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Weickert J. — Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields: Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Workshop |
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-surface 7
-limit set 260
-limit set 260
(r, s)-tensor, components of 10
(r, s)-tensor, definition 10
Active contour 409—411
Adaptive step-size control 261 351
ADC see apparent diffusion coefficient
Analysis of variance test (ANOVA) 92
Anatomy of brain see brain anatomy
Anisotropy 125 127 219 220 271
Anisotropy index 112 125 126 128 289
Anisotropy index, Euclidean 289
Anisotropy index, fractional 89 98 111 114 126—128 181 219 290 328 345
Anisotropy index, geodesic 290
Anisotropy index, Kullback — Leibler 289
Anisotropy index, lattice index 115 126 127
Anisotropy index, normalized 290
Anisotropy index, rational 126 127
Anisotropy index, relative 181 219
Anisotropy index, Riemannian 289
Anisotropy index, spherical-harmonic 90
Anisotropy index, volume ratio 126 127
Anisotropy, fractional 394
Anisotropy, linear 126 127 129 219
Anisotropy, planar 124 126 127 129 219
Anisotropy, spherical 127
Annihilation see pairwise annihilation
Aperture problem 28 64
Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) 87 219 338
Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), profile 92 338
Apparent diffusion tensor 88
Artifact 235
Artifact, isotropy see isotropy artifact
Artifact, topological 255
Average angular error 34
B-spline 302—312 315
B-spline, non-uniform 306
B-spline, non-uniform rational 305 315
Backward integration 261 262
Barycentric coordinates see coordinate barycentric
Barycentric space 124 127
Basis for tensor shape change 220—223
Basis function 301
Basis function, separable 302
Basis, definition 3
Basis, dual 5
Basis, orthonormal 6
Basis, transform 4
Bayesian model 386
Beucher gradient 359
Bifurcation 231 237 238 253
Bifurcation, global 233
Bifurcation, local 232
Bifurcation, wedge 233 239
Bisection method 246
Bisector hyperplane 351
Black hole 202 211
Bloch — Torrey equation 178
Bootstrap 111
Boundary conditions, homogeneous Neumann 317 318
Boundary conditions, reflecting Neumann 353
Boundary tensor 66
Brain anatomy 127 129 219—220
Brain data 206—209
Brownian motion 123
Callosal morphology 161
Cardano circle see eigenvalue wheel
cell see grid cell
Cell membrane 123
Central limit theorem 110
Certainty measure 383
Change of variables 7
Characteristic greyvalue structure 50
Characteristic polynomial see polynomial characteristic
Chart 192 193 202
Cholesky decomposition 94 168
Christoffel symbol 200 201
Closing 359
Clustering of singularities 236
Clutter 137 205 206 209—211 237 265 270 279
Co-vector 193
Coherence measure 32 42
color coding 191 198 212 277
Commutator 200
Compression 269 271 276—278
Conjugate gradient method 246 248
Constraint function 242 244—248
Continuum mechanics 218
Contraction see tensor contraction
Control point 305
Convex combination 348
Convolution 302
Convolution filter length 269 277
Coordinate chart see chart
Coordinate function 200
Coordinate, barycentric 194 295
Coordinate, Cartesian 225
Coordinate, cylindrical 218
Coordinate, polar 228
Corner detection 39 74
Cornerness 337
Corona radiata 219
Corpus callosum 123 128 129 140 219 353 395 402
Covariant tensor see tensor covariant
Covering space 226 229
Covering space, branch 227
creation see pairwise creation
Critical feature 241—243
Critical point 227 242 259 260
Curvature of a fiber tract 309
Curvature, Gauss 8
Curvature, geodesic 10
Curvature, mean 8
Curvature, normal section 9
Curvature, principal 8
Curvature, radius 454
Curvature, radius of 310
Curve 192 193 199 201
Curve, closed 227
Curve, geodesic 10
Curve, normal section 9
Curve, orthogonal projection of 10
Curve, tangent 195
Data-adaptive structure tensor see structure tensor data-adaptive
Deconvolution methods 96
Deformation 270
Deformation surface 212
Degenerate line 247 253 255
Degenerate line, double 253
Degenerate point 194 225 227—232 236—238 243—245 247 251 259 262 270
Degenerate point, double 245 255
Degenerate point, linear 245 249
Degenerate point, nonlinear 229
Degenerate point, planar 245 249
Degenerate point, triple 245 253
Delta method 110 113
Denoising 345
Denoising, discontinuity-preserving 346 353
Denoising, spatial 115
Denoising, variational 116 166
Denoising, voxelwise 113
Density of lines 198
Density of spots 276
Derivative, covariant 200
Derivative, directional 200 201
Derivative, Lie see Lie derivative
Derivative, partial 200
Determinant 11
