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Bardi J.S. — Calculus Wars: Newton, Leibniz, and the Greatest Mathematical Clash of All Time
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Íàçâàíèå: Calculus Wars: Newton, Leibniz, and the Greatest Mathematical Clash of All Time
Àâòîð: Bardi J.S.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Now regarded as the bane of many college students’ existence, calculus was one of the most important mathematical innovations of the seventeenth century. But a dispute over its discovery sewed the seeds of discontent between two of the greatest scientific giants of all time — Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
Today Newton and Leibniz are generally considered the twin independent inventors of calculus, and they are both credited with giving mathematics its greatest push forward since the time of the Greeks. Had they known each other under different circumstances, they might have been friends. But in their own lifetimes, the joint glory of calculus was not enough for either and each declared war against the other, openly and in secret.
This long and bitter dispute has been swept under the carpet by historians — perhaps because it reveals Newton and Leibniz in their worst light — but The Calculus Wars tells the full story in narrative form for the first time. This vibrant and gripping scientific potboiler ultimately exposes how these twin mathematical giants were brilliant, proud, at times mad and, in the end, completely human
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.04.2008
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Academic societies see “Scientific societies”
Acaderrue des Sciences 62 65 66 77 180
Act of Settlement 174
Acta Eruditorum Lipsienium, account of Protogaea in 150
Acta Eruditorum Lipsienium, founded 115 116
Acta Eruditorum Lipsienium, Leibniz on planetary motion 131—132
Acta Eruditorum Lipsienium, Leibniz on Wallis’s book 153—154
Acta Eruditorum Lipsienium, Leibniz replies to Fatio 177—179
Acta Eruditorum Lipsienium, review of Principia 131
Alchemy 22 54 112—113 114
Algarotti, Francesco 137
Anagrams 98—99
Analyse de Infinunent Petits (L’Hopital) 141
Analytical geometry 8
Ancient chronology, Newton’s 113—114
Anne, Queen of England 2 173—174 175 182 204
Anni mirabilis 28
Anonymity in publishing 184 196—197 212—213
Anthmetica universalis (Newton) 192
Apple legend 34—35
Archimedes 7
Arnauld de Pomponne, Simon 57 58
Arnauld.Antoine 106 123 146
Art, and mathematics 115
Astronomy, Newton and 129
Ayscough, Rev W 25
Balance spring dispute (Hooke/Huygens) 68 81
Barrow, Isaac 8 36—37 41 42—43
Bayle, Pierre 154
Berlin Society of Sciences 188—91
Bernoulli (Johann) on 207 209
Bernoulli, Jacob 116 132 156 157
Bernoulli, Johann, brachistochrone problem and 155—156 157
Bernoulli, Johann, calculus wars and 152 206—210 216—217 223
Bernoulli, Johann, Leibniz and 142 206—208 216—2117 223
Bernoulli, Johann, L’Hopital textbook and 141
Bernoulli, Johann, on Commeraum Epistolicum 206—208
Bernoulli, Johann, Principia error found 209
Bernoulli, Nikolaus 209
Bignon, Abbe 200
Binary numbers 180
Binomial theorem (Newton) 91 97—99 122
Birch,Thomas 43
Bludworth,Thomas 39
Bodkin incident 28—29
Boerhaave, Hermann 234
Boineburg, Johann Christian von 54—56 60 64
Boineburg, Philip William von 76
Book publishing see “Publishing industry”
Boyle, Robert 43—44 65—66 69—70
Brachistochrone problem 155—157
Brand, Heinrich 105
Breisach, siege of 17
British mint 3 162—163 169—173
Bruno, Giordano 48
Brunswick — Luneberg family, history of 144—45 147—50
bubonic plague 31—33
Bunyan, John 32 48
Burnet, Thomas 149 153 162 167 181 203
Calculating machines, mechanical 67—69 78—79 91 94 154
Calculus wars vui-ix 10—11 “Plagiarism
Calculus wars, anonymity in viii 184 197 212—213
Calculus wars, Bernoulli and 152 206—210 216—217 223
Calculus wars, Chamberlayne and 212 218—219
Calculus wars, Cheyne and 181 182
Calculus wars, Fatio and 175—179
Calculus wars, final disposition of 241—242 246—247
Calculus wars, Keill collaboration with Newton 196—197 213
Calculus wars, Keill vs. Leibniz 184—187 193—196 212—213
Calculus wars, Keill’s reputation impugned 219
Calculus wars, Leibniz attacks gravity theory 224—228
Calculus wars, Leibniz defends himself viii—ix 210—212 214—215
Calculus wars, Leibniz learns of Commeraum Epistolicum 206—207
