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Hartle J.B. — Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity
Hartle J.B. — Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity

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Íàçâàíèå: Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity

Àâòîð: Hartle J.B.


A textbook for junior or senior undergraduate physics students. It begins with the simplest physically relevant solutions of the Einstein equation to bring students quickly to the physical phenomena.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2002

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 656

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.04.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Spacetime, separated into space and time by families of spacelike surtaces      160
Spacetime, slice of      53
Spacetime, spelled as one word      52n
Spatial vector      see “Three-vectors”
Special relativistic mechanics      82—99
Special relativistic mechanics, dynamics      85—91
Special relativistic mechanics, four-acceleration      86
Special relativistic mechanics, four-force, defined      86
Special relativistic mechanics, four-force, in terms of three-force      88
Special relativistic mechanics, four-momentum      87
Special relativistic mechanics, four-momentum, of a zero rest mass particle      92
Special relativistic mechanics, four-velocity, as a unit timelike four-vector      85
Special relativistic mechanics, four-velocity, defined      84
Special relativistic mechanics, four-velocity, in terms of three-velocity      84
Special relativistic mechanics, four-velocity, normalization      85
Special relativistic mechanics, four-velocity, unit tangent vector to world line      84
Special relativistic mechanics, kinematics      82—85
Special relativistic mechanics, Newton's first law      52 85
Special relativistic mechanics, Newton's second law      85—86
Special relativistic mechanics, Newton's third law      88
Special relativistic mechanics, Newtonian approximation      87 88
Special relativistic mechanics, principle of extremal proper time      89
Special relativistic mechanics, variational principle for free particle motion      89—91
Special relativistic mechanics, world lines      82
Special relativity      see also “Simultaneity” “Lorentz “Special “Time “Flat etc.
Special relativity, Einstein's motivating assumptions      49
Special relativity, not restricted to constant velocity      62n
Sphere (two-dimensional)      18—20 23—25
Sphere (two-dimensional), approximate geometry of Earth      25 (box)
Sphere (two-dimensional), line element      23
Spherically symmetric geometries, line element      458
Spherically symmetric geometries, Schwarzschild the unique vacuum solution      468 (problem)
Spin four-vector      see “Gyroscopes”
Stability in Newtonian mechanics      see “Newtonian mechanics”
Standard candles      354 402
Standard rulers      414 (problem)
Stars, relativistic      see “Relativistic stars”
Static, weak field metric      126 453 485
Static, weak field metric, derived      469 (problem)
Static, weak field metric, satisfies Einstein equation      460
Stellar evolution      255—256
Stellar evolution, and the main sequence      357 (figure)
Stellar evolution, endstates      244 255—256 282 515 533
Stellar evolution, hydrogen burning      255
Stellar evolution, life history of a star      255
Stellar evolution, thermonuclear burning      515
Stellar evolution, thermonuclear burning, and gravitational collapse      255
strain      336
Stress      476
Stress, gives force on enclosed volume      478
Stress, pressure as an example      476
Stress, stress-tensor defined      476
Stress, stress-tensor for a fluid      476
Stress-energy      474—482
Stress-energy tensor      see “Stress-energy”
Stress-energy, and conservation of energy      478
Stress-energy, and equations of motion      478
Stress-energy, components      474—477
Stress-energy, components summarized      477
Stress-energy, conservation of in flat spacetime      478—479
Stress-energy, defined      474
Stress-energy, local conservation of in curved spacetime      480—482
Stress-energy, local conservation of in FRW cosmological models      481
Stress-energy, of a gas of particles      475
Stress-energy, of a perfect fluid      480
Stress-energy, of electromagnetism      488 (problem)
Stress-energy, of vacuum      see “Vacuum”
Stress-energy, perfect fluid      see “Perfect fluid”
Stress-energy, relation to stress-tensor      476
Stress-energy, symmetric tensor      475 477 487
Stress-tensor      see “Stress”
String, vibrating      see “Newtonian mechanics stability”
Summation convention      79 138—140
Summation convention, rules with upper and lower indices      424
