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Graham C.C., McGehee O.C. — Essays in Commutative Harmonic Analysis
Graham C.C., McGehee O.C. — Essays in Commutative Harmonic Analysis

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Íàçâàíèå: Essays in Commutative Harmonic Analysis

Àâòîðû: Graham C.C., McGehee O.C.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1979

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 464

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.06.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Frisch, M., [1]      408
Fuchs, L,, [1]      191
Function of bounded variation      83 85 124
Function, affine      406
Function, almost periodic      42 45 364 377 392
Function, analytic      251 255 325 327
Function, Bessel      318
Function, entire      213 261 262 265
Function, generalized      123
Function, harmonic      317
Function, homogeneous      317
Function, k-radial      317ff.
Function, Lipschitz      37 90 260 293 334
Function, positive-definite      41 42 47 65 268ff.
Function, Rademacher      340 341
Function, real-analytic      251 252 255
Function, real-entire      251 252 261 366
Function, that is not a Fourier transform      37
Function, whose Fourier series does not converge pointwise      7
Functional calculus      see “Functions that operate”
Functions that operate      213 251ff. 258 282 308 324ff.
Functions that operate from ... to ...      251
Functions that operate in      252
Functions that operate in $A_{p}(G)$      261
Functions that operate in $B_{O}(G)$      213ff. 265ff.
Functions that operate in A(E)      252 402ff.
Functions that operate in A(G)      255ff.
Functions that operate in B(G)      261ff.
Functions that operate on positive-definite functions      268ff.
Galanis, E., [1]      65
Galanis, E., [2]      65
Galanis, E., [3]      357
Galanis, E., [4]      65
Gamelin, T.W., [1]      229 241 246 261 358
Gatesoupe, M., [1]      324
Gaudry, G.I.      listed with “Edwards R.E.” “Figa-Talamanca A.”
Gaudry, G.I., [1]      293
Gaudry, G.I., [2]      294
Gaussian, curvature      72
Gaussian, processes      66
Gel’fand, I.M., Raikov, D.A., and Silov, G.E., [1]      132 229
Generalized, character      124 125 126 182 234 269
Generalized, function      123
Generalized, Purity Theorem      see “Theorem”
Gilbert, J.E.      listed with “Bachelis G.F.”
Gilbert, J.E., [1]      73
Gilbert, J.E., [2]      73
Girard, D.M., [1]      408
Girard, D.M., [2]      408
Gleason part      137 246ff.
Glicksberg, I.      listed with “deLeeuw K.”
Glicksberg, I., and Wik, I., [1]      294
Glicksberg, I., [1]      27
Glicksberg, I., [2]      238
Glicksberg, I., [3]      32
Goldberg, R.R., and Simon, R.B., [1]      238
Gp'      166
Graham, C.C., and MacLean, A., [1]      203 222 421
Graham, C.C., Host, B., and Parreau, F., [1]      222
Graham, C.C., [10]      222
Graham, C.C., [11]      268 269 280
Graham, C.C., [12]      347
Graham, C.C., [1]      361
Graham, C.C., [2]      353 407
Graham, C.C., [3]      280
Graham, C.C., [4]      159
Graham, C.C., [5]      159 167
Graham, C.C., [6]      390 404
Graham, C.C., [7]      242
Graham, C.C., [8]      238
Graham, C.C., [9]      159
Graham, J.W.      (v)
Greenleaf, F.P., [1]      407
Gregory, M.B., [1]      93 408
Grothendieck, A., [1]      46
Grothendieck, A., [2]      38
Grothendieck’s constant      see “Constant”
Group, algebra      see “Algebra”
Group, Cantor      90 107 408
Group, connected      66
Group, divisible      191
Group, dyadic      see “Group Cantor”
Group, exponent p      268
Group, free compact abelian      61ff. 65
Group, Lie      6
Group, metrizable      20 66
Group, multiplicative      36 62
Group, ordered      19
Group, second-countable      67
Group, torsion-free      6 19
Growth of powers      260 407ff. 412
Gunning, R.C., and Rossi, H., [1]      241 271 322
Hahn, L.S.      listed with “Blum J.R. and B.”
Haight, J.A., [1]      169
Halberstam, H., and Roth, K.F., [1]      37
Halmos, P., [1]      159 185
Hardy, G.H., and Little wood, J.E., [1]      2
Harmonic, function      see “Function”
Harmonic, spherical      see “Spherical”
Harmonic, synthesis      see “Synthesis”
Hartman, S.      226
Hartman, S., and Ryll-Nardzewski, C., [1]      409
Hartman, S., and Ryll-Nardzewski, C., [2]      409
Hartman, S., and Ryll-Nardzewski, C., [3]      409
Hartman, S., and Ryll-Nardzewski, C., [4]      159
Hartman, S., J.-P. Kahane and Ryll-Nardzewski, C., [1]      409
Hartman, S., [1]      385
Hausdorff measure      see “Measure”
Hedstrom, G.W., [1]      407
Hedstrom, G.W., [2]      408
Heiberg, C.H., [1]      408
Heiberg, C.H., [2]      408
Heiberg, C.H., [3]      408
Heiberg, C.H., [4]      408
Helson, H.      368 (listed also with “Beurling A.”)
