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Csiszar I., Körner J. — Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems |
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Peak distortion measure 134
Pearson, E.S. 23
Perfect graph 118
Pile, R. 159 425
Pinsker, M.S. 58 199 392 406 422 425
Plotkin, M. 190 425
Poltyrev, G. §. 385 387 425
Polynomial coefficient, bounds on 30 39
Posner, E.C. 160 425
Postulational characterization of entropy 25—27
Pragmatic approach 22
Pre-channel 300
Prefix code 62 74
Prefix code and search strategies 76
Prefix code, alphabetic 77
Prefix code, Kraft inequality 72 73
Prefix code, optimal see “Huffmann code”
Prefix code, Shannon — Fano code 85
Prefix code, synchronizing 75
Prefix code, tree representation 62
prefix property 61
Prelov, V.V. 416 422
Probability distributions, preliminaries on 12
Probability of correct decoding, non-achievable rates see “Exponential probability bounds”
Probability of erasure 174
Probability of error 3 15 99 248
Probability of error at output c 248 281 282
Probability of error fidelity criterion 3 15 132
Probability of error fidelity criterion for source networks 248
Probability of error, average 99 173
Probability of error, family of channels 172 173
Probability of error, hypothesis testing 19
Probability of error, maximum 99 172
Probability of undetected error 174
Product graph see “Graph”
Product of channels 115 118
Product of degraded broadcast channels 384
Product of sources 134
Product space characterization 259
Product space characterization of achievable rate region, NSN 255
Product space characterization of capacity region, channel networks 302
Progressive encoder 79
Quasi-image 350
Questionnaire see “Code tree with probabilities assigned to the terminal vertices”
Rajski, C. 57 425
Random code 209 223
Random code capacity of an AVC 224
Random code reduction lemma 210
Random codes, readability of 209 224
Random coding see “Random selection of codes”
Random coding bound 165 170
Random coding bound for undetected error and erasure 175 183
Random coding bound for undetected error and erasure, universal attainability of 175
Random coding bound without remainder term 196
Random coding bound, alternative derivation 198
Random coding bound, alternative form 192
Random coding bound, BSC 194
Random coding bound, BSC, linear codes 198
Random coding bound, compound DMC 173
Random coding bound, constant composition codes 165
Random coding bound, improvement for small rates 185
Random coding bound, improvement for small rates, universal 182
Random coding bound, list codes 196
Random coding bound, tightness for, large rates 168 171
Random coding bound, tightness for, randomly selected codes 196
Random coding bound, universal attainability of 172
Random coding exponent function 165
Random coding exponent function 180
Random coding exponent function, alternative form 192
Random coding exponent function, modified, 174
Random coding exponent function, properties 168 169
Random coding exponent function, relation to sphere packing exponent function 168
Random selection of channel codes 113
Random selection of codes (sources) 23
Random selection of fork network codes 252
Random selection of MA codes 287—289
Random selection of rate-slicing codes 263
Random selection, method of 150
Random variables, connected by a channel 99
Random variables, preliminaries on 12
Randomized, decoder see “Stochastic decoder”
Randomized, encoder see “Stochastic encoder”
Randomized, test 22
Range constraint on auxiliary RV’s 310 ff
Range constraint on auxiliary RV’s in computable characterizations 259 343
Rao, C.R. 28
Rate distortion theorem 125 (see also “Exponential probability bounds”)
Rate distortion theorem, application to coverings of product graphs 160
Rate distortion theorem, arbitrarily varying source 153 159
Rate distortion theorem, compound source 158 159
Rate distortion theorem, multi-terminal generalizations 373 377 401
Rate distortion theorem, non-finite distortion measures 134
Rate distortion theorem, peak distortion measures 134
Rate distortion theorem, remote sources 136
Rate distortion theorem, several distortion measures 134
Rate distortion theorem, two-step source coding 401
Rate distortion theorem, variable length codes 135
Rate distortion theorem, zero-error 152
Rate of channel block code 100
Rate of source block code 123
Rate of variable length code, channel 119
Rate pair (MA code) 271
