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Beezer R.A. — A First Course in Linear Algebra |
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REM (definition) 29
REMEF (theorem) 31
REMES (theorem) 29
REMRS (theorem) 247
RES (example) 164
RGEN (theorem) 644
RLD (definition) 315
RLDCV (definition) 137
RLT (definition) 501
RLT (notation) 501
RLT (subsection, section IS) 638
RLT (subsection, section SLT) 500
RLTS (theorem) 502
RMRT (theorem) 363
RNLT (subsection, section IVLT) 521
RNM (example) 351
RNM (subsection, section D) 350
RNNM (subsection, section D) 352
RNNM (theorem) 352
RNSM (example) 352
RO (definition) 28
RO (notation) 29
RO (subsection, section RREF) 28
ROD (section) 817
ROD (theorem) 818
ROD2 (example) 819
ROD4 (example) 820
ROLT (definition) 521
ROLT (notation) 521
ROM (definition) 351
ROM (notation) 351
ROSLT (theorem) 522
Row operations, definition RO 28
Row operations, elementary matrices 376
Row operations, notation 29
Row reduce, mathematica 671
Row reduce, ti83 677
Row reduce, ti86 676
Row space, Archetype I, example RSAI 246
Row space, as column space 250
Row space, basis, example RSB 334
Row space, basis, theorem BRS 248
Row space, matrix 246
Row space, notation 246
Row space, row-equivalent matrices, theorem REMRS 247
Row space, subspace, theorem RSMS 309
Row-equivalent matrices, definition REM 29
Row-equivalent matrices, example TREM 29
Row-equivalent matrices, row space 247
Row-equivalent matrices, row spaces, example RSREM 248
Row-equivalent matrices, theorem REMES 29
Row-reduce, the verb, definition RR 39
Row-reduced matrices, theorem REMEF 31
RPI (theorem) 506
RPNC (theorem) 352
RPNDD (theorem) 522
RR (definition) 39
RR.MMA (computation, section MM A) 671
RR.TI83 (computation, section TI83) 677
RR.TI86 (computation, section TI86) 676
RREF (definition) 30
RREF (example) 31
RREF (section) 25
RREF (subsection, section RREF) 30
RREFA (notation) 31
RREFN (example) 51
RREFU (theorem) 33
RRTI (example) 363
RS (example) 335
RSAI (example) 246
RSB (example) 334
RSC5 (example) 158
RSLT (theorem) 503
RSM (definition) 246
RSM (notation) 246
RSM (subsection, section CRS) 245
RSMS (theorem) 309
RSNS (example) 303
RSREM (example) 248
RSSC4 (example) 163
RT (subsection, section PD) 362
RVMR (example) 560
S (archetype) 767
S (definition) 299
S (example) 73
S (section) 299
SAA (example) 37
SAB (example) 36
SAB MI (example) 215
SAE (example) 38
SAN (example) 504
SAR (example) 498
SAS (section) 849
SAV (example) 499
SC (definition) 685
SC (example) 686
SC (notation) 685
SC (Property) 285
SC (subsection, section S) 309
SC (subsection, section SET) 684
SC3 (example) 299
SCAA (example) 119
SCAB (example) 121
SCAD (example) 125
Scalar closure, column vectors, Property SCC 90
Scalar closure, matrices, Property SCM 189
Scalar closure, vectors, Property SC 285
Scalar multiple, matrix inverse 223
Scalar multiplication associativity, column vectors, Property SMAC 90
Scalar multiplication associativity, matrices, Property SMAM 189
Scalar multiplication associativity, vectors, Property SMA 286
Scalar multiplication, zero scalar, theorem ZSSM 292
Scalar multiplication, zero vector result, theorem SMEZV 293
Scalar multiplication, zero vector, theorem ZVSM 292
SCB (theorem) 586
SCC (Property) 90
SCM (Property) 189
SD (section) 437
SDS (example) 365
SE (definition) 684
SE (notation) 684
Secret sharing, 6 ways, example SS6W 850
SEE (example) 401
SEEF (example) 265
SER (theorem) 438
SET (definition) 683
SET (section) 683
Set, cardinality, definition C 684
Set, cardinality, example CS 684
Set, cardinality, notation 684
Set, complement, definition SC 685
Set, complement, example SC 686
Set, complement, notation 685
Set, definition SET 683
Set, empty, definition ES 683
Set, equality, definition SE 684
Set, equality, notation 684
Set, intersection, definition SI 685
Set, intersection, example SI 685
Set, intersection, notation 685
Set, membership, example SETM 683
Set, membership, notation 683
Set, size 684
Set, subset 683
Set, union, definition SU 685
Set, union, example SU 685
Set, union, notation 685
SETM (example) 683
SETM (notation) 683
Shoes 222
| SHS (subsection, section HSE) 63
SI (definition) 685
SI (example) 685
SI (notation) 685
SI (subsection, section IVLT) 519
SIM (definition) 437
Similar matrices, equal eigenvalues, example EENS 439
Similar matrices, eual eigenvalues, theorem SMEE 439
