Hawking, S.W. 203 204 205 206 235 240
Hawkins, M. 141
Hayashi, C. 253 261
Haynes, M.P. 285
Hazard, C. 216
Hebrew calendar 72
Heckel, B.R. 153
Heckman, T.M. 224
Hege, E.K. 180
Height, above sea level 2
Heiles, C. 33
Helioseismology, solar oblateness 164
Helium flash 97
Helium, abundance in solar wind 267
Helium, flash 97
Helium, intergalactic 143 260
Helium, mass fraction 261 262
Helium, primordial abundance 257—259
Helium, solar system abundance 259
Helium, synthesis in big bang 249 254 256 260 261
Hellings, R.W. 116 166 168 249
Helmholtz, H. 86
Henderson, T. 28
Henry, J.P. 134
Henry, P.S. 271
Herbig, T. 277
Herlofson, N. 215
Herman, R.C. 250 252 256 261 269
Hernanz, M. 93
Herschel, F.W. 1
Herschel, J. 279
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram 87
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram, 471 Tucanae 100
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram, composite 98
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram, globular star clusters 91 97 100
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram, horizontal branch 91
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram, instability strip 91
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram, main sequence 88 91 97 98
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram, nearby stars 88
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram, open star clusters 96
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram, red giant branch 91
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram, subgiant branch 91
Hertzsprung, E. 37 87
Hesser, J.E. 99 100
Hester, J.J. 190
Hewish, A. 189
Hewitt, J.N. 180
Heyl, P.R. 115
HI regions, spiral arms of Galaxy 45
HII regions, extragalactic distances 50
HII regions, spiral shape of Galaxy 45
Hill, E.R. 128
Hill, H.A. 163
Hill, J.M. 159
| Hils, D. 152
Hinshaw, G. 275
Hipparchus 15
Hitchcock, J.L. 270
Hjellming, R.M. 209 227 228
Hobbs, L.M. 268
Hoffleit, D. 216
Hoffman, G.L. 293 294
Hoflich, R. 64
Hog, E. 158
Hogan, C.J. 63 101 266
Hogg, D.E. 215
Holmes, A. 84
Holt, S.S. 191
Homogeneous and isotropic Universe 228—234
Hooley, A. 246
Horizon 12
Horizon coordinates 12
Horizon coordinates, conversion to equatorial coordinates 13 15
Horizon distance 235
Horizon problem 235 236
Horizontal branch 91
Horizontal branch, Hertzsprung — Russell diagram 91
Horizontal coordinates 12
Horizontal coordinates, conversion to equatorial coordinates 13 15
Horizontal parallax 24
Horizontal parallax, Moon 24
Hot dark matter 145 312 313
Hot dark matter, density fluctuation spectrum 313
Hour angle 9 12
Hour angle, local 73
Hour angle, vernal equinox 73
Hour circle 12
Howell, T.F. 270
Hoyle, F. 91 99 103 106 108 188 194 217 219 231 246 248 253 256 257 312
Hubble constant 59 66 107 231 241
Hubble constant, gravitational radiation 169
Hubble constant, measurements 60—65
Hubble constant, Sunyaev — Zeldovich effect 276 277
Hubble constant, Tully — Fisher relation 64
Hubble diagram 60 242
Hubble diagram, brightest cluster galaxies 61 244
Hubble diagram, evolution 245
Hubble diagram, nearby galaxies 60
Hubble diagram, quasars 243
Hubble diagram, radio galaxies 243
Hubble diagram, type Ia supernova 64
Hubble expansion parameter see “Hubble constant”
Hubble flow 62 290
Hubble law 59 68 242—244 278
Hubble law, redshift-magnitude relation 65
Hubble time 107 108
Hubble, E.P. 37 49 53 59 60 65 107 228 242 243 247 277 278 289 291
Huchra, J.P. 133 180 286 287 293 294
Huchtmeier, W.K. 54
Hughes — Drever experiment 152 153
Hughes, J.P. 277
Hughes, V.W. 152
Hulse, R.A. 166 190
Humason, M.L. 60 65 228 243 244 283
Humphreys, R.M. 11
Hutchings, J.B. 209
Hyades star cluster, age 95 96
Hyades star cluster, distance 29
Hyades star cluster, distance modulus 29
Hyades, age 95 96
Hydra-Centaurus supercluster 295
Hydrogen, burning, time 87 90
Hydrogen, hyperfine transition 69
Hydrogen, intergalactic 143 144 259 260
Hydrogen, synthesis in big bang 249
Hydrostatic equilibrium equation 89
Hyperbolic universe 67 110 232
Hyperfine transition, cesium 69
Hyperfine transition, hydrogen 69
Iben, I. Jr. 39 91 99
Ikeuchi, S. 288
Impact parameter, gravitational lens 180
Independent day numbers 21
Index, color 33
Index, space curvature 66 110 232
Inertial frame of reference 154
Inertialmass 114 115
Infall velocity, Viigo 293
Inflation 112 113 140 234—240
Inflation, cosmological constant 239
Inflation, density parameter 235
Inflation, flatness problem 235 236
Inflation, formation of galaxies 235
Inflation, horizon problem 235 236
Inflation, primordial fluctuation spectrum 273
Inflation, scale factor 237—239
Inflation, time 239
Inflation, two rounds 235
Inflationary Universe, age 113
InfraRed Astronomical Satellite 11 287 295
Infrared period-luminosity relation, Magellanic Clouds 39
Inghram, M. 84
Instability strip 91
Instability strip, Hertzsprung — Russell diagram 91
Inteigalactic deuterium 266
Inteigalactic helium 143 260
Inteigalactic helium, density parameter 144
Inteigalactic hydrogen 143 144 259 260
Inteigalactic hydrogen, density parameter 143
International atomic time 69
International latitude service 79
Interstellar absorption of starlight 32 33
Interstellar deuterium 265
Interstellar dust, absorption of starlight 32 33
Interstellar dust, extinction of starlight 32 33
Interstellar hydrogen, and absorption of starlight 33
Interstellar medium, deuterium abundance 265
Invariance, local Lorentz 152 153
Invariance, Lorentz 150 152 153
Inverse Compton catastrophe 219
Inverse Compton scattering, radio galaxies 219
Inverse square law 30 68
Invisible mass, spiral galaxies 130
Invisible matter, galaxies 125—135
Ionosphere, refraction 23
Ipser, J.R. 188
IRAS see “InfraRed Astronomical Satellite”
Isern, J. 191
Islam, J.N. 147
Islamic calendar 72
Isocurvature fluctuation 301
Isotopes, half-lives 83
Isotropic space 152
Isotropy, cosmic microwave background radiation 271 273
Isreal theorem 204
Isreal, W. 204 205 206
Ives — Stillwell experiment 151 152
Ives, H.E. 151
Iyer, B.R. 168 173
Izotov, Y.I. 259 264
J0422+32, black hole 208
J1655-40, black hole 208—210
J2000.0 15 18 22
Jackson, J. 28
Jackson, J.D. 152
Jackson, R.E. 55 125
Jacoby, G.H. 47 50 51 55 60 63 65
Jaffe, W. 214 223
Jaki, S.L. 56
Jakobsen, P. 143 260
Janes, K.A. 97
Jayawardhana, R. 213
Jeans mass 306
Jeans mass, recombination 308
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