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Csiszar I., Körner J. — Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems |
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Conditional distribution 10
Conditional entropy 20
Conditional informational divergence 31
Conditional mutual information 48
Conditional type 31
Connected by channel W, RV’s 99
Conservation of entropy 79 83
Conservation of entropy and ergodic theory 79—80
Constant composition codes 117 161
Constant composition codes, expurgated bound 185
Constant composition codes, Gilbert bound, general 179
Constant composition codes, random coding bound 165
Constant composition codes, random coding bound, universal attainability of 172
Constant composition codes, random coding bound, universal improvement of 182
Constant composition codes, reliability at zero rate 191
Constant composition codes, sphere packing bound 166
Constant composition codes, undetected error and erasure 175
Constraint upon the codewords 108 (see also “Input constraint”)
Continuity lemmas with respect to entropy metric 57
Continuity lemmas, entropy 33
Continuity lemmas, Fanos’s inequality 53
Continuity lemmas, random coding exponent function 169
Continuity lemmas, rate-distortion function 124
Converse result 110 (see also “Strong converse” “Weak “Exponential
Convex closure 11
Convex closure of a set of stochastic matrices 205
Convex closure of a set of stochastic matrices, row 205
Convexity of achievable rate regions and capacity regions see “Time sharing principle”
Convexity of capacity-constraint function 109
Convexity of expurgated exponent function 187
Convexity of functions of distributions and channels 12
Convexity of information measures 50
Convexity of rate-distortion function 124
Convexity of sphere packing exponent function 168
Correlated random code see “Random code”
Correlated source see “Multiple source”
Cost 66 120
Cost function, general 83
Cost of transmission 2 4
Cover, T.M. 263 269 288 299 302 378 381 390 416 419
Covering of product graphs 160
Covering, type covering lemma 150
Cramer — Rao inequality 28
Cramer, H. 28
Critical rate 171 181
Critical rate for list codes 196
Critical rate of a BSC 195
Critical rate with feedback, BSC 200
Critical rate, at 194
Cross-entropy see “Informational divergence”
Crossover probability, BSC 114
Csibi, S. VIII IX
Csiszar, I. 41 58 60 74 79 81—83 85 121 147 149 182 185 188 198 203 233 264 268 269 358 413 416 419 420
Cybakov, B.S. 136 420
Daroczy, Z. 26 27 420
Data compression see “Source coding”
Data processing lemma 55
Data processing lemma, strong 95 350
data storage 3
Davisson, L.D. 83 85 158 420 424
Decision feedback 201
Decoder 2 4
Decoder, channel networks 279
Decoder, channels 99
Decoder, channels, maximum likelihood 111
Decoder, channels, maximum mutual information 164
Decoder, channels, minimum distance 114
Decoder, channels, standard minimum distance 206
Decoder, minimum entropy 265
Decoder, network 246
Decoder, sources 123
Decoder, stochastic 226
Decoding 2
Decoding set see “Inverse image of a message under a decoder (channels)”
Degraded broadcast channel 379
Degraded broadcast channels, product of 384
Degraded broadcast channels, sum of 387
Degraded channels 115
Degraded channels, entropy and image size characterization 343
Delta-convention 34
Depth of a graph 246
Depth of a vertex 246
Destination 2
Deterministic broadcast channel 391
Deterministic broadcast channel, semi 392
Direct result 110
Directed graph 245
Discrete memoryless broadcast channel see “Broadcast channel”
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC) 100 ff 161
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), capacity see “Capacity”
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), coding theorem 104 108
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), coding theorem, for codewords from a given set 106—108
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), coding theorem, remainder terms in 119
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), coding theorem, strong converse 110
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), coding theorem, weak converse 112
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), exponential probability bounds see “Error”
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), feedback see “Feedback”
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), image of a set over see “Image (of a set over channel)”
