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McConnell J.C., Robson J.C. — Noncommutative Noetherian Rings |
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Lie’s theorem 14.5.3
Linearization 13.1.9
Link, graph 4.3.7
Link, second layer 4.3.7
Local number of generators 11.6.13
Localizable 4.0.0
localization 2.1.4 (see also “Quotient ring”)
Localization, of 12.1.12 12.4.9
Localization, and prime ideals 4.3.1 ff 4.4.1
Localization, at 10.3.5
Localization, at set of ideals 10.3.3
Localization, GK dimension of 8.2.13
Localization, global dimension of 7.4.1 ff
Localization, Krull dimension of 6.5.3
Localization, monic 7.9.3
Localization, of derivation ring 15.1.25
Localization, stable range of 11.5.2
Locally finite dimensional 8.1.17
Locally nilpotent derivation 14.6.4
Locally nilpotent ring 13.8.5
Loewy series 4.1.2
Lying over 10.2.8
Lying over in enveloping algebra 14.2.5 14.5.4
Lying over in fixed ring 10.5.15
Lying over in group ring 10.5.6
Lying over in normalizing extension 10.2.9
Lying over in PI ring 13.8.14
Martindale quotient ring 10.3.5
Maschke’s Theorem 7.5.6 10.5.11
Matrix ring(s) 1.1.1 ff
Matrix ring(s), of 12.1.13
Matrix ring(s), and Morita equivalence 3.5.5
Matrix ring(s), being Goldie 3.1.5
Matrix ring(s), being Noetherian 1.1.2
Matrix ring(s), embeddings in 13.4.1 ff
Matrix ring(s), generic 13.1.9 13.10.10
Matrix ring(s), GK dimension of 8.2.7
Matrix ring(s), global dimension of 3.5.10
Matrix ring(s), identities of 13.3.2
Matrix ring(s), Krull dimension of 6.5.1
Matrix ring(s), ranks of 11.5.11 ff
Matrix ring, triangular see “Triangular matrix ring”
Matrix units, set of 3.2.6
Matrix units, standard set of 2.2.11
Maximal annihilator 2.3.2
Maximal condition 0.1.5
Maximal K-order 5.3.13
Maximal order 5.1.1 ff 13.9.8
Maximal quotient ring 10.3.5
Module, -torsion 6.2.18
Module, -graded 12.4.10
Module, ad g- 14.3.2
Module, Artinian 0.1.2
Module, complement 2.2.3
Module, completely faithful 5.7.3
Module, compressible 6.9.3
Module, critical 6.2.9
Module, dual 3.4.4
Module, essential 2.2.1
Module, faithful 0.3.2
Module, filtered 7.6.8
Module, flat 7.1.4
Module, free-filtered 7.6.15
Module, free-graded 7.6.5
Module, g 14.1.3
Module, generator 3.5.3
Module, graded 7.6.3
Module, holonomic 8.5.8
Module, irreducible 0.1.2
Module, isotypic 0.1.2
Module, locally finite dimensional 8.1.17
Module, monoform 4.6.4
Module, Morita invariants of 3.5.8
Module, Noetherian 0.1.2
Module, of differentials 15.1.8 15.6.1
Module, of quotients 2.1.17
Module, prime 4.3.4
Module, progenerator 3.5.4
Module, projective 3.5.2
Module, projective-graded 7.6.6 12.2.1
Module, reduced rank at P of 4.6.7
Module, reduced rank of 4.1.2
Module, reflexive 5.1.7
Module, semisimple 0.1.2
Module, simple 0.1.2
Module, singular 10.3.6
Module, stable range of 6.7.2
Module, stably free 11.1.1
Module, stably free-graded 12.2.10
Module, strictly triangular g- 14.1.13
Module, torsion 2.1.17
Module, torsionfree 3.4.2
Module, torsionless 3.4.2
Module, triangular g- 14.1.13
Module, uniform 2.2.5
Module, |G|-torsionfree 10.5.9
Monic, localization 7.9.3
Monic, polynomial identity 13.1.2
Monoform module 4.6.4
Morita context 1.1.6
Morita context, and fixed rings 7.8.3
Morita context, being Noetherian 1.1.7
