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Graham C.C., McGehee O.C. — Essays in Commutative Harmonic Analysis
Graham C.C., McGehee O.C. — Essays in Commutative Harmonic Analysis

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Íàçâàíèå: Essays in Commutative Harmonic Analysis

Àâòîðû: Graham C.C., McGehee O.C.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1979

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 464

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.06.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Kernel of a semigroup      133
Kernel of a set      69
Kernel, de la Vallee Poussin      70 391 419
Kernel, Dirichlet      97
Kernel, Fejer      101 419 306
Kernel, Gaussian      55 65
Kns Theorem      see “Theorem”
Koerner, T.W.      (vii) 92 121 159 167 394 412 Y.)”
Koerner, T.W., [1]      66 93 118 121
Koerner, T.W., [2]      121 222 412
Koerner, T.W., [3]      66 121
Koerner, T.W., [4]      93 121
Koerner, T.W., [5]      93 121
Koerner, T.W., [6]      121 347
Koerner, T.W., [7]      121
Koerner, T.W., [8]      121
Krein, M.G., [1]      47
Kuhlmann, D., [1]      126
Kurosh, A., [1]      191
L(B)      136
L(G)      136
L-algebra      see “L-subalgebra”
L-homomorphism      123
L-ideal      128ff. 228
L-ideal, not prime      130
L-ideal, prime      128ff.
L-span      344 345
L-subalgebra      123 134 244 411
L-subalgebra, generated by Bernoulli convolutions      182 411
L-subalgebra, prime      128 129 130 132 152 153 165
L-subspace      122
Lacunary sequence      7 48 306
Lagniappe      418
Larson, R.      238
Lawson, J.D., Liukkonen, J.R., and Mislove, M.W., [1]      137
Leblanc, N., [1]      261
Leblanc, N., [2]      407
Leblanc, N., [3]      407
Leibenson, Z.L., [1]      260 407
Lemma, Drury — Herz      65 357
Lemma, Helson Translation (1.2.2)      4
letter      198
Levy, P.      255
Levy, P., [1]      251
Lin, C., and Saeki, S., [1]      180 182
Lindahl, L.-A., and Poulsen, F., [1]      (xiii) 64 114 121 159 257 354 357 401 410
Lipschitz classes      see “Function”
Littlewood Conjectures      2 7 11ff.
Littlewood — Paley theory      281 294 297
Littlewood, J.E.      listed with “Hardy G.H.”
Littman, W., [1]      72
Liukkonen, J.R.      listed with “Lawson J.D. and M.W.”
Local Peak Set Theorem      see “Theorem”
Logarithm of a measure      136
Lohoue, N., [1]      293 294
Lohoue, N., [2]      293
Lohoue, N., [3]      72
Lohoue, N., [4]      294
Lohoue, N., [5]      294
Lohoue, N., [6]      294
Loomis, L., [1]      364
Lopez, J.M., and Ross, K.A., [1]      64 65 202 410 415
Ludvik, P., [1]      293
Ludvik, P., [2]      169
Lumer, G., [1]      41
Lusin’s problem on rearrangements      408
Lusin’s theorem      see “Theorem”
Lust, F. (publishing now under the name F. Lust-Piquard), [1]      65
Lust, F. (publishing now under the name F. Lust-Piquard), [2]      324
M (a mapping)      309 312 338 355
Macbeath, A.M., [1]      37
MacLean, A.      listed with “Graham C.C.”
Majorization, set of      see “Set”
Makarov, B.M., [1]      217
Malliavin, P.      (vii) (listed also with “Katznelson Y.”)
Malliavin, P., and Malliavin-Brameret, M.-P., [1]      64 410
Malliavin, P., [1]      71 90
Malliavin, P., [2]      71
Malliavin, P., [3]      71 313
Malliavin, P., [4]      261
Malliavin, P., [5]      90
Malliavin’s theorem      see “Theorem”
Mandelbrojt, S.      listed with “Agmon S.”
Marcinkiewicz, J.      251
Marcinkiewicz, J., [1]      255 260
Marcinkiewicz’s theorem      see “Theorem”
Markov — Kakutani Fixed Point Theorem      see “Theorem”
Mason, D.K., [1]      280
Maximal, element of $\Delta$, proper      245
Maximal, ideal space      126 150 165 218 282 366 411
Maximal, ideal space of CCMA is discrete      137
Maximal, ideal, asymmetric      230 239ff. 361
Maximal, ideal, idempotent      156
Maximal, ideal, symmetric      168 229
McGehee, L.B.C.      (v)
McGehee, O.C.      listed with “Katznelson Y.”
