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Outmesguine M. — Wi-Fi Toys: 15 Cool Wireless Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment |
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WAN See Wide area network
War driving card 107. See also Wireless card
War driving components, antenna and pigtail 103
War driving components, global positioning system (GPS) unit 103
War driving components, GPS receiver 128
War driving components, Laptop computer 103 128
War driving components, NetStumbler software 128
War driving components, wireless network adapter 103
War driving essence, discovery 127
War driving essence, logging 127
War driving essence, mapping 127
War driving essence, scanning 127 130
War driving file format exporting 152
War driving in a car 108
War driving map, of West Los Angeles 145
War driving overview 103
War driving results, mapping of 145
War driving software, choosing aspects, interoperability 109
War driving software, choosing aspects, network adapters types 109
War driving software, for access point (AP) games 268 269 282
War driving software, for Macintosh computers 128
War driving software, for mapping results 145
War driving software, interfacing with GPS 114
War driving software, interfacing with the GPS 114
War driving software, Kismet 110
War driving software, Linux computers 128
War driving software, MiniStumbler 109
War driving software, NetStumbler 109
War driving software, signal scanning aspects 104
War driving system installing steps, for the car, global positioning system (GPS), adding of 118 121
War driving system installing steps, for the car, power sources, plugging in 121
War driving system installing steps, for the car, rooftop antenna, attaching of 118 120
War driving system installing steps, for the car, software launching 119 122
War driving system installing steps, for the car, wireless card, installing of 119
War driving tips, antenna cable, running of 123
War driving tips, audio trigger setting 123
War driving tips, careful driving 124
War driving tips, color scheme, selecting of 124
War driving tips, log files, auto-saving of 124
War driving tools 267
War driving with NetStumbler 127
War driving, access points configuration 123
War driving, antenna gain aspects 117
War driving, around the neighborhood 123
War driving, based on seeking access points 104
War driving, components 103
War driving, dangers involved 123
War driving, defined 104
War driving, detecting wireless networks 106
War driving, getting started with 103
War driving, overview 103
War driving, software 103
War driving, using NetStumbler 143
Warflying, defined 277
Water testing, of access point 200
Waterproof box for building outdoor access point 178
Waterproof box for mounting electronic equipment outdoors 180
Waterproof box for outdoor access point 171
Waterproof box for temperature range and humidity tolerance 178
Waterproof box, plastic food container 178
Waterproof sealant, for access point building 171
Waveguide antenna, dimensions 62
Waveguide antenna, sizing 62
Waveguide can antenna 63
Waveguide can antenna building 63
Waveguide transmission line 62
Waveguide transmission lines, constructing 62
Waveguide transmission lines, use of waveguide antenna 62
Waveguides 59 61
Wavelength 6
Weather problem, for Wi-Fi links, ice buildup on antenna elements 310
Weather problem, for Wi-Fi links, impedance mismatching 310
Weather problem, for Wi-Fi links, standing wave ratio (SWR) 310
Weather-proof case, building of 171
web browsing 243
Web forwarding service 263
Web site using, for real world touring 280
Web sites accessing, via NoCat 240 243 251 265
Webcams See USB cameras
Wedge antenna 69
Wedge radiating element 68 69 71
Wedge radiating element, defined 71
Wedge radiating element, dimensions 72
Weirdness requirement for connectors 96
WEP See Wired Equivalent Privacy
WEP encryption See Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
WEP key, for videoconferencing 337
WEP on access point 184
WEP, for TiVo 297
WEP-enabled, access points 130
Wi-Fi adapter choosing, for war driving 124
Wi-Fi adapter for digiframe 345
Wi-Fi adapter, for digiframe 349 351
Wi-Fi adapters 130
Wi-Fi antenna, for videoconferencing 323
Wi-Fi antennas, can antenna 59
Wi-Fi antennas, completed paperclip antenna 35
Wi-Fi antennas, directional antenna 40
Wi-Fi antennas, omnidirectional antenna 37
Wi-Fi can antennas See Can antennas
Wi-Fi card for digiframe 349
Wi-Fi card, for videoconferencing 323
Wi-Fi cards 32 131
Wi-Fi channel 6 See also Radio waves
Wi-Fi channel 6, 2.437 GHz 7
Wi-Fi channel 6, antenna design 7
Wi-Fi channel 6, center frequency 9
Wi-Fi channel 6, dimensions 7
Wi-Fi channel, recording 142
Wi-Fi channels 802.11b specified channels
Wi-Fi channels, in the United States 9
Wi-Fi devices, wireless access point 10
Wi-Fi devices, wireless client adapter 10
Wi-Fi devices, wireless-to-ethernet bridge 10
Wi-Fi digiframe 345 347
Wi-Fi frequencies 62
Wi-Fi hotspots 103 162
Wi-Fi link design considerations, antenna location 308
Wi-Fi link design considerations, antenna types 307
Wi-Fi link design considerations, beam tilt 310
Wi-Fi link design considerations, Fresnel zone 313
Wi-Fi link design considerations, grounding 310
Wi-Fi link design considerations, obstacles and impedance 309
Wi-Fi link design considerations, polarization 309
Wi-Fi link design considerations, weather 310
Wi-Fi link making network settings 320
Wi-Fi link problems, antenna alignment 321
Wi-Fi link problems, bad cables 321
Wi-Fi link problems, Fresnel zone obstructions 321
Wi-Fi link problems, intermittent signal problems 322
| Wi-Fi link problems, network configuration 321
