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Synge J.L. — Relativity: The Special Theory |
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Matrai, T. 36
Matrix 72
Matrix of 4-screw 94
Matrix of energy tensor 338 365
Matrix of Lorentz transformation 72 78 82 86 114ff
Matrix, canonical, of electromagnetic field 336 352
Matrix, hermitian 114ff 129
Matrix, orthogonal 73
Matrix, singular 223 240
Matrix, skew-symmetric 223
Matrix, symmetric 114 116
Matter, annihilation and creation of 199ff 212
Matter, Maxwell's equations in 415ff
Maxwell's equations 1
Maxwell's equations in moving matter 415ff
Maxwell's equations in vacuo 317ff
Maxwell's equations with current 403ff
Maxwell's equations, derived from variational principle 413ff
McConnell, A.J. 281
McCrea, W.H. 150 391
McCuskey, S.W. 162
McMahon, J. 346
Mean density and velocity 297
Measurement of length 31
Measurement of spacelike separation 24ff
Measurement of time 14ff 38 49ff 119 152
Mechanics of continuum 261ff 309ff
Mechanics of discrete system 208ff
Mechanics of particle 163ff
Meson 176 181
Meteorite 157
Metric in space-time 16ff 22ff 34 42 56 69
Michelson — Morley experiment 153ff
Michelson, A.A. 146 158
Miller, D.C. 158 161
Milne, E.A. 121 150
Milner, S.R. 345
Minimum of energy density 294 327
Minkowski, H. 4 24 56 122 416
Minkowskian coordinates 56ff 69ff
Minkowskian energy tensor 416 417
Mirror, moving 138ff
Model of material particle 366ff 374ff 413
Model of photon 375ff 386
Model, mathematical 165
Molecule 166
Moller, C. 16 146 219 316 416
Momentum, relative (3-momentum) 169 173 175 212
Momentum, relative (3-momentum), conservation of 175
Momentum, relative (3-momentum), density of 263 286ff 324
Momentum, relative (3-momentum), flux of 287
Momentum, relative (3-momentum), law of 263ff
Momentum, relative (3-momentum), of internal impulse 212
Momentum, relative (3-momentum), of material particle 169 212
Momentum, relative (3-momentum), of photon 173 212
Momentum-energy tensor see "Energy tensor"
Morley, F.W. 146 158
Motion see also "Equation of motion" "Rest" "Velocity"
Motion in constant magnetic field 171
Motion in Coulomb field 396ff 426
Motion of free particle 32ff 39 58 401
Motion of photon 23 33 34 39 58
Motion under constant relative force 171
Motion, relative, of frames of reference 113ff 118ff
Motion, rigid 36 37
Moving medium 142ff 415ff see
Murnaghan, F.D. 103
Nebulae 150 153
Negative energy 212
Negative photon 212
Neutron 181 185
Newtonian angular momentum 218
Newtonian collision 173 184 227
Newtonian hydrodynamics 305 308
Newtonian mass-centre 220
Newtonian mechanics, laws of 163 164 165 169 255
Newtonian physics, concepts taken from 2ff
Newtonian time 3 13 16
Newtonian transformation 114
Noether, F. 36
Non-Euclidean geometry 165
Normal to 3-wave 420
Normalisation of 4-potential 349
Normalisation of null vectors 95
Notation xv 8
Nucleus, disintegration of 176 181
Nucleus, scattering and capture by 426
Null cone 13 17 23 57 386
Null cone and spinors 103
Null cone, 3-wave tangent to 137
Null cone, absolute 2-content of 3-cell 405 430
Null cone, cut by 2-flat 61 330
Null cone, diagram of 41 65 137
Null cone, finite 40
Null directions, electromagnetic field in terms of 339ff
Null directions, principal 328ff 352 376
Null field, 3-space 383
Null field, electromagnetic 322 327 332 335 337 341ff 352 375
Null field, geodesic 33 34 39
Null field, point on 3-space 383
Null field, rays, axial, of 4-screw 88ff
Null field, rays, triad of 94ff
Null field, vector 19 23
Null field, vector, determined by spin triangle 104
Null field, vector, orthogonal to itself 29
Null field, vectors, normalisation of 95
Null field, vectors, scalar product of 89-
Null field, vectors, sum of 177 202
Null field, world tube 275 276
Numerical density 261 267 270 282 289 403
Numerical values 182
Oblique axes in space-time diagram 124
Observer 11
Observer, Galileian 49ff
Open law of 4-momentum 214 253
Open law of angular momentum 218 253 254
Operational method 7
Optics see "Light"
Optics, electron 395
Orbital angular momentum 221 397
Ordering of events 11ff
Orientation of tetrad 73 97
Orthogonal 2-flats 60 86 88 330
Orthogonal matrix 73
Orthogonal projection 61ff 274
Orthogonal tetrad 76ff
Orthogonal tetrad and triad of null rays 94ff
Orthogonal tetrad, orientation of 73 97
Orthogonal transformation 71
Orthogonality of principal directions 291
Orthogonality of spacelike displacements 27
Orthogonality of vectors 26ff 41 58 65 66 76
Orthogonality, physical meaning of 26ff
p (pressure) 302
Parallel plane mirrors 141
Parallel straight lines 44ff
Particle 5 213
particle of light see "Photon"
Particle, 4-momentum of 166 173 175
Particle, annihilation and creation of 199ff
Particle, collision of, with photon 193ff 249
Particle, disintegration of 173ff 180ff 185ff
Particle, electromagnetic model of 366ff 374ff 413
Particle, free 32ff 39 58 401
Particle, history confined by null cone 11ff
