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Lang K.R. — Astrophysical Formulae: Space, Time, Matter and Cosmology, Vol. 2 |
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Time, inflation 239
Time, international atomic 69
Time, Kelvin — Helmholtz 86
Time, light travel for unit distance 26
Time, light variation minimum 217 219
Time, Local Sidereal 8 9 73
Time, lookback 113 114 245
Time, LST 73
Time, main-sequence 87 90
Time, main-sequence evolution 93
Time, nucleosynthesis 92 102 106
Time, nucleosynthesis of radioactive elements 102—106
Time, Planck 240
Time, proper 148 150
Time, r process nucleosynthesis 103—106
Time, radiation energy density equals mass density 232 233 298
Time, recombination 298
Time, relaxation 94 95
Time, Shapiro delay 160 161
Time, sidereal 73 80
Time, solar 76
Time, ST 73 80
Time, star time 73
Time, Sun 76
Time, TAI 69 78
Time, TDB 69 70
Time, TDT 69 70
Time, terrestrial 70
Time, terrestrial dynamical 69
Time, thermonuclear 87
Time, thermonuclear reactions in stars 92
Time, universal 9 74 80
Time, UT 74 80
Time, UT0 78
Time, UT1 78
Time, UTC 78
Time, variation gravitational constant 116
Time, weak interaction 253
time, zones 74 75
Tingay, S.J. 209 228
Tinsley, B.M. 105 256 257 267
Tipler, F.J. 56
Titius — Bode law 26
Titius, J.D. 26
Tobin, W. 219
Tolman — Oppenheimer — Volkoff limit 188
Tolman, R.C. 188 232 243 250 271
Tomczyk, S. 164
Tomita, K. 185 248
Tonry, J.L. 55 212 293 294
Top-down cosmology 313
Topological defects, Universe 310
Torres-Peimbert, M. 258
Tosi, M. 263 265
Towler, W.R. 115
Townes, C.H. 213
Transformation see “Conversion”
Transformation, Lorentz 150
Transverse Doppler effect 151
Transverse velocity, superluminal 219—221
Trefil, J. 137
Tremaine, S. 94 115 126 128 131 153 212
Triangulum nebula, distance 48
Trigonometric parallax 26
Trigonometric parallax, 61 Cygni 28
Trigonometric parallax, Alpha Centauri 28
Trigonometric parallax, nearby stars 28
Trimble, V. 126 130 131 134 137 158 188
Tropical century 15
Tropical month 72
Tropical year 71
True distance modulus 32
Truran, J.W. 102
Tsujimoto, T. 41
Tsvetsanov, Z.I. 211
Tucker, K. 137
Tucker, W. 131 132 137
Tuggle, R.S. 39
Tully — Fisher relation 53 54 64
Tully — Fisher relation, Hubble constant 64
Tully, R.B. 53 54 55 62 65 284
Tumrose, B. 283
Turneaure, J.R. 164
Turner, E.L. 107 133 170 229 236 240 249
Turner, M.S. 137 140 142 144 235 237 238 256 257 259 263 265 267 268 271 297 305 313 316
Turner, T.J. 224
Turnoff, main sequence 91
Turnshek, D.A. 143 260
Turok, N. 235 310
Twarog, B.A. 97
Two-color diagram, stars 35
Two-point correlation function, galaxies 281
Type Ia supernovae 51—53 63—65
Type Ia supernovae, absolute magnitude 52 53 63—65
Type Ia supernovae, decline rate 64
Type Ia supernovae, Hubble diagram 64
Type Ia supernovae, light curve 64 65
Type Ia supernovae, peak absolute luminosity 63—65
Type Ia supernovae, physics 64
Tyson, J.A. 169 171 173 180 303
Tytler, D. 143 260 266
Udalski, A. 142
Ulrich, M.-H. 224
Unit distance 24 26
Universal Time (UT) 9 74 80
Universal Time (UT) and Sidereal Time 80—82
Universal Time (UT), Coordinated (UTC) 78
Universe, age 60
Universe, age and cosmological constant 113
Universe, age and density parameter 111—113
Universe, age at recombination 298
Universe, age at redshift z 303
Universe, big bang 107
Universe, big-bang model 236 249
Universe, bound 67 110 232
Universe, center 289
Universe, closed 67 110 232
Universe, closure 140
Universe, content 277—297
Universe, cosmological constant 109—113
Universe, critical mass density 58 66 110 137 231 250
Universe, critical mass-to-light ratio 139
Universe, curvature index 146 229 232 233
Universe, deceleration parameter 66 67 230 231 233
Universe, density parameter 58 66 67 140 230 231 233
Universe, edge 289
Universe, Einstein — De Sitter 67 68 110 140 232
Universe, Euclidean 67 110 232
Universe, ever-expanding 67 110 232
Universe, expansion 58—66
Universe, expansion age 107
Universe, expansion age and cosmological models 109—114
Universe, fate 67 110 232 250
Universe, flat 67 110 232
Universe, formation 302—317
Universe, formation of structure 302—310
Universe, Friedmann 230
Universe, geometry 67 110 232
Universe, homogeneous and isotropic 228—234
Universe, hyperbolic 67 110 232
Universe, inflation 112 113 234—240
Universe, inflation scale factor 237—239
Universe, inflation temperature 237—239
Universe, inflation theory 140