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), input constraint see “Input constraint
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), linear codes 114 198
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), maximal code lemma 101
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), maximal code lemma, for two channels 316
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), multi-terminal see “Channel network”
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), reliability function see “Reliability function DMC”
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), transmission of a source over 129 ff 197
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), universal coding 172 175 182
Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), zero-error capacity see “Zero error capacity”
Discrete memoryless multiple source (DMMS) 237 240
Discrete memoryless multiple sources (DMMS), coding theorems involving see “Source network coding theorems”
Discrete memoryless multiple-access channel see “Multiple-access channel”
Discrete memoryless source (DMS) 15
Discrete memoryless sources (DMS), coding theorems for see “Source coding theorems”
Discrimination, information for see “Informational divergence”
Distance, distributions, variational 58
Distance, distributions, variational, and entropy 33
Distance, distributions, variational, and informational divergence 58
Distance, random variables, entropy 53 57
Distance, sequences, Hamming see “Hamming minimum
Distortion measure 4 123
Distortion measure, associated with a channel 185
Distortion measure, averaging 124
Distortion measure, non-finite 134 148
Distortion measure, peak 134
Distortion measure, single-letter see “Averaging distortion measure”
Distortion measures, several 134
Distortion-rate function 156
Divergence see “Informational divergence”
Divergence contraction see “Data processing lemma”
Divergence geometry 59
Divergence projection 59 60
Divergence, symmetrized 58
Djackov, A.G. 199 200 420
Dobrusin, R.L. 46 121 136 160 199 203 233 420 421
Double Markovity 402
Doubly stochastic matrix 58
Dueck, G. 122 181 184 277 284 300 421
Eggleston, H.G. 310 421
El Gamal, A.A. 381 385 387 421
Elias, P. 24 114 121 196 198 203 421
Empirical distribution 29
Empirical distribution, large deviation probabilities for 43
Encoder 2 4
Encoder with feedback 120
Encoder, channel networks 279
Encoder, channels 99
Encoder, networks 246
Encoder, progressive 79
Encoder, source networks see “Encoder networks”
Encoder, sources 123
Encoder, stochastic 217 284 291
| Encoding 2
entropy 7 17 22
Entropy characterization problem 261 303
Entropy characterization problem and source networks 261 262
Entropy characterization problem, partial results 352 ff
Entropy characterization problem, relation to image size problem 325 342 346
Entropy characterization problem, solution for 3-sources see “Entropy characterization theorem”
Entropy characterization theorem 342 (see also “Entropy characterization problem”)
Entropy characterization theorem, converse part 313
Entropy characterization theorem, direct part 339
Entropy in ergodic theory 80
Entropy in physics 28 46
Entropy metrics 53 57
Entropy of an individual sequence 48
Entropy rate of a source 65
Entropy, - (in Soviet literature) see “ -distortion rate”
Entropy, conditional 20
Entropy, conservation of 79 83
Entropy, cross- see “Informational divergence”
Entropy, formal properties 47 ff
Entropy, intuitive concept 7
Entropy, postulational characterizations 25—27
Entropy, relation to polynomial coefficients 30 39
Entropy, Renyi’s, of order 27
Entropy, upper bounds on 56
Entropy-typical sequences 40
Equidistant channel 194
Equivocation rate 407
erasure 174
Erasure, binary, channel 114
Erasure, probability of 174
Erasure, probability of, joint bounds on, and undetected error 175
Erdoes, P. 26 421
Ergodic theory, isomorphy problem of 80
Error exponent see “Exponential probability bounds”
Error exponent, compound DMC 173
Error exponent, DMC 161 ff (see also “Reliability function” “Random “Sphere “Expurgated
Error exponent, DMC, constant composition codes 165—168 185 191
Error exponent, DMC, feedback 199—202
Error exponent, DMC, list codes 196
Error exponent, DMC, rates above capacity 184
Error exponent, DMC, two messages 188
Error exponent, DMC, undetected error and erasure 175
Error exponent, DMC, universally attainable 172 182
