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Weickert J. — Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields: Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Workshop |
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Template matching 378
Tensor see also matrix
Tensor cone 205 207 212
Tensor field 193 194 196 199 205 257 264 269 see
Tensor field line 226
Tensor field, metric 194 199 201 203 205
Tensor field, topology see topology tensor
Tensor field, two-dimensional 225
Tensor glow 205—207 212
Tensor index see index tensor
Tensor line 212 234
Tensor of rank two 193 194 199 202
Tensor of Riemannian curvature see Riemann curvature tensor
Tensor of second order 225 257 259 269
Tensor schlieren 205 208 209 212
Tensor splat 206 209 210 212
Tensor, antisymmetric 194
Tensor, antisymmetric part 259
Tensor, contraction of 11 200 220 221
Tensor, covariant 193
Tensor, deformation 251 253
Tensor, deviatoric see deviator
Tensor, difference 336
Tensor, diffusion see diffusion tensor
Tensor, gradient 271
Tensor, isotropic 194
Tensor, metric 11 202 204 211
Tensor, momentum flux 242
Tensor, positive definite 194 199 202 211 see positive
Tensor, positive semidefinite 12 194 see positive
Tensor, product 11 123
Tensor, scalar product 336
Tensor, stress 12 251 253
Tensor, stress-strain 264 269 271
Tensor, structure see structure tensor
Tensor, symmetric 12 194 202 211 220 241—257 259 269 see symmetric
Tensor, symmetric part 259 271
Texture 191 203—205 269 270
Texture, analysis 37
Texture, fabric 269 275
Texture, generation 269
Texture, parameters 277
Texture, segmentation 38
Tikhonov regularization 329
Time line 196
| Tissue microstructure 123
Top-hat 359
Topology, graph see graph topological
Topology, hyperstreamline 249
Topology, scaling 236
Topology, simplification 235 237
Topology, tensor field 225 230 242 257—259 270 273
Topology, tracking 237 239
Total variation flow 25
Total variation regularization 25 317
Tractography 98 395
Trajectory 195
Transfer function 125 128
Transformation function 273
Transparency 191 198 205 209
Trisector 229 232—234 237 257
Unit normal field 7
Unsharp masking 373
van Gogh keystroke see glyph van
Variance of eigenvalues see eigenvalue statistics
Variational energy 316 317 329 406
Variational energy, non-convex 350 351
Vector field 193—196 205 271
Vector field visualization 125 133
Vector field, time-dependent 195
View direction 203 209
View plane 203 204
Visualization of topology 233
Visualization, glyph-based 130 204—209
Visualization, texture-based 269
Visualization, topology-based 241—257
Visualization, vertex-based 202—209
Volume ratio see anisotropy index volume
Volume rendering 125 128 129
Voronoi tessellation 157
Vortex core line 243
Warping 157 330
Wedge bifurcation see bifurcation wedge
Wedge point 229 230 232—234 237
Weingarten map 8
White matter 123 127 129 219 220
White matter, development 140
White matter, injury and disorder 141
White matter, normal conditions 139
Wiener filter 373
Witelson partition 161
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