McGehee, O.C., and Woodward, G.S., [1]      66
McGehee, O.C., [1]      93
McGehee, O.C., [2]      407
McGehee, O.C., [3]      103
McGehee, O.C., [4]      407
McGehee, O.C., [5]      66
McGehee, O.C., [6]      18
McGehee, O.M.      (v)
McKilligan, S.A., and White, A.J., [1]      128
Measure with real spectrum      411
Measure, algebra      see “Algebra”
Measure, Bernoulli convolution      see “Bernoulli”
Measure, Cantor — Lebesque      179 182
Measure, conjugate      304
Measure, D-ergodic      138 142 143 173 175 209
Measure, Hausdorff      93
Measure, Hermitian      138 141 304
Measure, i.p. (= independent power)      138ff. 171 176
Measure, idempotent      see “Idempotent”
Measure, independent power (= i.p.)      138ff. 171 176
Measure, infinite convolution      169 174ff.
Measure, infinite product      169ff.
Measure, invertible      136
Measure, logarithm of      136
Measure, monotrochic      138 141 142 155 173 175 421
Measure, Riesz product      see “Riesz product”
Measure, spectrum of      138 139
Measure, strongly continuous      3 18ff.
Measure, strongly i.p.      138 143 146 161 176
Measure, strongly monotrochic      138 143
Measure, strongly tame      138 213
Measure, symmetric (= Hermitian)      138 141 304
Measure, tame      138 141 142 155 171 178 188 209 210 411 421
Measure, tame Hermitian i.p.probability      see “Next entry”
Measure, Taylor — Johnson      141 173 189ff. 195 210 230
Measure-preserving transformation      18
Measures, joint spectrum of      144
Mela, J.-F.      182
Men’shov, D.E., [1]      92
Metric thinness conditions      92
Meyer, Y.      (vii) 202
Meyer, Y., and Rosenthal, H.P., [1]      73
Meyer, Y., [1]      84 85 93 179 334 410
Meyer, Y., [2]      73
Meyer, Y., [3]      73
Meyer, Y., [4]      409
Meyer, Y., [5]      407
Meyer, Y., [6]      333 407
Milicer-Grazewska, H., [1]      109 238
Miller, C.B., and Rajagopalan, M., [1]      133
Miller, R.R., [1]      249
Mislove, M.W.      listed with “Lawson J.D. and J.R.”
Monotrochic      see “Measure”
Moran, W.      (vii) (listed also with “Bailey W.J.” “Brown G.” “Graham C.C. and G.”)
Moran, W., [1]      128
Moran, W., [2]      144 174 189 195 215 231
Moran, W., [3]      269 280 331
Mostert, P.      listed with “K.H. Hofmann”
Multiplicity, set of      see “Set M-”
Multiplier algebra      see “Algebra”
N (an algebra)      354 355
Net, tail-dissociate      199 202
Newman, D.J., [1]      405
Newman, D.J., [2]      408
Newman, D.J., [3]      409
Newman, S.E., [1]      137
Newman, S.E., [2]      137
Non-measurable set      see “Set”
Non-triangular set      see “Set”
Null on a set, pseudomeasure that is      93
Oberlin, D.M., [1]      293
Order of a subspace      98
Order of an element      379
Ordinal number      81 98 102 103
Orsay      (vii) 18
P (a mapping)      309 312 355
Paalman-de Miranda, A.B., [1]      133
Pade, O., [1]      202
parallel      348
Paris      (vii) (viii)
Parker, W.A.      listed with “Bachelis G.F. and K.A.”
Parreau, F.      listed with “Graham C.C. and B.” “Host B.”
Peyriere, J., [1]      209
Peyriere, J., [2]      198 203
Phillips, R.S.      listed with “Hille E.”
Phillips, R.S., [1]      47
Pichorides, S.K.      6 11 17
Pichorides, S.K., [1]—[5]      18
Pierce, R.S.      407
Pigno, L, and Saeki, S., [1]      390 409
Pigno, L, and Saeki, S., [3]      385
Pigno, L, and Saeki, S., [4]      421
Pigno, L., and Smith, B.P., [1]      27
Pisier, G., [1]      66 348
Pisier, G., [2]      66 348
Pisier, G., [3]      404
Pisot number      84 92 93 179 410
Pitt, H.R.      listed with “Wiener N.”
Plessner, A., [1]      228 238 368
Point, critical      see “Critical”
Point, derivation      see “Derivation”
Point, strong boundary      see “Strong”
Polar decomposition      127
Pollard, H., [1]      85
Polygon      73
Polynomials with $\epsilon$-additive ranges      370ff.
Positive-definite      see “Function”
Poulsen, F.      listed with “Lindahl L.-A.”
