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Kammler D.W. — First Course in Fourier Analysis
Kammler D.W. — First Course in Fourier Analysis

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Название: First Course in Fourier Analysis

Автор: Kammler D.W.


This unique book provides a meaningful resource for applied mathematics through Fourier analysis. It develops a unified theory of discrete and continuous (univariate) Fourier analysis, the fast Fourier transform, and a powerful elementary theory of generalized functions and shows how these mathematical ideas can be used to study sampling theory, PDE's, probability, diffraction, musical tones, and wavelets. Providing unified development of (univariate) Fourier analysis for functions on R, T, Z, and P, the book also includes an unusually complete presentation of the Fourier transform calculus. It uses concepts from calculus to present an elementary theory of generalized functions. It also uses the FT calculus and generalized functions to study the (univariate) wave equation, diffusion equation, and diffraction equation. In addition, fine points of the theory are developed. The book also demonstrates real-world applications of Fourier analysis in the chapter on musical tones. A valuable reference on Fourier analysis for a variety of scientific professionals, including Mathematicians, Physicists, Chemists, Geologists, Electrical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, and others.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 798

Добавлена в каталог: 13.04.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Eigenvalues      279—280 282
Eigenvalues, of $\mathcal{F}$      151 167 212
Eigenvalues, of Kronecker product      363
Eigenvalues, of LTI system      18 282
End padding operator      234 284 688
Equidistribution of arithmetic sequence      194
Error function      582 A36
Errors, for computation of ${\omega}^{k}$      357
Errors, for computing sum with round off      793
Errors, for fast arithmetic      124
Errors, for FFT      301
Errors, for frame, detail coefficients      649—655 685—686
Errors, for least squares      75—76 84
Errors, for sampling theorems      492 497 499 507
Euclidean algorithm for gcd      227
Euler, gamma function      164
Euler, identity for sin, cos      1 67
Euler, Maclaurin sum formula      213
Even, function      62 64 247
Even, generalized function      397 455
Even, projection      245
Expectation integral      720 738 755—761 764
Expectation integral, for independent random variables      764
Expectation integral, for spectral density      720
Exponent notation      313
Exponent notation, via Kronecker products      339
Exponential operators      245
Extreme value principle      545
Factorial powers      440
Factorization, of ${\bf L}_{\pm}, {\bf H}_{\pm}$ from filter bank      656
Factorization, of convolution operator      257
Factorization, of DFT matrix      314 329 338
Factorization, of DHT matrix      324 359
Factorization, of Q for filter bank      666
Fast arithmetic      113—114 124
Fast convolution      113 357
FBI filters      672 691'
Fejer example of divergent Fourier series      57 85
Fejer kernel      78 474
Fermat theorem      236
FFT, Bluestein's scheme      358
FFT, Cooley — Tukey      295 349
FFT, decimation in frequency      299 318 338
FFT, decimation in time      296 316 322 331
FFT, for frames of movies      572
FFT, for spectral factorization      637
FFT, for spectrogram      705
FFT, FORTRAN code      A27
FFT, Gauss discovery      70 295 360
FFT, impact      294—295 A1
FFT, in place      311
FFT, operations      295 323 332 353 358
FFT, Stockham's autosort      344 366
FFT, three loop algorithm      313 318 322
FFT, two loop algorithm      365
FFT, via DFT rules      296 299 353
FFT, via flow chart      348 A23
FFT, via Kronecker product      344 365—366
FFT, via Mason flow diagram      355
FFT, via matrix factorization      310 329 356
FFT, via recursive algorithm      301 350 351
FFT, via segments      352
FFT, via zipper identity      312 314 328
FFT, with precomputed sines      318 322
FHT, advantages      325 327
FHT, patent      325 Al
FHT, three loop algorithm      326
FHT, via zipper identity      324 356 359
Filter bank      655
Filter bank, Fourier analysis      658
Filter bank, perfect reconstruction      661 689
Filter bank, using up, down sampling      656
Filter, FBI      672 691
Filter, for filter bank      659
Filter, for sampling      497 519
Filter, for shaping noise      721
Filter, high-, low-pass      281 511 659
Filter, translation      663
Filter, via convolution      497
Fletcher — Munsen contours      695—696
Floor function $\lfloor\quad\rfloor$      124 200 229 383 467 683 703 717 731
