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Lang K.R. — Astrophysical Formulae: Space, Time, Matter and Cosmology, Vol. 2 |
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Ford, W.K. 130
Forman, W. 131 132 135
Formation, galaxies 140 235 303 304
Formation, globular star clusters 102
Formation, star clusters 102
Formation, Universe 302—317
Foster, R.S. 167
Fowler, L.A. 166
Fowler, R.H. 186
Fowler, W.A. 91 103 105 106 139 188 217 253 256 257 264 312
Frank, J. 195 196 226
Free-fall time 85 86
Freedman, W.L. 48 49 54 63 65
Freeman, K.C. 129
Freeman, W.C. 50
Frenk, C.S. 313 314 315 317
Friedman, J.L. 188
Friedmann universes 230
Friedmann, A. 59 67 107 146 229 230 243
Fruchter, A.S. 190
Fukuda, Y. 145 312
Fukugita, M. 63 64
Fulbright, M.S. 158
Gabriel, M.D. 153 154
Galactic center 10 12 42 43 123 211—213
Galactic center, distance 43
Galactic center, mass 123 213
Galactic center, supermassive black hole 211—213
Galactic constants 42 43
galactic coordinates 9
Galactic coordinates, conversion to equatorial coordinates 13 14
Galactic equator 9
Galactic halo, age 101 102
Galactic latitude 9
Galactic longitude 10
Galactic luminosity 47
Galactic micro-quasars 226—228
Galactic north pole 10
Galactic structure 42—57
Galaxies, binary mass 133
Galaxies, blackholes 210—213
Galaxies, bubbles 285—288
Galaxies, catalogues 279 280 282
Galaxies, clusters 11 132 134 282—285
Galaxies, correlation function 281 282
Galaxies, density 279
Galaxies, density parameter 138
Galaxies, distances 47—55
Galaxies, distribution 277—289
Galaxies, Doppler shift 62
Galaxies, expansion velocity 62
Galaxies, filamentary superstructures 285—288
Galaxies, formation 140 303 304
Galaxies, greatwall 286 287
Galaxies, groups 133
Galaxies, homogeneous distribution 228
Galaxies, Hubble diagram 60
Galaxies, isotropic distribution 228
Galaxies, large-scale peculiar motions 289—297
Galaxies, largest redshift 304
Galaxies, local group 48 127 128 134 280 291—293
Galaxies, local supercluster 280
Galaxies, local supergalaxy 280
Galaxies, long distance scale 55 62 65
Galaxies, luminosity density 57 137
Galaxies, luminous density parameter 138
Galaxies, mass 122—135
Galaxies, mass density 57 58
Galaxies, mass of light emitting regions 123—125
Galaxies, mass of nuclei 210 212
Galaxies, mass-to-light ratio 58
Galaxies, mean space density 57
Galaxies, nearby see “Nearby galaxies”
Galaxies, nonluminous matter 125—135
Galaxies, number counts 246 247
Galaxies, peculiar motions 61 289—297
Galaxies, peculiar velocity 62
Galaxies, present mass density 57 58
Galaxies, radial velocity 58
Galaxies, recession 66
Galaxies, recession velocity 62 242
Galaxies, redshift 58 62 242
Galaxies, redshift surveys 285 286
Galaxies, separation 279
Galaxies, Seyfert 223 224
Galaxies, sheets 285—288
Galaxies, short distance scale 55 62 65
Galaxies, space density 279
Galaxies, streaming motions 290
Galaxies, superclusters 284
Galaxies, surface brightness fluctuations 55
Galaxies, three-dimensional maps 285 286
Galaxies, two-point correlation function 281
Galaxies, velocity 242
Galaxies, voids 285—287
Galaxies, walls 285—288
Galaxy formation 140
Galaxy formation, baryonic matter 312
Galaxy formation, biasing 315
Galaxy formation, biasing parameter 315
Galaxy formation, bottom-up cosmology 314
Galaxy formation, cold dark matter 314
Galaxy formation, cosmological constant 315
Galaxy formation, dark matter 137 310—317
Galaxy formation, density parameter 315 316
Galaxy formation, fluctuations cosmic microwave background radiation 316
Galaxy formation, hot dark matter 312 313
Galaxy formation, neutrinos 312
Galaxy formation, nonbaryonic matter 310—317
Galaxy formation, pancake model 313
Galaxy formation, top-down cosmology 313
Galaxy, absolute luminosity 31 47
Galaxy, age 102—107
Galaxy, age values 106
Galaxy, center 10 12 42 43
Galaxy, central mass 123
Galaxy, Cepheid variable stars 38
Galaxy, dark halo mass 126 127
Galaxy, differential rotation 42
Galaxy, disk dark matter 128
Galaxy, disk mass 127 128
Galaxy, diskage 93 97
Galaxy, dwarf spheroidal companions 127 128
Galaxy, force per unit mass 128
Galaxy, halo age 101 102
Galaxy, halo dark matter 142
Galaxy, HI regions and spiral arms 45
Galaxy, HII regions and spiral shape 45
Galaxy, Kepler’s third law 123
Galaxy, luminosity 31 124
Galaxy, maintenance of spiral arms 46
Galaxy, mass density 127 128
Galaxy, mass density visible stars 128
Galaxy, micro-quasars 226—228
Galaxy, minimum mass 126
Galaxy, minimum mass-to-light ratio 126
Galaxy, minimum total mass 126 127
Galaxy, north pole 10
Galaxy, nuclear mass 123
Galaxy, nuclear mass-to-light ratio 124
Galaxy, period-luminosity relation 38
Galaxy, rotation 42
Galaxy, rotation curve 44 45
Galaxy, satellites 127 128
Galaxy, spiral shape 45
Galaxy, stellar mass density 128
Galaxy, structure 42—57
Galaxy, supermassive black hole 211—213
Gallagher, J.J. 126
Gallagher, J.S. 130 131 132 133 135
| Gamma parameter 155 156 158—162 165
Gamma-ray bursts 176
