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Heath T. — A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol. 2 |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Bessarion ii. 27
Besthorn, R.O. 362 ii.
Billingsley, Sir H. 369
Bjoernbo, A.A. 197n. 363 ii.
Blass, C. 298
Blass, F. 182
Boeckh, A. 50 78 315
Boeetius 37 47 90
Boetius, translation of Euclid 359
Boissonacle ii. 538
Bom belli, Rafael ii. 454
Borchardt, L. 125 127
Borelli, G.A. ii. 127
Bouillaud (Bullialdus) ii. 238 ii.
Breton (de Champ), P. 436 ii.
Bretschneider, C.A. 149 183 324—325 ii.
Brochard, Y. 276—277 279n. 282
Brougham, Lord 436
Brugsch, H.K. 124
Bryson 219 223—225
Burnet, J. 203n. 285 314—315
Butcher, S.H. 299 300
Buzengeiger ii. 324n.
Cajori, F. 283n.
Calculation, practical, the abacus 46—48
Calculation, practical, the abacus, addition and subtraction 52
Calculation, practical, the abacus, division 58—60
Calculation, practical, the abacus, extraction of cube root 63—64 ii.
Calculation, practical, the abacus, extraction of square root 60—63
Calculation, practical, the abacus, multiplication (i) Egyptian 52—53
Calculation, practical, the abacus, multiplication (ii) Greek 53—58
Callimachus 141—142
Callippus, great year 177
Callippus, system of concentric spheres 329 335 ii.
Cambyses 5
Camerarius, Joachim ii. 274
Camerer, J.G. ii. 360
Campanus, translator of Euclid 363—364
Canonic = theory of musical intervals 17
Cantor, G. 279
Cantor, M. 37-38 123 127 131 135 182 ii. ii.
Carpus of Antioch 225 232 ii.
Cassini ii. 206
Casting out nines 115—117 ii.
Catoptric, theory of mirrors 18
Catoptrica, treatises by Archimedes 444
Catoptrica, treatises by Archimedes and Heron 444 ii. ii. ii.
Catoptrica, treatises by Euclid 442
Catoptrica, treatises by Theon 444
Cattle-problem of Archimedes 14 15 ii. ii. ii.
Cavalieri, B. 180 ii.
Censorinus 177
Centre of gravity, definitions ii. 302 ii. ii.
Ceria Aristotelica ii. 531
Chalcidius ii. 242 244
Chaldaeans, measurement of angles by ells ii. 215—216
Chaldaeans, order of planets ii. 242
Charmandrus ii. 359
Chasles, M. ii. 19 20
Chasles, M., on Porisms 435—437 ii.
Chords, tables of 45 ii. ii.
Chrysippus l79
Chrysippus, definition of unit 69
Cicero 144 359 ii. 19
Circle, approximations to 124 232—235 ii. ii. ii.
Circle, division into degrees ii. 214—215
Circle, squaring of 173 220—235
Circle, squaring of, Antiphon 221—222
Circle, squaring of, Apollonius 225
Circle, squaring of, Bryson 223—224
Circle, squaring of, by Archimedes's spiral 225 230—231
Circle, squaring of, Carpus 225
Circle, squaring of, Nicomedes, Dinostratus, and quadratrix 225—229
Cissoid of Diocles 264—266
Clausen, Th. 200
Cleanthes ii. 2
Cleomedes, 'paradoxical' eclipse 6
Cleomedes, de motu circulari ii. 235—238 244
Cleonides 444
Cochlias 232 ii.
Cochloids 238—240
Cochloids, 'sister of cochloid' 225 231—232
Coins and weights, notation for 31
Columella ii. 303
Commandinus, F., translator of Euclid 365 425
Commandinus, F., translator of Euclid, analemma of Ptolemy ii. 287
Commandinus, F., translator of Euclid, Apollonius ii. 127
Commandinus, F., translator of Euclid, Heron's Pneumatica ii. 308
Commandinus, F., translator of Euclid, Pappus ii. 360
Commandinus, F., translator of Euclid, Planispherium ii. 292
Commandinus, F., translator of Euclid, Serenus ii. 519
Conchoid of Nicomedes 238—240
Conclusion 370 ii.
Cone, Democritus on 179—180 ii.
Cone, division of frustum in given ratio ii. 340—343
Cone, volume of 176 180 217 327 413 ii. ii.
Cone, volume of frustum ii. 334
Conic sections, Apollonius's conics ii. 126—175
Conic sections, conics in Fragmentum Bobiense ii. 200—203
Conic sections, discovered by Menaechmus 252—253 ii.
Conic sections, Euclid's conics and Aristaeus's solid Loci 438 ii.
Conic sections, in Anthemius ii. 541—543
Conic sections, names due to Apollonius 150 ii.
Conic sections, propositions included in Euclid's conics ii. 121—122
Conic sections, propositions included in Euclid's conics, conics in Archimedes ii. 122—126
Conon of Samos ii. 16 ii.
Construction 370 ii.
Conversion of ratio (convertendo) 386
Cook-Wilson, J. 300n. ii.
