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Outmesguine M. — Wi-Fi Toys: 15 Cool Wireless Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment |
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.bmp files 162
.DIM files 163
.txt extension file 159
3-D visualization, extras 161
3-D visualization, for mapping 161
AC and DC loads for solar-powered repeater 209
AC power strip, installation of 225
Acceptable use policy (AUP) 240
Access point (AP) and MAC address relationship 212
Access point (AP) gaming items, access point 267
Access point (AP) gaming items, GPS receiver 268
Access point (AP) gaming items, laptop computer 267 277
Access point (AP) gaming items, optional equipment 268
Access point (AP) gaming items, war driving software 268 282
Access point (AP) gaming items, wireless adapter 267 276
Access point (AP) gaming methods, drive-by detection 269
Access point (AP) gaming methods, triangulation 269
Access point (AP), 802.11b 272
Access point (AP), access point (AP) gaming 267 270
Access point (AP), building 171 176
Access point (AP), coaxial antenna 38
Access point (AP), compatibility with networking standards 5
Access point (AP), connecting to Linux box 249
Access point (AP), D-Link 212
Access point (AP), defined 10
Access point (AP), detecting 267
Access point (AP), digiframe 349
Access point (AP), gateway mode 249
Access point (AP), hotspot network creating 239
Access point (AP), locating 97
Access point (AP), networking hardware 267
Access point (AP), omnidirectional antenna 86
Access point (AP), the fox 271
Access point (AP), troubleshooting 237
Access point (AP), Wi-Fi link testing 319
Access point (AP), with detachable antenna 93 176
Access point (AP), with external connector 93
Access point and antenna attaching steps, attaching of pigtail cable 81 92
Access point and antenna attaching steps, configuring access point 92
Access point and antenna attaching steps, positioning and installing antenna 97
Access point and antenna attaching steps, running of antenna cable 96
Access point and antenna attaching steps, using Linksys access points 92
Access point configuration, saving of 188
Access point configuring 92 171 182 186 187
Access point cooling 199
Access point detecting of 269
Access point enclosure, for access point (AP) games 268
Access point for wireless repeater 212
Access point games, AP-Hunt 269 274
Access point games, Capture the Flag 269 280
Access point games, DefCon contest 275
Access point games, Fox Hunt 269 271
Access point games, Treasure Hunt 269 277
Access point games, Virtual Real-Space Tour 269 280
Access point gaming, defined 269
Access point hardware, off-the-shelf 202
Access point mode for repeaters 213
Access point password 182
Access point performance 82
Access point recording 157
Access point regulations See FCC regulations
Access point settings, advanced, antenna selector 189
Access point settings, advanced, authentication and SSID broadcast 190
Access point settings, advanced, power 190
Access point settings, advanced, speed (Tx/Basic Rate) 189
Access point setup for access point (AP) gaming 272
Access point testing, temperature testing 198
Access point testing, water testing 198
Access point, discovering 267 269
Access point, grounding of 171
Access point, locating 97
Access point, router mode 249
Access point, use of, do-it-yourself (DIY) access point 201
Access point, use of, traffic plotting 201
Access points (AP),WEP-enabled 130
Access points (APs) with different SSIDs 132
Access points detecting for virtual touring 280
Access points seeking, in war driving 104
Access points status messages (AP) 131
Access points, bridged mode 249
Access points, for war driving, configuration 123
Access points, for war driving, default configurations 123
Access points, for war driving, design 123
Access points, in bridge mode 212
Ad-hoc network, for videoconferencing 337
Adapter design 106
Adapter interfaces, types 106
Adapter types, for war driving, integrated wireless devices 106
Adapter types, for war driving, PCI 106
Adapter types, for war driving, PCMCIA 106
Adapter types, for war driving, USB 106
Administrative interface, accessing 182
Advanced settings, for access point configuring 189
Aerial photography 163
Airborne vehicles, for access point (AP) detecting 277
AirNet adapter software, features 291
