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Synge J.L. — Relativity: The Special Theory |
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(proper energy) 170
(electromagnetic tensor) 317ff 387ff 415
(fundamental tensor) xv 16ff 22ff 32ff 42 56 69
(angular momentum tensor) 216ff
(electromagnetic tensor) 415
(4-current) 404 415
(4-momentum) 166
(relative 3-force) 168
see "Energy tensor"
(4-force) 167
(4-impulse) 209
-particle 182 185
(Kronecker delta) 53
(coefficient in Lorentz transformation) 113 118
-rays 137
(density) 262 297
(frequency) 133
(intrinsic angular momentum invariant) 222
(permutation symbol) 73 222 239 364
1-flat 60
2-content of 3-cell 405 430
2-flat 60
2-flat, principal 330 337 369
2-flat, rotation in 79 80
2-flat, spacelike and timelike 61 330
2-wave and 3-wave 134ff 419
3-current and 4-current 404 415
3-flat 59
3-flat, principal 328 337
3-force 168
3-space, null 383
3-vector, angular momentum 225
3-vector, electromagnetic 317 320 388 415
3-vector, relative force 168
3-vector, relative momentum 169 173 175 212
3-vector, relative velocity 129ff
3-volume 272
3-volume of cross-section of world tube 273ff
3-volume of element of null cone 431
3-volume, contracted in moving system 119
3-volume, relative and proper 261
4-force 167
4-force on charged particle 394 399ff
4-force on element of continuous medium 301
4-momentum 166
4-momentum of material particle 166 173 175
4-momentum of photon 173 175
4-momentum of system 214ff 311ff
4-momentum, closed law of 215 253 310
4-momentum, conservation of 174ff 213ff 248 285 310
4-momentum, flux of 215 283 286 310
4-momentum, open law of 214 253
4-momentum, transmitted by internal impulse 211
4-screw 85ff
4-screw, axial null rays of 88ff
4-screw, matrix of 94
4-screw, reduction of Lorentz transformation to 85 86ff
4-vector see "4-momentum"
4-vector, acceleration 130ff 301 423
4-vector, coordinate 78
4-vector, force 167
4-vector, frequency 134 136 202 354
4-vector, null 19 23
4-vector, orthogonality 26ff 41 58 65 66 76
4-vector, principal see "Principal direction"
4-vector, real and imaginary components of 57
4-vector, spacelike and timelike 19 23 27 177
4-vector, unit 29 46 58 178
4-vector, velocity 130
4-volume 272
Aberration 146ff
Abraham, M. 400 416
Absolute 2-content of 3-cell 405 430
Absolute electric and magnetic strengths 334
Absolute units 375
Absolute world 122
Absorption of photon 191
Accelerated charge, radiation of energy from 393 399ff 422ff
Acceleration 4-vector (4-acceleration) 130ff 301 423
Action and reaction 163 255 see
Activity of relative force 169
Advanced potential 390 393 408
Aether see "Ether"
After and before 12
Age of earth and universe 157
Airy, G.B. 149
Amplitude 133 350
angle 29
Angle of aberration 147
Angle of scattering 428
Angle, Eulerian 79ff
Angle, imaginary 74
Angular momentum of continuous system 312
Angular momentum of electromagnetic field 365 368
Angular momentum, 3-vector 225
Angular momentum, open and closed laws of 218 253 254
Angular momentum, tensor 216ff 221ff
Annihilation of matter 199ff
Apparent distance 153ff
Archimedes 2
Area of 2-cell 272
Atom, disintegration of 185
Atom, emission and absorption of photon by 187ff 191ff
Atom, nucleus of 176 181
Atom, proper mass of 166
Atom, Rutherford — Bohr 399
Atomic clock 14 120 152
Attractive internal impulses 212 213 238 255ff 295
Axes of coordinates in space-time 75 76 123
Axes of coordinates, apparent inclination of 117
Axes, canonical 332 333
Axial null rays of 4-screw 88ff
Axioms 1ff 165
Axis of rotation in space-time 79
Baade, W. 157
Bade, W.L. 103
Baker, B.B. 408
Balazs, N.L. viii
Balmer series 182 193
Bateman, H. 408
Before and after 11
Bethe, H.A. 181
Binding energy 181
Biquadratic equation in collision problems 233 245 249 250
Bondi, H. 155
Born, M. 36 415
Bridgman, P.W. 7
Brueck, H.A. 157
Buchwald, E. 146
c (speed of light) see "Light"
Canonical axes and forms for electromagnetic field 331ff 336
Capture by fixed nucleus 426ff
Cartan, E. 75
Cartesian axes, oblique, in space-time diagram 124
Cartesian axes, tensor 57
Causality 393
Cell in space-time 272 273
Cell on null cone 430
Centre of wave function 372
Centroid of system 315
Charge, density of 403 404
Charge, electric 202 388
Charged particle, accelerated 391ff 399ff 422
Charged particle, equations of motion of 171 394ff 400ff 410ff
Charged particle, scattering and capture of 426ff
Chasles' theorem 85 94
Christoffel symbols 33
Classical see "Newtonian"
Clock, apparent retardation of 118ff 122ff 189
Clock, arbitrary 7
| Clock, paradox 16
Clock, standard or atomic 14ff 38 119 152
Closed law of 4-momentum 215 253 310
Closed law of angular momentum 218 254
Closed system see "Isolated system"
Coalescence of particles 183
Collision 9 173ff
Collision of material particles 173ff 183ff 200 202 205ff
