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Rouse Ball W.W. — Mathematical Recreations and Essays |
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Gollbach’s Theorem 39
Great Northekn Puzzle 69 82
Greenwich, Labyrinth at 186
Gregory, Jas. 347 355
Gregory’s series 356
Grienberger on 356
Grille, The 297
Gronfeld’s Method in Ciphers 306
Gros, L. on Chinese Rings 232 234
Guarini’s Problems 135—136
Guitel, E. 258
Gun, Report of 108
Guthrie on Colouring Maps 55
Guuthtir, S. 113 139
Haan, B.de on 349 354
Haddon, K. 332
Halley on 356
Halter, String Trick 333
Hamilton, Sir Wm. 189—192
Hamiltonian Game 189—192
Hampton Court, Maze at 182 186
Handcuff, String Figure 335
Hanoi, Tower of 228—229
Hanson, G.D.L. 194 218
Harrison, C.H. 320
Harzer, P. on 352
Hauksbee’s Law 101—106
Hayward, Sir J. 302
Heawood, P.J.on Maps 56
Hegesippus on Decimation 24
Helmholtz, H.L.F.von 97
Henry, Ch. on Euler’s Problem 170
Hermann, A 65
Herniary 192
Hero of Alexandria on 340 351
Herodotus on Lake Moeris 184
Herschel, Sir John 272
Herschel, Sir William 273
Hexagon Problem 256
Hiero of Syracuse 90
Higher Arithmetic 36—43
Hills and Dales 59—60
Hippias 350
Hippocrates of Chios 340 350
Hoffmann, L. 332
Holtz, E. 258
Houdin, J.E.R. 278
Huber, F. 164
Hudson, C.T. 241
Hudson, W.H.II. 236
Hutton, C. 3 356
Huygens, C. 342 346 355
Hyper-magic Squares 150—158
I-Hire, P. 147 150
Icosian game 189—192
Inaudi, J. 279—2o2
Inertia 88 89
Integers, Algebraic 41
Internal Structure, Test of 93
Inwards on the Cretan Maze 184
Jaenisch, C.F.de 120 122 128 132
James II of England 299
Japanese Magic Mirrors 108
Jayne, C.F. on Stiing Figures 332
Jephson, T. 272
Johnson, W. on Fifteen Puzzle 221
Jones, W. on 349 356
Josephus problem 23—27
Julian’s Bowers 186
Julius Caesar 312
Kempe, A.B.on Colouring Maps 56
Kino’s Re-entrant Path 133
Kirkman, T.P. 193
Kirkman’s Problem chapter x
Klein, F.C. 281
Kluber, J.L. 292
Knights of the Round Table 33
Knioht, Re-entrant Path 122—132
Knygliton 184
Koenig, S. 162—164
Kouigsberg Problem 170—183
Kummer, E.E. 42
La Loubere, S. 139 151
Labyrinths 182—187
Lacroix, P.L. 346
Lagny on 356
Lagrange’s Theorem 39
Laisant, C.A. 12
Lambert, J.H.on 346 347
Lame, G. 42
Laquiere on Knight’s Path 131
Latin squares 136
Latruaumont 318
Laugley, S.P.on Bird Flight 106
Lavernede, J.E.T.de 129
Lawrence, F.W. 37
Leake 11 14 18 22
Lebesgue on Fermat’s Theorem 42
Legendre, A.M. 42 124 132 293 294
Legros, L.A. 194 195
Lejeune Dirichlet on Fermat 42
Leonardo of Pisa on 353
Leslie, J. 340 314
Leurechon, J. 2 11
Lhuher, S. 165
Lightning, String Figure 326—327
Linde, A.van der 122
Lines of Slope 60
Listing, J.B. 81 172 379
Liveing on the Spectrum Top 108
Lizard Twist, String Trick 332—333
Lmdemann on 347
London and Wise 186
Loubere, S.de la 139 151
Loyd, S. 19
Lucas di Burgo 2
Lucas, E. 67 72 77 79 80 170 178 183 218 228 232
Lucca, Labyrinth at 186
Macaulay, W.H. 259—260
Maclarin, C. 164 472
MacMahon, P.A. 34 35—36 67 136 255
Macnin’s Series for 356 357 358
Maeterlinck, M. 164
Magic Bottles 90 91
Magic Mirrors 108
Magic Pencils 163—165
Magic Product Squares 147
Magic squares chapter vii
Magic Squme Puzzies 158 160
Magic Stars 147—148
Magnus on Hauksbee’s Law 103
Manage Problem 34
Mangiamele, V. 276
Map colour theorem 54—59
Maraldi, G.F. 163
Marie Antoinette 318
Marsden, E. on Kirkman’s Problem 194
Mascheroni, L. 262 263
Maxim, H. on Bird Flight 106
Maxwell, J.Clerk 5 59 108
Maxwell’s Demon 108
Mazes 182—187
McClintock, E. 145
MeBolabum 340
Mechanical Recreations chapter v
Medieval Problems 18—25
Menaechmus 343
Mental arithmetic chapter xiii
Mersenne on Primes 37