Similar matrices, example SMS3 438
Similar matrices, example SMS5 437
Similarity, definition SIM 437
Similarity, equivalence relation, theorem SER 438
Singular matrix, Archetype A, example S 73
Singular matrix, null space, example NSS 75
Singular matrix, row-reduced, example SRR 74
Singular value decomposition, theorem SVD 835
Singular values, definition SV 834
SLE (acronyms, section NM) 85
SLE (chapter) 3
SLE (definition) 11
SLE (subsection, section SSLE) 11
SLELT (subsection, section IVLT) 524
SLEMM (theorem) 200
SLSLC (theorem) 98
SLT (definition) 497
SLT (section) 497
SLTB (theorem) 506
SLTD (subsection, section SLT) 507
SLTD (theorem) 507
SLTLT (theorem) 471
SM (definition) 379
SM (notation) 379
SM (subsection, section SD) 437
SM2Z7 (example) 791
SM32 (example) 307
SMA (Property) 286
SMAC (Property) 90
SMAM (Property) 189
SMEE (theorem) 439
SMEZV (theorem) 293
SMLT (example) 473
SMS (theorem) 191
SMS3 (example) 438
SMS5 (example) 437
SMZD (theorem) 393
SMZE (theorem) 424
SNCM (theorem) 232
SO (subsection, section SET) 685
SOL (subsection, section B) 343
SOL (subsection, section CB) 599
SOL (subsection, section CRS) 256
SOL (subsection, section D) 356
SOL (subsection, section DM) 386
SOL (subsection, section EE) 419
SOL (subsection, section F) 796
SOL (subsection, section FS) 278
SOL (subsection, section HSE) 70
SOL (subsection, section ILT) 494
SOL (subsection, section IVLT) 529
SOL (subsection, section LC) 115
SOL (subsection, section LDS) 168
SOL (subsection, section LI) 151
SOL (subsection, section LISS) 327
SOL (subsection, section LT) 478
SOL (subsection, section MINM) 237
SOL (subsection, section MISLE) 227
SOL (subsection, section MM) 213
SOL (subsection, section MO) 198
SOL (subsection, section MR) 569
SOL (subsection, section NM) 80
SOL (subsection, section O) 184
SOL (subsection, section PD) 371
SOL (subsection, section PDM) 397
SOL (subsection, section PEE) 434
SOL (subsection, section RREF) 45
SOL (subsection, section S) 312
SOL (subsection, section SD) 451
SOL (subsection, section SLT) 511
SOL (subsection, section SS) 130
SOL (subsection, section SSLE) 21
SOL (subsection, section T) 802
SOL (subsection, section TSS) 61
SOL (subsection, section VO) 93
SOL (subsection, section VR) 546
SOL (subsection, section VS) 297
SOL (subsection, section WILA) 9
Solution set, Archetype A, example SAA 37
Solution set, archetype E, example SAE 38
Solution set, theorem PSPHS 109
Solution sets, possibilities, theorem PSSLS 56
Solution vector, definition SOLV 27
SOLV (definition) 27
Solving homogeneous system, Archetype A, example HISAA 64
Solving homogeneous system, Archetype B, example HUSAB 63
Solving homogeneous system, Archetype D, example HIS AD 64
Solving nonlinear equations, example STNE 11
SP4 (example) 301
Span of columns, Archetype A, example SCAA 119
Span of columns, Archetype B, example SCAB 121
Span of columns, Archetype D, example SCAD 125
Span, basic, example ABS 117
Span, basis, theorem BS 162
Span, definition SS 305
Span, definition SSCV 117
Span, improved, example IAS 249
Span, notation 117
Span, reducing, example RSSC4 163
Span, reduction, example RS 335
Span, removing vectors, example COV 159
Span, reworking elements, example RES 164
Span, set of polynomials, example SSP 306
Span, subspace, theorem SSS 305
Spanning set, crazy vector space, example SSC 322
Spanning set, definition TSVS 319
Spanning set, matrices, example SSM22 321
Spanning set, more vectors, theorem SSLD 345
Spanning set, polynomials, example SSP4 320
SPIAS (example) 470
SQM (definition) 73
Square root, eigenvalues, eigenspaces, theorem EESR 838
Square root, matrix, definition SRM 840
Square root, matrix, notation 840
Square root, positive semi-definite matrix, theorem PSMSR 837
Square root, unique, theorem USR 839
SR (section) 837
SRM (definition) 840
SRM (notation) 840
SRM (subsection, section SR) 837
SRR (example) 74
SS (definition) 305
SS (example) 379
SS (section) 117
SS (subsection, section LISS) 319
SS (theorem) 222
SS6W (example) 850
SSC (example) 322
SSCV (definition) 117
SSET (definition) 683
SSET (example) 683
SSET (notation) 683
SSLD (theorem) 345
SSLE (section) 11
SSM22 (example) 321
SSNS (example) 123
SSNS (subsection, section SS) 122
SSNS (theorem) 122
SSP (example) 306
SSP4 (example) 320
SSRLT (theorem) 505
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