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Grillet P.A. — Abstract Algebra
Grillet P.A. — Abstract Algebra

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Название: Abstract Algebra

Автор: Grillet P.A.


About the first edition:
"The text is geared to the needs of the beginning graduate student, covering with complete, well-written proofs the usual major branches of groups, rings, fields, and modules...[n]one of the material one expects in a book like this is missing, and the level of detail is appropriate for its intended audience." (Alberto Delgado, MathSciNet)
"This text promotes the conceptual understanding of algebra as a whole, and that with great methodological mastery. Although the presentation is predominantly abstract...it nevertheless features a careful selection of important examples, together with a remarkably detailed and strategically skillful elaboration of the more sophisticated, abstract theories." (Werner Kleinert, Zentralblatt)
For the new edition, the author has completely rewritten the text, reorganized many of the sections, and even cut or shortened material which is no longer essential. He has added a chapter on Ext and Tor, as well as a bit of topology.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 669

Добавлена в каталог: 01.06.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Modules      See also module
Modules, injectively equivalent      510
Modules, isomorphic      320
Modules, projectively equivalent      507
Monad      See triple
Monoid      3 614
Monoid of endomorphisms      20
Monoid, commutative      3
Monoid, free      6 120
Monoid, free commutative      7 126
Monomial      6 125
Monomial, leading      149 351
Monomorphism      19 107 584
Monomorphism of modules      320 393
Monomorphism, essential      409
Monomorphism, split      395 404
Moore, E.      543
Moore, J.C.      613
Morphism      582. See also homomorphism
Morphism of algebraic varieties      312
Morphism of diagrams      591
Morphism of T -algebras      614
Morphism, codiagonal      601
Morphism, diagonal      601
Morphism, identity      582
Morphism, natural      587
Morphism, zero      600
Multihomomorphism      443
Multilinear mapping      443
Multilinear mapping, alternating      524 525
Multilinear mapping, symmetric      522
Multiple, integer      4 11 106 114—115
Multiple, least common      135 136 142
Multiplication      2
Multiplicity of root      122 125
Nagata, M.      376
Nakayama, I.      376
Nakayama’s Lemma      302 303 376
Nielsen, J.      27
Nilradical      274
Nilsemigroup      577
Nine lemma      395 397 470
Node      583
Noether — Lasker theorem      276
Noether, E.      vii 105 146 273 295 529 535 534
Noether’s theorem      535
Norm of element      215 215—219
Norm on vector space      247
Normal series      70 72
Normal series, ascending central      90 639
Normal series, central      89
Normal series, descending central      89
Normal series, equivalent      71 348
Normalization      283
normalizer      65 67
Notation, additive      2 4 11 13
Notation, multiplicative      2
Nullstellensatz      308
Number of elements      639 641
Number, algebraic      236
Number, cardinal      See cardinal number
Number, ordinal      See ordinal number
Number, p-adic      245 246
Object      582
Object, initial      609 612
Object, terminal      609 612
Object, zero      600
Operation, associative      3
Operation, binary      1 559
Operation, commutative      3
Operation, componentwise      43
Operation, constant      2 559
Operation, idempotent      540
Operation, n -ary      2 559
Operation, order preserving      540
Operation, partial      2 559
Operation, unary      2 559
Opposite of element      8
Opposite of sum      11
Orbit      55
ord      632
Order of center      57
Order of conjugacy class      56
Order of element of a group      24
Order of group      16
Order of orbit      55
Order of permutation      62
Order of polynomial      239
Order of power series      130
Order of quotient group      21
Order of subgroup      16 17
Order relation      625 631
Order relation, opposite      626
Order relation, partial      625
Order relation, total      625
Order, degree lexicographic      148
Order, degree reverse lexicographic      148
Order, lexicographic      148
Order, monomial      148 351
Order, term      148
Ordered set      See also partially ordered set. See also preordered set
Ordered set, totally      625 423
Ordered set, well      629 633
Ordinal number      631 631—639
Ordinal number, limit      634
Ordinal number, successor      633 634
Origin      583
Orthogonality of characters      388 389
Ostrowski, A.      241 247
Ostrowski’s theorem      249
Partially ordered set      625 423.
Partially ordered set, dual      540
Partially ordered set, Noetherian      626
Partially ordered set, opposite      627 540
Partition      16 45 55 62
Path      583
Path, empty      583
Peirce, B.      104 515
Permutation      9 58—63
Permutation, conjugate      62
Permutation, disjoint      60
Permutation, even      59
Permutation, fixed point of      60
Permutation, odd      59
Permutation, sign of      60
Permutation, support of      60
Place      255
Polygon, regular      9 226
Polynomial      120 126 119—130.
Polynomial equation      vii 1 191
Polynomial equation of degree 2      vii 1 191 205
Polynomial equation of degree 3      191 205—207
Polynomial equation of degree 4      191 207—208
Polynomial equation of degree 5      191
Polynomial equation, general      223 223—225