Rate slicing corollary 239
Rate slicing, limitations on 383 399
Rate triple (fork network code) 241
Rate vector (channel network code) 279
Rate, -distortion see “ -distortion rate”
Rate, achievable see “Achievable rate”
Rate, critical see “Critical rate”
Rate, entropy, of a source 65
Rate, equivocation 407
Rate-Distortion function 137 (see also “ -distortion rate” “Rate
Rate-distortion function, alternative formula 146
Rate-distortion function, channel achieving 147
Rate-distortion function, computation of 144 148
Rate-distortion function, convexity 124
Rate-distortion function, differentiability 148
Rate-distortion function, joint continuity 124
Rates, exponential probability bounds at non-achievable see “Exponential probability bounds at non-achievable rates”
Reduction of channel network problems 300—302
Reduction of source network problems 249—250
Redundancy, asymptotics of minimax 83
Reliability function, compound DMC 173
Reliability function, DMC 170 171 181 DMC”)
Reliability function, DMC, bounds on 197
Reliability function, DMC, generalized capacity as inverse of 180 183
Reliability function, DMC, list codes 196
Reliability function, DMC, R=0 189
Reliability function, DMC, R=0, constant composition codes 191
Reliability function, DMC, rates above capacity 184
Reliability function, DMC, under input constraint 182 192
Reliability function, DMC, with feedback 199—202
Reliable transmission 3 4
Reliable transmission, non-terminating 6 132
Remainder terms see “Asymptotics refined”
Remote sources 136
Renyi, A. 26 27 28 425
Renyi’s entropy of order a 27
Reproduction alphabet 123
Reza, F.M. 60 425
Robbins, H. 40
Rodemich, E.R. 196 424
Row-convex closure 205
Rumsey, H. Jr. 196 424
Sanov, I.N. 43 425
Sardinas, A.A. 74 425
Saturated code tree 72
Sauer, N. 96 425
Schmetterer, L. 28 425
Schneider, K. 78 423
| Schuetzenberger, M.P. 74 75 85 425
Search strategies and codes 76
Secrecy capacity 408
Secrecy problems see “Unfriendly participants”
Secret and public messages 411
Self-information see “Information provided by an event”
Self-synchronizing code see “Synchronizing code”
Separable codes 62
Separable codes and prefix codes 74
Separable codes, composition of 74
Separable codes, composition of, Kraft inequality, generalized 70 73
Separable range (of a code) 61
Separable range (of a code), algorithm to test 74
Separation of source and channel coding 131 132
Separation of source and channel coding, multi-terminal case 286 287 292
Severdjaev, A. Ju. 185 199 425
Sgarro, A. VIII 46 398 424 425
Shannon theory VII
Shannon — Fano code 85
Shannon, C.E. VII 1 3 6 38 40 46 60 73 81 82 85 112—115 118 121 122 134 136 149 160 180 188 189 192 196 197 203 231 290 300 302 425 426
Shannon’s block diagram 2
Shannon’s entropy see “Entropy”
Shannon’s formula 17
Shannon’s partial ordering of channels see “Better in the Shannon sense”
Shell (V-shell) 31
Side information source 237 367
Side information, channels see “Compound DMC with encoder or decoder informed” “AVC states
Side information, code with, (source) 238
Side information, fork network with 405
Side information, source coding with see “Source coding with side information”
Simon, J. 76 424
Sinai, J.G. 80 426
Single-letter characterization 259 260
Single-letter distortion measure see “Averaging distortion measure”
Single-letterization lemma 313
Size constraint see “Range constraint”
Slepian — Wolf network see “Fork network”
Slepian — Wolf theorem see “Fork network coding theorem”
Slepian, D. 269 293 302 426
Sliding block code 79
Smorodinsky, M. 81 426
Sobel, M. 77 426
Source 2 15
Source coding theorem see “Exponential probability bounds” “Universal “Asymptotics refined”
Source coding theorem, block codes 15 23
Source coding theorem, block codes, with prescribed distortion level see “Rate distortion theorem”
Source coding theorem, multi-terminal see “Source coding with side information” “Source
Source coding theorem, variable length codes 62—63 66—67 135
Source coding theorem, variable-to-fixed length codes 78
Source coding with side information 238
Source coding with side information with prescribed distortion level 370 ff
Source coding with side information, partial side information 367
Source coding with side information, partial side information, alternative proof 381
Source coding with side information, partial side information, several decoders 398
