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Borwein P., Choi S., Rooney B. — The Riemann Hypothesis |
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Kossuth Prize 339
Kowalski 117
Kristensen 374
Kubilius 478 483 484
Kuznetsov 149
L-functions 97 100 101 111 121 129 325 “Dirichlet “Hasse
L-functions, 111 112 373
L-functions, , degree 1 112
L-functions, , partial sum 373
L-functions, , 56
L-functions, 56
L-functions, 129
L-functions, 56 132
L-functions, 112
L-functions, , degree 2 112
L-functions, 59 113
L-functions, 59 112
L-functions, 59 112
L-functions, 130
L-functions, 130
L-functions, 112
L-functions, 59 113
L-functions, arithmetic variety 100
L-functions, automorphic 58-60
L-functions, automorphic form 130
L-functions, automorphic representation 100
L-functions, class 97
L-functions, degree m 112
L-functions, Dirichlet 111 132 373
L-functions, Dirichlet series 100
L-functions, elliptic curve 100 102 130 134 135
L-functions, elliptic curve, modularity 135
L-functions, elliptic curve, rational point 134
L-functions, evaluation, 286
L-functions, evaluation, 290
L-functions, evaluation, 282
L-functions, evaluation, 247
L-functions, evaluation, 274
L-functions, evaluation, 278
L-functions, evaluation, somme des p 274
L-functions, extremal 134
L-functions, family 105 131 135
L-functions, family, global 100
L-functions, family, Maass waveform 101 106
L-functions, family, modular 102 130 134
L-functions, family, Ramanujan r cusp form 132
L-functions, k-tuple correlation 442
L-functions, k-tuple correlation function 442
L-functions, k-tuple correlation, zeros of 442
L-functions, k-tuple hypothesis 490
L-functions, kth consecutive spacing 41
L-functions, L-series see “Dirichlet L-series”
L-functions, nth divided difference function 154
L-functions, nth harmonic number 48
Lacroix 252
Lagarias 48 50 129
Landau 6 7 97 102 133 147 311 313 319 352 356 364 453 455 457 462
Landau — Siegel zero 133 134
Landau’s classical result 147
Landau’s paradigma 364
Landau’s theorem 356 357 364
Langlands 59 113 116
Langlands conjecture 524
Langlands program 130
Laplace 128 459 462 463
Laplace integral 459 462
Laplace operator 128
Laplace operator, eigenvalue 128
Laplace transform 462 463
Large sieve 475 477
Large sieve inequality 475 478 483 484
Large sieve inequality, Elliott 478 483
Large sieve inequality, prime number theorem 475
Large sieve inequality, proof 478 483
Large sieve inequality, Turan — Kubilius inequality 478 483 484
Large sieve, exponential sum 483
Large sieve, Montgomery 478
Large sieve, prime number theorem 475 477
Large sieve, standard version 483
Laurent series 17
Lavrik 151
LCM see “Least common denominator”
LCM(m) see “Least common denominator”
Least common denominator 514
Lebesgue 412 467
Lebesgue integral 412
Leech 432
Lefschetz fixed point formula 104
legendre 124 173 183 185 189 192 252 321 322 461
Legendre symbol 57 (see also “Arithmetic functions
Legendre’s conjecture see “Conjectures”
Legendre’s formula 183 185 189
Lehman 34 44 142
Lehmer 43 432
Lehmer’s phenomenon 43 139 142 144
Lejeune 239
Lenstra 517 521
Levinson 27 102 126
lh see “Lindelof hypothesis”
Li 71
Limite inferieure, 241 261 265 270
Limite superieure, 241 258 261
Lindelof 65
Lindelof hypothesis 65 126 145 146
Lindelof hypothesis, conditional disproof 149
Lindelof hypothesis, equivalent statement 65 146 148 149
Lindelof hypothesis, grand see “Grand Lindelof hypothesis”
Lindelof hypothesis, implication 146
Lindelof hypothesis, Riemann hypothesis 65 126 145 146
Lindelof hypothesis, statement affecting 148
Lindelof hypothesis, statement implying 65
Lindelof hypothesis, zeros of 146
Line of symmetry see “Critical line”
Linear operator 105 437 442
Linear operator, eigenvalue 105 437 442
Linear operator, Hermitian 437 442
Linear operator, self-adjoint 105
Linear operator, unitary 437 442
Linear operator, zeros of 437 442
Linear transformation, eigenvalue 115
Liouville’s function 6 8 46 353 429 431
Liouville’s function, prime number theorem 7
Liouville’s function, Riemann hypothesis 6 46
Lipschitz 222
Littlewood 43 51 62 64 67 100 114 126 129 131 142 146 311 325 327 403 405—407 419
Littlewood’s theorem 405
Local representation 58 112
Location of prime numbers 63
Location of zeros, 314
Location of zeros, 352
Location of zeros, 373
Location of zeros, 222
Location of zeros, 152
Location of zeros, 345 358
Location of zeros, 366 372
Location of zeros, 111
Location of zeros, 116
Location of zeros, 115
Location of zeros, 38
Location of zeros, 204
