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Lang K.R. — Astrophysical Formulae: Space, Time, Matter and Cosmology, Vol. 2 |
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Star clusters, Pleiades age 95 96
Star clusters, relaxation time 94
Star constants 21
Star time 73
Stark, R.F. 169 175
Starlight, absorption 32 33
Starlight, color excess 33
Starlight, extinction 32 33
Starlight, reddening factor 33
Starobinsky, A.A. 235
Stars, absolute luminosity 37 87 88 120 123
Stars, absolute magnitude 37 39
Stars, accretion 193—196
Stars, age 85—102
Stars, binary systems 118
Stars, blackholes 208
Stars, central density 92
Stars, central temperature 92
Stars, density parameter 138
Stars, distance 26—29 87
Stars, duration of thermonuclear reactions 92
Stars, dwarf 88
Stars, effective temperature 34 35 37 39
Stars, evolution 91 97 104
Stars, giant 87
Stars, gravitational lens 179
Stars, largest mass 118
Stars, lifetime 92
Stars, main-sequence 88
Stars, main-sequence lifetime 87 90 93
Stars, mass 118—122
Stars, mass density 128
Stars, mass loss 122 123
Stars, mass loss - luminosity relation 123
Stars, mass loss rate 122 123
Stars, mass transfer 192
Stars, mass-luminosity relation 121—123
Stars, mass-to-light ratio 138
Stars, motion 28 29
Stars, neutron 187—196
Stars, oldest 101 102
Stars, period-luminosity relation 49
Stars, pulsars 188—191
Stars, pulsating see “Variable stars”
Stars, pulsation constant 39
Stars, radius 39
Stars, radius main sequence 120
Stars, RR Lyrae 41
Stars, smallest mass 118
Stars, spectral type 36
Stars, surface brightness 40
Stars, thermonuclear reactions 92
Stars, two-color diagram 35
Stars, variable see “Pulsating stars”
Stars, velocity 28 29
Stars, visible mass density 128
Stars, white dwarf 88 91 185—187
Stars, wind 122
Stars, X-ray binaries 191—194
Static limit 203
Stauffer, J.R. 158
Steady State cosmology 108 248
Stebbins, A. 170
Stecker, F.W. 316
Stefan — Boltzmann law 34 35
Steidel, C.C. 303
Steigman, G. 256 257 259 262 263 265 268
Stein, W.A. 219
Steinhardt, P.J. 140 235
Stellar aberration 19 20
Stellar black holes 208
Stellar mass 118 120
Stellar radius 39
Stellar wind 122
Stellar wind, radio flux density 122 123
Stelmach, J. 248
Stephenson, C.B. 227
Stephenson, F.R. 79 80
Stetson, P.B. 100 101 102
Stewart, J. 89
Stillwell, G.R. 151
Stinebring, D.R. 190
Stobie, R.S. 39
Stockman, H.S. 224
Stockton, A. 180
Stoner, E.C. 186
Strauss, M.A. 290 291 292 294 295 307 309 314 315
Streaming motions, galaxies 290
Stress-energy tensor 147—149
strings 310
Strong equivalence principle 115 154 165
Strong, I.B. 176
Struble, M.F. 134
Su, Y. 115 153
Subcentral point 43
Subgiant branch 91 97 98
Subgiant branch, Hertzsprung — Russell diagram 91
Suess, H.E. 104
Sulentic, J.W. 279
Sulknen, M.E. 226
Summer solstice 7 8
Summers, F.J. 316
Sun time 76
Sun, absolute bolometric magnitude 34
Sun, absolute luminosity 30 31
Sun, absolute magnitude 32
Sun, age 86 90
Sun, apparent acceleration 79
Sun, apparent bolometric magnitude 34
Sun, apparent magnitude 32
Sun, apparent position 77
Sun, bending of light 23 24
Sun, bolometric correction 34
Sun, bolometric magnitude 34
Sun, colors 32
Sun, deflection of radio waves 159 160 161
Sun, distance from Earth 24 26
Sun, distance from galactic plane 11
Sun, distance modulus 32
Sun, effective temperature 35
Sun, faint-young-Sun paradox 90
Sun, gravitational redshift 157
Sun, internal rotation 164
Sun, irradiance 30
Sun, light bending 158 159
Sun, light deflection 158 159
Sun, luminosity 30 31
Sun, mass 116
Sun, mass loss rate 122
Sun, motion with respect to cosmic microwave background radiation 271 272
Sun, oblateness 163
Sun, oblateness from helioseismology 164
Sun, oblateness from lunar laser ranging 163
Sun, peculiar motion 271 272 291
Sun, peculiar velocity 271 272 291
Sun, quadrupole moment 163
Sun, radius 35
Sun, solar constant 30
Sun, solar flux unit 35
Sun, wind 122
Sundial 77
Sunyaev — Zeldovich effect 276 301
Sunyaev — Zeldovich effect, Hubble constant 276 277
Sunyaev, R.A. 195 218 275 276 297 301
Superclusters 135 284
Superclusters, density parameter 138
Superclusters, galaxies 284
Superclusters, Hydra-Centaurus 295
Superclusters, local 11
Superclusters, mass-to-light ratio 135 136
| Superclusters, radius 284
Supergalaxy, local 11
Superluminal expansion 219—221
