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Heath T. — A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol. 2
Heath T. — A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol. 2

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Íàçâàíèå: A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol. 2

Àâòîð: Heath T.

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Euclid, mechanics      445—446
Euclid, mechanics, music      444—445
Euclid, mechanics, music, sectio canonis      17 90 215 444—445
Euclid, mechanics, optics      17—18 441—444
Euclid, mechanics, phaenomena      349 351—352 440—441 ii.
Euclid, mechanics, porisms      431—438
Euclid, mechanics, porisms, lemmas to      ii. 419—424
Euclid, mechanics, Pseudaria      430—431
Euclid, mechanics, surface-Loci      243—244 439—440
Euclid, mechanics, surface-Loci, lemmas to      ii.119—121 ii.
Euclid, Pappus on      356—357
Euclid, relation to predecessors      354 357
Euclid, stories of      25 354 357
Eudemus      201 209 222
Eudemus, history of Astronomy      174 329 ii.
Eudemus, History of Geometry      118 119 120 130 131 135 150 171
Eudemus, on Hippocrates's lunes      173 182 183—198
Eudoxus      24 118 119 121 320 322—324
Eudoxus, 'general theorems'      323—324
Eudoxus, discovered method of exhaustion      2 176 202 206 217 222 326 327—329
Eudoxus, discovered three new means      86
Eudoxus, new theory of proportion (that of Eucl. V. ii)      2 153 216 325—327
Eudoxus, on speeds, theory of concentric spheres      329—334 ii.
Eudoxus, phaenomena and mirror      322
Eudoxus, problem of two mean proportionals      245 246 249—251
Eugenius Siculus, Admiral      ii. 293
Euler, L.      75n. ii. ii.
Euphorbus (=Pythagoras)      142
Eurytus      69
Eutocius      52 57—58 ii. ii. ii. ii. ii.
Exhaustion, method of      2 176 202 217 222 326 327—329
Exhaustion, method of, development of, by Archimedes      224 ii.
False hypothesis, Egyptian use      ii. 441
False hypothesis, in Diophantus      ii. 488 489
Fermat, P.      75n. ii. ii. ii. ii. ii.
Fermat, P., on Porisms      435
Fontenelle      ii. 556
Fractions, Egyptian (submultiples except $\frac{2}{3}$)      27—28 41
Fractions, Greek systems      42—41
Fractions, sexagesimal fractions, Babylonian      29
Fractions, sexagesimal fractions, Babylonian, in Greek      44—45
Galilei      344 446
Geeeponicus, Liber      124 ii. ii. ii.
Geminus      119 ii.
Geminus, attempt to prove parallel-postulate      ii. 227—230
Geminus, encyclopaedic work on mathematics      ii. 223—231
Geminus, introduction to Phaenomena      ii. 232—234
Geminus, on arithmetic and logistic      14
Geminus, on divisions of optics      17—18
Geminus, on original steps in proof of Eucl.      I.32 135—136
Geminus, on original way of producing the three conics      ii. 111
Geminus, on parallels      358
Geminus, on Posidonius's Meteorologica      ii. 231—232
Geodesy = mensuration (as distinct from geometry)      16—17
Geometric mean, defined (Archytas)      85
Geometric mean, defined (Archytas), no rational mean between consecutive numbers      90 215
Geometric mean, defined (Archytas), one mean between two squares (or similar numbers), two between cubes (or similar solid numbers)      89—90 112 201 297 400
Geometry, geometry in secondary education      20—21
Geometry, origin in Egypt      120—122
Georgius Pachymeres      ii. 453 ii.
Gerbert (Pope Sylvester II)      365—367
Gerbert (Pope Sylvester II), geometry of      366 ii.
Gerhardt, C.J.      ii. 360 ii.
Gherard of Cremona, translator of Euclid and an-Nairizi      363 367 ii.
Gherard of Cremona, translator of Euclid and an-Nairizi, of Menelaus      ii. 252 ii.
Ghetaldi, Marino,      ii. 190
Girard, Albert      485 ii.
