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Grillet P.A. — Abstract Algebra
Grillet P.A. — Abstract Algebra

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Название: Abstract Algebra

Автор: Grillet P.A.


About the first edition:
"The text is geared to the needs of the beginning graduate student, covering with complete, well-written proofs the usual major branches of groups, rings, fields, and modules...[n]one of the material one expects in a book like this is missing, and the level of detail is appropriate for its intended audience." (Alberto Delgado, MathSciNet)
"This text promotes the conceptual understanding of algebra as a whole, and that with great methodological mastery. Although the presentation is predominantly abstract...it nevertheless features a careful selection of important examples, together with a remarkably detailed and strategically skillful elaboration of the more sophisticated, abstract theories." (Werner Kleinert, Zentralblatt)
For the new edition, the author has completely rewritten the text, reorganized many of the sections, and even cut or shortened material which is no longer essential. He has added a chapter on Ext and Tor, as well as a bit of topology.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 669

Добавлена в каталог: 01.06.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Schur, I.      102 360 380
Schur’s lemma      360
Schur’s Theorem      102 493
Section, lower      632. See also order ideal
Semigroup      3 1—7
Semigroup, cancellative      577
Semigroup, commutative      3 577—579
Semigroup, determined by ideal      577
Semigroup, elementary      579 580
Semigroup, free      6
Semigroup, free commutative      7 577
Semigroup, nil      See nilsemigroup
Semigroup, subelementary      579 580
Semilattice      539—541 542
Semilattice, lower      539
Semilattice, upper      540
Separate the elements      575
Sequence, addible      131 268
Sequence, Cauchy      233 243—245 247—248 268 462
Sequence, connected      478 484 485
Sequence, empty      6
Sequence, exact      393 393—397 465 604
Sequence, exact cohomology      468 504
Sequence, exact homology      465
Sequence, Hom-Ext      491
Sequence, Ker — Coker      467 471
Sequence, left exact      394 419 420
Sequence, Mayer — Vietoris      470
Sequence, null      393
Sequence, right exact      394 420
Sequence, short exact      394
Sequence, split exact      395 604
Sequence, summable      130
Sequence, Tor      494
Sequence, transfinite      635
Series      See also Laurent series. See also power series
Series of submodules      348
Series subnormal      71
Series, central      89 639
Series, commutator      84
Series, composition      73 74
Series, normal      See normal series
Set      See also algebraic set. See also ordered set. See also preordered set
Set, countable      641 642
Set, finite      641
Set, infinite      641
Set, quasiordered      See preordered set
Set, quotient      561
Set, transitive      631
Set, underlying      3 8
Set, zero      307
Sets      583
Sign of permutation      60
simplex      463
Simplex, singular      463
Simplex, standard      463
Skeleton      590
Skolem — Noether theorem      536
SL      77
Solution set condition      610
Space, affine      307
Space, projective      79 307
Space, Stone      555 556 557
Spectrum      301
Spencer, M.      viii
Stabilizer      55
Steinitz, E.      155
Stickelberger, L.      45
Stone space      556 557 558
Stone, M.      539 555 556
Stone’s theorem      555; 556
Structure, cycle      61
Structure, module      315 316
Subalgebra      516 560
Subalgebra, generated by a subset      519 564
Subalgebra, graded      517
Subdirect product      574 574—580
Subfield      155 156 157
Subfield, generated by subset      158
Subgroup      12 12—18
Subgroup of $\mathbb{Z}$      14
Subgroup of quotient group      21
Subgroup, characteristic      58
Subgroup, commutator      83
Subgroup, cyclic      14
Subgroup, Frattini      17
Subgroup, fully invariant      88 91
Subgroup, generated by subset      13
Subgroup, Hall      86 86—88
Subgroup, maximal      17 92
Subgroup, normal      19
Subgroup, subnormal      71
Subgroup, Sylow      65 65—67 85 91
Sublattice      542
Sublattice, Boolean      555
Submodule      278 318
Submodule of free module      336 337 411
Submodule of quotient module      322
Submodule, anticommutative      524
Submodule, cyclic      318
Submodule, essential      329 408
Submodule, finitely generated      278 318
Submodule, generated by monomials      351
Submodule, generated by subset      278 318
Submodule, graded      517
Submodule, large      408
Submodule, membership problem      351
Submodule, pure      448
Submodule, syzygy      354
Subring      109 110
Subring of field      155
Subring of quotient ring      114
Subring of ring extension      278
Subring, generated by subset      112 158
Subsemigroup      578
Subset, algebraically dependent      182
Subset, algebraically independent      182
Subset, cofinal      429
Subset, cofinite      557
Subset, dense      372
Subset, linearly independent      330
Subset, multiplicative      281
Subset, proper multiplicative      281
Substitution in polynomials      122 125
Substitution in power series      132
Subtraction      106
Successor      633 634
SUM      See also direct sum
Sum of cardinal numbers      642 644
Sum of elements      4
Sum of ideals      111
Sum of ordinal numbers      635
Sum of power series      131
Sum of submodules      319
Sum of subsets      4
Sum, direct      328
Sum, infinite      107
Summand of free module      402
Summand, direct      328 402 404 451
Support of permutation      60
Supremum      See least upper bound
Surgery      160
Sylow theorems      64—67
Sylow, L.      64 65