Counter-earth 164
Croesus 4 129
Ctesibius 213
Ctesibius, relation to Philon and Heron ii. 298—302
Cube root, extraction of 63—64
Cube root, extraction of, Heron's case ii. 341—342
Cube, called 'geometrical harmony ' (Philolaus) 85—86
Cube, duplication of, approximation by plane method 268—270
Cube, duplication of, history of problem 244—246
Cube, duplication of, reduction by Hippocrates to problem of two mean proportionals 2 183 200 245
Cube, duplication of, solutions, by 'Plato' 255—258
Cube, duplication of, solutions, by Apollonius, Philon, Heron 262—264
Cube, duplication of, solutions, by Archytas 246—249
Cube, duplication of, solutions, by Diodes 264—266
Cube, duplication of, solutions, by Eratosthenes 258—260
Cube, duplication of, solutions, by Eudoxus 249—251
Cube, duplication of, solutions, by Menaechmus 251—255
Cube, duplication of, solutions, by Nicomedes 260—262
Cube, duplication of, solutions, by Sporus and Pappus 266—268
Cubic equations, particular case in Diophantus ii. 465 ii.
Cubic equations, solved by conics 237—238 ii. ii.
Curtze, M. 75n. ii.
Cyrus 129
D'Armagnac, G. ii. 26
Dactylus, 1/24th of ell ii. 216
Damastes of Sigeum 177
Damianus ii. 294
Darius-vase 48—49
Dasypodius ii. 554n.
De la Hire ii. 550
De levi et ponderoso 445—446
De Sluse, R.F. 96
Decagon inscribed in circle, area of ii. 328
Decagon inscribed in circle, side of 416
Dee, John 369 425
Definitions, Aristotle on 337
Definitions, definitions of Heron ii. 314—316
Definitions, in Euclid 373
Definitions, in Plato 289 292—294
Definitions, Pythagorean 166
Demetrius of Alexandria ii. 260 ii.
| Democritus of Abdera 12 119 121 182
Democritus of Abdera, Aristotle's encomium 176
Democritus of Abdera, atoms mathematically divisible ad inf. 181
Democritus of Abdera, date 176
Democritus of Abdera, date, travels 177
Democritus of Abdera, first discovered volume of cone and pyramid 176 180 217 ii.
Democritus of Abdera, list of works (1) astronomical 177
Democritus of Abdera, list of works (2) mathematical 178
Democritus of Abdera, on angle of contact 178—179
Democritus of Abdera, on circular sections of cone 179—180 ii.
Democritus of Abdera, on great year 177
Democritus of Abdera, on irrational lines and solids 156—157 181
Democritus of Abdera, on perspective 174
Dercyllides ii. 244
Descartes 75n. 279
Dicaearchus ii. 242
Dichotomy of Zeno 275 278—280
Diels, H. 142n. 176 178 184 188
Digamma, from Phoenician Vau 32
digit 27
Dinostratus 225 229 320—321 ii.
Diocles, inventor of cissoid 264—266
Diocles, on burning-mirrors ii. 200—203
Diocles, solution of Archimedes on sph. and cyl. II.4 ii.
Diodorus (math.), analemma of ii. 287 ii.
Diodorus (math.), on parallel-postulate 358
Diodorus Siculus 121 141 142 176
Diogenes Laertius 144 145 177 291
Dionysius, a friend of Heron ii. 306
Dionysius, Plato's master 22
Dionysodorus ii. 46 ii. ii.
Diophantus of Alexandria, 'Moriastica' ii. 449
Diophantus of Alexandria, 'Porisms' ii. 449 450 451 ii.
Diophantus of Alexandria, arithmetica 15—16
Diophantus of Alexandria, conspectus of arithmetica ii. 484—514
Diophantus of Alexandria, date ii. 448
Diophantus of Alexandria, determinate equations ii. 462—465 484—490
Diophantus of Alexandria, fractions in 42—44
Diophantus of Alexandria, indeterminate analysis ii. 466—476 491—514
Diophantus of Alexandria, methods ii. 462—479
Diophantus of Alexandria, notation and definitions ii. 455—461
Diophantus of Alexandria, on polygonal numbers 16 84 ii.
Diophantus of Alexandria, propositions in theory of numbers ii. 481—484
Diophantus of Alexandria, signs for minus ii. 459
Diophantus of Alexandria, signs for unknown (x) and powers ii. 456—459
Diophantus of Alexandria, works and editions ii. 448—455
Dioptra 18 ii.
Dioptra, Heron's Dioptra ii. 345—346
Division, Egyptian method 53
Division, example with sexagesimal fractions (Theon of Alexandria) 59—60
Division, Greek meathod 58—60
Divisions (of Figures), on, by Euclid 425—430
Divisions (of Figures), on, by Euclid, similar problems in Heron ii. 336—340
Dodecagon, area of ii. 328
Dodecahedron, Apollonius on 419—420
Dodecahedron, discovery attributed to Pythagoras or Pythagoreans 65 141 158—160 162
Dodecahedron, early occurrence 160
Dodecahedron, inscribed in sphere (Euclid) 418—419
Dodecahedron, inscribed in sphere (Pappus) ii. 369
Dodecahedron, volume of ii. 335
Domninus ii. 538
Dositheus ii. 34
Duhem, P. 446
Dupuis, J. ii. 239
Earth, measurements of ii. 82
Earth, measurements of, (Eratosthenes) ii. 106—107
Earth, measurements of, (Posido-nius) ii. 220
Ecliptic, estimate of inclination (Eratosthenes, Ptolemy) ii. 107—108
Ecliptic, obliquity discovered by Oenopides 174 ii.