Morita context, correspondence of primes in 3.6.2
Morita context, correspondence of primitives in 3.6.5
Morita context, of equivalent orders 3.1.14
Morita context, prime 3.6.5
Morita context, ring of 1.1.6
Morita equivalence/ent 3.5.5
Morita equivalence/ent, and category equivalence 3.5.7
Morita equivalence/ent, characterization of 3.5.6 3.7.5
Morita equivalence/ent, not to domain 12.7.16
Morita equivalence/ent, to Dedekind domain 5.2.12
Morita equivalence/ent, to simple domain 12.7.5
Morita invariants of module 3.5.8
Morita invariants of ring 3.5.10
Multiplicatively closed (m.c.) set 2.1.1
Multiplicity 8.4.7
Nakai conjecture 15.6.5
Nakayama’s Lemma 0.3.10
Nil set 0.2.5
Nilpotent, action 14.1.13
Nilpotent, element 0.2.5
Nilpotent, ideal 0.1.11
Nilpotent, ideals in PI rings 13.2.1 ff
Nilpotent, index 3.2.7
Nilpotent, Lie algebra 14.1.6
Nilpotent, locally action 14.1.13
Nilpotent, locally derivation 14.6.4
Nilpotent, locally ring 13.8.5
Nilpotent, nil subrings being 2.3.7 6.3.7
Nilpotent, prime radical 6.3.8 13.10.9
Noetherian, domain being Ore 2.1.15
Noetherian, module 0.1.2
Noetherian, ring 0.1.6
Noncommutative geometry 15.6.6
Normal element 4.1.10
Normal element in enveloping algebra 14.3.4
normalizer 10.3.8
Normalizing extension 10.1.3
Normalizing extension, almost 1.6.10
Normalizing sequence 4.1.13
Normalizing sequence in enveloping algebra 14.3.14
Nullstellensatz 9.0.0 ff
Nullstellensatz for derivation rings 15.1.22
Nullstellensatz for enveloping algebras 9.1.8 9.4.22 14.4.1
Nullstellensatz for group rings 9.1.8 9.4.22
Nullstellensatz for PI rings 13.10.3
Nullstellensatz over k 9.1.4
Orbit theory 14.10.2
Order(s) 3.1.1 ff
| Order(s) in quotient ring 3.1.2
Order(s), classical 5.3.5
Order(s), equivalent 3.1.9
Order(s), K- 5.3.6
Order(s), maximal 5.1.1 13.9.1
Order(s), maximal K 5.3.13
Order(s), non-Noetherian centre of 5.3.7
Order(s), of fractional ideal 3.1.12
Order(s), right equivalent 5.6.5
Ordinal degree of 6.1.9
Ore condition 2.1.6 (see also “Localization”)
Ore condition, and AR property 6.8.21
Ore condition, and ideal invariance 6.8.14
Ore condition, for monic polynomials 7.9.3
Ore, domain 2.1.14
Ore, extension 1.9.2
Ore, set 2.1.13
Outer automorphism(s) 7.8.12
Outer automorphism(s), group of 7.8.12
Partitive, finitely 8.3.17 8.7.3
Partitive, finitely, derivation ring being 15.1.21
Partitive, finitely, enveloping algebra being 8.4.9
Patch, closed 4.6.14 11.6.6
Patch, continuity 4.6.16
Patch, open 4.6.14
Patch, topology 4.6.14
Permeated 11.4.2
Permeated theorem 11.7.13
PI ring 13.0.0 ff
PI ring, characterization of 5.3.10
PI ring, generic matrix 13.1.19
PI ring, GK dimension of 8.7.6
PI ring, universal 13.1.15
Poincare — Birkhoff — Witt theorem 1.7.5 1.9.7 1.9.9
Polycentral 4.1.13
Polycyclic by finite group 1.5.12
Polynomial 4.1.13
Polynomial(s) see also “Skew polynomial(s) ring”
Polynomial(s), algebra, identity 13.1.15
Polynomial(s), alternating 13.1.12 13.5.4
Polynomial(s), Capelli 13.5.5
Polynomial(s), central 13.5.2
Polynomial(s), element 6.9.17
Polynomial(s), evaluation of 13.5.2
Polynomial(s), Hilbert 8.4.6
Polynomial(s), identity 13.1.2
Polynomial(s), identity ring 13.1.6
Polynomial(s), monic 13.1.2
Polynomial(s), multilinear 13.1.8