Gamma-ray bursts, extragalactic 176
Gamma-ray bursts, merging neutron stars 176
Gamow, G. 103 233 250 252 253 306
Gardner, F.L. 215
Garnavich, P.M. 48 64
Garwin, R.L. 171
Gates, E.I. 142 143 316
Gaussian constant of gravitation 117
Gaussian year 71
Gawiser, E. 297 300 302
Geikie, A. 82
Geiss, J. 264 265 267 268
Geller, M.J. 133 286 287
Geminga 191
General catalogue 279
General precession 16 17
General theory of relativity, black holes 199
General theory of relativity, expanding Universe 59 229
General theory of relativity, formulae 145—148
General theory of relativity, metric 146
General theory of relativity, strong equivalence principle 154
General theory of relativity, tests 153—168
Genzel, R. 213
Geocentric coordinate time 70
Geocentric coordinates 5
Geocentric gravitational constant 116
Geocentric latitude 5
Geocentric longitude 5
Geodesic 229
Geodesic, line 147 148
Geodesic, null 148
Geodetic coordinates 2 3
Geodetic latitude 2
Geodetic longitude 2
Geodetic precession 164 165
Geodetic surface position 1
Geographic surface position 1
Geoid, Earth 3
Geometrized units 202
Geometry, Universe 67 110 232
Georglin, Y.M. 45
Georglin, Y.R. 45
Gershtein, S.S. 145
Ghosh, P. 145 312
Giacconi, R. 191
Giant stars 87
Gibbons, G.W. 116 166
Gieren, W.P. 38 41
Gies, D.R. 209
Giffard, R.P. 169 171 173
Gilmore, G. 128
Ginzburg, VL. 185 205 215
Giovanelli, R. 65 285
Giroux, M.L. 261
Glauert, H. 79
Glaz, J. 266
Global Positioning System 2 69
Globular star clusters, absolute magnitude 50
Globular star clusters, age 98—102
Globular star clusters, distances 41
Globular star clusters, evaporation time 94
Globular star clusters, extragalactic 50
Globular star clusters, extragalactic distance 50
Globular star clusters, formation 102
Globular star clusters, galactic distribution 10 11
Globular star clusters, Hertzsprung — Russell diagram 91 97 100
Globular star clusters, M5 91
Globular star clusters, M87 50
Globular star clusters, millisecond pulsars 190
Globular star clusters, oldest 101 102 109
Globular star clusters, RR Lyrae stars 41
Globular star clusters, Virgo cluster of galaxies 50
Gold, T. 108 189 248
Goldenberg, H.M. 163
Goldsmith, D. 137
Goldstein, H. 162
Goldwirth, D. 259
Gorenstein, M.V. 180 271
Gorenstein, P. 131
Gorski, K.M. 275 302
Gott, J.R. 139 256 267
Gould, A. 273
Gould, R.J. 222
Graham, J.R. 304
Graham-Smith, F. 189
Grand unified theory 236 237
Gravitation, Einstein constant 147 230
Gravitation, Gaussian constant 117
Gravitation, metric theories 154—156
Gravitation, Newtonian constant 115
Gravitational acceleration 114 153
Gravitational acceleration, Earth surface 4 5
Gravitational collapse 305
Gravitational collapse, time 199
Gravitational constant 115
Gravitational constant, Einstein 147 230
Gravitational constant, Gaussian 117
Gravitational constant, geocentric 116
Gravitational constant, Newtonian 115
Gravitational constant, variation 116 165 166 248 249
Gravitational deflection, light 179
Gravitational free-fall time 85 86
Gravitational lens 141 178—184
Gravitational lens, arcs 180 181 185
Gravitational lens, clusters of galaxies 180 181 185
Gravitational lens, cosmological applications 180 185
Gravitational lens, distance 182
Gravitational lens, equation 182
Gravitational lens, geometry 182
Gravitational lens, image angular separation 183
Gravitational lens, image magnification 179 183
Gravitational lens, image time delay 183
Gravitational lens, impact parameter 180
Gravitational lens, light bending 179
Gravitational lens, light magnification 179
Gravitational lens, machos 142
Gravitational lens, mass determination 185
Gravitational lens, multiple quasars 180 181
Gravitational lens, quasars 180 181
Gravitational lens, radio rings 180 181
Gravitational lens, Schwarzschild 181
Gravitational lens, stars 179
Gravitational lens, theory 184 185
Gravitational lenses see “Gravitational lens”
Gravitational light bending 23 24 158 159 179
Gravitational light deflection see “Gravitational light bending”
Gravitational mass 114
Gravitational microlensing 142
Gravitational potential, Earth 3
Gravitational precession, gyroscope spin axis 164
Gravitational precession, lunar orbit 164
Gravitational radiation 169—178 (see also “Gravitational waves”)
Gravitational radiation, binary pulsar 168
Gravitational radiation, binary stars 173
Gravitational radiation, collapsing stars 169 175
Gravitational radiation, detection 170 171 176 177
Gravitational radiation, energy flux 171 172
Gravitational radiation, Hubble constant 169
Gravitational radiation, luminosity 173
Gravitational radiation, merging neutron stars 170 175
Gravitational radiation, neutron stars 174
Gravitational radiation, supernovae 169 175
Gravitational radiation, velocity 170
Gravitational redshift 157 158
Gravitational redshift, Earth 158
Gravitational redshift, Sun 157
Gravitational redshift, temperature fluctuation 301
Gravitational redshift, white dwarf stars 158
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