Ecphantus 317 ii.
Edfu, temple of Horus 124
Egypt, orientation of temples 122
Egypt, origin of geometry in 120—122
Egypt, priests 4—5 8—9
Egypt, relations with Greece 8
Egyptian mathematics, algebra in Papyrus Rhind ii. 440—441
Egyptian mathematics, geometry (mensuration) 122—128
Egyptian mathematics, maps (regional) 139
Egyptian mathematics, measurement of pyramids 126—128
Egyptian mathematics, numeral system 27—28
Egyptian mathematics, numeral system, fractions 28
Egyptian mathematics, numeral system, multiplication 14—15 52—53
Egyptian mathematics, triangle (3,4,5) right-angled 122 147
Egyptian mathematics, value of 124 125
Eisenlohr, A. 123 126 127
Eisenmann, H.J. ii. 360
Elements, as known to Pythagoreans 166—168
Elements, other contributors to, Elements of Euclid 357—419
Elements, other contributors to, Eudoxus 320 323—329 354
Elements, other contributors to, Hermotimus of Colophon 320
Elements, other contributors to, Leodamas, Archytas 170 212—213
Elements, other contributors to, Theaetetus 209—212 354
Elements, progress in, down to Plato 170—171 175—176 201—202 209—213 216—217
Elements, the so-called 'Books XIV, XV' 419—421
Elements, writers of Elements, Hippocrates of Chios 170—171 201—202
Elements, writers of Elements, Leon, Theudius 320—321
Ell, as measure of angles ii. 215—216
Empedocles, on Pythagoras 65
Enestroem, G. ii. 341—342
Enneagon, Heron's measurement of area ii. 328—329
Enneagon, Heron's measurement of side ii. 259
Epanthema of Thymaridas (system of simple equations) 94
Epanthema of Thymaridas (system of simple equations), other types reduced to 94—96
Equations see also "Quadratic" "Cubic"
Equations, in epanthema of Thymaridas and in laniblichus 94—96
Equations, in Greek anthology ii. 441—443
Equations, indeterminate see "Indeterminate Analysis"
Equations, simple, in Papyrus Rhind ii. 441
Eratosthenes ii. 1 16
Eratosthenes, astronomy ii. 107—109
Eratosthenes, chronology and Geographica ii. 109
Eratosthenes, date ii. 104
Eratosthenes, measurement of earth ii. 106—107 ii. ii.
Eratosthenes, on duplication of cube 244—246 251 258—260
Eratosthenes, on means ii. 105—106 ii.
Eratosthenes, sieve for finding primes 16 100 ii.
Eratosthenes, the Platonicus ii. 104—105
Erycinus ii. 359 365—368
Euclid 2—3 93 131
Euclid, arithmetic, classification and definitions of 'perfect' numbers 74 402
Euclid, arithmetic, classification and definitions of numbers 72—73 397
Euclid, arithmetic, formula for right-angled triangles in rational numbers 81—82 405
Euclid, conics 438—439 ii.
Euclid, conics, focus-directrix property ii. 119—121
Euclid, conics, on ellipse 439 ii. ii.
Euclid, Data 421—425
Euclid, data, divisions (of figures) 425—430 ii. 339
Euclid, date 354—356
Euclid, Elements, analysis of 373—419
Euclid, Elements, arrangement of postulates and axioms 361 I.47
Euclid, Elements, arrangement of postulates and axioms, how originally proved 147—149
Euclid, Elements, Euclid in Middle Ages 365—369
Euclid, Elements, Euclid in Middle Ages, at Universities 368—369
Euclid, Elements, first English editions, Billingsley 369—370
Euclid, Elements, first introduction into England 363
Euclid, Elements, first printed editions, Ratdolt 364—365
Euclid, Elements, first printed editions, Zamberti 365
Euclid, Elements, Latin translations, Athelhard 362—363
Euclid, Elements, Latin translations, Campanus 363—364
Euclid, Elements, Latin translations, Commandinus 365
Euclid, Elements, Latin translations, Gherard 363
Euclid, Elements, parallel-postulate 358 375 ii. ii. ii.
Euclid, Elements, so-called 'Books XIV, XV' 419—421
Euclid, Elements, text 360—361
Euclid, Elements, text, ancient commentaries 358—359
Euclid, Elements, text, Arabic translations 362
Euclid, Elements, text, editio princeps of Greek text 360
Euclid, Elements, text, Greek texts of Gregory, Peyrard, August, Heiberg 360—361
Euclid, Elements, text, Theon's edition 358 360 ii.
Euclid, Elements, text, translation by Boeetius 359
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