Polynomial(s), over division ring 9.6.1 ff 11.2.9 11.2.15
Polynomial(s), t-alternating 13.5.4
POSET 6.0.0
Poset, codeviation of 6.1.8
Poset, deviation of 6.1.2
Poset, factor of 6.1.1
Positive cone 12.1.3
Posner’s theorem 13.6.5
Pri-ring see “Principal ideal ring”
Prime ideal(s) 0.2.3
Prime ideal(s), -cyclic 10.6.11
Prime ideal(s), affiliated 4.3.4
Prime ideal(s), affiliated sequence of 4.4.6
Prime ideal(s), and extension rings see “Cutting down going going incomparability lying
Prime ideal(s), and uniform dimension 4.6.1 ff
Prime ideal(s), associated 4.3.9 4.4.2 4.4.4
Prime ideal(s), G 10.5.4
Prime ideal(s), height of 4.1.11
Prime ideal(s), in enveloping algebras 14.2.1 ff
Prime ideal(s), in fixed rings 10.5.13 ff
Prime ideal(s), in Morita context 3.6.1 ff
Prime ideal(s), in polynomial rings 10.6.1 ff
Prime ideal(s), J---- 11.6.6
Prime ideal(s), linked 4.3.7
Prime ideal(s), minimal 0.2.8
Prime ideal(s), minimal, in semiprime ring 2.2.14 3.2.1
Prime ideal(s), regular 13.7.3
Prime ideal(s), semistable 6.9.8
Prime ideal(s), unstable 6.9.8
Prime ring 0.2.3
Prime ring, Asano 5.2.7
Prime ring, Dedekind 5.2.10
Prime, bimodule 4.3.4
Prime, module 4.3.4
Prime, radical 0.2.4 0.2.8
Prime, spectrum 0.2.3
Primitive ideal 0.3.4
Primitive ideal in enveloping algebra 14.4.1 ff
Primitive polynomial ring 9.6.11
Primitive property 9.2.3
Primitive ring 0.3.2
Principal ideal ring(s) 0.1.8
Principal ideal ring(s), being 1.3.9
Principal ideal ring(s), decomposition of 4.1.9
Principal ideal ring(s), matrix rings being 7.11.7 11.3.8
Principal ideal ring(s), matrix rings over 3.4.10
Principal ideal ring(s), modules over 5.7.19
Principal ideal ring(s), skew polynomials being 11.2.12
Principal ideal ring(s), structure of semiprime 3.4.9
Principal ideal theorem 4.1.11
Principal ideal theorem, generalized 4.1.13
Progenerator 3.5.4
Projective class group 12.1.5
Projective dimension 7.1.2
Projective extended module 12.2.11
Projective module 3.5.2
Projective resolution 7.1.2
Projective-graded 7.6.6 12.2.1
Properness 10.2.14
Quantum groups 14.10.10
Quillen, lemma 9.7.3
Quillen, Suslin theorem 11.2.2
Quillen, theorem 12.6.13
Quotient division ring 2.1.14
Quotient ring(s) 2.1.3 3.1.1
Quotient ring(s), and localization 6.8.1 ff
Quotient ring(s), construction of 2.1.12
Quotient ring(s), Martindale 10.3.5
Quotient ring(s), maximal 10.3.5
Quotient ring(s), universal property of 2.1.4
Radical, Artin 4.1.7
Radical, Jacobson 0.3.8
Radical, of Artinian ring 0.1.12
Radical, prime 0.2.4 0.2.8
Radical, property 9.1.2
Rank of stably free module 11.1.1
Rank, cancellation 11.5.20
Rank, elementary 11.3.10
Rank, general linear 11.1.14
Rank, Goldie 14.0.0
Rank, H----- 11.3.13
Rank, reduced 4.1.2
Rank, reduced, with respect to P 4.6.7 11.6.14
Rank, stable 11.3.4
Rees ring 12.6.2
Reflexive module 5.1.7
Regular element 2.1.2
Regular local ring 15.2.8
Regular prime 13.7.3
Regular ring 7.7.1
Resolution, finite free 11.1.6
Resolution, flat 7.1.4
Resolution, injective 7.1.3
Resolution, projective 7.1.2
Ring(s) see also “Algebra”
Ring(s), -graded 12.4.10
Ring(s), adjoining 1 to 2.3.8
Ring(s), AR 4.2.3
Ring(s), Artinian 0.1.6
Ring(s), Asano 5.2.7
Ring(s), bounded 6.4.7
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