Polynomial in one variable      120 119—125
Polynomial in several variables      126 125—130
Polynomial of degree 2      205
Polynomial of degree 3      205—207 209 210
Polynomial of degree 4      208—209 210
Polynomial, characteristic      216 345
Polynomial, constant      120 126
Polynomial, cyclotomic      211 211—215
Polynomial, elementary symmetric      177 224
Polynomial, general      223
Polynomial, homogeneous      129
Polynomial, irreducible      136—138 143—145 233
Polynomial, minimal      343 345
Polynomial, monic      121
Polynomial, primitive      142 258
Polynomial, separable      169
Polynomial, splitting      191
Polynomial, symmetric      224
pos      616
Power      3 10 642
Power series      130 130—133 245 254 267—269
Power, exterior      525
Power, symbolic      298
Power, symmetric      523
Power, tensor      519
Preimage      See inverse image
Preordered set      423 428 583 585 612 616.
Preordered set, directed      423
Presentation      34 31—37
Presentation, projective      471
Preserve colimits      598 608
Preserve limits      597 608 621
Preston, G.B.      5
Primitive Element Theorem      171
Principal ideal domain      133 133—138 254 293 294 295 336—342 403 405 411 497
PRODUCT      2 592 595.
Product of cardinal numbers      642 643 644
Product of elements      2
Product of ideals      112 269
Product of left ideal and submodule      319 320
Product of left ideals      319
Product of morphisms      582 598
Product of ordinal numbers      635
Product of subsets      4
Product, balanced      435 443
Product, empty      2
Product, semidirect      93 92—94 102
Product, torsion      See Tor
Projection from direct product      44 325 568
Projection from group extension      95
Projection from product      592
Projection from semidirect product      93
Projection to quotient algebra      561
Projection to quotient group      20
Projection to quotient module      321
Projection to quotient ring      113
Projection to quotient set      561
PSL      79
Pullback      593 604
Pullback of modules      397 398 400 423 429 433 593
Pushout      595
Pushout of modules      399 398—401 423 429 448
Q, quaternion group      35 69
Quadrature of circle      229
Quotient of ideals      273
Quotient, group      20
Quotient, module      321—322
Quotient, ring      113
Quotient, universal algebra      562
R((X ))      131
R(X )      124
R-Algs      584
RAD      274
Radical      375
Radical of ideal      274
Radical, Jacobson      375 374—377
Radical, nil      274
RANGE      19 113 321
Rank of module      334 335
Rational fraction      124 129 139—141
Rational fraction, symmetric      224
Recursion      637 638
Redei, L.      148 580
Redei’s theorem      148 580
Reduction      27 29 38 39
Refinement of normal series      71 348
Relation      See also order relation
Relation of type T      565
Relation, defining      33
Relation, equivalence      561
Relation, group      27 32
Remak, R.      48
Representation of group      380 382 380—392
Representation of group, complex      389 389—392
Representation of group, equivalent      380 382
Representation of group, irreducible      381 384
Representation of group, regular      380
Representation of group, trivial      380
Resolution      471—478
Resolution, bar      505 502—505
Resolution, flat      496
Resolution, free      471 504
Resolution, injective      476 476—478 491 508
Resolution, projective      471 471—476 491 494 507 508
Resultant      176 176—178
Ring      105 105—154 273—318 366—379.
Ring extension      277 277—284 515
Ring extension, finitely generated      278 288
Ring extension, integral      280 280—282 287 288
Ring of endomorphisms      316 332 360 364 370—374
Ring of fractions      285 285—290
Ring of matrices      106 332 360—362 364 370 371 377 515
Ring of polynomials      119—130 147 142—144 276 305—306 308 309 510—514 515 517 522 577
Ring with identity      105
Ring with unity      104
Ring, affine      311
Ring, associative      106
Ring, blown-up      457
Ring, boolean      554
Ring, change of      440 441 461
Ring, commutative      106 115—119 269—314 318
Ring, complete      267 267—272
Ring, coordinate      310 310—314
Ring, division      116 209 334 336 360 384 538
Ring, euclidean      138
Ring, free commutative      129
Ring, group      120 382;
Ring, isomorphic      107
Ring, Jacobson semisimple      378 377—379
Ring, left Artinian      348 349 377—379
Ring, left hereditary      411 411—414 497 499 510
Ring, left Noetherian      347 349 407 429
Ring, left primitive      372 372—374 377
Ring, local      287 403
Ring, Noetherian      146 146—148 287 296
Ring, nonassociative      106
Ring, opposite      317 332 361 442
Ring, reduced      532
Ring, regular      109 370 379
Ring, right Artinian      348
Ring, right Noetherian      347
Ring, right primitive      372
Ring, semigroup      120 124
Ring, semiprimitive      378
Ring, semisimple      359 366 366—370 377 383 402 404 510
Ring, simple      360
Ring, valuation      See valuation ring
Ring, von Neumann regular      109 370 379
Rings      584
Root      122. See also root of unity
Root of unity      157
Root of unity, primitive      157 211
Root, multiple      122
Root, simple      122 123
Russell’s paradox      631
R[X ]      120
R[[X ]]      130
Schanuel’s Lemma      507
Schering, E.      45
Schmidt, O.      48
Schreier, O.      41 71 97 217 231 236
Schreier’s theorem      71 348;
Schreyer, F.      355
Schreyer’s theorem      355
Schur — Zassenhaus theorem      102
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