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Rouse Ball W.W. — Mathematical Recreations and Essays |
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Salmon Net, String Figure 327—328
Sauveur, J. 150
Scale of Notation, Denary 10—11
Scale of Puzzles dependent on 11—14
School-girls, Fifteen 193—223
Schooling, J.H. 10
Schub, H. 249
Schubert, H.on 346
Schumacher, H.C. 277
Scripture, E.W. 264
Scytale, The 300
Secret Communications chapter xiii
Seventy-seven Puzzle 54
Shanks, W.on 357
Sharp, A.on 356
Shelton, T. 316
Sherwin’s Tables 356
shuffling cards 235—237
Shunting Problems 69—71 82
Sixteen Counter Problem 64 82
Sixty-five Puzzle 52—53
Skeleton Cubes 32
Smith, A.on 359
Smith, D.E. 145
Smith, H.J.S. 42
Snell on 354 355
Solitaire 80
Sound, Problem in 107—108
Southwark, Labyrinth at 186
Sovereign, Change for 32
Spectrum Top 108
Spin on a Cricket-ball 105
Sporus on Delian Problem 342
Squaring the circle 346—3 9
St Cyr Method in Ciphers 307
St Laurent, T.de, on Cards 235
St Otner, Labyrinth at 186
St Vincent, Gregory of 343
Stability of Equilibrium 90—93
Statical Games 62—69
Steen on the Mousetrap 246
Storey on the Fifteen Puzzle 224
Strabo on Lake Moeris 184
Strachey, R. 140 148
Straszuicky 277 278
String Figures chapter xv
String Tricks 312—336
Sturm, A. 338
Suetonius 315
Sulander, K.E.I.on 319
Super-Dominoes 255—256
Suter, H. 54
Svastika 185
Swift, J. 84
Swinden, B.A. 27
Sylvester, J.J. 63 65 222
Symmetrical Magic Squares 156
Tait, P.G. 25 56 57 58 75 172 176
Tangrams 69
Tanner, L.on Shuffling Cards 235
Tarry, G. 72 157 158 177 178
Tartaglia 2 18 24 34 71
Taylor, B. 123
Taylor, Ch. 345
Taylor, H.M. 110 259
Tennis-ball, Cut on 103—105
Tent Flap, String Figure 325—32(5
| Tesselation 64—67 255—256
Texeira, F.G. 337
Theory of numbers 36—43
Thibaut, G.on Baudhayana 351
Thkbly-Magic Squares 158
Thompson, T.P. on Parallels 307
Thomson, J.J. 105
Threading Needle, String Trick 333—334
Three-in-a-row 62—64
Three-pile Problem 240—215
Three-Things Problem 12—23
Tom Tit 332
Tower or Hanoy 228—229
Trastevere, Labyrinth at 186
Trees, Geometrical 188
Treize, Game of 245—246
Tremaux on Mazes 183
Tricks with numbers 3—34
Trisection of angle 344—316
Tritheim, J. 292
Trollope, E.on Mazes 184
Troy-towns 186
Turton, W.H. 49 121
Two-Digit Process 285
Unicursal Problems chapter ix
Van Ceulen on 354 355
Van Etten, H. 11
Vandermonde 80 122 127
Varignon, P on Parallels 322
Vase Problem 18
Vega on 304
Victorinus 54
Vieta, F. 343 355
Violle, B., Magic Squares 139
Virgil 184
Volpicelli, P. on Knight’s Path 122
Von Bilguer on Chess Pieces 112
Von Helmholtz, H.F.L. 97
Voting, Question on 33
Waistcoat Trick 336
Walecki on Khknian’s Prob. 218
Walker, G.T. 28
Wallis, J. 229 232 265 355
Wantzell, P.L. 284
Warnsdorff, Knight’s Path 128
Watch Problem 14—15
watches 96
Watersheds and Watercourses 60—61
Waves, Superposition of 108
Weights Problem, The 34—36
Westrrn, A.K. on Binary Powers 40
Whately, R. 269
Wheatstone, C. 311 316 317
Whist, Number of Hands at 33
Wiedemann, A. on Lake Moeris 184
Wieferich, A. 42
Wilkins, J. 292 300 307 309
William III of England 186
Willis on Hauksbee’s Law 101
Window Reader 260—262
Wing, Labyrinth at 186
Work 89—93
Wostrowitz, E.B.von 292
Yam Thief, String Figure 328—330
Zach, F.X von on tt 357
Zamebone, U 279
Zeno on Motion 84—85
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