Source coding with side information, partial side information, unfriendly participants 414
source network 246 ff (see also “Normal source network”)
Source network coding theorems see “Normal source network” “Source
Source network coding theorems and entropy characterization problem 261 266
Source network coding theorems, error exponent 267 269
Source network coding theorems, fork network see “Fork network”
Source network coding theorems, NSN without helpers 253 254
Source network coding theorems, strong converse and image size problem see “Strong converse and image size problem”
Source network coding theorems, unfriendly participants 414
Source network coding theorems, various 383 393 405
Source network of depth 2 249 ff
Source network of depth >2 406
Source network with 2 helpers 398 399
Source network with 3 inputs and 1 helper 393—397
Source network with probability of error fidelity criterion, graphical representation 248
Source network with probability of error fidelity criterion, reduction to NSN 249 250
Source network with unfriendly participants 414
Source network, achievable ( -achievable) rate region 247
Source network, achievable ( -achievable) rate region, probability of error fidelity criterion 249
Source network, coding theorems see “Source network coding theorems”
Source network, fork see “Fork network”
Source network, normal, (NSN) see “Normal source network (NSN)”
Source network, one side information source 381
Source network, zigzag 393 394
Source, arbitrarily varying 153 159
Source, component, of a DMMS 240
Source, compound 158
Source, discrete memoryless (DMS) 15
Source, discrete memoryless (DMS), multiple (DMMS) 237 240
Source, stationary 65
Source-channel, block code see “k-to-n block code”
Source-channel, coding theorem see “Source-channel transmission
Source-channel, error exponent 197
Source-channel, network 281
Source-channel, network, independent component sources 292
Source-channel, transmission theorem 130 133
Source-channel, transmission theorem, arbitrarily varying channels 225
Source-channel, transmission theorem, remote sources 136
Source-channel, transmission theorem, variable length codes 135
Source-channel, transmission theorem, wire-tap channel 412
Sphere packing bound 166 170
Sphere packing bound under input constraint 182
Sphere packing bound with feedback 199
Sphere packing bound, alternative derivations 180
Sphere packing bound, alternative formula 192
Sphere packing bound, BSC 195
Sphere packing bound, compound DMC 173
Sphere packing bound, constant composition codes 16
Sphere packing bound, improvement for small rates 19/
Sphere packing bound, list codes 196
Sphere packing bound, tightness for large rates 168 171
Sphere packing exponent function 166
Sphere packing exponent function 170
Sphere packing exponent function , alternative form 192
Sphere packing exponent function , compound DMC 173
Sphere packing exponent function , properties 168 180
Sphere packing exponent function , relation to random coding exponent function 168
Stambler, S.Z. 227 233 421 426
Standard minimum distance (SMD) decoder 206
State of a channel 82 204
State of a channel, depending on inputs 232 233
State of a channel, known at the input or output 227 229
State selector 219
Stationary source 65
Stationary source, isomorphy problem 80
Stein, C. 28 426
Stein’s lemma 28
Stiglitz, I.G. 233 426
Stochastic decoding 226
Stochastic encoder 217
Stochastic encoder in secrecy problems 407 ff
Stochastic encoder, effect on a- and m-capacity region, general channel network 291
Stochastic encoder, effect on a- and m-capacity region, MAC 284
Stochastic encoder, effect on a- and m-capacity, AVC 217
Stochastic matrix 10 12
Stochastic matrix, doubly 58
Stopping time 11
Straight line bound 197
Strassen, V. 25 28 119 426
Strong converse 110 (see also under “Specific coding theorems”)
Strong converse and image size problem 369 377 394—397
Strong converse for channel codes from arbitrary sets 107
Strong converse with exponential bound see “Exponential probability bounds”
Strong converse, invalidity of 113 182
Strong data processing lemma 59 350
Strongly typical sequences see “Typical sequences”
Sub-achievable entropy vectors 352
Subcode 101
Suffix code 74
Super-achievable entropy vectors 354
Support (of a distribution) 10
Support lemma 310
Suranyi, J. 422
Symmetric, channel 114
Symmetric, joint distribution 398
Synchronizing codes 15
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