Collision of material particles with intrinsic angular momentum 227ff 235ff 237ff 246ff
Collision of photon and material particle 193ff 249
Collision of two photons 200ff 250
Collision with high energy 237
Collision with target 265ff
Collision, elastic 174 205ff 227ff
Collision, inelastic 174 183ff
Collision, Newtonian 173 184 227
Collision, semi-elastic 174
Collision, space-time diagrams of 9 176 194 200 202 205
Comma denoting derivative xv
Commutation of rotations 87
complex numbers 56
Complex numbers, wave function 361 366ff
Composition of 4-momenta 176ff
Composition of velocities 126ff
Compton effect 193ff 202 205 249
Compton effect, wave length 197 204 375
Concepts from Newtonian physics 2ff
Conductivity 305 416
Congruence of curves 52 281
Conjugate vectors 66
Conservation of 3-momentum 175
Conservation of 4-momentum 174ff 213ff 248 285 310
Conservation of angular momentum 218 238 248
Conservation of charge 202 404
Conservation of energy 175
Conservation of number 404
Conservation of proper mass 167 210 238 404
Conservation, equation of 285 310 323 404
Constant curvature 35
Constant curvature, relative force 171
Constitutive equations 416
Continuity, equation of 290
Continuous medium or system 208 see "Density" "4-velocity"
Continuum 261ff
Continuum, energy tensor of 281ff 309ff
Continuum, equations of motion of 300ff
Contraction of moving body 118ff
Contravariant tensors 57
Convection coefficient 142ff
Convention, summation xv 8
Conway, A.W. 391
Coordinate vectors 78
coordinates see also "Transformation"
Coordinates in space-time, general 7ff
Coordinates, Minkowskian 56ff 69ff
Coordinates, oblique, in space-time diagram 124
Coordinates, real and imaginary xv
Coordinates, special 38 47ff
Copson, E.T. 408
Cosmic radiation 176
Cosmology 150ff
Coulomb field 388ff 396ff 426
Courant, R. 276
Covariant tensors 57
Creation of matter 199ff 212
Cross-section of capture 429
Cross-section of world tube 273ff
Cunningham, E. 146
Curl 317
Curvature, constant 35
Curvature, tensor 34
Curve in space-time 9 64
Curved space-time 35
D'Alembertian operator 348
Darkness, propagation of light into 385
Darwin, C.G. 396 426
De Broglie waves 136 197 396 421
Decrease of proper mass in disintegration 180
Degeneracy 292
Density of charge 403 404
Density of energy 262 286ff 292 324
Density of proper mass 262 289 403
Density of relative mass 262
Density of relative momentum 263 286ff 324
Density, macroscopic and microscopic 297 300
Density, mean 297
Density, minimum 294 327
Density, numerical 261 267 270 282 289 403
Density, positive character of 292 306 313
Density, relative 261ff 404
Descartes, R. 75
Determinacy of collision with angular momentum 234 247ff
Deuteron 181
Deviation of straight lines 45
Diagonal energy tensor 294
Diagram see "Snapshot" "Space-time
dielectric constant 416
Dirac, P.A.M. 103 400
Directions, principal, of electromagnetic tensor 336ff
Directions, principal, of energy tensor 290ff 325ff
Discrete and continuous electromagnetism 387
Discrete system 208ff
Disintegration 173ff 180ff 185ff
Disintegration, energy released in 181
Distance 23 29ff 40 45
Distance, apparent, of star 153ff
Distance, luminosity 155
Ditchburn, R.W. 36
Divergence of energy tensor 285
Doppler effect 135 152 189
Drag coefficient 142ff
Dual tensor 222 239
Dugan, R.S. 149
Dugas, R. 4
Dummy indices see "Summation convention"
Dynamics see "Mechanics"
E (relative energy) 169
E-geometry 65 123
Earth, age of 157
Eddington, A.S. 307
Eigen properties of electromagnetic tensor 336ff
Eigen properties of energy tensor 290ff 325ff
Einstein, A. 4 5 7 22 35 164
Eisenhart, L.P. 75 281 306
Elastic collision see "Collision"
Electric and magnetic strengths, absolute 334
Electric charge 202 388
Electric charge, current and density 404 415
Electric charge, displacement 415
Electric charge, intensity (3-vector) 317 320 388 415
Electromagnetic 3-vectors 317 415
Electromagnetic 4-potential 345ff 363 389ff 405ff 414 422 432
electromagnetic field 317ff 387ff
Electromagnetic field, canonical forms 331ff 336
Electromagnetic field, due to charge 387ff 409 422
Electromagnetic field, eigen properties 290ff 325ff 336ff
Electromagnetic field, energy tensor 323ff 365 376 385 410ff 416ff 424
Electromagnetic field, generated by scalar wave function 363ff
Electromagnetic field, geometry of 344
Electromagnetic field, invariants 321 322 336ff 371
Electromagnetic field, null (self-conjugate) 322 327 332 335 337 341ff 352 375
Electromagnetic field, transformation of 320ff 333
Electromagnetic fields intrinsically the same 372
Electromagnetic model of material particle 366ff 374 413
Electromagnetic model of photon 375ff 386
Electromagnetic sheet 355 391
Electromagnetic shock waves 356 385
Electromagnetic tensor 317ff 387ff 415
Electromagnetic tensor 415
Electromagnetic waves 137 350ff
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