Universe, large-scale structure 277—302
Universe, low density 139 140
Universe, mass density 66 137 231 232
Universe, metric 146
Universe, Milne 67 110 232
Universe, omega factor 58 231
| Universe, open 67 110 232
Universe, oscillating 67 110 232
Universe, primordial density perturbations 305—310
Universe, radiation dominated era 232 233 252
Universe, radiation energy density 232
Universe, radiation temperature 232 252
Universe, radius 146
Universe, radius of curvature 146 229 233
Universe, rate of expansion 59 66 107
Universe, recombination 297 298
Universe, reduced cosmological constant 229 234
Universe, scale factor 66 67 146 229 230 233
Universe, shape 277—297
Universe, size 230 277—297
Universe, size at redshift z 303
Universe, spherical 67 110 232
Universe, strings 310
Universe, temperature 232 252
Universe, texture 310
Universe, topological defects 310
Unwin, S.C. 218 219
Uranium, half life 83
Uranus, density 117
Uranus, mass 117
Uranus, orbital period 25
Uranus, orbital velocity 25
Uranus, radius 117
Uranus, semi-major axis 25
Urey, H.C. 104
Urry, C.M. 218 219 224
Uson, J.M. 143
UT 74 80
UT0 78
UT1 78
UTC 78
V404 Cygni 208 209
V616 Monocerotis 208
Vacca, W.D. 180
Van Albana, T.S. 129
Van Dalen, A. 316
Van Den Bergh, S. 31 47 48 49 51 62 63 64 124 283
Van Den Heuvel, E.P.J. 170 190 191 194
Van Der Marel, R.P. 55 125 212
Van Flandern, T.C. 19
Van Heerde, G.M. 248
Van Paradijs, J. 191
Vanden Berk, D.E. 288
Vandenberg, D.A. 99 100 101 102
Vangioni-Flam, E. 265
Vanier, J. 69
Variability, accretion 218
Variability, quasars 216 218 219
Variable active galactic nuclei 218
Variable stars see “Pulsating stars”
Variable stars, absolute luminosity 37—42
Variable stars, Cepheid 37—42
Variable stars, Doppler shift 40
Variable stars, period-luminosity relation 37—42 49
Variable stars, period-radius relation 41
Variable stars, radial velocity 40
Variable stars, radius 39 40
Variable stars, RR Lyrae stars 41
Variable stars, velocity 40
Variation, Earth’s rotation rate 78—80
Variation, gravitational constant 116 165 166 248 249
Vaughan, T.E. 64
Vega 16
Vela pulsar 191
Velocity dispersion, clusters of galaxies 134
Velocity dispersion, clusters of galaxies, elliptical galaxies 55
Velocity of light 26 149
Velocity, Andromeda nebula 128
Velocity, clusters of galaxies 283
Velocity, Earth 25
Velocity, escape 197
Velocity, expansion 62
Velocity, galactic 42
Velocity, galaxies 58 242
Velocity, gravitational radiation 170
Velocity, Jupiter 25
Velocity, light 26 149
Velocity, Mars 25
Velocity, Mercury 25
Velocity, nearby galaxies 128
Velocity, Neptune 25
Velocity, peculiar 62
Velocity, Pluto 25
Velocity, pulsating stars 40
Velocity, recession 62
Velocity, Saturn 25
Velocity, stars 28 29
Velocity, superluminal 219—221
Velocity, superluminal transverse 219—221
Velocity, Uranus 25
Velocity, variable stars 40
Velocity, Venus 25
Velocity, Viigo infall 293
Velocity, Virgo cluster of galaxies 293 294
Velocity-distance plot see “Hubble diagram”
Venus, apparent acceleration 79
Venus, density 117
Venus, distance 26
Venus, mass 117
Venus, orbital period 25
Venus, orbital velocity 25
Venus, parallax 26
Venus, radar echo 161
Venus, radar time delay 161
Venus, radius 117
Venus, semi-major axis 25
Verbunt, F. 191
Vernal equinox 7 8 12 16 71
Vernal Equinox, hour angle 9 73
Verschuur, G.L. 215 216
Vessot, R.F.C. 158
Vigier, J.P. 159
Viking spacecraft, time delay of radio signals 161
Vilenkin, A. 310
Virgo A, 3C 274, M87 210—212 215
Virgo cluster of galaxies, Cepheid variable stars 49
Virgo cluster of galaxies, distance 48—50
Virgo cluster of galaxies, expansion velocity 293 294
Virgo cluster of galaxies, globular star clusters 50
Virgo infall, density parameter 294
Virgo infall, velocity 293
Virial theorem, clusters of galaxies 125 126 132
Virial theorem, cosmic 136
Virial theorem, groups of galaxies 133
Vishniac, E.T. 307
Visual binary stars 118
Visvananthan, N. 39
Vitello, P. 219
VLB1, solar deflection of radio waves 160
Vogt — Russell theorem 89 122
Vogt, H. 89 122
Void, Bootes 285
Voids 285—287
Vokrouhlicky, D. 165
Volkoff, G.M. 188
Voyager spacecraft, time delay of radio signals 161
Vulcan 162
Wagner, R.M. 208
Wagner, S.J. 216 218
Wagoner, R.V. 168 173 256 257 264
Wakano, M. 188
Walker, A.G. 146 229
Walker, A.R. 38 39
Walker, D. 272
Walker, T.P. 256 257 259 263 267 268
Walls, galaxies 285—288
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