AirNet adapter software, installing 290
AllowedWebHosts list 242
Amplifier usage for antenna building 81
Analog video cameras 328
Antenna aiming See Antenna positioning and aiming
Antenna alignment, for long-distance Wi-Fi links 321
Antenna and mounting hardware 171
Antenna bandwidth, for long-distance Wi-Fi links 307
Antenna building, directional tin can antenna 59
Antenna building, paperclip antenna 35
Antenna building, regulations 84
Antenna building, selecting the right antenna 81
Antenna cable 81
Antenna cable building 3 16
Antenna cable building steps, cable crimping 25
Antenna cable building steps, center pin inserting 24
Antenna cable building steps, connector placing 26
Antenna cable building steps, core clipping and crimping 24
Antenna cable building steps, crimp ring placing 18
Antenna cable building steps, crimping the ring 29
Antenna cable building steps, dielectric stripping 22
Antenna cable building steps, inspecting finished product 30
Antenna cable building steps, jacket removing and stripping 20
Antenna cable building steps, placing crimp ring 29
Antenna cable building steps, shield placing 22
Antenna cable building steps, shield trimming 27
Antenna cable building steps, shorts checking 22
Antenna cable inspection, finished 30
Antenna cables, for solar-powered repeater building 207
Antenna cabling, for Wi-Fi links, antenna connectors, use of 318
Antenna cabling, for Wi-Fi links, coaxial cable, use of 318
Antenna cabling, for Wi-Fi links, coaxial cable, waterproofing aspects 318
Antenna cabling, for Wi-Fi links, electrical tape, use of 319
Antenna cabling, for Wi-Fi links, impedance constraints 318
Antenna cabling, for Wi-Fi links, lightning protectors 319
Antenna cabling, for Wi-Fi links, LMR series 318
Antenna cabling, for Wi-Fi links, wrapping of connectors 318
Antenna choosing, based on site survey 88
Antenna choosing, for long-distance Wi-Fi link creating 303
Antenna choosing, omni versus directional antenna 83
Antenna connections, protecting of, use of sealant tape 233
Antenna connections, protecting of, water-tight aspects 232
Antenna connectors regulations 95
Antenna coverage 173
Antenna design for reception on Wi-Fi channel 6 49
Antenna design, round radiating element 70
Antenna design, wedge radiating element 73
Antenna designing regulations 84
Antenna elements, half-wavelength element 38 39
Antenna elements, quarter-wavelength element 38 39
Antenna feed point 42
Antenna gain 36 40 85
Antenna gain and coverage relationship 84
Antenna gain measuring, defining decibels, isotropic (dBi) 36
| Antenna gain measuring, logarithmic measurement 36
Antenna gain regulations 86. See also FCC regulations
Antenna gain, for long-distance Wi-Fi links 307
Antenna gain, for Wi-Fi links 314 315 316
Antenna gain, in Wi-Fi links, for receive antennas 316
Antenna gain, in Wi-Fi links, for transmit antennas 316
Antenna gain, maximum permitted 84
Antenna installation 89 96
Antenna interference 212
Antenna location aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, Fresnel zone 308
Antenna location aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, GPS, using of 308
Antenna location aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, line-of-sight considerations 308
Antenna location aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, microwave attenuation 309
Antenna location aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, spotting scope, use of 308
Antenna location, for access point building 172
Antenna modeling regulations 85
Antenna pattern, for Wi-Fi links 315
Antenna polarization, horizontal 45
Antenna polarization, vertical 45
Antenna positioning 97
Antenna positioning and aiming 56 81
Antenna positioning and installation 91 97
Antenna power and direction 36 40 41 77
Antenna profile, for war driving 117
Antenna radiating elements 307. See also Antenna elements
Antenna radiation patterns, directionals 84
Antenna radiation patterns, horizontal plane patterns 77
Antenna radiation patterns, omnidirectional 84
Antenna radiation patterns, vertical plane patterns 77
Antenna radiation, hazards for human body 87
Antenna radiation, radio frequency radiation exposure 87
Antenna radiator 60
Antenna reflector 41 60 307
Antenna simulation 77
Antenna simulation software 4NEC2 77
Antenna simulation software, can antenna simulation 77
