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Synge J.L. — Relativity: The Special Theory |
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Risco, M. 191
Robertson, H.P. 146
Rod, moving, contraction of 118ff
Rod, rigid 30ff
ROT 317
Rotation in space-time 71 78ff
Rotation, commutation of 87
Rotation, spacelike 79
Rotation, timelike 80 112
Run-away motion 402
Ruse, H.S. 103 239 324 343 345
Russell, H.N. 149
Rutherford — Bohr atom 399
Salzman, G. 36
Scalar disturbance 133ff
Scalar product 26
Scalar product of null vectors 89
Scalar product of timelike vectors 27 46 178
Scalar wave function 360ff
Scattering by fixed nucleus 426ff see
Schild, A. 8 17 276
Schroedinger, E. viii 399
Schwarz inequality 27
Self-conjugate field 322
Sen, N.R. 307 345
Separation between events 15ff 23ff 38ff 57
Separation, finite 39ff 58 84
Separation, Finslerian 19
Separation, measurement of 24ff
Shankland, R.S. 162
Sharpless, S. 157
Sheet, electromagnetic 355 391
Shock wave 356 385
Sidereal year 157
signal 421
Signature of fundamental form xv 17
Silberstein, L. viii 146 158
Simultaneity not absolute 118 152 163 173
Singular matrix 223 240
Sinusoidal wave 133ff 354 356ff
Sir Whittaker, Edmund 4 79 103 170 345 388 394
Six-vector 216 224
Skew straight lines 44ff
Skew-symmetric tensor see also "Angular momentum" "Electromagnetic
Skew-symmetric tensor, canonical forms for 331ff 336
Skew-symmetric tensor, dual of 222 239
Skew-symmetric tensor, equivalent to pair of 3-vectors 224
Skew-symmetric tensor, expressed by two 4-potentials 414
Skew-symmetric tensor, geometrical representation of 223ff
Skew-symmetric tensor, invariants of 222
Skew-symmetric tensor, null 322
Skew-symmetric tensor, singular 223 240
Skew-symmetric tensor, spinors connected with 103
Slowing-down of clock see "Retardation"
Smithsonian Tables 183
snapshot 120ff
Snapshot of aberration 148
Snapshot of annihilation of particle 201
Snapshot of clock-retardation 122
Snapshot of collision 176 206
Snapshot of Compton effect 195 198 199
Snapshot of expanding universe 151
Snapshot of FitzGerald — Lorentz contraction 121
Snapshot of intrinsic angular momentum 226 235
Snapshot of light in moving medium 143
Snapshot of moving mirror 139
Snapshot of relative velocity 127
Sodium 182
Sound 133 308 309
Space and time 49ff
Space-time 6ff
Space-time coordinates 7ff 38 47ff
Space-time diagram 9 63ff
Space-time diagram of 3-wave 137
Space-time diagram of 4-momentum and angular momentum 215 226 253 254 282
Space-time diagram of 4-potential, advanced and retarded 389 391 422 432
Space-time diagram of 4-velocity 131 132
Space-time diagram of annihilation and creation 200 202
Space-time diagram of axes of coordinates 123 124
Space-time diagram of axial null rays 88
Space-time diagram of canonical axes 332 333
Space-time diagram of cells and tubes 273 274 277 281 282
Space-time diagram of collision 9 176 205
Space-time diagram of composition of velocities 128
Space-time diagram of Compton effect 194
Space-time diagram of conservation law 176
Space-time diagram of contraction and retardation 124
Space-time diagram of disintegration 179
Space-time diagram of distance between world lines 29 31 45
Space-time diagram of emission of photon 188
Space-time diagram of Eulerian angles and pseudo-angles 83
Space-time diagram of events 64
Space-time diagram of expanding universe 150
Space-time diagram of frequency 4-vectors 138 190
Space-time diagram of Galileian coordinates 48 50
Space-time diagram of impulse 209 210 213
Space-time diagram of isolated system 310
Space-time diagram of light in moving medium 143
Space-time diagram of Michelson — Morley experiment 158
Space-time diagram of null cone 12 41 65 137 406
Space-time diagram of orthogonal displacements or vectors 27 28 66
Space-time diagram of orthogonal projection 62 274
Space-time diagram of past, present and future 12 41
Space-time diagram of polygonal inequality 179
Space-time diagram of principal directions 296 328 330
Space-time diagram of pseudosphere 67 430
Space-time diagram of red-shift 153
Space-time diagram of simple Lorentz transformation 111
Space-time diagram of spacelike separation 25
Space-time diagram of straight line 44
Space-time diagram of triad of null rays 98
Space-time diagram of triangle inequality 178
Space-time diagram of two-body problem 256
Space-time of constant curvature 35
Space-time, Finsler 19ff
Space-time, flat 34ff 38ff 59ff
Space-time, Riemannian 19 21 22ff 165
Space-time, split into space and time 49ff
Spacelike displacements, 2-flat 61
Spacelike displacements, geodesic 39
Spacelike displacements, orthogonality of 27