Helson, H., and J.-P.Kahane, [1]      260 261
Helson, H., and J.-P.Kahane, [2]      66
Helson, H., constant      see “Constant”
Helson, H., Kahane, J.-P., Katznelson, Y., and Rudin, W., [1]      260 264
Helson, H., set      see “Set”
Helson, H., set, Kns elements in      see “Theorem Kns”
Helson, H., [1]      6
Helson, H., [3]      114
Helson, H., [4]      6
Helson’s Translation Lemma      see “Lemma”
Hermitian measure      see “Measure”
Herz criterion      76 84 101
Herz criterion, modified      77 84
Herz, C.S.      65 (listed also with “deLeeuw K.”)
Herz, C.S., [10]      294
Herz, C.S., [11]      294
Herz, C.S., [1]      84
Herz, C.S., [2]      72
Herz, C.S., [3]      72 84
Herz, C.S., [4]      72
Herz, C.S., [5]      72
Herz, C.S., [6]      279
Herz, C.S., [7]      293
Herz, C.S., [8]      312
Herz, C.S., [9]      65
Hewitt, E.      listed with “Brown G.”
Hewitt, E., and Kakutani, S., [1]      159
Hewitt, E., and Kakutani, S., [2]      182
Hewitt, E., and Ross, K.A., [1]      (xiii) 40 41 44 159 191 233 236
Hewitt, E., and Stromberg, K., [1]      170 173
Hewitt, E., and Stromberg, K., [2]      238
Hewitt, E., and Zuckerman, H.S., [1]      17 202
Hewitt, E., and Zuckerman, H.S., [2]      202 203 209
Hewitt, E., and Zuckerman, H.S., [3]      202
Hewitt, E., and Zuckerman, H.S., [4]      126
Hewitt, E., [1]      159 202
Hilbert space      4
Hille, E., and Phillips, R.S., [1]      57 292
Hille, E., and Tamarkin, J.D., [1]      238
Hille, E., [1]      270 273
Hilpher,, andrei      409
Hlawka, E., [1]      72
Hoelder inequality      see “Inequality”
Hoermander, L., [1]      288 293 294
Hoffman, K., [1]      28 358
Hofmann, K.H., and Mostert, P., [1]      133
Holbrook, J.A.R., [1]      32
Homogeneous, algebra      see “Algebra”
Homogeneous, function      see “Function”
Homomorphisms      6 56 60 61 64 282
Homomorphisms of tensor algebras      353
Honolulu      (viii)
Horn, A., [1]      64
Horn, R.A., [1]      47
Horn, R.A., [2]      47
Host, B.      listed with “Graham C.C. and F.”
Host, B., and Parreau, F., [1]      137
Host, B., and Parreau, F., [2]      222
Host, B., and Parreau, F., [3]      222
Hypergroup      137
Hyperplane, rational      25ff.
i.p. (= independent power) measure      see “Measure”
Ideal, antisymmetric maximal      see “Maximal”
Ideal, has exactly k generators      315 316 322
Ideal, hull of an      69 70 103
Ideal, not finitely generated      313ff.
Ideal, not generated by k-1 elements      317
Ideal, not singly generated      313 316
Ideal, principal      71
Ideal, symmetric maximal      see “Maximal”
Idempotent in B (E)      226ff.
Idempotent, elements      1ff. 38 281 373
Idempotent, maximal ideal      130 156 245
Idempotent, measures      139
Idempotent, norms of elements      6ff.
Idempotent, theorem      see “Theorem”
Igari, S., [1]      293
Igari, S., [2]      307
Independent, power measure      see “Measure”
Independent, set      see “Set”
Independent, strongly independent power measure      see “Measure”
Individual symbolic calculus (= individual functional calculus)      261
Inequality, Bernstein’s      372 373 376 384 418
Inequality, Cauchy — Schwarz      33 207 344
Inequality, generalized Holder      320
Inequality, Holder      40 342
Inequality, Jensen’s      13
Inequality, Schwarz’s      see “Inequality Cauchy
Infinite, convolution      see “Measure”
Infinite, product measure      see “Measure”
Interpolation set      see “Set”
Inverse limits      61
Invertible measure      see “Measure”
Irrational number      287
Isomorphisms      405ff.
