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Heath T. — A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol. 2
Heath T. — A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol. 2

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Íàçâàíèå: A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol. 2

Àâòîð: Heath T.

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
'Abdelmelik al-Shirazi      ii. 128
'Aganis', attempt to prove parallel-postulate      358 ii.
'Attic' (or 'Herodianic') numerals      30—31
'Friendly' numbers      75
'Geometrical harmony' (Philolaus's name for cube)      85—86
'Herodianic' (or 'Attic') numerals      30—31
'Heron the Younger'      ii. 545
'Horizon', use in technical sense by Euclid      352
'Linear' (of numbers)      73
'Linear' loci and problems      218—219
'Oblong' numbers      82—83 108 114
'Oblong' numbers, gnomons of      82—83
'Odd' number defined      70—71
'Odd' number defined, 'odd-even', 'odd-times-odd', numbers      71—74
'Odd' number defined, 1 called 'odd-even'      71
'Paradoxes' of Erycinus      ii. 365—368
'Perfect' numbers      74—75
'Perfect' numbers, 10 with Pythagoreans      75
'Perfect' proportion      86
'Phaenomena' = observational astronomy 17      322 349
'Piremus' or 'peremus' in pyramid      126 127
'Plane' loci      218
'Plane' problems      218—219
'Platonic' figures (the regular solids)      158 162 294—295 296—297
'Side' and 'diameter-numbers'      91—93 112 153 308 380 ii.
'Solid' loci and problems      218 ii.
'Solid' loci and problems, Solid loci of Aristaeus      438 ii.
'Solid' numbers, classified      106—108
'Stadium,' 1/60th of 30°      ii. 215
'Stigma,' name for numeral $\varsigma$, originally [ (digamma)      32
'Treasury of Analysis'      421 422 439 ii.
abacus      46—48
Abraham Echellensis      ii. 127
Abu 'l Fath al-Isfahani      ii. 127
Abu 'l Wafa al-Buzjani      ii. 328 ii. ii.
Abu Bekr Muh. b. al-Hasan al-Karkhi      see "al-Karkhi"
Abu Nasr Mansar      ii. 262
Achilles of Zeno      275—276 278—280
Adam, James      305—307 313
Addition in Greek notation      52
Adrastus      ii. 241 243 244
Aeetius      158—159 163 ii.
Agatharchus      174
Ahmes (Papyrus Rhind)      125 130 ii.
Akhmim, papyrus of      ii. 543—545
Al-Chazini      ii. 260—261
Al-Fakhri, by al-Karkhi      109 ii.
Al-Hajjaj, translator of Euclid      362
Al-Hajjaj, translator of Ptolemy      ii. 274
Al-Kafi of al-Karkhi      111
Al-Karkhi, on sum of $1^{3}+2^{3}+...+n^{3}$      109—110 111 ii. ii.
al-Ma'mun, Caliph      362
al-Mansur, Caliph      362
Albertus Pius      ii. 26
Alexander Aphrodisiensis      184 185 186 222 223 ii. ii.
Alexander the 'Aetolian'      ii. 242
Alexeieff      ii. 324—325n.
Algebra, beginnings in Egypt      ii. 440
Algebra, epanthema of Thymaridas      94—96
Algebra, geometrical      150—154
Algebra, geometrical, application of areas (q.v.)      150—153
Algebra, geometrical, scope of geometrical algebra      153—154
Algebra, hau-calculations      ii. 440—441
Algebra, Pythagorean      91—97
Alhazen, problem of      ii. 294
Allman, G.J.      134 183
Almagest      ii. 274
Alphabet, Greek, derived from Milesian      33—34
Alphabet, Greek, derived from Phoenician      31—32
Alphabet, Greek, quasi-numerical use of alphabet      35—36n.
Alphabetic numerals      31—40 42—44
Amasis      4 129
Amenemhat      I 122 III
Ameristus      140 141 171
Amyclas (better Amyntas)      320—321
Amyntas      320—321
an-Nairizi, comm. on Euclid      363 ii. ii. ii.
Analemma of Diodorus      ii. 287
Analemma of Ptolemy      ii. 286—292
Analysis, absent from Euclid's Elements      371—372
Analysis, already used by Pythagoreans      168
Analysis, defined by Pappus      ii. 400
Analysis, supposed invention by Plato      291—292
Anatolius      11 14 97 ii. ii.
