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Beezer R.A. — A First Course in Linear Algebra |
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MA (example) 188
MA (notation) 188
MACN (Property) 680
MAF (Property) 789
MAP (subsection, section SVD) 831
Mathematica, gram-schmidt (computation) 674
Mathematica, linear solve (computation) 671
Mathematica, matrix entry (computation) 671
Mathematica, matrix inverse (computation) 675
Mathematica, matrix multiplication (computation) 675
Mathematica, null space (computation) 672
Mathematica, row reduce (computation) 671
Mathematica, transpose of a matrix (computation) 674
Mathematica, vector form of solutions (computation) 673
Mathematica, vector linear combinations (computation) 672
Mathematical language, technique L 688
Matrix addition, example MA 188
Matrix components, notation 25
Matrix entry, mathematica 671
Matrix entry, ti83 676
Matrix entry, ti86 675
Matrix inverse, Archetype B 221
Matrix inverse, computation, theorem CINM 220
Matrix inverse, mathematica 675
Matrix inverse, nonsingular matrix, theorem NI 231
Matrix inverse, of a matrix inverse, theorem MIMI 223
Matrix inverse, one-sided, theorem OSIS 230
Matrix inverse, product, theorem SS 222
Matrix inverse, scalar multiple, theorem MISM 223
Matrix inverse, size 2 matrices, theorem TTMI 217
Matrix inverse, transpose, theorem MIT 223
Matrix inverse, uniqueness, theorem MIU 222
Matrix multiplication, adjoints, theorem MM AD 208
Matrix multiplication, associativity, theorem MMA 206
Matrix multiplication, complex conjugation, theorem MMCC 207
Matrix multiplication, definition MM 202
Matrix multiplication, distributivity, theorem MMDAA 205
Matrix multiplication, entry-by-entry, theorem EMP 203
Matrix multiplication, identity matrix, theorem MMIM 205
Matrix multiplication, inner product, theorem MMIP 207
Matrix multiplication, mathematica 675
Matrix multiplication, noncommutative, example MMNC 203
Matrix multiplication, scalar matrix multiplication, theorem MMSMM 206
Matrix multiplication, systems of linear equations, theorem SLEMM 200
Matrix multiplication, transposes, theorem MMT 208
Matrix multiplication, zero matrix, theorem MMZM 205
Matrix product, as composition of linear transformations, example MPMR 554
Matrix representation, basis of eigenvectors, example MRBE 586
Matrix representation, composition of linear transformations, theorem MRCLT 554
Matrix representation, definition MR 547
Matrix representation, invertible, theorem IMR 562
Matrix representation, multiple of a linear transformation, theorem MRMLT 553
Matrix representation, notation 547
Matrix representation, restriction to generalized eigenspace, theorem MRRGE 646
Matrix representation, sum of linear transformations, theorem MRSLT 553
Matrix representation, theorem FTMR 549
Matrix representation, upper triangular, theorem UTMR 604
Matrix representations, converting with change-of-basis, example MRCM 584
Matrix representations, converting with change-of-basis, example OLTTR 547
Matrix scalar multiplication, example MSM 188
Matrix vector space, dimension, theorem DM 349
Matrix, addition, definition MA 187
Matrix, addition, notation 188
Matrix, augmented, definition AM 28
Matrix, column space, definition CSM 239
Matrix, complex conjugate, example CCM 192
Matrix, definition M 25
Matrix, equality, definition ME 187
Matrix, equality, notation 187
Matrix, example AM 25
Matrix, identity, definition IM 74
Matrix, inverse, definition MI 216
Matrix, nonsingular, definition NM 73
Matrix, notation 25
Matrix, of a linear transformation, theorem MLTCV 464
Matrix, product with vector-definition MVP 199
Matrix, product, example PTM 202
Matrix, product, example PTMEE 204
Matrix, rectangular 73
Matrix, row space, definition RSM 246
Matrix, scalar multiplication, definition MSM 188
Matrix, scalar multiplication, notation 188
Matrix, singular 73
Matrix, square, definition SQM 73
Matrix, submatrices, example SS 379
Matrix, submatrix, definition SM 379
Matrix, symmetric, definition SYM 190
Matrix, transpose, definition TM 190
Matrix, unitary is invertible, theorem UMI 233
Matrix, unitary, definition UM 232
Matrix, zero, definition ZM 190
Matrix-adjoint product, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, theorem EEMAP 831
Matrix-vector product, example MTV 199
Matrix-vector product, notation 199
MBC (example) 200
MBLT (theorem) 463
MC (notation) 25
MCC (subsection, section MO) 192
MCCN (Property) 680
MCF (Property) 789
MCN (definition) 682
MCN (subsection, section CNO) 682
MCSM (example) 240
MCT (theorem) 193
MD (chapter) 817
ME (definition) 187
ME (notation) 187
ME (subsection, section PEE) 428
ME (technique, section PT) 692
ME (theorem) 429
ME.MMA (computation, section MMA) 671
ME.TI83 (computation, section TI83) 676
ME.TI86 (computation, section TI86) 675
MEASM (subsection, section MO) 187
