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Rouse Ball W.W. — Mathematical Recreations and Essays
Rouse Ball W.W. — Mathematical Recreations and Essays

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Íàçâàíèå: Mathematical Recreations and Essays

Àâòîð: Rouse Ball W.W.

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$\pi$      293—306 (see also “Table of Contents”)
Achilles and the tortoise      84
Agrippa, Cornelius      138
Ahrens, W.      113 138
Aiago, F.J.D.      270
Airy, Sir Geo      108
Aix, Labyrinth at      186
Alcuin      2 71
Algebraic integers      41
Alkborough, Labyrinth at      186
Alphabet, Morse      313
Amicable numbers      38
Ampere, A.M.      263
Anallagmatic Arrangements      65—66
Anaxagoras      350
Anderson, T.      316
Andrews, W.S.      157
Angular Motion      86
Anstice, R.R.      194
Antipho      297
Apollouius      339 342 351
Archimedes      54 90 346 350 352 354
Archytas on Delian Problem      340
Argyle, Eail of      299
Arithmetic, Higher      36—43
Arithmetical Fallacies      28—31
Arithmetical Prodigies      chapter xiii
Arithmetical Prodigies, Puzzles      4—33
Arithmetical Prodigies, Recreations      chapters i ii xi xii
Arithmetical Prodigies, Restorations      248—253
Arithmometers      chapter xiii
Arya-Bhata on $\pi$      351
Asenby, Labyrinth at      186
Auguntus      315
Ayrton, W.E.on Magic Mirrors      108
Bachet’s Problemes      2—25 34—30 71 238 240
Bacon, Francis      315
Bailey, J.E.      292
Baker, H.F.      235
Bali, W.W.R.      321 338
Barbette, E.      157
Baudhayana on $\pi$      351
Bazeries      311
Beaufort Cipher      308
Bees and their Cells      chapter viii
Bees’ Cells, Sxiapes of      101—162
Benham, C.E.      108
Bennett, G.T.      118
Bergholt, E.G.B.      33
Bern, Duchesse de      310
Bernoulli, John      29
Bertrand, J.L.F.      28
Bertrand, L.(of Geneva)      124
Berwick, W.E.H.      250
Besant on Hauksbee’s Law      101
Bewley, E.D.      33
Biahmagupta on ir      352
Bickiuore, C.E.      357
Bidder Family, The      259 275
Bidder, G.P.      271—275 282—291
Bienng, C.H.      338
Bilguer, von, on Chess Pieces      112
Binary Powers, Fermat on      39—40
Binet, A.      279
Birds, flight of      106—107
Bishop’s Re-entrant Paih      134
Biyant, S.      107—169
Bnaskara on $\pi$      352
Boat-racing with a Rope      101
Bordeied Magic Squares      144—146
Boscovich, R.      103
Boughton Green, Labyrinth at      186
Bouniakowski, V.on Shuffling      235
Bourget, M.J.on Shuffling      235
Bourlet, C.E.E.      22 23
Bouton, C.L.      21
Bray, A. on Kirkman’a Prob.      194 203
Breton on Mosaics      185
Bridoe, Proulem      222
Bromton      184
Brou-ham, Lord      165
Brouncker, Viscount, on $\pi$      855
Bryan, G.H.on Bird Flight      106 107
Bryso      350
Busschop, P.      258
Button hole, Siring Trick      335—336
Buxton, Jedediah      205—208
Caesar, Julius      315
Caids, Problems with      10—18 32 33 71 235—246
Calculatino Prodigies      chapter xiii
Calculation, Mental      chapter xiii
Caleuuar Piobiems      253
Callet, J.F.on $\pi$      357
Cantor, M.on $\pi$      349
Cardan, G.      2 229 232 292
Caroline Catch, String Trick      330—333
Cartwright, W.      316
Caterpillar, String Figure      330—331
Cat’s Cradles      chapter xv
Cauchy, A.L.      61 260
Cayley, A.      55 59 188 245 355
Cells of a Chess-board      122
Centrifugal force      89
Ceulen, van, on $\pi$      354 355
Chaitres, Labyrinth at      186
Charcot, J.M.      279
Charles I      316 317
Chartres, R.      28 51 359
Chasles on Trisection of Angle      346
Chess, Maximum Pieces Problem      119
Chess, Minimum Pieces Prob.      119
Chess, Number of Initial Moves      110
Chess, Pieces, Value of      110—113
Chess-board, Games on      74—80 chapter
Chess-board, Games on, Knights’ move on      111
Chess-board, Games on, Notation of      109
Chess-board, Games on, Problems      74—80 chapter
Chess-board, Games on, Recreations      chapter vx
Chifu — Chemulpo Puzzle      70 82
Chilcombe, Labyrinth at      186
Chinese on $\pi$      352
Chinese Rings      229—234
Chippewa Release, String Trick      333
Ciccolini, T.on Chess      129
ciphers      chapter xiv
Ciphers, Denaition of      293
Ciphers, Four types of      800—310
Circle, quadrature of      346—359
Cissoid, the      340 342 348
Clairaut on Trisection of Angle      345
Claus      228
Clausen on $\pi$      357
Cleik Maxwell, J.      5 59 108
Clifford, W.K.      87
clocks      96
Cnossus, Coins of      184 185
Coat and Waistcoat Trick      336
Coccoz, M.      46 157
Code, Morse      313
Code-Book Cipheis      318
Colburn, Z.      209—271 272
Cole, R.A.L.      262
Colebiooke, H.T.      299
Collini on Chess      128