Wi-Fi link problems, ping problems 321
Wi-Fi link setting 326 337
Wi-Fi link tuning, signal strength 320
Wi-Fi link tuning, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) measuring 320
Wi-Fi project components, antenna system 9
Wi-Fi project components, data signal 9
Wi-Fi project components, data to radiofrequency (RF) converter 9
Wi-Fi project components, radio transceiver 9
Wi-Fi project components, transmission line 9
Wi-Fi radios, in wireless repeaters 211
Wi-Fi video 323
Wi-Fi videoconferencing steps, camera setting 326
Wi-Fi videoconferencing steps, cars preparing 326 340
Wi-Fi videoconferencing steps, data transmission path, developing of 326
Wi-Fi videoconferencing steps, videoconference program configuring 326 332
Wi-Scan files 142
Wi-Scan format 142
Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) 150
Wide area network (WAN), connecting to Linux box 248
Wide area network (WAN), for hotspot creating 239
Wide area network (WAN), networking devices 239
WiMap 159
WiMap interface 149
WiMap program options 159
WiMap Utility 149
Windows laptop computers for videoconferencing 323
Windows registry hacking 354
Windows, NetStumbler 134
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) cracking 184
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), defined 130
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), for wireless network security 130
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), limitations 130
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), WEP 141
Wireless access point (AP) 239 244
Wireless access point, for TiVo 288
Wireless access point, for videoconferencing 342
Wireless access points, for long-distance wireless link 303
Wireless access points, logging of 269
Wireless adapter, compatibility with NetStumbler 128
Wireless adapter, for access point (AP) games 267 269 276
Wireless adapter, for Wi-Fi link testing 319
Wireless adapter, locating 130
Wireless backhaul See Backhaul links
Wireless bridge, long-distance wireless link 303
Wireless bridge, solar repeater 225
Wireless Broadband adapter, for TiVo 289
Wireless card and GPS interface, status messages 130
Wireless card, choosing 47
Wireless card, digiframe 349
Wireless card, internal antennas 108
Wireless card, paperclip antenna project 47
Wireless card, war driving 107 118
Wireless client adapter, providing wireless connectivity 10
Wireless client adapter, TiVo 287
Wireless communication 4
Wireless computing 4
Wireless data services, risk management 242
Wireless devices, for repeater configuring 212
Wireless digital picture frame 345
Wireless ethernet bridge 177
Wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) 4
Wireless hotspot network, open 238
Wireless hotspot, creating 237
Wireless ISP 238 242
Wireless LAN (WLAN) See also Wireless networking
Wireless LAN (WLAN), connecting to TiVo 297
Wireless LAN (WLAN), digiframe 350
Wireless LAN (WLAN), network intrusion, while war driving 124
Wireless LAN (WLAN), security 184 185
Wireless LAN (WLAN), TCP/IP interface, disabling of 124
Wireless LAN (WLAN), traffic graphing 202
Wireless LAN (WLAN), war driving 108
Wireless link establishing, for videoconferencing 323
Wireless network adapter See also Wireless adapter
Wireless network adapter, choosing aspects 107
Wireless network adapter, design 106 108
Wireless network adapter, for war driving 106
Wireless network adapter, selecting 103
Wireless network adapter, types 106
Wireless network discovery platform See NetStumbler; Ministumbler
Wireless network scanning utility, for network discovering and logging 127
Wireless network scanning utility, NetStumbler 127
Wireless network security 184. See also Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
Wireless network, detecting of 106
Wireless network, discovering, while war driving 123
Wireless network, for digiframe 349
Wireless network, for free 238
Wireless network, for war driving 123
Wireless network, range determining 143
Wireless network, security 184
Wireless network, setting up steps, for TiVo 297
Wireless network, videoconferencing configuring 337
Wireless networking 4 238 267
Wireless networking devices, adapters 5
Wireless networking devices, base stations 5
Wireless networking devices, bridges 5
Wireless networking devices, disk drive arrays 5
Wireless networking devices, hotspot controllers 5
Wireless networking devices, presentation gateways 5
Wireless networking devices, Wi-Fi cameras 5
Wireless networking software, for antenna testing 56
Wireless networking understanding, via NetStumbler, using 127
Wireless NIC 239
Wireless PC-card adapter, for TiVo 289
Wireless PC-card, for TiVo 291
Wireless radios, for repeater configuring 212
Wireless radios, installing of 224
Wireless repeater configuring 212
Wireless repeater powering 234
Wireless repeater, configuring, access point 212
Wireless repeater, configuring, bridge configuring 212
Wireless repeater, configuring, bridge-mode devices 212
Wireless repeater, solar powered 207
Wireless scanners 110
Wireless security 130
Wireless Signal Booster (WSB24) 99
Wireless USB adapters, for series 2 TiVo 292
Wireless video link, car-to-car 323
Wireless videoconferencing 323
Wireless Web browsers 328
WLAN See Wireless LAN
WLAN link planning elements, effective receiving sensibility 314
WLAN link planning elements, effective transmitting power 314
WLAN link planning elements, propagation loss 314
XMap 161
Yagi antenna as directional antenna 41
Yagi antenna as paperclip antenna 35
Yagi antenna for access point gaming 270
Yagi antenna with Pringles can 60
Yagi antenna, high-gain Wi-Fi 41
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