Location of zeros, 14 15 24 30 70 97 101 102 116 125 126 139 140 202 211 213 242 254 258 274 311 313 322 342 343 403 405—407 409 429 432 434 435 445
Location of zeros, Davenport — Heilbronn zeta function 144
Location of zeros, L-functions 100
Location of zeros, partial sum 71 339
Location of zeros, Z(t) 152
Locus 335
Lois asymptotiques relatives aux nombre premiers 274
Lower bound, 241 261 265 270 308 309
Lower bound, 146
Lower bound, 146
| Lower bound, 133
Lower bound, 515
Lower bound, 243
Lower bound, 51
Lower bound, 98 99 321
Lower bound, 99
Lower bound, 399 401
Lower bound, 257
Lower bound, 178
Lower bound, 99 380
Lower bound, cardinality of 517 521
Lower bound, class number 134
Lower bound, Davenport — Heilbronn zeta function 144
Lower bound, Dirichlet polynomial 127
Lower bound, F(X, T) 497
Lower bound, h(d) 133 134
Lower bound, imaginary parts 308 449
Lower bound, L(n) 355
Lower bound, LCM(m) 514
Lower bound, product of prime numbers 521
Lower bound, S(t) 116
Lower bound, supremum, 70
Lower bound, Z(t) 151
Lower bound, zeros, 144 450
Lucas 319
Maass L-function 102
Maass waveform 101 106
Maass — Selberg formula 116
Maclaurin 29
MacLaurin summation formula 101
Mansion 238 239 309
Matrix, adjacency 53
Matrix, eigenvalue 40 105 115
Matrix, hermitian 130 131 437 442 443
Matrix, orthogonal 105 132
Matrix, random 40 42 109
Matrix, Redheffer 52
Matrix, Redheffer, determinant 52
Matrix, symmetric 437 442
Matrix, symplectic 105 132 437 442
Matrix, unitary 67 105 129 437 442
Matrix, unitary symplectic 132
Maximum, 40 102
Maximum, 150
Maximum, Z(t) 142—144
Mean 351
Mean square, 164
Mean square, S(t) 117
Mean square, S(t), asymptotic behavior 117
Mean value formula 142 145
Mean value formula, critical line 145
Mean value theorem 17 154
Mean value theorem, Wirsing 477
Mean value, 152 163
Mean value, 66
Mean value, 149
Mean value, , asymptotic behavior 149
Mean value, Z(t) 152
Mean, 347 349
Mean, 148
Mean, 148
Mean, 352
Mean, 347 349
Mean, analytical 381
Mean, arithmetical 351
Mean, Cesaro 314 347 349
Mean, Jensen 352 375
Mean, Riesz 347 349
Measure 52 54
Measure, discrete 54
Measure, ergodic 52
Mehta 42
mellin 313
Mellin inversion formula 25
Mellin transform 104 462 463
Meromorphic function 19 59 147
Mertens 37 69 141 298 299 433 464 477 479
Mertens’ conjecture 69 125 141 433 435
Mertens’ conjecture, conditional disproof 433
Mertens’ conjecture, disproof 69 125
Mertens’ conjecture, disproof, Odlyzko — te Riele 69
Mertens’ conjecture, Riemann hypothesis 69
Mertens’ formula 479
Mertens’ function 47 48 69 433 475 M(x)”)
Mertens’ function, order 69 70
Mertens’ function, Riemann hypothesis 47
Mertens’ theory 477
Meyer 233
Meyer series 233
Millennium Prize 4 72 95 111 117
Miller 63 114 432 512
Miller’s primality testing algorithm 100 114 512
Miller’s primality testing algorithm, running time 114
Minimum, 40 102
Minimum, 150
Minimum, Z(t) 142—144
Mobius function 47 69 125 133 134 140 298 381 433 453 469 471 475 477 \mu(n)”)
Modular form 111 130
Modular function 100
Modular group 112 147
Module 336
Module, correspondence 336
Modulus 64
moment 134 135
Moment, 115
Moment, , asymptotics 115
Moment, 115
Moment, , asymptotics 115
Moment, 66 131
Moment, 126 139 145 148 149
Moment, Brownian bridge 127
Moment, characteristic polynomial 131 132
Moment, family of L-functions 132
Moment, zeta function 137
Monodromy group 115
Montgomery 40—42 71 102 105 130 131 134 150 339 437 439 478 485 487 488 498 502
Montgomery — Odlyzko law 42 115
Montgomery’s conjecture see “Conjectures”
Montgomery’s large sieve 478
Montgomery’s pair correlation, conjecture 41 43
Montgomery’s pair correlation, conjecture, Riemann hypothesis 41
Motohashi 133 146—149
Motohashi’s fundamental explicit formula 147
Moyenne de Cesaro 314
Mueller 488 489 498
Multiple pole, 147
Multiple zero, , odd 38
Multiple zero, L-function 134 135
Multiple zero, L-function, elliptic curve 135
Multiple zero, L-function, triple 134
Multiplicity see “Order”
Multiplicity, 155
Multiplicity, pole, 221
Multiplicity, pole, 147
Multiplicity, pole, 218
Multiplicity, pole, 11 15 97 101 123 139 213 322 342
Multiplicity, pole, 103
Multiplicity, pole, Z(t, C) 103
Multiplicity, zero, 152
Multiplicity, zero, 101
Multiplicity, zero, 38
Multiplicity, zero, 39 102 128 134 141 142 431 440—442 449
Multiplicity, zero, elliptic curve L-function 135
Multiplicity, zero, L-function 134
Multiplicity, zero, Z(t) 141 151 152
Newman 51 61 127 453 455 459 461—463
Non-Euclidean Laplacian 147
Non-Euclidean Laplacian, discrete spectrum 147
Nonsingular model 336
Nontrivial zero 5 15 102 241
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