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Weickert J. — Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields: Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Workshop |
Предметный указатель |
Implicit function tensor field 227 229 233 237
Implicit function, Poincare 227
Initial, seed line see seed line
Inpainting 315
Integral curve see integral line
Integral line 192 195 196 198 275 277
Integral line, asymptotic behavior 260
Integral manifold 195 see integral
Integral surface 192 196
Interactive environment 209
Interpolation 235 238 262 315—324
Interpolation of scattered data 315
Interpolation, biharmonic 318 320 322
Interpolation, bilinear 234
Interpolation, bivariate 297
Interpolation, convolution-based 316
Interpolation, eigenvalue field 231
Interpolation, eigenvector field 197
Interpolation, harmonic 318
Interpolation, linear 234 259 315
Interpolation, matrix field 191 197 295—297
Interpolation, multivariate 296
Interpolation, PDE-based 316
Interpolation, triharmonic 318 320 322
Interpolation, trilinear 250 261
Interpolation, univariate 295
Invariance, phase 371
Invariance, rotational 318 347 348 361
Invariance, scaling 347
Invariant 216
Invariant, gradient 218 220 221
Invariant, principal 216
Invariant, torus 258
Isotropy 126
Isotropy artifact 197 198 205 208
Jacobi field 201
Jacobi matrix 194
Jensen inequality 110
Knot vector 305
Kriging estimator 337
Kuwahara — Nagao operator 19
Lagrange formalism 200
Lagrange function 200
Laplacian of Gaussian 71
Lattice index see anisotropy index lattice
Least squares estimation 23 30 92 374
Least squares estimation, weighted 382
Length scales of brain tissue 85
Level set method 199 409
Levenberg — Marquardt algorithm 94 97
LIC see line integral convolution
Lie derivative 201
Limit set 234 260
Line field 226
Line integral convolution (LIC) 137 269 270 275
linear combination 3
Local alignment 197
Location 196
Loewner ordering 360
Lucas — Kanade method 28
M-estimator 346 349 350
M-smoother 346 349—351
Mahalanobis distance 59
Manifold 192—197
Manifold, differentiable 192
Manifold, integral 192
Manifold, non-orientable 197
Manifold, one-dimensional 195
Map, -differential 7
Map, adjoint 5
Map, Gauss 7
Map, identity 5
Map, linear 3
Map, multilinear 10
Map, self-adjoint 6
Map, Weingarten 8
Markov random fields 386
Material line 196
Matrix gradient 168
Matrix representation 4 215
Matrix, covariant 287
Matrix, exponential of 286
Matrix, indefinite 354
Matrix, positive semidefinite 347
Matrix, singular 194
Matrix, symmetric 347
Matrix, symmetric positive definite 123 286
Maximum a posteriori estimation 389
Mean curvature motion 346 407—408
Mean diffusivity 126 127
Mean of eigenvalues see eigenvalue statistics
Mean of symmetric positive definite matrices, arithmetic 292
Mean of symmetric positive definite matrices, geometric 293
Mean of symmetric positive definite matrices, harmonic 294
Mean of symmetric positive definite matrices, weighted 295
Mean, arithmetic 346 350
Median 346 350 351
Median, filter 345—347 351 353
Median, matrix-valued 346 347
Median, scalar-valued 346
Median, vector-valued 348
Medicine 191
Metric 200 201 269 272 273 275 279
Metric ellipsoid see ellipsoid metric
Metric space, flat 201
Metric tensor see tensor metric
Metric tensor field see tensor field metric
Metric, distortion 269
Metric, Euclidean 286 346
Metric, flat 269
Metric, Riemannian 286
Metric, time-dependent 272
Mid-range filter 349 351
Mid-range value 346 349 350
Mid-range value, matrix-valued 349
Mid-range value, scalar-valued 349
Minimizer 293 346—349 351
Minimum mean square error estimation 389
MODE 346 350
Moebius strip 197
Momentum flux density 257
Monkey saddle 230
Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) 110
Morphology 359
Multi-compartment models 93
Multiple fiber orientations 166
Multiple tensor model 169
Multiple tensor variational framework 169 170
Mumford-Shah functional 411
Muscle tissue 124
Myocardial structure 145
Newton method 293
Newton — Raphson method 247 248
Node 257 259
Noise 276 277
Noise, artifacts 110
Noise, correction 113
Noise, Gaussian 352
Noise, impact 108
Noise, Johnson 107
Noise, random 107
Noise, salt-and-pepper 346
Noise, spot 276
Noise, uniform 354 401
Noise, white 276
Non-uniform B-spline see B-spline non-uniform
Non-uniform rational B-spline see B-spline non-uniform
Nonlinear diffusion see diffusion nonlinear