Anaxagoras, centrifugal force and centripetal tendency      172—173
Anaxagoras, explanation of eclipses      7 162 172
Anaxagoras, geometry      170
Anaxagoras, in Erastae      22 174
Anaxagoras, moon borrows light from sun      138 172 ii.
Anaxagoras, on perspective      174
Anaxagoras, tried to square circle      173 220
Anaximander      67 177
Anaximander, astronomy      139 ii.
Anaximander, distances of sun and moon      139
Anaximander, introduced gnomon      78 139 140
Anaximenes      ii. 244
Anchor-ring      see "Tore"
Anderson, Alex      ii. 190
Angelo Poliziano      ii. 26
Angle 'of a segment' and 'of a semicircle'      179
Angle, 'angle of contact'      178—179 ii.
Anharmonic property, of arcs of great circles      ii. 269—270
Anharmonic property, of straight lines      ii. 270 ii.
Anthemins of Tralles      243 ii. ii. ii. ii. ii.
Antiphon      184 219 221—222 224 271
Apastamba-Sulba-Sutra      145—146
Apelt, E.F.      330
Apelt, O.      181n. 182
Apices      47
Apollodorus, author of Chronica      176
Apollonius of Perga      ii. 1 ii.
Apollonius of Perga, 'general treatise'      ii. 192—193 ii.
Apollonius of Perga, 'General treatise', on book I of Euclid      358
Apollonius of Perga, arithmetic, 'tetrads'      40
Apollonius of Perga, arithmetic, continued multiplications      54—57
Apollonius of Perga, astronomy      ii. 195—196
Apollonius of Perga, astronomy, A. and Tycho Bralie      317 ii.
Apollonius of Perga, astronomy, on epicycles and eccentrics      ii. 195—196 ii.
Apollonius of Perga, astronomy, trigonometry      ii. 253
Apollonius of Perga, comparison of dodecahedron and icosahedron      419—420 ii.
Apollonius of Perga, conics      ii. 126—175
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone      ii. 134—138
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, asymptotes      ii. 148—149
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, construction of normals      ii. 166—167
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, focal properties (central conics)      ii. 156—157
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, harmonic properties      ii. 154—155
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, new names, parabola      150 167 ii.
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, normals as maxima and minima      ii. 159—167
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, number of normals through point      ii. 163—164
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, prime property equivalent to Cartesian equation (oblique axes)      ii. 139
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, propositions giving evolute      ii. 164—165
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, rectangles under segments of intersecting chords      ii. 152—153
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, tangents      ii. 140—141
Apollonius of Perga, conics, conics obtained from oblique cone, transformation of coordinates      ii. 141—147
Apollonius of Perga, conics, text      ii. 126—128
Apollonius of Perga, conics, text, arabic translations      ii. 127
Apollonius of Perga, conics, text, characteristics      ii. 132—133
Apollonius of Perga, conics, text, prefaces      ii. 128—132
Apollonius of Perga, determinate section      ii. 180—181
Apollonius of Perga, duplication of cube      262—263 ii.
Apollonius of Perga, on cochlias      232 ii.
Apollonius of Perga, on cochlias, 'sister of cochloid'      225 231—232
Apollonius of Perga, on cochlias, on irrationals      ii. 193
Apollonius of Perga, on cochlias, on the burning-mirror      ii. 194 ii.
Apollonius of Perga, on contacts      ii. 181—185
Apollonius of Perga, on contacts, three-circle problem      ii. 182—185
Apollonius of Perga, Plane Loci      ii. 185—189
Apollonius of Perga, sectio rationis      ii. 175—179
Apollonius of Perga, sectio spatii      ii. 179—180 ii. ii.
Application of areas      150—153
Application of areas, method attributed to Pythagoras      150
Application of areas, method attributed to Pythagoras, equivalent to solution of general quadratic      150—152 394—396
Approximations to $\pi$      232—235 ii. ii.
Approximations to $\surd 2$ (by means of 'side-' and 'diameter-' numbers)      91—93
Approximations to $\surd 2$ (Indian)      146
Approximations to $\surd 3$ (Archimedes)      ii. 51—52
Approximations to $\surd 3$ (Ptolemy)      45 62—63
Approximations to cube root (Heron)      ii. 341—342
Approximations to surds (Heron)      ii. 323—326 ii. ii.
