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Outmesguine M. — Wi-Fi Toys: 15 Cool Wireless Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment |
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Excel 164
Excel and Text import wizard 153
Exporting options, of NetStumbler 141
External antenna connector 82
External antenna connectors, for war driving 108
External antenna for access point (AP) games 268 269 276
External antenna, for wireless adapter 115
External antennas, for digiframe 349
External connector, for videoconferencing 323
Faraday Cage 108
FCC See Federal Communications Commission
FCC guidelines See FCC safety rules
FCC regulations, antenna connectors 95
FCC regulations, connecting access point to the antenna 93
FCC regulations, maximum permitted antenna gain 84
FCC regulations, maximum permitted transmitter power output (TPO) 84
FCC regulations, point-to-multipoint networks 85
FCC regulations, point-to-point networks 85
FCC regulations, radio in the access point 84
FCC regulations, required reduction in tranamitter power output (TPO) 84
FCC safety rules, 2.4 GHz signals 87
FCC safety rules, human exposure to radiofrequency radiation 87
FCC's weird requirement for connectors 95
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), channels and frequencies restrictions 7
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), radio broadcasting permission 7
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), safety guidelines 81
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), safety rules 87
Female coaxial connector 15
Female connectors 95
Fiber cable, for Wi-Fi links 304
File exportinf fields 141
File formats, from NetStumbler 152
File menu, NetStumbler 134
Files exporting See also StumbVerter
Files exporting, export formats 142
Files exporting, NetStumbler 165
Files exporting, NetStumbler files formats 152
Files exporting, NetStumbler into Delorme Street Atlas 159
Files exporting, NS1 file 141
Files importing 153 155 160
Files importing, for mapping 154 162 163
Filters mode, of NetStumbler 137 139
Fire protection, for outdoor access point 173
FireWall 266
Firewall rules 260
Firewalls See also Wireless network security
Firmware 130
Firmware installing, on an access point 182
Flag capturing 267
Formats exporting 142
Formats, for location 151
Fox Hunt variations, Mobile Fox Hunt 273
Fox Hunt variations, Room Service Fox Hunt 273
Fox Hunt variations, Standard Fox Hunt 273
Fox Hunt, access point (AP) game 267
Fox Hunt, access point detecting 274
Fox Hunt, defined 271
Fox Hunt, playing of 271 274
Fox Hunt, SSID usage 272
Fox Hunt, tips 274
Fox setup 272
Fox, in Fox Hunt game 271
free 238
Free ethernet protocol analyzer 262. See also Ethereal
Free hotspot 237
Free hotspot controling, by limiting users' limits 243
Free hotspot controling, monitoring of use 243
Free hotspot controling, use of acceptable use policy (AUP) 243
Free hotspot controling, via Telco sites, checking of 243
Free hotspot monitoring, historical 243
Free hotspot monitoring, real-time 243
Free hotspot networking issues 242
Free network protocol analyzer 244
Free roaming, via wireless hotspots 238
Free server software, for producing traffic graphs 202
Free space loss, in Wi-Fi links 314
Free space losses 315
Free space propagation losses, for link budget calculation 89
Free wireless networks 238
frequency See also Radio frequencies
Frequency band, 2.4 GHz band 5
Frequency ranges, application 6
Frequency ranges, gigahertz 6
Frequency ranges, megahertz 6
Frequency versus wavelength 6
Frequency, center frequency, for Wi-Fi channels 8
Frequency, defined 6
Frequency, hertz (Hz) 7
Fresnel zone 89
Fresnel zone calculations 313
Fresnel zone determining for long-distance Wi-Fi link 303 311
Fresnel zone ellipse 314
Fresnel zone formula 313
Fresnel zone incursions 89
Fresnel zone losses 308
Fresnel zone losses, for link budget calculation 89
Fresnel zone obstructions, in Wi-Fi links 321
Frisko antenna 35
Gateway 249 251
Gateway accesing 266
Gateway accessing 255
Gateway addresses matching, for TiVo 298
Gateway component, NoCatAuth 241
Gateway components 242
Gateway, for LAN settings 186
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 146
Gigahertz (GHz) 5
GIS See Geographic Information Systems
GIS mapping software 146
Global Positioning System (GPS) 112 150
Go/NoGo Tester, for long-distance Wi-Fi links 321 322
Government regulations, for antenna building 81
gpgv 239
gPhotoShow, downloading 352
gPhotoShow, screen saver settings dialog 352
gPhotoShow, setup screen 352
GPS See Global Positioning System
GPS communications protocols 136
GPS interfaces 114
GPS mapping, for access point (AP) gaming 282
GPS navigation system 113
GPS ports 131
GPS position 137
GPS position, recording 135
GPS positioning, for war driving 121
GPS protocol 115
GPS receiver, for access point (AP games) 121 268
GPS receiver, for NetStumbler configuring 137
GPS receivers 136
GPS receivers, for mapping purpose 150
GPS receivers, types, dash-mounted 113
GPS receivers, types, dedicated 113
GPS receivers, types, handheld 113
GPS satellite tracking, for war driving 112
GPS setting 135
GPS software, for access point (AP) gaming 274
GPS supports, for mapping 149
GPS supports, for mapping purpose 146
GPS tab 136
GPS tab, for NetStumbler configuring 135
GPS working, for mapping 150
GPS working, triangulation 150
GPS, for long-distance wireless link 303
GPS, status messages 131
GPSDrive / Gpsd, for access point (AP) gaming 282
Grounding aspects, of outdoor access point 181
Grounding aspects, of Wi-Fi links 310
Grounding protection, of access point 201
Grounding wire 171 181 196
H.320, videoconferencing standard 325
| H.323, videoconferencing standard 325
