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Csiszar I., Körner J. — Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems |
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Szekeres, Gy. 160 426
Test (statistical) 19
Test (statistical), asymptotically optimal against all alternatives 43
Test (statistical), randomized 22
Test (statistical), randomized, optimal 23
Thomasian, A.J. 122 203 223 224 227 232 233 419 426
Time sharing principle 242 266 272
Topsoe, F. 147 426
Transinformation see “Mutual information”
Transmission of independent sources 286 292
Transmission ratio 5
Transmission ratio, limit of minimum, (LMTR) see “Limit of minimum transmission ratio (LMTR)”
Tree representation of codes 62
Tree representation of codes, variable-to-fixed length 78
Tree representation of search strategies 76
Tree representation of stopping times 77 78
Trofimov, V.K. 46 424
Tunstall, B.P. 78 426
Turan, P. 160 426
Tusnady, G. VIII 79 83 85 420
Two-input two-output MAC 288
Two-observer DMC 297
Two-output see “Broadcast channel”
Two-source 237
Two-step source coding 401
Two-way channel 290
Two-way channel, unrestricted 300
Type counting lemma 29
Type covering lemma 150
Type of sequences in 29
Type, conditional 31
Type, joint 30
Typical sequences 33 ff
Typical sequences, delta-convention 34
Typical sequences, entropy- 40
Ulrey, M.L. 292 426
Unbiased estimator 27
Uncertainty 7 17
Undetected error 174
Undetected error, joint bounds on probability of erasure and 175 183
Undetected error, zero, capacity 199
Unfriendly participants 407 ff
Unfriendly participants, a source network problem 414
Unfriendly participants, broadcast channel with confidential messages 413
Unfriendly participants, wire-tap channel 407
Uniquely decipherable code see “Separable code”
Uniquely decodable code see “Separable code”
Universal Coding 39 71 172 179 “Universally
Universal coding, channels 172 175 182
Universal coding, source networks 264 267
Universal coding, sources, block codes 37 42
Universal coding, sources, variable length codes 71 83 84
| Universal coding, sources, with a distortion measure 156 157
Universal improvement on the random coding bound 182
Universally attainable error exponent, channels 172 182
Universally attainable error exponent, channels, maximal 172
Universally attainable error exponent, source networks 264 267
Universally attainable error exponents, channels, pair of 175
Universally optimal codes for sources 39 71 83 84
Universally optimal codes for sources with a distortion measure 156
Universally optimal codes, non-existence of, for channels 182
Unrestricted image size problem 345
Unrestricted two-way channel 300
van der Meulen, E.C. 378 390 416 426
Variable length codes see “Prefix code” “Separable
Variable length codes, channels 119
Variable length codes, channels, with feedback 121 201 202
Variable length codes, sources 61 ff
Variable length codes, sources, general fidelity criteria 135
Variable length codes, sources, variable-to-fixed length codes 78
Variational distance see “Distance”
Varnai, E. VIII
Wallmeier, H.M. 287 418
Weak converse see “Converse result” as opposed to a “Strong converse”
Weak converse to noisy channel coding theorem 112
Weak converse to rate distortion theorem 133
Weakly typical sequences see “Entropy-typical sequences”
Weight of evidence 20
Weiss, L. 119 426
Welch, L.R. 196 424
Wire-tap channel 407 (see also “Asymmetric broadcast channel with confidential messages”)
Wire-tap channel, degraded case 411
Wire-tap channel, secrecy capacity 408
Wire-tap channel, secret and public messages 411
Wire-tap channel, source-channel transmission 412
Witsenhausen, H.S. 263 349 351 426 427
Wolf, J.K. 269 293 299 302 421 426 427
Wolfowitz, J. 46 113 119 122 136 183 185 203 222 223 233 296 418 423 427
Wyner, A.D. 24 347 352 357 358 381—384 401 404 413 416 422 427
Wyner’s common information 404 405
Zero error -distortion rate 133 152
Zero error -distortion rate and graphs 160
Zero error -distortion rate, computation of 159
Zero error capacity 112 118
Zero error capacity and expurgated bound 187
Zero error capacity and graphs 118
Zero error capacity and m-capacity of AVC’s 223
Zero error capacity region of deterministic broadcast channels 392
Zero error capacity with feedback 121 231
Zero error capacity with feedback, and sphere packing bound 180 199
Zero error capacity, list code 196
Zero error capacity, zero undetected error capacity 199
Zero error rate region 262
Zigangirov, K.S. 200 201 427
Zigzag source network 393 394
Ziv, J. 347 357 381 384 416 427
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