Apuleius of Madaura      97 99
Archibald, R.C.      425n.
Archimedes      3 52 54 180 199 202 203n. 213 217 224—225 229 234 272 ii.
Archimedes, arithmetic, approximations to $\surd 3$      ii. 51—52
Archimedes, arithmetic, octads      40—41
Archimedes, arithmetic, octads, fractions      42
Archimedes, arithmetic, octads, value of $\pi$      232—233 234 ii.
Archimedes, astronomy      ii. 17—18
Archimedes, astronomy, on Aristarchus's hypothesis      ii. 3—4
Archimedes, astronomy, sphere-making      ii. 18
Archimedes, conics, propositions in      438—439 ii.
Archimedes, cubic equation solved by conics      ii. 45—46
Archimedes, on Democritus      180 327
Archimedes, on Democritus, equality of angles of incidence and reflection      ii. 353—354
Archimedes, on Democritus, equality of angles of incidence and reflection, integral calculus anticipated      ii. 41—42 61 62—63 74 89—90
Archimedes, on Democritus, Lemma or Axiom of A.      326—328 ii.
Archimedes, on Democritus, on semi-regular solids      ii. 98—101
Archimedes, on Democritus, triangle, area in terms of sides      ii. 103
Archimedes, on Democritus, trisection of any angle      240—241
Archimedes, traditions      ii. 16—17
Archimedes, traditions, engines      ii. 17
Archimedes, traditions, general estimate      ii. 19—20
Archimedes, traditions, mechanics      ii. 18
Archimedes, works, catoptrica      444 ii.
Archimedes, works, cattle-problem      14 15 ii. ii. ii.
Archimedes, works, character of      ii. 20—22
Archimedes, works, character of, lost      ii. 23—25 103
Archimedes, works, character of, works extant      ii. 22—23
Archimedes, works, liber assumptorum      ii. 101—103
Archimedes, works, measurement of a circle      ii. 50—56 ii.
Archimedes, works, mechanical works, titles      ii. 23—24
Archimedes, works, mechanical works, titles, plane equilibriums      ii. 75—81
Archimedes, works, on conoids and spheroids      ii. 56—64
Archimedes, works, on floating bodies      ii. 91—97
Archimedes, works, on floating bodies, problem of crown      ii. 92—94
Archimedes, works, on spirals      230—231 ii. ii.
Archimedes, works, on the sphere and cylinder      ii. 34—50
Archimedes, works, quadrature of parabola      ii. 85—91
Archimedes, works, sand-reckoner      ii. 81—85
Archimedes, works, text      ii. 25—27
Archimedes, works, text, editions      ii. 27
Archimedes, works, text, MSS      ii. 26
Archimedes, works, the method      ii. 20 21 22 27—34 ii. ii.
Archytas      2 170 212—216 ii.
Archytas, mechanics      213
Archytas, no mean proportional between n and n+1      90 215
Archytas, on means      85 86
Archytas, on music      214
Archytas, solution of problem of two mean proportionals      214 219 245 246—249 334 ii.
Argyrus, Isaac      224n. ii.
Aristaeus of Croton      86
Aristaeus, comparison of five regular solids      420
Aristaeus, solid Loci (conics)      438 ii. 118—119
Aristarchus of Samos      43 139 ii. ii.
Aristarchus of Samos, anticipated Copernicus      ii. 2—3
Aristarchus of Samos, date      ii. 2
Aristarchus of Samos, fractions in      43
Aristarchus of Samos, numbers in      39
Aristarchus of Samos, other hypotheses      ii. 3 4
Aristarchus of Samos, treatise on sizes and distances of Sun and Moon      ii. 1 3 4—15
Aristarchus of Samos, treatise on sizes and distances of Sun and Moon, trigonometrical purpose      ii. 5
Aristonophus, vase of      162
Aristophanes      48 161 220
Aristotelian treatise on indivisible lines      157 346—348
Aristotherus      348
Aristotle      5 120 121
Aristotle, arithmetic, on Pythagoreans and numbers      67—69
Aristotle, arithmetic, on the gnomon      77—78 83
Aristotle, arithmetic, reckoning by tens      26—27
Aristotle, arithmetic, reckoning by tens, why 1 is odd-even      71
Aristotle, arithmetic, reckoning by tens, why 2 even and prime      73
Aristotle, astronomy, Pythagorean system      164—165
Aristotle, astronomy, Pythagorean system, on hypothesis of concentric spheres      329 335 ii.