FM synthesis of tone      711—717
FM synthesis of tone, parallel and cascade      734
Forward difference      118 440 480
FOURIER      ii xiv xv
Fourier coefficient      5 10 441 446
Fourier coefficient, rate of decay      193 441
Fourier series      5 173
Fourier series, convergence      39—48 75 77
Fourier series, for generalized functions      440—441
Fourier series, to solve PDEs      532 535 538 549 567
Fourier series, uniqueness      30 78
Fourier series, via Bernoulli functions      184 218 437
Fourier series, via differentiation      422 479
Fourier series, via integration      174
Fourier series, via Laurent series      185
Fourier series, via Poisson's formula      179 478
Fourier series, via Riemann sum      79
Fourier series, via rules      176—179 191—192
Fourier series, weak convergence      58 433 441
Fourier transform      see “DFT”
Fourier transform $(\mathbb{R}),$ calculus      129 114 146
Fourier transform $(\mathbb{R}),$ decay at infinity      153 170
Fourier transform $(\mathbb{R}),$ of generalized function      413
Fourier transform $(\mathbb{R}),$ of periodic functions      444
Fourier transform $(\mathbb{R}),$ of probability density      746—752
Fourier transform $(\mathbb{R}),$ smoothness      48 81 153 169 786
Fourier transform $(\mathbb{R}),$ table      A1—A7
Fourier transform $(\mathbb{R}),$ via differentiation      132 421—425
Fourier transform $(\mathbb{R}),$ via integration      129—131
Fourier transform $(\mathbb{R}),$ via rules      134—147 413
Fourier transform $\mathbb{R}, {\mathbb T}_{p}, {\mathbb Z}, {\mathbb P}_{N}}$      3 6 7 11
Fourier transform $\mathbb{R}, {\mathbb T}_{p}, {\mathbb Z}, {\mathbb P}_{N}}$, rules      A14—A18
Fourier transform $\mathbb{R}, {\mathbb T}_{p}, {\mathbb Z}, {\mathbb P}_{N}}$, tables      A1—A13
Fourier transform of operator      255 259
Fourier transform operator      240 243
Fourier transform operator, tag      251
Fourier — Poisson cube      31 36—37 205
Fourier, analysis and synthesis      3—11 15 73 86
Fourier, analysis and synthesis, validity      37—58
Fourier, and dimensional analysis      69
Fourier, and heat conduction      15 72 541
Fourier, big pixel image      510
Fourier, impact of work      A1—A3
Fourier, quote      iii
Fourier, sketch      xv 134
Fourier, spoken word      483 509
Fractional derivatives      154
Fragmentation of Ft      495 518
Frame for wavelet approximation      598 640
Frame for wavelet approximation, computation      606 608 649 652
Frame for wavelet approximation, illustrations      601 603 650 669
Fraunhofer approximation      565 569 571 588—589
Frequency, and pitch      694
Frequency, carrier-modulation      711
Frequency, for piano keyboard      A37
Frequency, function for tune      723
Frequency, local      706 730
Frequency, of concert A      700
Frequency, of vibrating string      536
Frequency, units for      73
Frequency, via spectrogram      705
Frequency, via wavelet coefficients      596
Fresnel, approximation      555
Fresnel, convolution equation      558
Fresnel, function      165 420 560 588
Fresnel, function, discrete      214
Fresnel, integrals      165 215 420 466
FT-NMR spectrum      22 165 A2
Function, bandlimited      426
Function, CSG      376
Function, entire      517
Function, frequency      724
Function, generalized      58 368 378—379 524
Function, locally integrable      389 467
Function, of operator      244 272 277—278 281 283
Function, of random variable      758—760 789
Function, on $\mathbb{R}, {\mathbb T}_{p}, {\mathbb Z}, {\mathbb P}_{N}}$      3—5 8
Function, probability density      739
Function, Schwartz      372—374
Function, slowly growing      376
Function, support-limited      426
Functional      369
Functional, continuous      451
Functional, fundamental      370 377—378
Functional, integral notation      372 378
Functional, linear      390 451
FWT, in place      676
FWT, via coefficients      606
FWT, via matrix factorization      675
FWT, via operators      645—646
Gauss, asteroid orbit      14 70
Gauss, discovery of FFT      71 295 360
Gauss, interpolation      8 14 360
Gauss, law of errors      771 794
Gauss, Poisson sum formula      179
Gauss, signature      669—670
Gauss, sums      215
Gaussian function      132 741
Gaussian function, for mollification and tapering      743
Gaussian laser beam      561
Gaussian laser beam, interfering      564
Gaussian laser beam, pointing      562
Gaussian laser beam, spreading      562
GCD      206 227
Generalized function      367—372 378
Generalized function, "continuity"      431
Generalized function, "values"      378 382
Generalized function, as functional      369—372 376 382 384 388 451
Generalized function, as ordinary function      58 376 379