Antenna system, line loss 12
Antenna system, power loss 12
Antenna system, radiation pattern 12
Antenna to access point connecting components, antenna cable 82
Antenna to access point connecting components, opposable thumbs 82
Antenna to access point connecting components, pigtail cable 82
Antenna tower grounding 310
Antenna types, cross-section of 115
Antenna types, directional 35
Antenna types, for Wi-Fi link creating, coaxial antenna 307
Antenna types, for Wi-Fi link creating, dipole antenna 307
Antenna types, for Wi-Fi link creating, directional antenna 307
Antenna types, for Wi-Fi link creating, dish antenna 307
Antenna types, for Wi-Fi link creating, isotropic antenna 307
Antenna types, for Wi-Fi link creating, omnidirectional antenna 307
Antenna types, omnidirectional 36
Antennas mounted to pole top 232
Antennas mounting aspects, for solar repeater 229
Antennas on repeater structure for bridged backhaul 212
Antennas on repeater structure for wireless clients coonecting 212
Anti-virus software installing, for WLAN securing 184
AP See Access point
AP games See Access point games
AP-Hunt equipment, antenna 275
AP-Hunt equipment, hardware 275
AP-Hunt equipment, hardware, external antenna 275
AP-Hunt equipment, hardware, wireless adapter 275
AP-Hunt equipment, software 275
AP-Hunt equipment, vehicle selection 275
AP-Hunt hardware setup 276
AP-Hunt, DefCon Wardriving Contest, the 275 277
AP-Hunt, defined 274
AP-Hunt, GPS mapping software 276
AP-Hunt, scoring system 275
AP-Hunt, SSID broadcasting 275 276
AP-Hunt, war driving techniques 275
Attaching an antenna to access point 81
Audio capture 329
AUP See Acceptable use policy
Auth server See authorization server
Authorization server 240
AuthServiceURL 251
Automated online calculator, for link planning 317
Backhaul links, downlink 211
Backhaul links, uplink 211
Bandwidth 317
Bandwidth, for repeaters 212
Battery bank, for solar-powered repeater 209
Battery cell, installing of 222
Battery pack, for access point (AP) gaming 272
Beacon interval 142
Beam pattern 45
Beam pattern, for antenna 40
Beam tilt, and Wi-Fi links, electrical tilting 310
Beam tilt, and Wi-Fi links, mechanical tilting 310
Beam-shaping elements 60
BeggarWare 128
Best Signal category, of Treasure Hunt 277
Best Time category, of Treasure Hunt 277
Beta software 128
Binoculars, for Wi-Fi links 303 305
BIOS See Digiframe basic
Bitmap files 162
bits 4
Bits per second (bps) 4
Bluetooth connectivity 114
Bluetooth GPS receiver 114
Box assembling, case and antenna mounting 195
Box assembling, plastic or metal case, modifying of 193
Box assembling, temperature and water testing 198
Box assembling, testing of all parts 191
Bridge configuration, for repeater 212
Bridge for Wi-Fi link testing 319
Bridge link 212. See also Bridged backhaul
Bridge mode, supporting products 213
Bridge, ethernet-to-wireless, for TiVo 289
Bridge, in wireless repeater, use for 211
Broadband network connection, for TiVo 287
Broadband-capable TiVo 287
Browser 262
Cabinet layout, for installing solar system 221
Cabinet mounting 229
Cable connectors, center pin placing 15
Cable connectors, female 15
Cable connectors, for LMR-400 Cable 17
Cable connectors, male 15
Cable connectors, N-type connector 15
Cable continuity tests 97
Cable loss 13 314 316
Cable losses 315
Cable snugging and pinching, for access point assembling 193
Cable testing, check for continuity 33
Cable testing, check for shorts 33
Cable testing, using ohm-meter function 33
Cables checking, for long-distance Wi-Fi links 321
Caching DNS server 251
Caching DNS, installing 239
Cal Free Net 237
Camcorder using IEEE1394 327
Camera selecting, for videoconferencing 323
Cameras, for videoconferencing, analog video cameras 328
Cameras, for videoconferencing, camcorders 327
Cameras, for videoconferencing, ethernet cameras 328
Cameras, for videoconferencing, USB cameras 326
Can antenna 3-D simulation
Can antenna building components, coaxial cable 59
Can antenna building components, drill 59
Can antenna building components, drill bit 67
Can antenna building components, soldering iron 59
Can antenna building components, type N-Connector 59
Can antenna building, can dimensions 63
Can antenna building, drilling aspects 65
Can antenna building, radiator offset aspects 65
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