Calculus wars, Leibniz writes History and Origin of the Differential Calculus 221—222
Calculus wars, Leibniz’s anger aroused 207—208 211 218—219
Calculus wars, Leibniz’s anonymous attacks on Newton 10—11 153—154 196—197
Calculus wars, Leibniz’s review of Opticks 182 196—197
Calculus wars, Newton continues after Leibniz’s death ix 232—233
Calculus wars, Newton — Leibniz letters (1716) 222—224
Calculus wars, Newton’s anger aroused 197 218
Calculus wars, Newton’s anonymous account 215
Calculus wars, Newton’s unpublished replies to Leibniz 213
Calculus wars, Principia scholium and 220
Calculus wars, Royal Society and 193—196 198—201 219
Calculus wars, scientific community involvement ix 214 218 219—220
Calculus wars, Walhs and 151—154
Calculus wars, Wolf on 215—216
Calculus, attributed to Leibniz 5 9 122
Calculus, attributed to Newton 151—152 200
Calculus, description of 6—7 35
Calculus, geometry and 7 9 35
Calculus, inevitability of invention of 29—30
Calculus, Leibniz invents viii 9 51—52 86—87
Calculus, Leibniz publications on viii 9 116—117 122—123
Calculus, L’Hopital textbook on 141
Calculus, Newton and Leibniz methods compared 151—52
Calculus, Newton invents vii—viii 5 30—31 35—36
Calculus, Newton’s writings on 5—6 35—37 243—244 “De
Calculus, notation for 86—87 123 180 215 244
Calvin, John 107
Cambridge University, and plague epidemic (1665) 33
Cambridge University, Newton lecturer at 30 36—38 41—49 192
Cambridge University, Newton studies at 25 27—31 36
Caroline, Princess of Wales 227
Cassini, Giovanni 80
Catelan, Abbe 156
Catholic/Protestant reconciliation, Leibniz on 107
Cavaheri, Bonaventura 8 63 72
Chair, folding 145—146
Challoner, William 172—173
Chamberlayne, John 212 218—219
characteristica universalis 52 (see also “Universal language”)
Charles I, King of England 19—21
Charles II, King of England 31 64—65 66 133—134
Charta Volans (Leibniz) 210—212
Cheyne, George 181 182
China 146 241
Choet, Jean-Robert 140
Christian churches, reunification of 107
Chronology, Newton’s 113—114
Chuno, Johann Jakob 188
Clarke, Samuel 227
Coffee houses 119
Coin clipping 170
Colbert 77 81
Collins, John, De Analasi and 41 192 199
Collins, John, encourages Newton to publish on calculus 95
Collins, John, Leibniz and 72 83—86 89—90 92—93 94
Collins, John, posthumous papers of 192 198—200
Collins, John, writes Histonola 90
Colors, Newton’s theory of 4 33 43—49
Comet appearances 31
Comets, orbits of 119 129
Commeraum Epistolicum (Royal Society) 198—201 206—208 212 218—219
Conduitt.John 30 237 238
Conn, Abbe 208 209 220 222 223 225 232
Counterfeiting 170 171
Craig, John 121—122
Cromwell, Oliver 21 31 32 134
Crowne, William 17 80
Dahl, Michael 173—174
De Analysi (Newton), Collins and 41 192 199
De Analysi (Newton), Leibniz and 94 96
De Analysi (Newton), published 192
De Analysi (Newton), written 37—38
De Casibus Perplexis (Leibniz) 53
De Motu Corporum (Newton) 121
De Principio Indivdui (Leibniz) 24
De quadrature curvarum. see ““On the Quadrature of Curves”
Demonstmtiones Catholicae (Leibniz) 107
Descartes, Rene, exile of 48
Descartes, Rene, invents analytical geometry 8
Descartes, Rene, Leibniz paper modeled on Geometry 116
Descartes, Rene, Leibniz studies 72
Descartes, Rene, Newton studies 30
Descartes, Rene, on vortex theory of planetary orbitals 129
Deschales, Claude Milliet 87
Dialogue (Galileo) 48
Differential calculus 121—122
Differentials, defined 6
Dilherr.Johann Michael 53
Disease, in seventeenth century 32
Dissertaoo de Arte Combinatori (Leibniz) 52—53
Egypt, proposed war against 58 59 60
Einstein, Albert, on Opticks 2
Empiricism 130
England, civil war of 19—21
England, French Huguenots and 133 137
England, Leibniz visits 64—65 67—71 94—96
England, Leibniz’s calculus introduced to 122
England, living conditions in 32
England, plague epidemic (1665) 31—33
England, war against France 137
Epistola posterior (Newton) 93 97—99
Epistola prior (Newton) 90—91
Ernst August, Duke of Hanover 108 111 144—145 148 164 174
Este, House of 145 147 148 149
Evelyn, John 31—33 38
Faoo de DuiUer, Nicholas 138—141 160—161 175—179 180—181 193
Fermat, Pierre 8
Flamsteed.John 161—162 211 214
Fluxions and fluents, method of vii—viii 9 35 98 151—152
Fogel, Martin 105
Folding chair 145—146
France, declares war (1688) 135—136
France, Huguenot persecution in 133
France, Newton’s reputation in 234
