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Altmann S.L. — Band Theory of Solids: An Introduction from the Point of View of Symmetry |
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screening 7
Screw rotation 55
Secular determinant 168
Seitz operator 59 (3—6.2) 59
Seitz operator, inverse 60 (3—6.7)
Seitz operator, product 60 (3—6.6)
Self-consistent field 166
Semiconductor 140 149
Semiconductor, extrinsic 140 159
Semiconductor, intrinsic 140 158
Semiconductor, n-type 159
Semiconductor, p-type 159
Semiconductor, position of Fermi energy in band gap 159
Semimetal 149
Set 23
Set, order 24
Set, product 24
Set, product, commutation 24
sham 181 183
Shockley states 229
Shockley states, linear chain example 230
Silicon 153
Silicon structure 153 154 F9—1.1 see
Silicon structure, Bravais lattice 154
Silicon structure, orbital basis 155 F9—1.2
Silicon structure, point group 154
Silicon structure, space group 154
Silicon, band structure 158 F9—1.4
Silicon, band trends (guess) 160
Silicon, Brillouin zone 157 F9—1.3
Silicon, features of small representations 157
Silicon, origin of narrow gap 156
Silicon, phonon spectrum 195 F11—4.1
Similarity 36(2—4.16)
Simple metals 153
Simple square lattice 91 F5—3.1
Simple square lattice, bands 113 F6—4.1 145
Simple square lattice, Brillouin zone 91 F5—3.1 106
Simple square lattice, Brillouin zone, basic domain 116 F6—4.3
Simple square lattice, Brillouin zone, of higher order 144 F8—6.1
Simple square lattice, cell functions 114 F6—4.2
Simple square lattice, Fermi surface 147 F8—7.2 148
Simple square lattice, reciprocal lattice 91 F5—3.1
Slater 45 247
Small representations 110
Smoluchowski 119
Sneddon 85
Sodium 7
Soft X-rays 17
Space group operators 59 (3—6.2)
Space group operators, effect on Bloch functions 102 (6—1.1)
Space group representations 102
Space group representations, bases 103
Space group representations, irreducibles and energy as a function of k 112
Space groups 53
Space groups, classification 62
Space groups, compound symmetry operations 54
Space groups, different factorizations 55
Space groups, different settings 55
Space groups, non-symmorphic 62
Space groups, point groups of 60
Space groups, symmorphic 62
Span, basis spans a representation 36
Spin, always included when counting states 14
Square lattice, simple see simple square lattice
Stacks of planes 69
Star 107
Star, degeneracies introduced 112 115
Step function 242 (14—4.10) (14—4.11) 242
Sticking together of bands 160 171
Streitwolf 63 119 197
Strict two-dimensionality 53 106
Structure factor 82 (4—9.26)
Structure factor, for hexagonal close-packed structure 83
Sturge 212
Subgroups 25
Surface states 227
Surface states, in linear chain 240
Surface states, Shockley 229
Surface states, Tamm 229
Syinmorphic space groups 62
Symmetrized direct product 210
Symmetrized direct product, basis 210 (12—4.4)
Symmetrized direct product, character 210 (12—4.5)
Symmetry operation 26 28
Symmetry operation, active picture 28
Symmetry operation, as a covering operation 26
Symmetry operation, in unit cell 55
Symmetry operation, passive picture (never used) 28
Symmetry operation, product 27
| Symmetry operation, their set forms a group 28
Symmetry operator 28
T translation subgroup see translation group
Tamm states 227
Thomas 212
Tight-Binding Method 173
Tight-binding method, Bloch sums 174
Tight-binding method, form of wavefunction 173 (10—2.1)
Tight-binding method, linear chain 175
Time-reversal operator 33
Tinkham 44
Tobin 212
Tomassini 158 195
Total energy 16
Total energy, for free electrons 17 (1—6.7)
Totally symmetrical (trivial) representation 216
Totally symmetrical (trivial) representation, condition for a function product to transform like it 269 P12—4.6
Totally symmetrical (trivial) representation, functions that belong to it 269 P12—4.6
Trace 37
Transition metal 164
Transition metal, d band 164
Transition metal, S band 164
Transition probability integral 203 (12—2.9)
Translation 27 F2—2.1
Translation eigenfunctions 95 (5—5.1)
Translation eigenfunctions, as Bloch functions 97
Translation eigenfunctions, give all the representations of space group 96
Translation eigenfunctions, plane waves as particular case 100 P5—7.3
Translation eigenfunctions, provide energy eigenfunctions 96
Translation eigenfunctions, vary continuously over Brillouin zone 95
Translation group 60 86
Translation group, abelian property 61
Translation group, direct product form 61 (3—8.5) 88
Translation group, factorized out of space group 55
Translation group, faithful property of representations 217
Translation group, form of the irreducible representations 90 (5—2.9)
Translation group, invariant of the space group 61
Translation group, number and dimensions of its representations 89
Translation group, number of classes 89
Translation group, order under periodic boundary conditions 88 (5—1.3)
Translation subgroup see translation group
Translational lattice 49
Translational lattice, synonymous with lattice and Bravais lattice 52
Translationally inequivalent points 50
Translationally inequivalent points, construction of sets 50 144
Translations 49
Translations, commute with Hamiltonian 95 (5—5.3)
Translations, effect on potential and kinetic energies of a crystal 189
Translations, eigenfunctions (Bloch functions) 97 (5—6.2)
Translations, eigenvalue equation 97 (5—6.2)
Translations, eigenvalues are not degenerate 95 (5—5.2)
Translations, eigenvectors (normal coordinates) 191 (11—2.20)
Translations, relation to unit cells 47
Transverse oscillations 196
Trigonal lattice 85
Trivial representation 216
Ukrainskii 212
Umklapp process 194
Unit cell 47
Unit cell, may contain translationally equivalent points 48
Unit cell, volume 79 (4—9.1)
Unit vectors 47
Valence band 158
valence electrons 7
Van der Waerden 45
Vector, in the lattice 60 64 66 75
Vector, of the lattice 60 64 65 75
Vectors see also position vectors
Vibronic Hamiltonian 203 (12—2.8)
Vibronic interaction 203
Vibronic interaction, transition probability integral 203 (12—2.9)
von Laue conditions 132 (8—2.1)
Wannier 225
Wannier functions 219
Wannier functions, close formula 220 (13—2.2)
Wannier functions, for free electrons 221 (13—2.11) 221
Wannier functions, localization 220 (13—2.4)
Wave length 19
wave number see circular wave number
Wave packets 19 20
wave velocity 19
Waves 18
Waves, superposition 20
Weaire 183
Weinberger 183
Whangbo 211 212
Wigner 45 119
Wigner — Seitz cells 51
Woodward 212
Ziman 22 183 184 197 226 247
Zone schemes 141
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