Superluminal motions 219 220
Superluminal motions, micro-quasars 227
Superluminal motions, quasars 219—221
Superluminal motions, SS 433 227
Superluminal radio sources 221
Superluminal velocity 219—221
Supermassive black holes 210 211 226
Supermassive black holes, energy from 226
Supermassive black holes, quasars 216 217
Supermassive black holes, radio galaxies 216 217
Supernova see “Supernovae”
Supernova explosion 187 188
Supernova remnants, radio pulsars 191
Supernovae, absolute magnitude 52 53
Supernovae, explosion 187 188
Supernovae, gravitational radiation 170 175
Supernovae, luminosity 188
Supernovae, neutron stars 187 188
Supernovae, type Ia 51 63—65
Supernovae, type II 51
Surface brightness fluctuation, galaxies 55
Surface brightness, stars 40
Surface gravity, black holes 205 206
Surface gravity, Earth 4 5
Susskind, L. 205
Sutantyo, W. 170
Sutherland, W.J. 317
Suto, Y. 290
Svensson, R. 222
Swope, H.H. 62 108
Symbalisty, E.M.D. 102
Synchrotron radiation, inverse Compton scattering 219
Synchrotron radiation, radio galaxies 214 215
Synodic month 71 72
Synthesis, elements 252 253
Synthesis, heavy elements 91
Systeme international second 69
Szalay, A.S. 262 288 313
Szekeres, G. 200
Tai 69 78
Takahara, F. 242 245 266
Takahashi, K. 83
Tammann, G.A. 38 48 49 50 52 53 54 56 61 62 63 64 65 108 272 280 283 292 293
Tanaka, T. 235
Tanaka, Y. 213
Tananbaum, H. 191
Tangent point 43
Tanvir, N.R. 48 49 62 63
Tavani, M. 190 194
Tayler, R.J. 256
Taylor, A.H. 161
Taylor, J.H. 116 166 167 168 190 249
Taylor, S.R. 84
TDB 69 70
tdt 69 70
Teerikorpi, P. 65
Temperature fluctuations, cosmic microwave background radiation 271 273 299—302
Temperature fluctuations, gravitational redshift 301
Temperature fluctuations, recombination time 299
Temperature, accretion 225
Temperature, center of stars 92
Temperature, cosmic microwave background radiation 232 251 271
Temperature, effective 34 35
Temperature, Planck 240
Temperature, radiation energy density equals mass density 298
Temperature, recombination 297
Temperature, stars 34 35 37
Temperature, Sun 35
Temperature, Universe 232 252
Temperature, X-ray halo elliptical galaxies 131
Temps Atomique International (TAI) 69 78
Tensor, energy-momentum 147—149
Tensor, Ricci 147
Tensor, Riemann 147
Tensor, stress-energy 147—149
Terrell, J. 68 219 244
Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT) 69 70
Terrestrial time 70
Tests, cosmological models 240—248
Tests, general theory of relativity 153—168
Tests, special theory of relativity 149—153
Teukolsky, S.A. 198 204
Texture, Universe 310
Thaddeus, P. 270
Thakrah, A. 141
Thejll, P. 158
Theorem, Birkhoff 204
Theorem, Carter 205
Theorem, Isreal 204
Theorem, no hair 205
Theorem, Penrose 204
Theorem, Penrose singularity 203
Theorem, Russell — Vogt 89 122
Theorem, virial clusters of galaxies 125 126 132 134
Theorem, Vogt — Russell 89 122
Thermal radiation, brightness 35
Thermal spectrum, cosmic microwave background radiation 270
Thermonuclear reactions, stars 92
Thermonuclear time 87
Thielemann, F.-K. 102
Third law, black hole mechanics 206
Third law, Kepler 25 42 116 118 125
Thomas precession 164
Thompson, L.A. 284 285
Thompson, M.J. 164
Thonnard, N. 130
Thorburn, J.A. 268
Thorndike, E.M. 151
Thorne, K.S. 155 160 169 171 172 173 174 175 177 178 198 202 222 226
Thorsett, S.E. 191
Three parameter correlation, galaxies 55
Thuan, T.X. 259 264
Tides, friction 79 80
Tides, length of day increase 79 80
Tides, precession 15
Tifft, W.G. 279 285
Tilton, G. 84
Time 69—114
Time dilation 150—152
Time dilation, binary pulsar 166
Time dilation, factor 151
Time dilation, lifetime of elementary particles 151
Time Dynamique Barycenter (TDB) 69 70
Time, accretion 225
Time, apparent sidereal 73
Time, atomic 69
Time, barycentric coordinate 70
Time, barycentric dynamical 69
Time, black-hole evaporation 207
Time, civil 74 76
Time, coordinated universal 78
Time, daylight saving 74 75
Time, dilation 150—152
Time, dynamical 69 70
Time, ephemeris 69
Time, equation 76
Time, ET 69
Time, evaporation 94
Time, formation of black hole 199
Time, free-fall 85 86
Time, geocentric coordinate 70
Time, gravitational collapse 199
Time, gravitational free-fall 85 86
Time, Greenwich sidereal 73
Time, halflife 83
Time, Hubble 107 108
Time, hydrogen burning 87 90
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