Gnomon, gnomons of oblong numbers      82—83
Gnomon, gnomons of polygonal numbers      79
Gnomon, gnomons of square numbers      77—78
Gnomon, history of term      78—79
Gnomon, in application of areas      151—152
Gnomon, in Euclid      379
Gnomon, sun-dial with vertical needle      139
Gnomon, use by al-Karkhi      109—110
Gomperz, Th.      176
Govi, G.      ii. 293n.
Gow, J.      38
Great Year, of Callippus and Democritus      177
Great Year, of Oenopides      174—175
Gregory, D.      360—361 440 441 ii.
Griffith, P.Ll.      125
Guenther, S.      ii. 325 ii.
Guldin's theorem, anticipated by Pappus      ii. 403
Halicarnassus inscriptions      32—33 34
Halley, E., editions of Apollonius's Conics      ii. 127—128
Halley, E., editions of Apollonius's Conics and Sectio rationis      ii. 175 179
Halley, E., editions of Apollonius's Conics, of extracts from Pappus      ii. 360
Halley, E., editions of Apollonius's Conics, of Menelaus      ii. 252 ii.
Halley, E., editions of Apollonius's Conics, of Serenus      ii. 519
Halma, editor of Ptolemy      ii. 274 275
Hammer-Jensen, I.      ii. 300 ii.
Hankel, H.      145 149 288 369 ii.
Hardy, G.H.      280
Harmonic mean (originally 'sub-contrary')      85
Harpedonaptae, 'rope-stretchers'      121—122 178
Harun ar-Rashid      362
Hau-calculations (Egyptian)      ii. 440—441
Hecataeus of Miletus      65 177
Heiben, J.L.      233n.
Heiberg, J.L.      184 187n. 188 192 196—197n. 315 361 ii. ii. 310 316 318 319 ii. ii. 543 553 555n.
Helceph      111
Hendecagon in a circle (Heron)      ii. 259 ii.
Henry, C.      ii. 453
Heptagon in a circle      ii. 103
Heptagon in a circle, Heron's measurement of      ii. 328
Heraclides of Pontus      24 ii.
Heraclides of Pontus, discovered rotation of earth about axis      316—317 ii.
Heraclides of Pontus, discovered rotation of earth about axis, and that Venus and Mercury revolve about sun      312 317 ii. ii.
Heraclitus of Ephesus      65
Heraclitus, mathematician      ii. 192 ii. ii.
Hermannus Secundus      ii. 292
Hermesianax      142n. 163
Hermodorus      ii. 359
Hermotimus of Colophon      320—321
Hermotimus of Colophon, Elements and Loci      354
Herodotus      4 5 48 65 121 139
Heron of Alexandria      121 ii. ii.
Heron of Alexandria, arithmetic, fractions      42—44
Heron of Alexandria, arithmetic, fractions, approximation to cube root      64 ii.
Heron of Alexandria, arithmetic, fractions, approximation to surds      ii. 51 ii.
Heron of Alexandria, arithmetic, fractions, indeterminate problems      ii. 344 444—447
Heron of Alexandria, arithmetic, fractions, multiplications      58
Heron of Alexandria, arithmetic, fractions, quadratic equations      ii. 344
Heron of Alexandria, Belopoeica      18 ii.
Heron of Alexandria, Belopoeica, Catoptrica      18 ii. ii. ii.
Heron of Alexandria, character of works      ii. 307—308
Heron of Alexandria, character of works, list of treatises      ii. 308—310
Heron of Alexandria, controversies on date      ii. 298—307
Heron of Alexandria, Dioptra      ii. 345—346
Heron of Alexandria, Dioptra, Pneumatica and Automata      18 ii. 310
Heron of Alexandria, geometry      ii. 310—314
Heron of Alexandria, geometry, comm. on Euclid's Elements      358 ii.