Summation indices      see “Indices”
Sun, as a gravitational lens      253 (problem)
Sun, oblateness of      233 (problem)
Sun, rotational period      296
Superluminal motion      61 (box)
Superluminal motion, in 3C345      61 (box) 74
Supernova 1994D      359 (figure)
Supernovae      282
Supernovae Type la      358
Surface brightness      240 also
Symmetries, and conservation      176
Symmetries, characterized by Killing vectors      176
Symmetries, of spacetime      176
Table comparing flat, Newtonian, and general spacetimes      170 (table)
Tachyons      59 102
Taylor, J., and discovery of the binary pulsar PSRB1913+16      250
Tensors      427—430
Tensors, components of      427
Tensors, contraction operation      428
Tensors, defined      427
Tensors, derivative      436
Tensors, metric      427
Tensors, rank      427
Tensors, transforming between coordinate and orthonormal bases      429
Tensors, transforming between coordinate bases      429^430
Test masses, test bodies      see “Test particles”
Test particles, defined      169
Test particles, explore curved spacetimes      169
Tests of general relativity      6 see “Deflection “Precession “Time “Binary “Gyroscopes”
Thermonuclear burning      255
Thermonuclear fusion      see also “Thermonuclear burning”
Thermonuclear fusion, energy released in      290 (box)
Thermonuclear fusion, vs. gravitational binding      290 (box)
Thermonuclear reactions in stars      515
Thome, K., 151      (box)
Three-momentum      87
Three-surfaces      158—163
Three-surfaces, constant time      159
Three-surfaces, families of      160
Three-surfaces, intrinsic geometry      159
Three-surfaces, Lorentz hyperboloid      160
Three-surfaces, normal direction to      159
Three-surfaces, normal vector      159
Three-surfaces, normal vector, and gradient      426
Three-surfaces, null      162
Three-surfaces, null, "one-way" property      163
Three-surfaces, null, defined      162
Three-surfaces, null, generated by light rays      162
Three-surfaces, spacelike      160
Three-surfaces, spacelike and general notion of "space"      160
Three-surfaces, tangent directions to      159
Three-vectors      79
Three-velocity      84
Tides, and tidal gravitational forces      448 (box)
Tides, lag of      448 (box)
Tides, shape of      466 (problem)
Tides, why two a day      448 (box)
Time delay of light      229—230 also “Light
Time delay of light, and PPN parameters      223
Time delay of light, effect of solar corona      230
Time delay of light, experimental tests      229—230
Time delay of light, measured on Viking mission to Mars      229
Time dilation      60—65
Time dilation, experimental test      64 (box)
Time dilation, in GPS      124
Time machines      151 (box) 192
Timelike, and velocity less than c      59
Timelike, distances      142
Timelike, distances, measured by clocks      60
Timelike, four-vectors      78
Timelike, separation      58
Timelike, world lines      59 96 142
Timelike, world lines, inside light cone      59
topology      152
Torsion pendulum      107 108
Torsion pendulum, used to test equality of gravitational and inertial mass      108
Transverse traceless (TT) gauge      see “Linearized gravity”
Trapped surfaces, and singularity theorems      266 (box)
Trapped surfaces, defined      266 (box)
Twin paradox      63—65
Twin paradox, and inertial frames      65
Twin paradox, test with atomic clocks      130 (box)
Unipolar generator      326 (box)
Units, c converts between length and time      72
Units, c= 1 (ML)      71—73
Units, conversion between      see “Appendix B”
Units, definition of the meter and second      72n
Units, geometrized, c = G = 1 (L)      188
Units, putting back the c's      73
Universe      10
Universe, age      381 (figure)
Universe, baryons      400 401
Universe, big bang      361
Universe, big bang, as a singularity      381 (box)
Universe, big bang, what came before?      381 (box)
Universe, big crunch      390
Universe, composition      347—351
Universe, cosmological parameters ${H}_{0}, {\Omega}_{r}, {\Omega}_{m}, {\Omega}_{v}$ best buy values      402
Universe, cosmological parameters ${H}_{0}, {\Omega}_{r}, {\Omega}_{m}, {\Omega}_{v}$ from CMB anisotropics      405 410
Universe, cosmological parameters ${H}_{0}, {\Omega}_{r}, {\Omega}_{m}, {\Omega}_{v}$ from SNIa redshift-magnitude relation      405 406
Universe, dark matter      349—351
Universe, distance scale      353 (box) 354—359
Universe, distance scale, Cepheid variable stars      356
Universe, distance scale, main sequence fitting      356
Universe, distance scale, triangulation      354 355
Universe, distance scale, Type la Supernovae      358
Universe, energy density in galaxies      348
Universe, energy density of CMB      348
Universe, expansion      347 351—364
