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Outmesguine M. — Wi-Fi Toys: 15 Cool Wireless Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment |
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NoCatAuth on Linux box, installing steps 249
NoCatAuth, captive portal software 240
NoCatAuth, defined 240
NoCatAuth, downloading 239
NoCatSplash 239 242 243
Noise levels, reporting 139
NS1 file 142
NS1 files, exporting 141
NS1 files, merging 140
NS1 log files, working with 139
Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC) 76
NYCWireless 237
Obstacles and impedance aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, atmospheric conditions effects 309
Obstacles and impedance aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, beam tilt 310
Obstacles and impedance aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, grounding 310
Obstacles and impedance aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, line-of-sight (LOS)transmission 309
Obstacles and impedance aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, polarization 309
Obstacles and impedance aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, receiver synchronization 309
Obstacles and impedance aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, spectrum background noise 309
Obstacles and impedance aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, temperature effects 309
Obstacles and impedance aspects, of long-distance Wi-Fi links, weather 310
Omni antenna See Omnidirectional antenna
Omni antenna radiation pattern 77
Omni antenna regulations 86
Omni versus directional antenna, focused beams 84
Omni versus directional antenna, gain and coverage relationship 84
Omnidirectional antenna, access points 86
Omnidirectional antenna, coaxial antenna 38
Omnidirectional antenna, defined 35 37 83
Omnidirectional antenna, dipole antenna 37
Omnidirectional antenna, for access point (AP) gaming 276
Omnidirectional antenna, for long-distance Wi-Fi links 307
Omnidirectional antenna, for war driving 117
Omnidirectional antenna, radiation pattern 84
Omnidirectional antenna, vertical driven array antenna 39
Omnidirectional antennas for access point (AP) games 269
Open mode configuration, of splash screen 241
Open mode, NoCat login 241
Open mode, NoCatAuth 240 251
Open wireless hotspot network 238
Operating system, for access point games 282
Options dialog, NetStumbler settings 134
Options panel, for NetStumbler 0.3.30 134
Orinoco PC card 108
Outdoor access point (AP), location selecting 172
Outdoor access point configuring steps 182
Outdoor access point, building 171
Outdoor access point, building components 171
Outdoor access point, building tools 175
Outdoor access point, configuring 182
Outdoor access point, location selecting 172
Outdoor access point, powering source 173
Outdoor access point, safety factors 173
Outdoor access point, trade-offs 174
Outdoor access point, using power-over-ethernet (PoE) cable 173
Overview mode, of NetStumbler 137
Overview mode, of NetStumbler features 137
Panel mount structure, bolting up 229
Paperclip antenna building components 46
Paperclip antenna building components, drill bit 46
Paperclip antenna building components, needle-nosed pliers 46
Paperclip antenna building components, paperclips 46
Paperclip antenna building components, Solder iron 46
Paperclip antenna building components, Wi-Fi pigtail cable 46
Paperclip antenna building steps, creating of dipole 50
Paperclip antenna building steps, inserting, of antenna elements 54
Paperclip antenna building steps, pigtail soldering 52
Paperclip antenna building steps, pigtail, preparing, attaching, and securing 48 51
Paperclip antenna building steps, preparing of antenna platform 49
Paperclip antenna building steps, preparing of wire prongs 48
Paperclip antenna testing steps 56
Paperclip antenna, building 35 48 50
Paperclip antenna, dimensions 50
Paperclip antenna, experiment with attaching of paperclip Yagi 57
Paperclip antenna, experiment with change in antenna polarization 57
Paperclip antenna, gain properties 57
Paperclip antenna, lightweight, budget-conscious features 57
Paperclip antenna, mounting and testing 56
Paperclip antenna, signal strength, measuring 56
Paperclip lengths (in inches and centimeters) 49
Parabolic antenna 42
Parabolic dish antenna for long-distance Wi-Fi links 308
Parabolic grid antenna 232
Parasitic array antenna 41
Passive mode, NoCat login 242 251
Passive mode, NoCatAuth 240
Password login 243 250
Password setting, for access point configuring 188
Patch antennas 42
Path loss 311
Path loss, in free space 316
PC Card 107 108.