France, prepares for war with Holland 56 (see also “Franco-Dutch War”)
France, war against England 137
Franco-Dutch War 60 64 97 132
Franklin, Benjamin 2
Freret, Nicolas 113—114
Friesenegger, Mauros 16
Gahleo 21 48
Gallois, Abbe 77
Gasto, Prince of Florence 114
Geology, Leibniz and 112 150
Geometna (Bonaventura) 63 72
Geometry (Descartes) 30 116
Geometry, calculus and 7 9 35
Geometry, history of 7—9
George I, King of England 150 205—206
George Ludwig, Crown Prince of Hanover 150 164—166
George Ludwig, elector of Hanover 174—175 188 204—205 229—230 King
Germany, first scientific journal in 115
Germany, political structure of 55—56
Germany, Thirty Years’War and 15—17
Gout 230
Grand Alliance 135
Grantham 28 33—36
Gravesande, Willem Jacob 234
Gravitation, Newton on nature of 130 225
Gravitation, phenomena explained by 128—129
Gravitation, universal law of 33—34 128—130 131 224—228
Great fire of London 38—40
Gregory, David 128 184
Gregory, James 5 8 84 90
Grimaldi, Claudius Philip 146
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift) 191
Halley, Edmond 119—121 123—124
Hanover, court of Leibniz’s career at 77—78 103—104 105—112 148
Hanover, court of, life style of 164—166
Hanover, dukes of 104 (see also “Ernst August Duke Johann Duke
Hanover, Germany, in seventeenth century 106
Hanover, Germany, modern city 101—103
Hartzingk, Peter 108—109
Harz Mountain mines 108—112
health care, Leibniz on 146—147
histories, of noble families 144—145 147—150
Histortola (Collins) 90 94—95
History and Origin of the Differential Calculus (Leibniz) 221—222
History of Fluxions (Raphson) 220—221
Holland, imminent war with France 56
Holland, Leibniz visits 96—97
Holland, Newton’s reputation in 234
Holland, plague in 31
Holland, war with France see “Franco-Dutch War”
Holy Roman emperor 147—148
Holy Roman Empire 55
Hooke, Robert, accomplishments of 67
Hooke, Robert, calls Fatio “Newton’s ape” 141
Hooke, Robert, death of 181
Hooke, Robert, dispute with Huygens 68 81
Hooke, Robert, dispute with Leibniz 68
Hooke, Robert, disputes with Newton 4—5 46—48 68 89 124 211
Hooke, Robert, invents mechanical calculating machine 69
Hooke, Robert, Newton correspondence on planetary motion 118—119
Hooke, Robert, Oldenburg accused of spying by 81
Hooke, Robert, on Leibniz’s calculating machine 67—68
Hooke, Robert, optics work of 43 46
Hooke, Robert, writes Micrographia 47 89
Hudde, Johann 8 72 96
Huguenots 133 137
Huygens, Christian, Fatio and 176
Huygens, Christian, Hooke dispute 68 81
Huygens, Christian, Leibniz and 61—63 72 153
Huygens, Christian, mathematical contributions of 8
Huygens, Christian, meets Newton 139
Huygens, Christian, Oldenburg and 80
Huygens, Christian, on Newton’s calculus 153
Huygens, Christian, on Newton’s optics work 49 89
Huygens, Christian, optics work of 43
Huygens, Christian, reputation of 62
Infinite series 30 63
Integral calculus 63 122—123
Integral sign, invention of 86
Integrals, defined 6
Inverse square law of attraction 119 120 124
James II, King of England 121 134—135 136
Johann Friedrich, Duke of Hanover, alliances of 56—57
Johann Friedrich, Duke of Hanover, background of 104
Johann Friedrich, Duke of Hanover, death of 108
Johann Friedrich, Duke of Hanover, funds windmill project 110
Johann Friedrich, Duke of Hanover, offers job to Leibniz 77—78
Johann Friedrich, Duke of Hanover, relationship with Leibniz 106 110
John Casimir, King of Poland 56
Jones, William 192
Journal Literaire de la Haye 212 213 215
Journal pubhcaoon 41—42 79—80 115 Journal “Philosophical
Keill, John, accusations against Leibniz 184—185 193 212
Keill, John, Commercium Epistolicum and 200 201
Keill, John, Leibniz answers charges 187—188 193—94 195—196
Keill, John, letter to Chamberlayne 219
Keill, John, Newton and 196—197 213
Keill, John, Wolf on 214—215 219
Kepler, Johannes 7 48
Kepler’s laws 128
Kochanski, Adam 149
Konig, Samuel 90—91
Korugsmarck, Philip Christopher von 165—166
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis 236
Lasser, Herman Andrew 55
Lbrary at Hanover 93 104—105
League of Augsburg 135
Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van 80 97
Legal reform in Holy Roman Empire 55
Leibniz, Catharina Schmuck 17
Leibniz, Friedrich 17—18
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, accomplishments of 240—241
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, alchemy and 54