Generalized function, as probability densities      739
Generalized function, as scaling function      616 623
Generalized function, as solution to PDE      524—525 528 541 559 587
Generalized function, bandlimited      426
Generalized function, closure      390 459
Generalized function, convolution      398—399
Generalized function, division      402—405 459
Generalized function, Fourier transform rules      413
Generalized function, integral notation      371 378 390—391
Generalized function, limits      427—439
Generalized function, multiplication      398—399 402
Generalized function, partial derivatives      438—439 525
Generalized function, periodic      440—448
Generalized function, special structure      408—410 427 441 459—464
Generalized function, table of Fourier transforms      A4—A6
Generalized function, transformations      389—405 458
Generalized function, via CSG functions      378
Generalized function, via limit of Schwartz functions      450 482
Generalized function, via locally integrable functions      389 467
Generating function for, Bernoulli polynomials      225
Generating function for, Bessel functions      224
Generating function for, function on $\mathbb{Z}$      101
Generating function for, Hermite function      167
Generating function for, Hermite polynomials      166
Geometric progression      25 65—66 228
GFT      450
Gibbs phenomenon      44 47—48 80 84
Gibbs phenomenon, for wavelets      624 687
Glissando of Risset      725
Goertzel algorithm      347
Grouping operator      659
Grouping rule      187
Haar wavelet      594
Haar wavelet, analysis      600 606
Haar wavelet, Fourier transform      596
Haar wavelet, scaling function      597
Haar wavelet, synthesis      594 606
Hanning window      229
Hartley transform      248 249
Hartley transform, advantages      248 255 263 279
Hartley transform, tag      251
Hartley transform, via Fourier transform      249 251
Hartley transform, via rules      263 265—266 285
Heat flow      xiii 15 72 540—553 582—587
Heaviside function      116 131 380 424
Helmholtz, H.      707
Hermite functions      151 166
Hermite polynomials      151 160
Hermitian conjugation      62
Hermitian conjugation rule      136
Hermitian conjugation, operator      251
Hermitian conjugation, tag      252
Hilbert transform      266 471
Hilbert transform, for sampling theorem      519
Hilbert transform, tag      267
Hilbert transform, via analytic function      270
Hilbert transform, via Kramers — Kronig relations      269
Hilbert transform, via rules      267 288
Hipparchus — Ptolemy model      12 70
Horner's algorithm, for DFT      293
Horner's algorithm, for other tasks      345—347
Huygens synthesis of waves      555
Impulse response      282 481
Impulse response, automobile suspension      418
Impulse response, for ODE      419 470 471
Impulse response, for PDE      see “Kernel”
Impulse response, mass on spring      367—368 408 417 453
Independent random variables      764
Infinite product      615
Infinite series      1 5
Infinite series, of bandlimited functions      489 491 497 503 505
Infinite series, of generalized functions      431 435
Infinite series, of sinusoids      5 440
Infinite series, of solutions for PDE      16 532 549 567
Infinite series, weak convergence of      431 440
Initial "conditions" for PDEs      587
Integral notation      371 378
Interpolation, by piecewise linear function      145 234 485
Interpolation, by trigonometric polynomials      70 284 360 514
Interpolation, of bandlimited function      485 489 491 497 503 505
Interpolation, of Pallas orbit      14 70 360
Interpolation, using FFT      234 284
Inverse power function      387 395
Inversion rule      141 174 199 240 413
Involution      251 279
Isoperimetric inequality      226 235
Jumps in $f, f',...,$      46 55 123 184
Jumps in $f, f',...,$ and Eagle's method      184 479
Jumps in $f, f',...,$ and generalized derivatives      406
Jumps in $f, f',...,$ and Gibbs phenomenon      47 84 624
Jumps in $f, f',...,$ removing      46 55
Kasner's problem      125
Kernel, de la Vallee — Poussin      27
Kernel, diffraction      466 559 566 586
Kernel, diffusion      542 548 586
Kernel, Dirichlet      66 187 474
Kernel, Fejer      78 474
kernel, Poisson      65
Kernel, wave      528 532 575 576
Kramers — Kronig relations      269 289—290
Kronecker product      338
Kronecker product, algebraic properties      339 363
Kronecker product, eigenvalues      363
Kronecker product, rearrangement      341
Kronecker rule      174
Laplace function      135
Laplace's equation      525 591
laser beam      553
Laurent series, for ellipse      222
Laurent series, for Fourier series      185 187 218
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