Aristotle, astronomy, Pythagorean system, on Plato's view about the earth      314—315
Aristotle, geometry, curves and solids in A.      341
Aristotle, geometry, illustrations from      335 336 338—340
Aristotle, geometry, illustrations from, on parallels      339
Aristotle, geometry, illustrations from, on quadrature by lunes (Hippocrates)      184—185 198—199
Aristotle, geometry, illustrations from, on quadratures      184—185 221 223 224n. 271
Aristotle, geometry, illustrations from, proofs differing from Euclid's      338—339
Aristotle, geometry, illustrations from, propositions not in Euclid      340
Aristotle, geometry, on Plato and regular solids      159
Aristotle, mechanics      344—346 445—446
Aristotle, mechanics, 'Aristotle's wheel'      ii. 347—348
Aristotle, mechanics, parallelogram of velocities      346
Aristotle, on first principles, definitions, postulates, axioms      336—338
Aristotle, on mathematical subjects      16—17
Aristotle, on origin of science      8
Aristotle, on the continuous and infinite      342—343
Aristotle, on the continuous and infinite, encomium on Democritus      176
Aristotle, on the continuous and infinite, on Hippocrates      22
Aristotle, on the continuous and infinite, on principle of exhaustion      340
Aristotle, on the continuous and infinite, on Zeno's paradoxes      272 275—277 278—279 282
Aristotle, on the continuous and infinite, proof of incommensurability of diagonal      91
Aristoxenus      24n. 66
Arithmetic (1) = theory of numbers      13—16
Arithmetic (1) = theory of numbers, early 'Elements of Arithmetic'      90 216
Arithmetic (1) = theory of numbers, systematic treatises, Nicomachus Introd. Ar.      97—112
Arithmetic (1) = theory of numbers, systematic treatises, Nicomachus Introd. Ar., Domninus      ii. 538
Arithmetic (1) = theory of numbers, systematic treatises, Nicomachus Introd. Ar., Iamblichus, Comm. on Nicomachus      113—115
Arithmetic (1) = theory of numbers, systematic treatises, Nicomachus Introd. Ar., Theon of Smyrna      112—113
Arithmetic (2) practical arithmetic, originated with Phoenicians      120—121
Arithmetic (2) practical arithmetic, originated with Phoenicians, in primary education      19—20
Arithmetic mean, defined      85
Arithmetica of Diophantus      15—16 ii.
Arithmetical operations      see "Addition" "Subtraction"
Arrow of Zeno      276 280—281
Aryabhatta      234
Asclepius of Tralles      99
Astronomy in elementary education      19
Astronomy in elementary education, as secondary subject      20—21
Athelhard of Bath, first translator of Euclid      362—364
Athenaeus      144 145
Athenaeus of Cyzicus      320—321
August, E.F.      299 302 361
Autolycus of Pitane      348
Autolycus of Pitane, relation to Euclid      351—352
Autolycus of Pitane, works on risings and settings      352—353
Autolycus of Pitane, works on the moving sphere      348—352
Auverus, C.      ii. 26
Axioms = common notions in Euclid      376
Axioms, Aristotle on      336
Axioms, axiom of Archimedes      326—328 ii.
Babylonians, 'perfect proportion'      86
Babylonians, civilization of      8 9
Babylonians, sexagesimal fractions      29
Babylonians, system of numerals      28—29
Bachet, editor of Diophantus      ii. 454—455 ii.
Bacon, Roger, on Euclid      367—368
Baillet, J.      ii. 543
Baldi, B.      ii. 308
Barlaam      ii. 324n. ii.
Barocius      ii. 545
Barrow, I., edition of Euclid      369—370
Barrow, I., edition of Euclid, on Book V      384
Bathycles      142
Baudhayana, S.S.      146
Baynard, D.      ii. 128
Benecke, A.      298 302—303
Benedetti, G.B.      344 446
Bertrand, J.      ii. 324n.
1 2 3 4 5
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