Heron of Alexandria, geometry, definitions      ii. 314—316
Heron of Alexandria, geometry, duplication of cube      262—263
Heron of Alexandria, geometry, proof of formula for area of triangle in terms of sides      ii. 321—323
Heron of Alexandria, mechanics      ii. 346—352
Heron of Alexandria, mechanics, on Archimedes's mechanical works      ii. 23—24
Heron of Alexandria, mechanics, on Archimedes's mechanical works, on centre of gravity      ii. 350—351 352
Heron of Alexandria, metrica      ii. 320—343
Heron of Alexandria, metrica, (1) mensuration      ii. 316—335
Heron of Alexandria, metrica, (2) divisions of figures      ii. 336—343
Heron of Alexandria, metrica, (2) divisions of frustum of cone      ii. 342—343
Heron of Alexandria, metrica, triangles      ii. 320—323
Heron of Alexandria, metrica, triangles, circle and segments      ii. 329—331
Heron of Alexandria, metrica, triangles, quadrilaterals      ii. 326
Heron of Alexandria, metrica, triangles, regular polygons      ii. 326—329
Heron of Alexandria, metrica, volumes      ii. 331—335
Heron of Alexandria, metrica, volumes, five regular solids      ii. 335
Heron of Alexandria, metrica, volumes, frustum of cone, sphere and segment      ii. 334
Heron of Alexandria, metrica, volumes, tore      ii. 334—335
Heron of Alexandria, on water-clocks      ii. 429 ii.
Heron of Alexandria, on water-clocks, Heron, teacher of Proclus      ii. 529
Heron of Alexandria, relation to agrimensores      ii. 303
Heron of Alexandria, relation to Ctesibius and Philon      ii. 298—302
Heron of Alexandria, relation to Pappus      ii. 299—300
Heron of Alexandria, relation to Posidonius and Vitruvius      ii. 302—303
Heron of Alexandria, relation to Ptolemy      ii. 303—306
Heronas      99
Hicetas      317
Hierius      268 ii.
Hieronymus      129
Hilal b. Abi Hilal al-Himsi      ii. 127
Hiller, E.      ii. 239
Hilprecht, H.V.      29
Hipparchus      ii. 3 18 198 216 218
Hipparchus, catalogue of stars      ii. 255
Hipparchus, date      ii. 253
Hipparchus, discovery of precession      ii. 254
Hipparchus, geography      ii. 256
Hipparchus, on epicycles and eccentrics      ii. 243 ii.
Hipparchus, on mean lunar month      ii. 254—255
Hipparchus, trigonometry      ii. 257—260 ii.
Hipparchus, work      ii. 254—256
Hippasus      65 85 86 214
Hippasus, construction of 'twelve pentagons in sphere'      160
Hippias of Elis, inventor of quadratrix      2 171 182 219 225—226
Hippias of Elis, taught mathematics      23
Hippias of Elis, varied accomplishments, lectures in Sparta      24
Hippocrates of Chios      2 182 211
Hippocrates of Chios, elements as known to      201—202
Hippocrates of Chios, first writer of Elements      119 170 171
Hippocrates of Chios, on quadratures of limes      170 171 173 182 183—199 220 221
Hippocrates of Chios, proved theorem of Eucl. XII      2 187 328
Hippocrates of Chios, reduced duplication of cube to problem of finding two mean proportionals      2 183 200 245
Hippocrates of Chios, taught for money      22
Hippopede of Eudoxus      333—334
homer      5
Horsley, Samuel      ii. 190 ii.
Hultsch, F.      204 230 349 350 ii. ii. ii. 319 ii.
Hunrath, K.      ii. 51
Hunt, A.S.      142
Hypatia      ii. 449 ii. ii.
Hypotenuse, theorem of square on      142 144—149
Hypotenuse, theorem of square on, Proclus on discovery of      145
Hypotenuse, theorem of square on, supposed Indian origin      145—146
Hypsicles, author of so-called Book XIV of Eucl.      419—420 ii.
Hypsicles, definition of 'polygonal number'      84 ii. ii.
Iamblichus      4 69 72 73 74 75 86 107 ii. 529
Iamblichus, comm. on Nicomachus      113—115
Iamblichus, property of sum of numbers 3n-2, 3n-1, 3n      114—115
Iamblichus, squares and oblong numbers as 'race-courses'      114
Iamblichus, works      113—114
Ibn al-Haitham, on burning-mirrors      ii. 201 ii.
icosahedron      159
Icosahedron, discovery attributed to Theaetetus      162
Icosahedron, volume of      ii. 335
Incommensurable, discovery of      65 90—91 154
Incommensurable, discovery of, proof of incommensurability of diagonal of square      91
Indeterminate analysis, first cases, right-angled triangles in 'side-' and 'diameter-' numbers      91—93 ii.