Nonlinear structure tensor see structure tensor nonlinear
Norm, Euclidean 348 372
| Norm, Frobenius 168 234 346 348 350 372 406
Norm, matrix 348—350
Norm, spectral 348 350 351
Norm, tensor 126 220
Normal section, curvature 9
Normal section, curve 9
Normalized convolution 378 382
NUBS see B-spline non-uniform
NURBS see B-spline non-uniform rational
Objective function see variational energy
Occlusion 191 198
Octahedral plane 291
Opacity 128
Opening 359
Optic flow constraint 28
Optic flow estimation 28 49
Optimization, nonlinear 329
Optimization, regularized 330
Orientation 220
Orientation distribution function (ODF) 95
Orientation estimation 37
Orientation tensor 64
Pairwise creation and annihilation 233 237 238
Partial volume effect 136 219 220
Path line 195
Persistent angular structure (PAS) 97
Perturbation 243
Phase invariance 65
Poincare index see index Poincare
Point load 251 253
Point load, double 253 256 278
Point load, single 244 264 278
Point, critical see critical point
Point, degenerate see degenerate point
Polar decomposition 333
Polynomial approximation 65
Polynomial, characteristic 6 216 217
Polynomial, cubic 216 228 246
PPD see preservation of principal directions
Predictor-corrector method 259
Preservation of positive semidefiniteness 170 348 361 405 408 409
Preservation of principal directions (PPD) 333
Principal frame 215
Principal invariant see invariant principal
Principal logarithm 286
Probe 270 271 275
Product, inner 220
Product, tensor 220
Q-ball imaging 96
Q-space spectral imaging 125
Quadratic filter 68
Quadrature filter 65 69 372
Quadric surface 202—205 211 212
Radial basis function 315 318
Rate of strain 257
Ray 203
Reflectivity 191
Registration 157 377
Regularization 317 406—407
Relative anisotropy see anisotropy index relative
Relativity 191 194 200 202 205 211
Reorientation 333
Reorientation, finite strain 333
Reorientation, preservation of principal directions 333
Reynold glyph 205 212
Ricci focusing 202
Rician distribution 88 108 115
Riemann curvature tensor 200—202
Riemann tensor see Riemann curvature tensor
Riesz representation theorem 5
Riesz transform 66
Robust statistics 21
Robust structure tensor see structure tensor robust
Robustness 211 346 350 353 401
Rodrigues' formula 171
Root signal 346 354
Runge — Kutta method 134 234 261
Runge — Kutta — Fehlberg method 259
Saddle point 257 259
Schlieren 205
Sector 229
Sector, elliptic 230
Sector, hyperbolic 229 230 236
Sector, parabolic 229 230 233 234
Seed line 196
Seed point 134 198
Self-snakes 408—409
Separatrix 225 229 230 232—234 236 239 241 254 257 270
Separatrix, unstable 232 233
Shadow ellipsoid see ellipsoid shadow
SHAPE 125 191
Shape factor 194 205 see
Shape factor, linear 194 198
Shape factor, planar 194
Shape factor, spherical 194 198 see
Shock filter 360
Signal to noise ratio 109 390
Similarity measure 329
Simulated annealing 308 389
Singularity 225 226 230 236 237 351
Singularity, half- 234
skewness 89
Skewness of eigenvalues see eigenvalue statistics
Solid state physics 269
Space, approximation 301
Space, atomic 301
Space, covering see covering space
Space, dual 5
Space, Euclidean see Euclidean space
Space, flat 201 202
Space, Riemannian symmetric 287 316
Space, shift invariant 301
Space, tangential see tangential space
Space, vector 3
Spacetime 195 202 211
Spatial interest points 64
Spectral decomposition (of a matrix) see eigendecomposition
Spherical-harmonic series 92
SPLINE 248 315 316 see
Spot size 277
Standard deviation of eigenvalues see eigenvalue statistics
Stejskal — Tanner equation 108 109 180
Stencil 346 354
Streak line 196
Streak surface 196
Stream line 195—197 199 226 230 270
Stream line, illuminated 198
Stream line, integration 197 198 226
Stream line, tracing 134
Stream surface 196
Stress 12 257
Stress tensor see tensor stress
Stress, principal directions 12
Stress, viscous 257
Structural stability 225 231 233 260
Structure mechanics 269
Structure tensor 17 49 64 370
Structure tensor, data-adaptive 20
Structure tensor, gray value local 20
Structure tensor, nonlinear 24—29
Structure tensor, robust 21 27 29
Structure tensor, spatio-temporal 29
Structuring element 359
Superquadric see glyph superquadric
Symmetry constraint 243
Tangent space 7
Tangent vector 7 193
Tangential bundle 193
Tangential space 193
Tangential vector 193
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