Hacking 130
Half-wave antenna 37
Hazardous exposures of radio frequency radiation 87
Health hazards, due to radiofrequency exposure 87
Heat sink, for access point testing 199
Help, NetStumbler 134
Hertz 5
High-gain antenna attaching 91
High-gain antenna location 88
High-gain antenna location selection 88
High-gain antenna types, directional 83
High-gain antenna types, omnidirectional 83
High-gain antenna, adding to access point 79
High-gain antenna, attaching with access point 81
High-gain antenna, for war driving 117
High-gain antenna, installing 100
High-gain antenna, requirements 95
High-gain antennas for long-distance wireless link 303
High-gain external antenna, for war driving 108
High-gain Wi-Fi Yagi antenna 42
Highly-directional antenna, for access point (AP) gaming 276
Highly-directional antenna, for repeater configuring 212
Hole spacing for the paperclips 49
Home Media Option, of TiVo 287 288 298 299 300
Homebrew access point, logical hardware 203
Homebrew access point, PC-based architecture 203
Horizontal plane radiation patterns 77
Horizontal radiation patterns 83
Hotspot controling 243. See also Free hotspot controling
Hotspot creating hardware, client computer 239
Hotspot creating hardware, ethernet cable 239
Hotspot creating hardware, ethernet card 239
Hotspot creating hardware, network interface cards (NICs) 239
Hotspot creating hardware, personal computer (PC) 239
Hotspot creating hardware, wireless access point (AP) 239
Hotspot creating software, DHCP server 239
Hotspot creating software, DNS server 239
Hotspot creating software, Linux 239
Hotspot creating software, NoCatAuth 239
Hotspot projects, Cal Free Net 237
Hotspot projects, Houston Wireless 237
Hotspot projects, NYCWireless 237
Hotspot projects, Seattle Wireless network 237
Hotspot, creating 237
Hotspot, defined 237
Hotspot, free wireless hotspot 237
Hotspots 9 162
Hotspots, locating 143 144
Houston Wireless 237
Hybrid systems, applications 218
Hybrid systems, characteristics 218
Ice buildup, on antenna, problems 311
IEEE specification for 802.11b adapter 106
IEEE standards, 802.11a 4
IEEE standards, 802.11b 4
IEEE standards, 802.11g 4
IEEE standards, compatibility 5
Import and export, of files 128
Import format 154
Insolation 216
Insulation, of can antenna 70
Insulation, of paperclip antenna 51 52
Integrated TiVo 288
Interference 81 83 84 88 91 232
Interference, and Fresnel zone incursions 89
Interference, in long-distance Wi-Fi links 309
Interference, of Wi-Fi channels 9
Internet 243
Internet connection 239
Internet Protocol 10
Internet Protocol (IP) address, for LAN settings 186
Internet video chatting 332
Interoperability standards, for videoconferencing 331
Inverter, for solar-powered repeater 209
IP address for TiVo 296
IP address, dynamic 188
IP address, static 188
IP addresses static 242 247 298
IP network 249
IP packet 260
iptables 239 258 264
Isotropic antenna for long-distance Wi-Fi links 307
Isotropic radiator 84 85
Jacket stripping and removing, for antenna cable building, scoring along cable length 20
Jacket stripping and removing, for antenna cable building, stripping using rocking motion 20
Kismac 128
Kismac and Kismet 128
Kismac, network scanning functions 128
Kismet Wireless for access point games 267 282
Kismet Wireless for AP-Hunt 276
Kismet, comparison with NetStumbler 110
Kismet, features, default access point configurations detecting 110
Kismet, features, hidden SSID, revealing of 111
Kismet, features, scanning programs detecting ability 110
Kismet, features, wireless network data packets recording 111
Kismet, for access point (AP) games 268 282
Kismet, for war driving 110
Kismet, main screen 112
Kismet, works on 110
LAN settings, automatic setting, via Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 186
LAN settings, for access point configuring 186
Laptop battery, for Wi-Fi link testing 319
Laptop computer, digiframe 345 348 349 354 355
Laptop computer, Wi-Fi link testing 319
Laptop hacking 354
Laptop positioning, for war driving purpose 119
Laptop, for access point (AP) gaming 267
Laptop, for war driving 112 123
Latitude 141
Latitude and longitude coordinates 143
Latitude and longitude formats 151
Latitude and longitude recording 157
Latitude and longitude, exporting of 142
Latitude and longitude, recording 150 151
LCD panel, for digiframe 356 360
LCD power cable, for digiframe 358
LCD screen, for digiframe 348
LCD screen, for digital picture displaying 346
Lightning protection, for antenna 310
Lightning protector grounding cable 201
Lightning protector, for outdoor access point 171 173 176
Lightning protector, of access point 201
Lightning protector, placing on pole 195
Lightning protectors 181
Line loss See also Decibel
Line loss, calculating 14
Line loss, measuring 14
Line-of-sight (LOS) aspects of videoconferencing 341
Line-of-sight (LOS) improving ways 314
Line-of-sight, for outdoor access point 174
Link budget calculation factors 89
Link budget calculation, Fresnel zone losses 89
Link budget calculation, propagation losses 89
Link budget calculation, receive sensitivity 89
Link budget calculation, transmission losses 89
Link budgeting See Link planning
Link planning, receiving properties 315
Link planning, transmitting properties 314
Linksys access point, Linksys BEFW11S4 86 92
Linksys access point, Linksys WAP11 11 93
Linksys BEFW11S4 access point 86 93
Linksys configuration program 92
Linksys WAP11 access point 11 93
Linksys WAP11, as bridged mode access point (AP) 249
Linksys WSB24 See Signal amplifier Wireless
Linux box 244 249
Linux box, configuring 249
Linux box, for DHCP 248
Linux box, installing of 244
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