PC Cards, for digiframe 349
PC computer, for TiVo 288
PCI wireless card 202
PCMCIA Wi-Fi adapter for digiframe 345 349
PDA See Personal digital assistants
Peer-to-peer connection settings, for videoconferencing 337
Peer-to-peer connection, for setting Wi-Fi link 337
Peer-to-peer video session 326 332
Personal digital assistant (PDA) 4
Personal digital assistants (PDA), for war driving 106
phase cancellation 90
Photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems 209
Picking the right antenna 83
Picture frame, defined 346
Picture frame, mounting of 360
Picture frame, shutting dowm 362
Pictures updating 363
Pigtail and connector mating, for war driving purpose 119
Pigtail cable attaching, to access point 92
Pigtail cable, attaching 48 51
Pigtail cable, attaching to access point 92
Pigtail cable, for attaching access point and pigtail 96
Pigtail cable, preparing 48
Pigtail cable, securing 48 52
Pigtail connector, female MMCX connector 48
Pigtail connector, male MMCX connector 48
Pigtail matching, for access point building 171
Pigtail purchasing aspects, cable connector 31
Pigtail purchasing aspects, device connector 31
Pigtail purchasing aspects, length of pigtail 31
Pigtail securing 52
Pigtail soldering to dipole 52
Pigtail, attaching to access point 91
Pigtail, for access point configuring 192
Pigtail, for war driving 103
Pigtail, jumper cables 3
Pigtail, selecting 3
Pigtails for Wi-Fi link testing 319
Ping problems, for long-distance Wi-Fi links 321
Plastic box testing 199
Plastic case modifying aspects, of access point assembling 193
Plastic case modifying tools, drills 193
Plastic case modifying tools, handsaw 193
Plastic fasteners, use of 197
Platform materials, for paperclip antenna building, preparing 49
Platform materials, for paperclip antenna building, wooden platform 49 52
PoE See power-over-ethernet
PoE adapter 192 199
PoE adapter, standards 177
PoE cable, challenges with sending low voltage DC 177
PoE setup 173
Point-to-multipoint rules See also FCC regulations
Point-to-multipoint rules, EIRP limit 86
Point-to-multipoint rules, for Linksys BEFW11S4 access point 86
Point-to-multipoint rules, transmitter power output reduction 85
Point-to-multipoint transmissions 85
Point-to-point network link 211
Point-to-point rules See also FCC regulations
| Point-to-point rules, for Linksys access points 87
Point-to-point rules, transmitter power output (TPO) reduction 86
Point-to-point versus multipoint network 85
Point-to-point videoconference 326 330
Point-to-point, videoconferencing standard 326
Polarization aspects, of Wi-Fi links 309
Pole mount, for solar power system 228
Polycom 330
Portal 240 251
Ports, for war driving purposes 121
Power consumption, on various inverters 118
Power inverter for Wi-Fi link testing 319
Power inverter, for access point (AP) gaming 272
Power supply, for war driving laptop, AC supply 121
Power supply, for war driving laptop, DC power source 121
Power-over-ethernet 177
Power-over-ethernet (PoE) adapter, DC nad AC power sending aspects 177
Power-over-ethernet (PoE) adapter, DWL-P100 177
Power-over-ethernet (PoE) adapter, for outdoor access point building 171
Power-over-ethernet (PoE) cable 171
Powering sources for videoconferencing components 342
Powering tools, for war driving 116
Preparing, attaching, and securing, the pigtail 48
Pringles can antenna, construction 60
Pringles can antenna, directional pattern 60
Pringles can antenna, Yagi antenna with Pringles can covering 60
Pringles can Yagi antenna 60
Propagation loss, in Wi-Fi links 314 315
Propagation losses, defined 88
Propagation losses, Fresnel zone incursions 89
Propagation losses, from the access point 89
Pushpin 154
Pushpin features, of Microsoft MapPoint 148
PV See Photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems
PV module 213
PV panel, inspecting 221
PV panels 216. See also solar panel
PV sources, finding of 216
QCIF, videoconferencing standard 326
Radiating element building 59
Radiating element shapes 68
Radiation exposure aspects of high-gain antennas 87