Error exponent, hypothesis testing 19 44
Error exponent, source networks 264 265 267 268
Error exponent, source-channel 197
Error exponent, sources 37 42 44
Error exponent, sources in rate distortion theorem 156
Error frequency fidelity criterion 63 132 133
Error probability see “Probability of error” “Error
Error probability for two messages 188
Expected common length of codes 403
Exponential probability bounds at achievable rates see “Error exponent”
Exponential probability bounds at non-achievable rates, channel 184
Exponential probability bounds at non-achievable rates, source 41 158
Exponential probability bounds, hypothesis testing 19 44
Expurgated bound 185 (see also “Expurgated exponent function”)
Expurgated bound and Gilbert bound 195
Expurgated bound and zero-error capacity 187
Expurgated bound under input constraint 192
Expurgated bound, alternative formula 192
Expurgated bound, BSC 194
Expurgated bound, equidistant channels 194
Expurgated bound, product space 187
Expurgated bound, tightness at zero rate 189
Expurgated exponent function ( and ) 185
Expurgated exponent function ( and ), alternative formula 193
Expurgated exponent function ( and ), and distortion-rate functions 194
Expurgated exponent function ( and ), properties of 187
Expurgated exponent function ( and ), relation to random coding exponent function 185 194
Extension of a code 101
Faddeev, D.K. 26 421
Family of channels see “Compound channel” “Arbitrarily
Family of channels, average probability of error 173
Family of channels, maximum probability of error 172
Fano, R.M. 60 85 112 113 203 421
Fano’s inequality 53
Feedback 8 120
Feedback, active 202
Feedback, arbitrarily varying channel with see “Arbitrarily varying channel (AVC) feedback”
Feedback, complete 120
Feedback, decision 201
Feedback, does not increase the capacity of a DMC 120
Feedback, error exponent 199—202
Feedback, multiple-access channel with 298
Feedback, passive and active 202
Feedback, probability of error for R>C 184
Feedback, variable-length codes for channes with 121 202
Feedback, zero-error capacity with 121
Feinstein, A. 122 421
Feller, W. 40 81 88 421
Fenchel — Eggleston — Carat heodory theorem 310
Fenchel, W. 310
Fibonacci sequence 75
Fidelity criterion 2 4
Fidelity criterion, , 123
Fidelity criterion, , , arbitrary varying source 153
Fidelity criterion, , , source networks 247
Fidelity criterion, , , source networks, relation to average 372 373
Fidelity criterion, average distortion see “Average fidelity criterion
Fidelity criterion, average, 123
Fidelity criterion, average, , for source-channel transmission 129
Fidelity criterion, average, , relation to , 133 158
Fidelity criterion, error frequency 63 132 133
Fidelity criterion, probability of error 3 15 132
Fidelity criterion, probability of error, source networks 248
Fidelity criterion, several distortion measures 134
Fidelity criterion, zero-error see “ fidelity criterion with ”
Finite state noiseless channel 82
Fisher, R.A. 28 421
Fisher’s information 27
Fitingof weight see “Entropy of an individual sequence”
Fitingof, B.M. 85 421
Fixed-length-to-fixed-length code 5
Fixed-to-variable length code 61
Fork network 241
Fork network with side information 405
Fork network, achievable rate region 242
Fork network, coding theorem 243 254
Fork network, exponential error bounds 264 265 267 268
Fork network, universal coding 264
Fork network, zero-error rate region 262
Forney, G.D. 196 201 203 421
Forte, B. 27 417 421
Gaarder, N.T. 299 421
Gabidulin, E.M. 115 421
Gacs, P. VIII 96 120 122 269 347 350 351 357 358 381 383 403 416 418 421
Gallager, R.G. 60 134 148 149 180 181 185—189 192—198 203 264 266 357 421 422 426
Gallai, T. 118 422
Galois field 24
Game-theoretic approach 219 226
Gelfand, S.I. VIII 391 392 406 416 422
Generated sequence (W-, Y|X-) 34
Generic distribution 15
Generic variables 237 240
Gerrish, A.M. 148 422
Gilbert bound 179
Gilbert bound and expurgated bound 195
Gilbert bound, general 179
Gilbert, E.N. 77 179 180 195 422
Goppa, V.D. 117 203 422
Graph representation of codes see “Tree representation”
Graph representation of source and channel network problems see “Source network” “Channel
Graph, associated with a channel 118
Graph, directed 245 (see also “Network”)
Graph, interval 118
Graph, perfect 118
Graph, product 118
Graph, product, chromatic number and zero-error rate region 262
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