Spacelike displacements, rotation 79
Spacelike displacements, separation, measurement of 24ff
Spacelike displacements, vector 19 23 27
Special theory of relativity 4 34 38ff
Spectra of nebulae 150 152
Speed see also "Velocity"
speed of light 54 55 182 183 352 385
Speed of sound 308 309
Speed, Group 421
Spin angular momentum 221
Spin invariant 223
Spin shape 108
Spin tensor 223
Spin transformation 105ff
Spin triangle 104
Spinor 103ff
Splitting space-time into space and time 49ff
| Spur see "Trace"
Standard clock 14ff 38 119 152
standing waves 141 191 358
Stars, evolution of 157
State, equation of 305
Statics 163
stationary principle see "Variational principle"
Stephenson, G. 19
Stevenson, A.F. 346
Stewart, J.Q. 149
Stilwell, G.R. 120 189
Storchi, E. 415
Straight line 39 42ff 60 64
Stream of particles or photons 261ff 267ff 288ff 343 403
Stress in continuous medium 296ff 416
Stress, electromagnetic 324 325
Stress-momentum-energy see "Energy tensor"
Stress-momentum-energy tensor 287
Struve, O. 157
Summation convention xv 8
Superposition of plane waves 357ff
Superposition of wave functions 372ff
Symmetry of energy tensor 284 311 417
Symmetry of fundamental tensor 17
Symmetry of matrix of Lorentz transformation 114 116
Synge, J.L. 8 17 21 35 36 79 177 197 210 219 260 276 306 330 345 383 395 396 421
System with intrinsic angular momenta 251ff 281
System, 4-momentum of 214ff 311ff
System, angular momentum of 217ff 251ff 312
System, centroid of 315
System, closed see "Isolated system"
System, continuous 208 309ff
System, discrete 208ff
System, field theory of 309
System, isolated 309ff
System, mass-centre of 218ff 312ff 370
System, mechanics of 208ff 261ff 309ff
T (relative kinetic energy) 169 182
Target in relativistic gas 265ff
Taub, A.H. 36
Telescope filled with water 149
Temperature 265 266 269 271 305
Temple, G. 35
Tensor, angular momentum 216ff 221ff
Tensor, Cartesian 57
Tensor, electromagnetic 317ff 387ff 415
Tensor, fundamental xv 16ff 22ff 32ff 42 56 69
Tensor, real and imaginary components of 57
Terrestrial laboratory 53 54
Tetrad, orthogonal 73 76ff 94ff 97
Tetrad, principal 292
Thackeray, A.D. 157
Three-vector see "Vector"
Time 11ff
Time and space 49ff
Time, imaginary xv 56 69
Time, Newtonian 3 13 16
Time, proper 54
Timelike 2-flat 61 330
Timelike rotation 80 112
Timelike separation see "Separation"
Timelike vector 19 23 177
Timelike vectors, scalar product of 27 46 178
Tolman, R.C. 157
Torque, impulsive 251ff
Trace of energy tensor 299 307 325
Transformation see also "Lorentz transformation" "Spin
Transformation of coordinates, general 8
Transformation, two interpretations of 75
Translation of space-time 71
Transparent medium 142ff
Triad of null rays 94ff
Triad of points on unit sphere 100
Triangle inequality 177ff
Trivial solutions in collision problem 229 233ff 247ff
Tube of world lines see "World tube"
Two-body problem 254ff
Udeschini, P. 415
Ultimate particle 181
Ultra-violet light 137
Unimodular condition 105
Unit vector 29 46 58 178
UNITS 54 55
Units, absolute 375
Units, electrostatic 388
Units, Gaussian 388 393 400 426
Universe, age of 156 157
Universe, expanding 150ff
Uranium 182
Variational principle for geodesic 20 32ff 39
Variational principle for Maxwell's equations 413ff
Variational principle for motion of charged particle 395
Veblen, O. 75
Velocity of light 54 55 182 183 352 385
Velocity of recession of nebulae 151
Velocity of sound 308 309
Velocity of wave 133ff 385 419ff
Velocity, 3-vector 129ff
Velocity, 4-vector 130
Velocity, composition of 126ff
Velocity, group 421
Velocity, mean, in continuum 297
Velocity, relative 113ff 118ff 126ff 132
von Laue, M. 144 400
Vorticity 306
Wave, de Broglie 136 197 396 421
Wave, electromagnetic 137 350ff 385
Wave, equation 348 360ff
Wave, function 360ff
Wave, function, elementary complex 361 366ff
Wave, function, superposition 372ff
Wave, function, yielding Maxwellian field 363ff
Wave, length in moving medium 142ff
Wave, length, Compton 197 204 375
Wave, length, numerical values 182
Wave, light 133 136ff 385
Wave, shock 356 385
Wave, sound 133
Wave, standing 141 191 358
Wave, transformation of 133ff
Wave, velocity 133ff 385 419ff
Wesselink, A.J. 157
Weyl, H. 103
Weyssenhoff, J. 222
Whitehead, A.N. 35
Whitrow, G.J. 157
Wiechert, E. 393
World line 9
World line of free particle 32ff 39 58 401
World line of photon 23 33 34 39 58
World lines, distance between 29ff 45
World lines, map 121
World lines, tube 272ff
World lines, tube, expansion of 280 306
World lines, tube, null 275 276
Wrench, electromagnetic 334 335 338
X-rays 137 182
Zeeman, P. 146
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