System, direct      423
System, inverse      430
Syzygy      354 471 507—508
T, a group      36 69
table      4
Table, Light’s      5
Tensor product      435 434—448
Tensor product of algebras      527 527—530 594
Tensor product of bimodules      438 438—441 444
Tensor product of elements      434 436
Tensor product of exact sequences      445 446
Tensor product of fields      530—534
Tensor product of free modules      439
Tensor product of graded algebras      530
Tensor product of modules      435 444 449—451
Tensor product of vector spaces      434
Term      148
Term, leading      149 351
terminate      624 626 145 292 296 346 347
Thompson, J.G.      83
Topology on power series ring      132
Topology, algebraic      8 18 20 37 41 43 83 463 464 465 470 497 500
Topology, compact-open      372
Topology, finite      201 203
Topology, Krull      202 201—204 272 462
Topology, profinite      27
Topology, Stone      555
Topology, Zariski      309 310
TOPS      617
Tor      493 493—496
Torsion      339
Tower of field extensions      158
Tower, property      160 164 170 172 175 183 189 195 217 281
Trace of element      215 215—219
Trace of linear transformation      215
Transcendence base      183
Transcendence base, separating      187
Transformation      2
Transformation, chain      464
Transformation, diagonalizable      345
Transformation, linear      320 342—346
Transformation, natural      417 587
Transformation, nilpotent      346
Transformation, projective      79
Transformation, rational      312
Transporter      273 274
Transposition      58
Trihomomorphism      444
Triple      613 613—620
Trisection of angle      226
Type of universal algebra      560
Union of congruences      562
Union of ideals      111
Union of subalgebras      560
Union of subgroups      15
Union of submodules      318
Union of subrings      112
Union, directed      568
Unique factorization domain      141 141—145 283 304
Unit of polynomial ring      121 127
Unit of power series ring      131
Unit of ring      109
Universal algebra      560 559—580
Universal algebra of type T      560
Universal algebra, free      569 573 622
Universal algebra, quotient      561
Universal algebra, subdirectly irreducible      575
Universal algebra, word      565 564—567
Universal coefficient theorem      497 499
Universal property      610 612
Universal property of $R^1$      108
Universal property of $\mathbb{R}$      233
Universal property of $\mathbb{Z}$ (as a ring)      114
Universal property of category of T -algebras      616
Universal property of coequalizer      594
Universal property of cokernel      393 394 601
Universal property of colimit      594
Universal property of completion      244 459
Universal property of coproduct      594
Universal property of derived group      84
Universal property of direct limit      425
Universal property of direct product      47 325
Universal property of direct sum      326
Universal property of exterior algebra      524
Universal property of exterior power      525
Universal property of field of fractions      117
Universal property of free category      591
Universal property of free group      30
Universal property of free module      331
Universal property of free product      40
Universal property of free product with amalgamation      42
Universal property of free universal algebra      569
Universal property of group algebra      382
Universal property of initial object      609
Universal property of inverse limit      431
Universal property of kernel      393 394 601
Universal property of left derived functor      481
Universal property of left exact sequence      394
Universal property of limit      592
Universal property of localization      285
Universal property of polynomial rings      123 128
Universal property of power series rings      269
Universal property of presentation      33
Universal property of product      592
Universal property of pullback      397 593
Universal property of pushout      399 595
Universal property of quotient algebra      517 562
Universal property of quotient group      23
Universal property of quotient module      322
Universal property of quotient ring      114
Universal property of right derived functor      484 485
Universal property of right exact sequence      394
Universal property of ring of fractions      285
Universal property of simple field extension      163
Universal property of symmetric algebra      521
Universal property of symmetric power      522
Universal property of tensor algebra      520
Universal property of tensor product      434 436 529
Universal property of terminal object      609
Universal property of word algebra      565
Universe      581
Uzkov, A.I.      285
Valuation      251 251—261
Valuation ring      252 253 254 256 288
Valuation ring of field      253
Valuation ring, discrete      254 255
Valuation, discrete      254
Valuation, domain      See valuation ring
Valuation, induced by valuation ring      253
Valuation, real      239
Value, absolute      See absolute value
Van der Waerden, B.      155
Variety of type T      567 567—573 575 621—624
Variety, algebraic      300 309
Variety, generated by a class      571
Vector space      315 334 334—336
Vector space, normed      247
Vertex      583
Wedderburn, J.      209 359
Wedderburn’s theorem      209 534
Weil, A.      309
Well defined      23
Whitehead, A.      559
Word      6 27 38
Word, reduced      27 38 41
Yoneda’s Lemma      590
Zariski, O.      309
Zassenhaus, H.      72 102
Zassenhaus’s lemma      72
Zen Buddhism      2
Zermelo, E.      628 629
Zero element of ring      106
Zero element of semigroup      577
Zorn, M.      628
Zorn’s Lemma      628 111 636
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