Price, J.F., [1]      293
Prime, L-ideal      see “L-ideal”
Prime, L-subalgebra      see “L-subalgebra”
Probabilistic methods      34 66 90 112
Proper maximal      see “Maximal”
Property one      60ff.
Pseudomeasure      93ff. 286 364 392 394
Purity theorem      see “Theorem”
Pyateckii-Sapiro, I.I.      92 114
Pyateckii-Sapiro, I.I., [1]      103 104
r(f)      355
Rad $L^{1}(G)$      126 141 213 220 238ff.
Radon — Nikodym derivative      42
Rago, J., [1]      159
Ragozin, D.L., [1]      137
Raikov system      125 129ff. 132 133 152 154 157 158 159 161 175 243 411
Raikov system, singly generated      168 169 243
Raikov system, symmetric      167 168
Raikov, D.A.      listed with “Gel’fand I.M. and G.E.”
Raikov, D.A., [1]      228 238 368
Rajagapolan, M.      listed with “Miller C.B.”
Rajchman, A., [1]      32
Ramsey, L.T.      (viii) 37 385 409
Ramsey, L.T., and Wells, B.B., [1]      27
Ramsey, L.T., [1]      27
Real-analytic      see “Function”
Real-entire      see “Function”
Rearrangement of a function      408
refinement      129 135 136 141 143 176
Regular on an interval, pseudomeasure that is      94
Rennison, J.F., [1]      128
Rennison, J.F., [2]      128
Representation of $L^{p}_{p}(G)$, Fourier      283ff.
Ressel, P.      listed with “Christensen J.B.R.”
Richards, I., [1]      90
Richardson, L.F., [1]      6
Rickart, C.E., [1]      138 139 229 235 241
Rickert, N.W.      listed with “Kaufman R.”
Rickert, N.W., [1]      133
Rider, D., [1]      64 415
Rider, D., [2]      261
Rider, D., [3]      38 410
Rider, D., [4]      279 280
Rider, D., [5]      261
Rider, D., [6]      261
Rider, D., [7]      66
Riemann Sums      390
Riesz products      7 16 30 31 48 65 66 169 195 196ff. 215 245 258 266 383 384 412 413 414
Riesz products, based on $\sigma$, $\Theta$, and a      219ff.
Riesz products, based on $\Theta$, and a      198ff. 258
Riesz products, D-ergodic      209
Riesz products, generalized      209 222
Riesz products, independent power      204 209
Riesz products, tame      209ff.
Riesz representation theorem      see “Theorem”
Riesz Theorem, F., and M.      see “Theorem”
Riesz, F.      197
Riesz, F., [1]      196
Ritter, G., [1]      209 222
Ritter, G., [2]      209 222
Ritter, G., [3]      170
Riviere, N.M., and Sagher, Y., [1]      255 261
Rosenthal, H.P.      47 (listed also with “Meyer Y.”)
Rosenthal, H.P., [1]      90
Rosenthal, H.P., [2]      66
Rosenthal, H.P., [3]      368 385
Rosenthal, H.P., [4]      73
Rosenthal, H.P., [5]      47
Rosenthal, H.P., [6]      84
Rosenthal, H.P., [7]      411
Ross, K.A.      listed with “Bachelis G.F. and W.A.” “Hewitt E.” “Lopez J.M.”
Ross, K.A., [1]      66
Ross, K.A., [2]      126
Rossi, H.      listed with “Gunning R.C.”
Rossi, H., [1]      241 242
Rossi’s Local Peak Set Theorem      see “Theorem”
Rotation group SO(n)      319
Roth, K.F.      listed with “Halberstam H.”
Roth, K.F., [1]      37
Roy den, H.L., [1]      (xiii)
Rudin — Shapiro elements      33ff. 37 287
Rudin, W.      listed with “Helson H. Kahane J.-P. and Y.” “Kahane J.-P.”
Rudin, W., [10]      348 410 411
Rudin, W., [11]      121 394
Rudin, W., [12]      33
Rudin, W., [13]      260
Rudin, W., [1]      (xiii) 6 34 41 56 84 114 135 159 167 168 252 259 262 268 277 289 314 406 419
Rudin, W., [2]      122 130
Rudin, W., [3]      (xiii) 4 138 139 281 302
Rudin, W., [4]      260
Rudin, W., [5]      260
Rudin, W., [7]      280
Rudin, W., [8]      238
Rudin, W., [9]      6
Ryll-Nardzewski, C.      listed with “Hartman S. and J.-P.” “Hartman S.”
Ryll-Nardzewski, C., [1]      409
1 2 3 4 5
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