Universe, expansion of      see “FRW cosmological models” “Hubble's
Universe, expansion, Hubble's law      352—359
Universe, expansion, no center to      353 (figure)
Universe, expansion, what's expanding? into what? from where?      367
Universe, explaining the      410—413
Universe, homogeneity      347 363—364
Universe, inflation, and homogeneity and isotropy      413
Universe, inflation, and horizon size      412
Universe, inflation, and spatial flatness      413
Universe, inflation, defined      412
Universe, inflation, mechanism for      412 (box)
Universe, isotropy      347 361—363 see
Universe, isotropy, galaxies      363 (figure)
Universe, isotropy, radiation      361
Universe, mapping its contents      360—364
Universe, missing mass      351 Set also Dark matter
Universe, quantum initial condition      12
Universe, thermal history      375 (box)
Universe, thermal history, baryosynthesis      375 (box)
Universe, thermal history, first few minutes      380
Universe, thermal history, freeze out      375 (box)
Universe, thermal history, initial thermal equilibrium      375 (box)
Universe, thermal history, nucleosynthesis      375 (box) 380 400 400—401
Universe, thermal history, recombination      375 (box) 405
Universe, wave function of      410
Universe, which one is ours?      400—410
Vacuum Einstein equation      see “Einstein equation”
Vacuum, energy density      347 351
Vacuum, stress-energy      480 483
Vacuum, stress-energy, and cosmological constant      480
Variational principle for free particle motion      89
Variational Principle for Newtonian mechanics      43
Vector field      see “Vectors”
Vectors      152—158 419—441 see “Four-vectors”
Vectors, as directional Jematrves      419—421
Vectors, as rank 1 tensors      427
Vectors, constant      439
Vectors, contravariant components      423
Vectors, coordinate basis for      155
Vectors, correspondence with dual vectors      422
Vectors, covariant components      423
vectors, defined      152
Vectors, defined as directional dematives      420
Vectors, derivative of      430—440 see
Vectors, derivative of as a rank 2 tensor      434 436
Vectors, derivative of defined      431
Vectors, derivative of formula for      434
Vectors, downstairs somponents      423
Vectors, Killing      see “Killing vectors”
Vectors, orthonomial basis for      153—158
Vectors, para. e. propagation along a curse      438
Vectors, parallel transport of      430—440
Vectors, proiecting out components      424
Vectors, relations between different kinds of bases and components      425 (table)
Vectors, transforming between coordinate and orthonormal bases      156 424
Vectors, transforming between coordinate bases      420
Vectors, upstairs components      423
Vectors, vector Fields      152
Velocities, addition of      see “Addition of velocities”
Velocity of light, as a denned quantity      72
Very-long-baseline radio interferometry (VLBI)      226
Vibrating string      530
Viking radar ranging time delay experiment      213 (figure)
VLBI      see “Very-long-bavehne radio interferometry”
Volume      146—148
Warpdrive geometry      144—145
Warpdrive geometry, light cones      145 (figure)
Warpdrive geometry, negative energy required      145 489
Wave equation      463—464 493—496
Wave equation, long wavelength approximation      495
Wave equation, outgoing wave boundary conditions      494
Wave equation, retarded solution      494
Wave equation, solution of      463—464 493—496
Wave operator      see “Wave equation”
Wave operator in flat space $\Box$      460 492
Weak energy condition      488 (problem)
Weak gravitational waves      see “Gravitational waves”
White dwarf stars      see “White dwarfs”
White dwarfs      7 255 515
White dwarfs, endstates of stellar evolution      515 533
White dwarfs, equation of state      524
White dwarfs, internal structure      524 (figure)
White dwarfs, mass vs. radius      525 (figure)
White dwarfs, maximum mass      256 358 524 525
White dwarfs, stability      533
World lines      53
World lines, of light rays (null curves)      142
World lines, of light rays parametrized by affine parameters      92
World lines, of particles (timelike curves)      142
World lines, of particles (timelike curves), parametrized by proper time      82
World lines, parametrized description      82
World lines, proper time along      82
Wormhole geometry      148—152
Wormhole geometry, Christoffel symbols      174
Wormhole geometry, embedding diagram      151 (figure)
Wormhole geometry, negative energy required      151 (box) 490
Wormholes      151 (box)
Wormholes, Schwarzschild geometry as a      273 (box)
X-ray sources      244—250
X-ray sources, binaries      244 282—284
X-ray sources, luminosity      245 (box)
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