Radiation lobes, for long-distance Wi-Fi links 307
Radiation pattern 42
Radiator element length 69 70
Radiator elements measurements 69
Radio broadcasting See also radio transmission
Radio broadcasting, licensed bands 7
Radio broadcasting, permission 8
Radio broadcasting, unlicensed bands 8
Radio frequencies 60
Radio frequencies (RF), microwaves 5
Radio frequencies (RF), understanding 5
Radio frequency (RF) energy 45
Radio frequency (RF) transmission 61
Radio frequency transmission 62
Radio in the access point 85
Radio in the Linksys BEFW11S4 access point 86
Radio interference 211
Radio receiver 267
Radio stations 8
Radio transceiver 14
Radio transmission, AM radio 6
Radio transmission, FM radio 6 8
Radio transmitter 267
Radio wave positioning method See Triangulation method
Radio waves 4
Radiofrequency (RF) signal polarization 309
Radiofrequency exposure levels 87
Radiofrequency interference, in Wi-Fi links 322
Radios configuring, for solar-powered repeater 211
Radome 76 311
RCA connectors, for analog video cameras 328
RCA video 328
Real-time data conferencing protocol 325
RealVNC 353
Receive antenna gain, for link budget calculation 89
Receive sensitivity, of common client adapter 316
Receiver sensitivity, for link budget calculation 89
Red Hat 9.x, hotspot creating software 239
Red Hat 9.x, installing of 239
Redirected site allowing 258
Remote control program, for digiframe 349 353
Remote viewing via TiVo See Home Media Option
Repeater mode 212
Repeater, building of 207
Repeater, mounting of 207
Repeater, setting up 207 211
Repeater, solar powered 207
Reverse polarity 95
Reverse polarity (RP) 15
Reverse polarity (RP) and reverse threading (RT), comparison of 96
Reverse polarity connectors, female 15
Reverse polarity connectors, male 15
Reverse polarity SMA connector 96
Reverse polarity TNC connectors 95
Reverse threading (RT) 96
RF See Radio frequencies
RF energy, safety rules 81
Rig powering tools, DC power supply 117
Rig powering tools, DC-to-AC inverter 117
Rig powering tools, formula for power 117
Rig powering tools, lighter power splitter 117
Rooftop antenna, for war driving 120
Room Service Fox Hunt, playing 274
Round radiating element 68 69
Round radiating element making 70
Round radiating element, cutting and insulation 70
Round radiating element, defined 70
RT See Reverse polarity
Running of antenna cable, for access point and antenna attaching 96
Safety factors, for outdoor access point building 181
Satellite and aerial imaging sites 163
Satellite and aerial imaging, for mapping 163
Scanning software See War driving software
Screen saver slideshow 349
Screen saver software, for digiframe 352
Screen saver, hacking aspects 354
Screen-folding method, of digiframe creating 349
Sealant tape, for protecting connectors 233
Seattle Wireless network 237
Sector antenna 83
Sector antennas 84
Self-guided tours 281
Semi-wedge shaped antenna element 73
Serial Interface See Serial port
Serial Port 114
Series 1 TiVo, broadband adapter, using of 289
Series 1 TiVo, Home Media Option 298
Series 1 TiVo, installed with TiVo AirNetdapter and PC-card 291
Series 1 TiVo, installed with TurboNet adapter and ethernet-to-wireless bridge 290
Series 1 TiVo, models 289
Series 2 TiVo, devices 291
Series 2 TiVo, Home Media Option 298
Series 2 TiVo, USB connectors 291
Series 2 TiVo, wireless connection, setting up of 293
Series 2 TiVo, wireless USB adapters, using of 292
Shell Solar SP75 model, from Siemens 213
Shell Solar SP75 model, junction box, built-in 214
Shield trimming, for building antenna cable 27
Shorts checking, for inspecting antenna cable 22
Siemens See Shell Solar SP75 model
Siemens product 214
Signal amplification 99
Signal amplifier, radiofrequency (RF) signal amplifiers 100
Signal amplifier, Wireless Signal Booster (WSB24) 99
Signal and Noise Graph mode, for NetStumbler 137
Signal and noise graphing, via NetStumbler 139
Signal and noise level, displaying via NetStumbler 139
Signal attenuation See Propagation loss
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