Indeterminate analysis, first cases, right-angled triangles in rational numbers      80 81
Indeterminate analysis, indeterminate equations, first degree      ii. 443
Indeterminate analysis, indeterminate equations, in Heronian collections      ii. 344 ii.
Indeterminate analysis, indeterminate equations, second degree      ii. 443—444 see
Indeterminate analysis, rectangles with area and perimeter numerically equal      96—97
India, approximation to $\surd 2$      146
India, rational right-angled triangles in      145—146
Indian table of sines      ii. 253
Irrational, Democritus on      156—157 181
Irrational, discovered by Pythagoreans      65 90—91 154
Irrational, discovered by Pythagoreans, and with reference to $\surd 2$      155 168
Irrational, extensions by Apollonius      ii. 193
Irrational, extensions by Euclid      402—411
Irrational, extensions by Theaetetus      209—212
Irrational, Theodorus on      203—209
Isaac Argyrus      224n. ii.
Ishaq b. Hunain, translator of Euclid      362
Ishaq b. Hunain, translator of Menelaus      ii. 261
Ishaq b. Hunain, translator of Menelaus and Ptolemy      ii. 274
Isidorus Hispalensis      365
Isidorus of Miletus      421 ii. ii. ii.
Isocrates, on mathematics in education      21
Isoperimetric figures      ii. 206—213 ii.
Jacob b. Machir      ii. 252 ii.
Jacobus Cremonensis      ii. 26—27
Jan, C.      444
Joachim Camerarius      ii. 274
Joachim, H.H.      348n.
Johannes de Sacrobosco      368
Jordanus Nemorarius      ii. 328
Jourdain, P.E.B.      283n.
Kahun Papyri      125 126
Kant      173
Keil, B.      34—35
Kepler      ii. 20 ii.
Koechly, H.A.T.      ii. 309
Koppa = Phoenician Qoph      32
Kubitschek, W.      50
Lagrange      ii. 483
Laird, A.G.      306n.
Laplace      173
Larfeld, W.      31 33—34
Lawson      436
Leibniz      279 ii.
Lemma      373 ii.
Leodamas of Thasos      120 170 212 291 319
Leon      319
Leon (of Constantinople)      ii. 25
Leonardo of Pisa      367 426 ii.
Lepsius, C.R.      124
Leucippus      181
Libri, G.      ii. 556
Lines, classification of      ii. 226
Livy      ii. 18
Loci, 'solid loci'      ii. 116—119
Loci, classification of      218—219
Loci, classification of, plane, solid, linear      218
Loci, loci on surfaces      219
Loftus, W.K.      28
Logistic (opp. to 'arithmetic'), science of calculation      13—16 23 53
Logistica speciosa and numerosa (Vieta)      ii. 456
Loria, G.      iv—v 350n. ii.
Luca Paciuolo      367 ii.
Lucas, E.      75n.
Lucian      75 77 99 161 ii.
Lucretius      177
Magic squares      ii. 550
Magnus, Logistica      234—235
Mamercus or Mamertius      140 141 171
Manus, for number      27
Marinus      444 ii. ii.
Martianus Capella      359 365
Martin, T.H.      ii. 238 ii.
Maslama b. Ahmad al-Majriti      ii. 292
Massalia      8
Mastaba tombs      128
Mathematics, branches of applied mathematics      17—18
Mathematics, mathematics in Greek education      18—25
Mathematics, meaning      10—11
Mathematics, meaning, classification of subjects      11—18
Maurolycus      ii. 262
Means, arithmetic, geometric, and subcontrary (harmonic) known in Pythagoras's time      85
Means, fourth, fifth, and sixth discovered, four more by Myonides and Euphranor      86
Means, fourth, fifth, and sixth discovered, perhaps by Eudoxus      86
Means, no rational geom. mean between successive numbers (Archytas)      90 215
Means, ten means in Nicomachus and Pappus      87—89
Means, ten means in Nicomachus and Pappus, Pappus's propositions      88—89
Mechanics, divisions of      18
Mechanics, divisions of, writers on, Archimedes      ii. 18 ii. ii.
Mechanics, divisions of, writers on, Archytas      213
1 2 3 4 5
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