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Synge J.L. — Relativity: The Special Theory |
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Electromagnetic wrench 334 335 338
Electron 166 181 182 185 375 400
Electron, colliding with photon 193ff
Electron, colliding with positron 202
Electron, optics 395
Electrostatic units 388
Elementary wave function 360 361 366ff
Emission of photon 187ff 191ff
Energy tensor 284ff 309ff
Energy tensor for accelerated charge 424
Energy tensor in model of photon 376 381
Energy tensor in terms of density and stress 297
Energy tensor in terms of null vectors 341 343
Energy tensor of continuous medium 281ff 309ff
Energy tensor of incoherent stream 288
Energy tensor of isolated system 309ff
Energy tensor of perfect fluid 303
Energy tensor, eigen properties of 290ff 325ff
Energy tensor, electromagnetic 323ff 365 376 385 410ff 416ff 424
Energy tensor, flux of 4-momentum in terms of 283 310
Energy tensor, inequalities for 292 295 312
Energy tensor, Minkowskian 416 417
Energy tensor, physical meaning of 285ff 310
Energy tensor, principal directions of see "Eigen properties"
Energy tensor, symmetry of 284 311 417
Energy tensor, trace of 299 307 325
Energy, binding 181
Energy, conservation of 175
Energy, density 262 286ff 292 324
Energy, density, minimum of 294 327
Energy, dissipated as heat 174 184 266 270 416 418
Energy, flux of 287 288 324
Energy, identified with mass 165 170
Energy, integral of 397
Energy, kinetic 169 182
Energy, levels of atom 187
Energy, positive and negative 212 292 306 313 315
Energy, proper 170 262
Energy, proper, decreased in disintegration 180
Energy, proper, increased in inelastic collision 184
Energy, proper, numerical values for 182
Energy, radiation of 393 399ff 422
Energy, relative 169 173 212
Energy, relative, law of 175 263ff
Energy, relative, numerical values of 182
Energy, relative, of photon 173
Energy, relative, released in disintegration 180
Energy-momentum vector see "4-momentum"
Equation of conservation 285 310 323 404
Equation of continuity 290
Equation of motion 10 33 39 166ff
Equation of motion of charged particle 171 394ff 400ff 410ff
Equation of motion of continuous medium 300ff
Equation of motion of particle with spin 222
Equation of motion of perfect fluid 303ff
Equation of state 305
Ether 140 145 148 325
Euclid 2 75
Euclidean geometry see "E-geometry"
Euler — Lagrange equations see "Lagrangian equations"
Euler, L. 84 163
Eulerian angles and pseudoangles 79ff
Events 5ff
Events, ordering of 11ff
Events, separation between 15ff 23ff 38ff 57
Expanding Universe 150ff
Expansion of world tube 280 306
Experiment, ideal 7
Explosion 175
External impulse and impulsive torque 251ff
Field, gravitational 5 35 36 38 53
Field, theory 309 387
Finite separations 39ff 58 84
Finsler space-time 19ff
Finzi, B. 413 415
Fitzgerald — Lorentz contraction 118ff
Fitzgerald, G.F. 119
Fizeau, A.H.L. 146
Flat space-time 34ff 38ff
Flat space-time, geometry of 59ff
Fluid, incompressible 306ff
Fluid, perfect 302ff
Flux of 4-momentum 215 283 286 310
Flux of angular momentum 218 285
Flux of relative energy 287 288 324
Flux of relative momentum 287
Force, Newtonian 163
Force, relative 168 169
Four-vector see "Vector"
Frame of reference, Galileian 52ff 118
Frame of reference, principal 297 331ff
Free particle 32ff 39 58 401
Frenkel, J. 222
frequency 133ff 142 202ff 354
Frequency in annihilation of matter 204
Frequency in emission 189
Frequency, 4-vector 134 136 202 354
Frequency, apparent and proper 152
Frequency, changed by collision 196
Frequency, numerical values 182
Frequency, transformation of 135 136 138ff 153
Fresnel's convection coefficient 142ff
Fundamental form and tensor xv 16ff 22ff 32ff 42 56 69
Fundamental wave function 360 361 366ff
Future and past 11ff 17ff 38 40 41 57
Galaxy, evolution of 157
Galileian frame of reference 52ff 118
Galileian transformation see "Newtonian transformation"
Galileo 52
Garding, L. 360
Gardner, G.H.F. viii 36 239 247
Gas law 269
Gas law, photonic 269ff 307
Gas law, relativistic 265ff
Gauge invariance 349 396
Gauge transformation 349
Gauss's theorem 276
Gaussian units 388 393 400 426
General theory of relativity 35ff 38
Geodesic 20
Geodesic hypothesis 32ff 39
Geodesic null 33 34 39
Geometrisation of physics 24
Geometry 4 165
Geometry of electromagnetic field 344
Geometry of flat space-time 59ff
Geometry of Lorentz transformation 76ff
Geometry of skew-symmetric tensor 223ff
Geometry of spinors 104
Geometry, Euclidean and Minkowskian 65ff 123 153
Geometry, Riemannian 19 21 22ff 165
Gravitation 5 35 36 38 53
Gravitino 212
Greek suffixes xv 8
Green's theorem 276ff 383 384
Griffith, B.A. 79 395
Group of Lorentz transformations 85
Group speed 421
Gyrocompass 54
h (Planck's constant) 154 173 182 375
Hamiltonian methods 19ff 163
Heat 174 184 266 270
Heat, Joulean 416 418
Heavens, O.S. 36
Heaviside, O. 388 394
Helium 182
Herglotz, G. 36
Hermitian matrix 114ff 129
History of mass-centre 219ff 312ff
Hoek, M. 149
| Hubble's constant 156 157
Hubble, E.P. 157
Hydrodynamics see "Fluid"