| Deviation vector 197 198 201 202
Deviator 220 228 234 250 336
Diagonalizable 6
Diffeomorphism 7
Differential 7
Differential equation 200
Differential equation, partial 315—324 399—412
Diffusion ellipsoid see ellipsoid
Diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) 95
Diffusion tensor 12 88 123 215 220 404
Diffusion tensor imaging 88 121 122 165 194 206—209 211 215 219 221 255 299 320 345 354 374 401
Diffusion tensor imaging, biomedical 83
Diffusion tensor imaging, reconstruction 88
Diffusion tensor imaging, visualization 125—139
Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance, imaging see diffusion tensor imaging
Diffusion tensor, 3D 123
Diffusion weighted imaging 85 109 206
Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance, imaging see diffusion weighted imaging
Diffusion weighting factor 87
Diffusion, anisotropic 26 322 403 407
Diffusion, directional 12
Diffusion, linear 320 322 402
Diffusion, matrix-valued 26 402—406
Diffusion, nonlinear 24 322 402 406
Diffusivity function 25 32 318 402
Dijkstra's algorithm 199
Dilation 359
Discriminant 242 244—248 252
Distribution, Gaussian 108 287
Distribution, probability 287
Divergence, Kullback — Leibler 287
Divergence, Kullback — Leibler, symmetrized 288
DT-MRI see diffusion tensor imaging
DTI see diffusion tensor imaging
DW-MRI see diffusion weighted imaging
DWI see diffusion weighted imaging
Dynamical system 229 258
Edge detection 220
Edge detector 74
Eigendecomposition 203 215 220 244 247 291 345
Eigenspace 6
Eigenvalue 6 124 194 204 215—220 230 242 243 259 261 271 348
Eigenvalue statistics 126 217 219—220 223
Eigenvalue, degenerated 194
Eigenvalue, gradient 220—222
Eigenvalue, sign 271
Eigenvalue, wheel 217 245
Eigenvector 6 124 193—198 203 204 225 243 261 271
Eigenvector, field 225—228 257—259 262 269 277
Eigenvector, flow 237
Eigenvector, principal 128 194 196—198 209
Eigenvector, radial 228
Einstein field equations 200 202
Einstein's convention 10
Elastic matching 330
Ellipsoid 124 128 202 203
Ellipsoid, metric 203—206 210 212
Ellipsoid, projection 203
Ellipsoid, rendering 203
Ellipsoid, shadow 204
Energy functional see variational energy
Equation, differential see differential equation
Erosion 359
Euclidean space 192 193
Euler method 134 259
Euler-Lagrange equation 171 200 317 330 406 407
expansion 269 271 276—278
Extremal line 199
Fast-LIC 275
Feature analysis 74
Feature line 251—253
Feature, critical see critical feature
Feature, unstable 243
Fiber orientation 128 172 219
Fiber orientation distribution (FOD) 97
Fiber tracking 156 168
Fiber tract 130 309
Fiber-tracking 98
Field line 195
Finite difference 330
Finite element method 330
Fixed Point Iteration 24
Flow 226
Flow field 242
Fluid dynamics, computational 208 211 258 354
Focal point 259
Focusing strategy 350 351
Force field 270
Form, bilinear 7
Form, first fundamental 7
Form, linear 5
Form, second fundamental 8
Fractional anisotropy see anisotropy index fractional
Frobenius inner product 286
Functional iteration see fixed point iteration
Gauss, curvature 8
Gauss, frame 7
Gauss, map 7
Gaussian bell 50
Gaussian noise 88
Gaussian smoothing 18
General relativity see relativity
Generalized anisotropy 183
Generator of a tensor field 301
Generator of B-splines 303
Geodesic 10 195 199—202 211 212
Geodesic bundle 201 202 212
Geodesic deviation 201
Geodesic, distance 137 286
Geodesic, interpolation 296
Geomechanics 270
Gibbs random field 116
Gibbs sampler 389
Global structure 207 208
Glyph 125 130 191 192 204—209 249
Glyph, Haber see Haber glyph
Glyph, Reynold see Reynold glyph
Glyph, shape icon 205
Glyph, superquadric 132 204 218 222
Glyph, van Gogh keystroke 205 212
Gradient descent 350 351
Graph, topological 233 234 237
Graphical primitive 125 203 205
Gravitational lens 202
Gray matter 219 220
Grid of wavenumbers 95 96
Grid, cell 234 247 248 255 258 261 278
Grid, curvilinear 253
Grid, cycle 258 261 262
Grid, face 248 251 261 262
Grid, hexahedral 247 255 278
Grid, regular 315
Grid, tetrahedral 259 262
Haber glyph 205 208 212
HARDI see high angular resolution diffusion imaging
Hedgehog 203
High angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) 122 125 219
Higher order tensor model 92 179
Human-computer interaction 138
Hyper-LIC 198
Hyperboloid 202
Hyperstreamline 134 198 212 242 249 252 254 257—265 270
Hyperstreamline, closed 257—265
Hyperstreamsurface 261 262 264
Icon see glyph
Ill-posed 169
Image registration 327
Image restoration 315—324 406
Implicit function 244
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