Mersenne’s Numbers 37
| Metius, A.on 353
Meziriac see “Bachet”
Mikami, Y. 145
Miller, G.A. 222
Minding on Knight’s Path 132
MINOS 182 339
Minotaur 184
Mirrors, Magic 108
Miscellaneous Problems 224
Missing Digits 248—253
Mitchell, F.D 264
Mobius, A.F. 55
Models 97—98
Mohammed’s Sign-Manual 176
Moivre, A.de 122 123
Mondeux, H. 276 281
Money, Question on 9—10
Monge on Shuffling Cards 235—237
Montmort, de 1 123
Montucla, J.F. 3 90 91 123 147 258 346 347 355
Moon, R. 132
Moore, E.H. 222
Morcom, R.K. 21
Mordell, L.J. 41
Morehead, J.C. 40
Morgan, A.de 315—316 (see also “De Morgan.M.rse Code”)
Mosaic Pavements 64 185
Moschopulus 138
Mosquito, String Figure 322—323
Motion in Fluids 101—107
Motion, Laws of 83 87—93
Motion, Paradoxes on 84—87
Motion, Perpetual 93—96
Mousetrap, Game of 245—246
Muller (Regiomontanus) 300
Muller, G.E. 264
Mydorge 2
Nasik Magic Squares 150—156
Nauck, F. 113
Navahomg Loops, String Figure 326
Net, String Figure 327—328
Neville, E.H. 254
Newton, Isaac 94 103 343 345 347 348
Newtonian Laws of Motion 83—93
Niceron, J.F. 292
Nicomedes 340
NIM 21
Notation, Denary Scale of 10—11
Noughts and Crosses 62
Numbers, perfect 38
Numbers, Puzzles with 4—27
Numbers, theory of 36—43
Openings, A, B, String Figure 326
Oppert on 297
Oram on Eight Queens 117
Oughtred’s Recreations 11 14 18 22 91 92
Ovid 184
Ozanam, A.F.on Labyrinths 185
Ozanam’s Recreations 2 3 11 18 25 53 71 90 91 92 93 96 98 123 138 139 149 166 229
Pacioh di Burgo 2
Pairs-of-Cards Trick 238—240
Palomino 23
Pandiaqonal Magic Squares 150—156
Pappus 340 344 345
Paradromig rings 80—81
Parmentier on Knight’s Path 122
Parry on Sound 108
Parville, de 229
Pawns, Games with 74—80
Peirce, B.on Kirkman’s Problem 104
Peirce’s Problem of Girls 219
Peiry, J.on Magic Mirrors 108
Pepys, S. 317
Perfect Magic Squares 150—160
Perfect numbers 38
Permutation Problems 32
Perpeiual Motion 93—96
Perrin 12
Petersen, A.C. 277
Petersen, J.on Maps 57
Philo 287
Philoponus on Delian Problem 338
Physical Geography 59—61
Pianck, C. 159
Pile Problems 210—245
Pirie, G.on 355
Pittenger, W. 89
Plato on Delian Problem 338 339
Playfair Cipher 308
Pliny 184
Poe, E.A. 292 302
Poie, W. 290
Poita, G. 292
Poitiers, Labyrinth at 186
Polignac on Knight’s Path 133
Portier, B.on Magic Squares 157
Pratt on Knight’s Path 128
Pretender, The Young 299
Probabilities and 358
Probabilities, Fallacies in 30—32 52
Ptolemy 298
Purbach on 353
Puzzles, Arithmetical 4—36
Puzzles, Geometrical 62—81
Puzzles, Mechanical 84—93
Pythagorean Symbol 176
Quadrature of circle 346 359
Queens Problem, Eight 113—118
Queens, Problems with 113—118
Qufen, Paths on Chess-board 133 134 135
Racquet-hall, Cut on 103—105
Railway Puzzles (Shunting) 69—71
Ramification 188
Ravenna, Labyrinth at 186
Rayleigh, Lord 103 105 106
Re-entrant Chess Paths 122—134
Reaumur, F.A.F. 164
Regiomontanus on 353
Reimer, N.T. 338
Reiss, M. 80 181
Relative motion 87
Renton, W. 52
Restorations of Digits 248—253
Rhind papyrus 350
Rich, J. 317
Richard, J. 87
Richelieu 298
Richter on 857
Rilly, A. 157
Robert-Houdin, J.E. 278
Rockliff Marshes, Labyrinth at 186
Rodet, L.on Arya-Bhata 351
Roget, P.M. 122 127—132
Romanus on 353
Rome, Labyrinth at 186
Rook, Re-entrant Path 133—134
Rosamund’s Bower 184
Rosen, F.on Arab values of 352
Round Table, Knights of 33
Route Method in Ciphers 296
Routes on Chess-board 122—135
Row, Counters in a 62—64 74—78
Ruckle, C. 279 281 282
Rudio, F.on 346
Russell, B.A.W. 85
Rutheiford on 357
Safford, T.H. 278 279
Saffron Walden, Labyrinth at 186
Sailing, Theory of 98—101
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