Particle, intrinsic angular momentum of 220ff 316
Particle, macroscopic 302
Particle, mass of 165ff
Particle, material 5 238
Particle, mechanics of 163ff
| Particle, ultimate 181
Particles, colliding with target 265ff
Particles, elastic collision of 174 205ff 227ff 248
Particles, incoherent stream of 261ff 288ff 296 403
Particles, inelastic collision of 174 183ff
Past, present and future 11ff 17ff 38 40 41 57
Pauli, W. 4 146 400 416
Pearson, F. 158
Pease, F.G. 158
Pendulum 35 54
Perfect fluid 302ff
Permeability 416
Permutation symbol 73 222 239 317 364
Phase function 350
Phase plane 134
Phase vector 372
phase velocity 133 135 421
Philosophy of physics 1ff 163ff 208
Photon 5
Photon in expanding universe 154
Photon, 4-momentum of 173 175
Photon, angular momentum of 218 238 249ff
Photon, collision of, with material particle 193ff 249
Photon, electromagnetic model of 375ff 386
Photon, emission and absorption of 187ff 191ff
Photon, negative 212
Photon, numerical values for 182
Photon, proper mass of 173 380
Photon, relative energy and momentum 173 212
Photon, world line of 23 33 34 39 58
Photons colliding with target 269ff
Photons in annihilation and creation of matter 199ff
Photons, elastic collision of two 250
Photons, gas of 269ff 307
Photons, Lorentz invariant of two 201
Photons, mass-centre reference system for two 191
Photons, related to electromagnetic null field 343
Photons, sameness of 137 189
Photons, stream of 269ff 343
Physical meaning of coordinates 7 47ff
Physical meaning of energy tensor 285ff 310
Physicisation of geometry 24
Physics, philosophy of 1ff 163ff 208
Pirani, F.A.E. viii 212 316
Pitch of electromagnetic wrench 334
Planck's constant 154 173 182 375
Plane in space-time 60
Plane waves 133ff 350ff
Poincare, H. 4
Point-event 5
Points of space 52
Polar coordinates in space-time 46
Polarisation 190
Polygonal inequality 179 204
Ponderomotive force 394
Positive nature of energy-density 292 306 313
Positive-definite form 59
Positron-electron pair 202
Potential 4-vector (4-potential) 345ff 405ff
Potential in variational principle 395 414
Potential, advanced 390 393 408
Potential, due to 4-current 405ff
Potential, due to moving charge 389ff 422
Potential, gauge transformation of 349
Potential, obtained from scalar wave function 363 364
Potential, retarded 390 393 408 432
Pounder, J.R. 36
Poynting vector 324
Present, past and future 11ff 17ff 38 40 41 57
Pressure due to impact 265ff 269ff
Pressure in fluid 302
Pressure in relativistic gas 267ff 271
Pressure, positive character of 306
Preston, T. 149
Priestley, J. 388
Principal 2-flat 330 337 369
Principal 3-flat 328 337
Principal directions of electromagnetic tensor 336ff
Principal directions of energy tensor 290ff 325ff
Principal directions, orthogonality of 291
Principal frame of reference for continuous medium 297
Principal null directions 328ff 352 376
Principal tetrad of energy tensor 292
Projection, orthogonal 61ff 274
Projective transformation 102
Propagation, sense of 215
Propagation, velocity of 133
Proper density 261 262 289 403
Proper energy 170 262
Proper Lorentz transformation 73 97 99 106 109
Proper mass see "Mass"
Proper time 54
Proton 166 181 182 185
Pseudoangle 29 74 126
Pseudoangle in atomic disintegration 185
Pseudoangle in composition of velocities 127
Pseudoangle, Eulerian 79ff
Pseudosphere 67
Pseudotrigonometry 186
Pythagoras, Theorem of 28
Q (energy released) 181
Quadratic form, fundamental xv 16ff 22ff 34 42 56 69
Quantum conditions 187 191 see
Quantum theory 34 57 175
Raabe, A. 222
Radar waves 182
Radiation 137
Radiation of energy from accelerated charge 393 399ff 422
Radiation, 4-force 401
Radiation, cosmic 176
Radio waves 137 138 182
Rainich, G.Y. 345
Rank of skew-symmetric matrix 223
Rational electrostatic units 388
Ray of light 137
Ray, null 88ff 94ff
Rayner, C.B. 35
Reaction 163 255
Reality of eigen values 292ff 338
Recession of nebulae 150
Red-shift, cosmological 150ff
Reference, frame of 52ff 118 297 331ff
Reference, system of mass-centre 180 191 197 220
Reflection at fixed target 266 270
Reflection at moving mirror 138ff
Refractive index 142 149
Relative 3-current 404 415
Relative density 261ff 404
Relative energy 169 173 212
Relative energy of photon 173
Relative energy, law of 175 263ff
Relative energy, numerical values 182
Relative energy, released in disintegration 180
Relative force 168 169
Relative kinetic energy 169
Relative mass 165 169 170
Relative momentum see "Momentum"
Relative velocity 113ff 118ff 126ff 132
Relativistic gas 265ff
Repulsive internal impulse 212 213 238 295
Rest and motion 53
Retardation of moving clock 118ff 122ff 189
Retarded potential 390 393 408 432
Riemannian geometry 19 21 22ff 165
Right angle 29
Right-handed tetrad 97
Rigid body 36 161
Rigid body, displacements and Lorentz transformations 84ff
Rigid body, motion 36 37
Rigid body, rod 30ff
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