Hydrogen 166 182 191 193
Hyperbolae and pseudosphere 67
Hyperplane 60
Ideal experiment 7
Illingworth, K.K. 158
Imaginary angle 74
Imaginary components of vector or tensor 57
Imaginary time xv 56 69
Impact of particles on target 265ff
Impact parameter 248 427
Improper Lorentz transformation 97 99
Impulse, 4-vector 209 252
Impulse, external 251ff
Impulse, Internal 210ff 238 255ff 295
Impulsive torque 251ff
Incoherent stream of particles 261ff 288ff 296 403
Incompressible fluid 306ff
Indefinite form 59
Indeterminacy in collision problems 174 194 227
Indeterminacy in fluid motion 305
Index, refractive 142 149
Indicator 23
Induction, magnetic 415
Inelastic collision 174 183ff
Inequality, polygonal 179 204
Inequality, triangle 177ff
Inertial frame see "Galileian frame"
Infeld, L. viii 103 415
Infinite energy 378 399 400
Infinitesimal Lorentz transformation 85 86
Infra-red waves 137
Integral of 4-momentum 311
Integral of angular momentum 312 397
Integral of energy 397
Intensity, electric and magnetic 317 320 388 415
Interference 46 158ff 358 359 373
Interferometer 158
Internal impulse 210ff 238
Internal impulse in two-body problem 255ff
Internal impulse, attractive 212 213 238 255ff 295
Internal impulse, repulsive 212 213 238 295
interval see "Separation"
Intrinsic angular momentum 220ff 316
Intrinsic angular momentum, flux of 285
Intrinsic angular momentum, invariant of 222ff 227 235 238
Intrinsic angular momentum, open and closed laws of 254
Invariance of Maxwell's equations 317 416
Invariant of angular momentum 222ff 227 235 238
Invariant of electromagnetic field 321 322 336ff 371
Invariant of skew-symmetric tensor 222
Isolated system 309ff
Isolation, condition of 310 314
Ives, H.E. 120 189
Jeans, J.H. 268 269 422
Jeffreys, B.S. and H. 73
Jehle, H. 103
Joos, G. 158
Joulean heat 416 418
Junction conditions across shock wave 385 386
Kennedy, R.J. 158
Kepler problem 396ff 426
Kermack, W.O. 150
Kilmister, C.W. 19
kinetic energy 169
Kinetic energy, numerical values 182
Kirchhoff's formula 408 409
Kronecker delta 53
Kuerti, G. 162
Laboratory, terrestrial 53 54
Lagrangian equations 20 33 163 395
Lanczos, C. viii 314
Larmor, J. 393
Latin suffixes xv 8
Laub, J. 146
Law of 4-momentum 213ff 253 284 310
Law of angular momentum 218 253 254
Law of relative energy and momentum 175 263ff
Left-handed tetrad 97
Length 23 30 31
Leone, F.C. 162
Lichnerowicz, A. 306
Lienard, A. 393
Light 1 5 14 23 see
Light in moving medium 142ff
Light ray 137
Light wave 133 136ff 385
Light, frequency vector 136
Light, particle of see "Photon"
Light, reflected by moving mirror 138ff
Light, speed of 54 55 182 183 352 385
Light, visible 137 138 145 182
Line breadth 191
Line element 16ff 22ff 34 42 56 69
Linearity of Lorentz transformation 70
Lorentz contraction see "FitzGerald — Lorentz contraction"
Lorentz transformation 69ff
Lorentz transformation as orthogonal transformation 71
Lorentz transformation as projective transformation 102
Lorentz transformation as rigid displacement 84ff
Lorentz transformation as rotation and translation 71 72 78ff
Lorentz transformation as transformation of null rays or points on sphere 98ff
Lorentz transformation of electromagnetic tensor and vectors 320ff 333
Lorentz transformation of frequency and phase velocity 133ff 138ff 153
Lorentz transformation, applications of 118ff
Lorentz transformation, degrees of freedom of 72
Lorentz transformation, Eulerian form of 82
Lorentz transformation, future-preserving 73 99 106 109
Lorentz transformation, generated by spin transformation 103ff
Lorentz transformation, geometrical meaning of 76ff
Lorentz transformation, group property of 85
Lorentz transformation, infinitesimal 85 86
Lorentz transformation, linearity of 70
Lorentz transformation, matrix of 72 78 82 86 114ff
Lorentz transformation, Maxwell's equations invariant under 317 416
Lorentz transformation, null rays unchanged by 88ff
Lorentz transformation, proper and improper 73 97 99 106 109
Lorentz transformation, reduced to 4-screw 85 86ff
Lorentz transformation, reduced to timelike rotation 112
Lorentz transformation, simple 74 107 110ff 118ff
Lorentz, H.A. 4 5 24 119 146 394
luminosity 153 154
Luminosity, distance 155
m (proper mass) 166
m* (relative mass) 169
M-geometry 65ff 123 153
Macroscopic density 297
Macroscopic particle 302
Magnetic field, constant 171
Magnetic field, induction 415
Magnetic field, intensity (3-vector) 317 320 415
Map of space-time 62 121
MARIOT, L. 343
Mass, proper 165ff 170 172 289
Mass, proper, constant or variable 167 181 210
Mass, proper, decreased in disintegration 180
Mass, proper, numerical values 182
Mass, proper, of electromagnetic particle 370 380
Mass, proper, of photon 173 380
Mass, Relative 165 169 170 see
Mass-centre 218ff 312ff 370
Mass-centre, reference system 180 191 220
Mass-centre, reference system in Compton effect 197
Material energy tensor 416ff
Material particle see "Particle"
Mathematical models 165
Mathematical structure of nature 164
Mathematics, pure and applied 3
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