Collins, Letter from J.Gregory      303
Colour-cube Problem      67—69
Colouring Maps      54—59
Columbus’s Egg Puzzle      93
Comberton, Labyrinth at      186
Compass Problems      262—263
Conchoid, the      340 344 348
Cones moving uphill      93
Conrad’s Tables      302
Contour-lines      59—60
Counters, Games with      62—64 74—80
Cox, James, on Clocks      96
Cradle, String Figure      331
Cretan Labyrinth      182 184—185
Cricket-ball, Spin on      105
Cross-fours      67
Cryptographs      chapter xiv
Cryptographs, Definition of      293
Cryptographs, Three types of      294—300
Cryptography      chapter xiv
Cube, duplication of      338—344
Cubes, Coloured      67—69
Cubes, Skeleton      32
Cudworth, W.on Sharp      356
Cumulative Vote      33
Cunningham, A.J.C.      40
Curiosa Physica      107—108
Curl on a Cricket-ball      105
Cusa on $\pi$      353
Cut on a Tennis-ball      103—105
Cutting Cards, Problems on      17
Darboux, G.      279 282
Dase, J.M.Z.      276—278 291 357 358
Davis, E.P.on Kirkinan’s Problem      218
De Berri, Duchesse      311
De Coatpont      258
De Fonteney on Ferry Problem      72
De Fouquieres      63
De Haan, B.on $\pi$      349 354
De la Hire, P.      147 150
de la Loubere, S.      139 151
De Lagny on $\pi$      356
De Lavernede, J.E.T.      129
de Moivre, A.      122 123
De Montmort      1 123
De Morgan, A.      55 84 346 348 349 359
De Parvilie on Tower of Hanoi      229
De Polignac on Knight’s Move      133
De Rohan      318
De St Laurent, T.      235
Decimation      24—27
Delannoy      72
Delastelle, F.      292
Delens, P.      248 249
Delian problem      338—344
Denary Scale of Notation      10—11
Derrington, on Queens Problem      118
Descartes      343 348 356
Diabolic Magic Squares      150—156
Diamandi      279
Dickson, L.E.      38 41 42 244
Diego Palomino      23
Digby, Lord      316
Digit Questions      247
Digital Process      285
Digits, Mising      248—253
Diocles on Delian Problem      342
Diodorus on Lake Moeris      184
Dircks, H.      94 318
Dirichlet, Lejeune      42
Dissection Problems      54 256—260
Dissection, Proofs by      52—54 256—260
Dodecahedron Game      189—192
Dodgson, C.L. on Parallels      45
Dominoes      22—23 168—169
Dominoes, Arrangements of      178—181
Doubly-Magic Squares      156—157
Drayton      184
Dudeney, H.E.      26 33 47 72 119 160 194 203 259
Duplication of cube      338—344
Durer, A.      138
Dynamical Games      69—80
D’Alembert, J.      28 30
Earnshaw, S      108
Eckenstein, O. on Kirkman’s Problem      193 190 203 209 217 220 222
Eight Quekns Problem      113—118
Eisenlohr, A.on Ahmes      350
Eisenstein, F.G.      40
Ellis, R. Leslie      166
Elusive Loop, String Trick      332
Encke, J.F.      277
Enestrom, G.on $\pi$      349
Epicurus on Gravitation      171
Equilibrium, Puzzles on      90—93
Eratosthenes      340
Escott, E.B.      160 305
Etten, van      11
euc      32 52
Euc i.      47 52 256 257
Euclid      38 44—45 297
Euler, L.      38—41 61 122—127 150 158 335 356
Eulerian Squares      159
Euler’s Officers Problem      158
Euler’s Unicursal Problem      179—182
Euzet, M.      258
Exploration Problems      23
Fabre, J.H.      164
Fairfax      316
Fallacies, Arithmetical      28—31
Fallacies, Geometrical      44—52
Fallacies, Mechanical      84—87 93—98
Fermat on Binary Powers      39—40
Fermat, P.      36—43
Fermat’s Last Theorem      40—43
Ferry-boat Problems      71—73
Fifteen Girls Problem      chapter x
Fifteen puzzle      224—228
Firth, W.      143
Fitzpatrick, J.      75
Five Disc Problem      253—255
Fluid Motion      101—107
Fly, String Figure      332—333
Fly-on-the-Nose, String Trick      334—335
Fonteney on Ferry Problem      72
Force, Definition of      87
Fortunatianus      54
Fouquieres, Becq de, on Games      63
Four Digits Problem      13
Four “4’s” Problem      14
Four “4’s”, Analogous Problems      14
Four-Colour Map Theorem      54—59
Fourrey, E.      253
Fox, Captain on $\pi$      359
Frankenstein, G.      148
Frenicle (de Bessy), B.      144
Frost, A.H.      150 194
Fuller, T.      268
Galton, F.      28
Games with Counters      74—80
Games, Dynamical      69—80
Games, Statical      62-09
Gauss, C.F.      43 269 277
Geodesic Problems      73—74
Geography, Physical      59—61
Geometrical Fallacies      44—52
Geometrical Problems, Three Classical      chapter xvi
Geometrical Recreations      chapters iii iv xi xii
Gerbert      298
Gergonne’s Problem      240—244
Germain, S.      42
Gerwien, P.      258
Giegory of St Vincent      343
Gill, T.H.on Kirkman’s Prob.      194
Glaisher, J.W.L.      114 163 349
Glamorgan, Earl of      317
Golf-balls, Flight of      105
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