Isomorphisms from A (E) to $V_{2}$      333
Isomorphisms from A (E) to A(F)      333 405 406
Isomorphisms from A (E) to V      309 338 355
Isomorphisms from B (E) to N      355
Isomorphisms of norm less than $\surd2$      407
Isomorphisms of tensor algebras      348ff.
Isoperimetric problem      371
Ito, I.      listed with “Amemiya I.”
Ito, K., and Kawada, Y., [1]      6
Ito, T., and Schreiber, B.M., [1]      313
Ivasev-Musatov, O.S., [1]      93
Ivasev-Musatov, O.S., [2]      93
Ivasev-Musatov, O.S., [3]      93
Izuchi, K., [1]      137
Jensen’s Inequality      see “Inequality”
Jerusalem      (viii)
Jessen — Wintner Purity Theorem      see “Theorem”
Jessen, B., and Wintner, A., [1]      176 178
Jewitt, R.I., [1]      137
Jodeit, M.Jr., [1]      294
Jodeit, M.Jr., [2]      294
Johnson, B.E., [1]      179 230 231
Johnson, B.E., [2]      231 293 408
Johnson, B.E., [3]      231
Johnson, B.E., [4]      122 128
Johnson, G.W., and Woodward, G.S., [1]      348
Kahane, J.-P.      (vii) 261 407 K. and Y.” “Hartman S. and C.” “Helson H.” “Helson H. Katznelson Y. and W.”)
Kahane, J.-P., and Katznelson, Y., [1]      260
Kahane, J.-P., and Katznelson, Y., [2]      90
Kahane, J.-P., and Katznelson, Y., [3]      37
Kahane, J.-P., and Katznelson, Y., [4]      93
Kahane, J.-P., and Katznelson, Y., [5]      410
Kahane, J.-P., and Rudin, W., [1]      264
Kahane, J.-P., and Salem, R., [1]      85 92 97 100 114 334 347
Kahane, J.-P., Weiss, M., and Weiss, G., [1]      82
Kahane, J.-P., [10]      18
Kahane, J.-P., [11]      66
Kahane, J.-P., [12]      92
Kahane, J.-P., [1]      (xiii) 90 121 173
Kahane, J.-P., [2]      3 66 84 85 90 255 261 333 334 402 407 412
Kahane, J.-P., [3]      260
Kahane, J.-P., [4]      260
Kahane, J.-P., [5]      260
Kahane, J.-P., [6]      260
Kahane, J.-P., [7]      324
Kahane, J.-P., [8]      410
Kahane, J.-P., [9]      409
Kaijser, S., [1]      312
Kaijser, S., [2]      312
Kaijser, S., [3]      348
Kakeya needle problem      293
Kakutani, S.      listed with “Hewitt E.”
Kakutani, S., [1]      169
Kakutani’s Criterion      170
Kalton, N.J., and Wood, G.V., [1]      407
Katznelson, Y.      (vii) (viii) 85 385 394 411 K.” “DeLeeuw K. and “Helson H. Kahane J.-P. and W.” “Kahane J.-P.”)
Katznelson, Y., and Koerner, T.W., [1]      118 368 401 412
Katznelson, Y., and Malliavin, P., [1]      331 403
Katznelson, Y., and Malliavin, P., [2]      331 403
Katznelson, Y., and Malliavin, P., [3]      404
Katznelson, Y., and McGehee, O.C.      18
Katznelson, Y., and McGehee, O.C., [1]      368 385
Katznelson, Y., and McGehee, O.C., [2]      283 368 390 401 404
Katznelson, Y., and McGehee, O.C., [3]      385 409
Katznelson, Y., and McGehee, O.C., [4]      80
Katznelson, Y., [1]      (xiii) 7 8 82 90 264 283 284 324 364 394 405 407 414
Katznelson, Y., [2]      260 368
Katznelson, Y., [3]      402
Katznelson, Y., [4]      93
Katznelson, Y., [5]      202
Katznelson, Y., [6]      27 226 404
Katznelson, Y., [7]      404
Katznelson, Y., [8]      37
Kaufman, R.      92 118
Kaufman, R., and Rickert, N.W., [1]      371
Kaufman, R., [10]      92
Kaufman, R., [11]      66
Kaufman, R., [12]      118
Kaufman, R., [13]      92
Kaufman, R., [14]      92
Kaufman, R., [15]      179
Kaufman, R., [1]      174
Kaufman, R., [2]      159
Kaufman, R., [3]      159
Kaufman, R., [4]      182
Kaufman, R., [6]      159
Kaufman, R., [7]      90
Kaufman, R., [8]      27
Kaufman, R., [9]      92
Kawada, Y.      listed with “Ito K.”
1 2 3 4 5
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