MFLT (example) 464
MI (definition) 216
MI (example) 217
MI (notation) 216
MI.MMA (computation, section MMA) 675
MICN (Property) 681
MIF (Property) 790
MIMI (theorem) 223
MINM (section) 229
MISLE (section) 215
MISM (theorem) 223
MIT (theorem) 223
MIU (theorem) 222
MIVS (example) 541
MLT (subsection, section LT) 462
MLTCV (theorem) 464
MLTLT (theorem) 472
MM (definition) 202
MM (section) 199
MM (subsection, section MM) 202
MM.MMA (computation, section MMA) 675
MMA (section) 671
MMA (theorem) 206
MMAD (theorem) 208
MMCC (theorem) 207
MMDAA (theorem) 205
MMEE (subsection, section MM) 203
MMIM (theorem) 205
MMIP (theorem) 207
MMNC (example) 203
MMSMM (theorem) 206
MMT (theorem) 208
MMZM (theorem) 205
MNEM (theorem) 430
MNSLE (example) 200
MO (section) 187
| MOLT (example) 465
More variables than equations, example OSGMD 57
More variables than equations, theorem CMVEI 57
MPMR (example) 554
MR (definition) 547
MR (notation) 547
MR (section) 547
MRBE (example) 586
MRCB (theorem) 583
MRCLT (figure) 556
MRCLT (theorem) 554
MRCM (example) 584
MRMLT (theorem) 553
MRRGE (theorem) 646
MRS (subsection, section CB) 583
MRSLT (theorem) 553
MSCN (example) 682
MSM (definition) 188
MSM (example) 188
MSM (notation) 188
MTV (example) 199
Multiplicative associativity, complex numbers, Property MACN 680
Multiplicative closure, complex numbers, Property MCCN 680
Multiplicative closure, field, Property MCF 789
Multiplicative commuativity, complex numbers, Property CMCN 680
Multiplicative inverse, complex numbers, Property MICN 681
MVNSE (subsection, section RREF) 25
MVP (definition) 199
MVP (notation) 199
MVP (subsection, section MM) 199
MVSLD (theorem) 142
MWIAA (example) 216
N (archetype) 754
N (subsection, section O) 174
N (technique, section PT) 690
NDMS4 (example) 444
Negation of statements, technique N 690
NEM (theorem) 428
NI (theorem) 231
NIAO (example) 488
NIAQ (example) 481
NIAQR (example) 488
NIDAU (example) 490
Nilpotent, linear transformation, definition NLT 613
NILT (figure) 482
NJB (theorem) 617
NJB5 (example) 615
NKAO (example) 485
NLT (definition) 613
NLT (example) 459
NLT (section) 613
NLT (subsection, section NLT) 613
NLTFO (subsection, section LT) 471
NM (definition) 73
NM (example) 74
NM (section) 73
NM (subsection, section NM) 73
NM (subsection, section OD) 608
NM62 (example) 614
NM64 (example) 613
NM83 (example) 616
NME1 (theorem) 77
NME2 (theorem) 143
NME3 (theorem) 231
NME4 (theorem) 245
NME5 (theorem) 336
NME6 (theorem) 353
NME7 (theorem) 394
NME8 (theorem) 424
NME9 (theorem) 564
NMI (subsection, section MINM) 229
NMLIC (theorem) 142
NMPEM (theorem) 379
NMRRI (theorem) 74
NMTNS (theorem) 76
NMUS (theorem) 76
NOILT (theorem) 522
NOLT (definition) 521
NOLT (notation) 521
NOM (definition) 350
NOM (notation) 350
Nonsingular matrices, linearly independent columns, theorem NMLIC 142
Nonsingular matrix, Archetype B, example NM 74
Nonsingular matrix, column space 245
Nonsingular matrix, elemntary matrices, theorem NMPEM 379
Nonsingular matrix, equivalences, theorem NME1 77
Nonsingular matrix, equivalences, theorem NME2 143
Nonsingular matrix, equivalences, theorem NME3 231
Nonsingular matrix, equivalences, theorem NME4 245
Nonsingular matrix, equivalences, theorem NME5 336
Nonsingular matrix, equivalences, theorem NME6 353
Nonsingular matrix, equivalences, theorem NME7 394
Nonsingular matrix, equivalences, theorem NME8 424
Nonsingular matrix, equivalences, theorem NME9 564
Nonsingular matrix, matrix inverse 231
Nonsingular matrix, null space, example NSNM 75
Nonsingular matrix, nullity 352
Nonsingular matrix, product of nonsingular matrices, theorem NPNT 229
Nonsingular matrix, rank, theorem RNNM 352
Nonsingular matrix, row-reduced, example NSR 75
Nonsingular matrix, row-reduced, theorem NMRRI 74
Nonsingular matrix, trivial null space, theorem NMTNS 76
Nonsingular matrix, unique solutions, theorem NMUS 76
Nonsingular, columns as basis, theorem CNMB 336
Norm, example CNSV 175
Norm, inner product 175
Norm, notation 175
Normal matrix, definition NRML 608
Normal matrix, example ANM 608
Normal matrix, orthonormal basis 611
Notation for a linear system, example NSE 12
Notation, A 194
Notation, AM 28
Notation, C 684
Notation, CCCV 171
Notation, CCM 192
Notation, CCN 681
Notation, CNA 680
Notation, CNE 680
Notation, CNM 680
Notation, CSM 239
Notation, CV 26
Notation, CVA 88
Notation, CVC 26
Notation, CVE 88
Notation, CVSM 89
Notation, D 345
Notation, DM 380
Notation, DS 365
Notation, ELEM 376
Notation, ES 683
Notation, GES 635
Notation, HI 804
Notation, HID 803
Notation, HP 803
Notation, IE 644
Notation, IM 74
Notation, IP 172
Notation, JB 615
Notation, KLT 485
Notation, LNS 261
Notation, LSMR 27
Notation, LT 457
Notation, LTR 639
Notation, M 25
Notation, MA 188
Notation, MC 25
Notation, ME 187
Notation, MI 216
Notation, MR 547
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