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Newman J.R. — The World of Mathematics, Volume 1
Newman J.R. — The World of Mathematics, Volume 1

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Название: The World of Mathematics, Volume 1

Автор: Newman J.R.


Volume 1 of a monumental 4-vol. set includes a general survey of mathematics; historical and biographical information on prominent mathematicians throughout history; material on arithmetic, numbers and the art of counting, and the mathematics of space and motion. Non-technical articles by and about scores of eminent mathematicians as well as literary figures, economists, biologists. and many other thinkers. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes essays by Eric Temple Bell, W. W. Rouse Ball, Leonhard Euler, Bertrand Russell, Alfred North Whitehead, many others. Numerous figures.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 724

Добавлена в каталог: 02.04.2008

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Предметный указатель
Mesopotamia, Sumerians' numbers and numerals      430 442
Metals, transmutation      272
Metamerism      702
Meteorology      234
Method (Archimedes)      94 104
Method, Discourse on (Descartes)      129
Methods, infinitesimal      40
Metric geometry      570
Metric system adopted in France      155
Metrical geometry      103 359
Metrodoros      207 fn.
Micaniquc Analytique (Lagrange)      153 154 155
Micanique Celeste (Laplace)      155 321
Michelangelo, Creation of Adam      684
Michelson — Morley experiment      640
Michelson, Albert A., quoted      262
Micrographia (Hooke)      261
Military machines, Archimedes’      103 179 180 181—182 187
Military problems, application of mathematics      119
Mill, John Stuart      381 433
Million, use of word      455
Milne, Ј.A., Sir James Jeans      645
Mind and nature, bifurcation      399
Mind, The Analysis of (Russell)      389
Minimum vocabularies      390—391
Mirrors, Archimedes' concave      179
Mirrors, images      679 696 698
Mirrors, metal      260 263
Mirrors, reflecting      110 132 154
Mitchell, F.D.      467 fn. 471 478 483
Mnemonic equations      50—51
Model, working of the universe      43—44
Modern numerals      453
Modular equations      374
Moebius, August Ferdinand, four-color problem      591
Moebius, August Ferdinand, one-sided surface      595
Moebius, August Ferdinand, strip      595—597
Moeris, geometry discovery      189
Molecular theory      96
Moments      289
Mondeux, Henri      476 480
Monge, Gaspard      155 334 601 631
Monochord, musical intervals      189
Monochromatic light      263
Monogenic functions      322
Monreale mosaic, symmetry      677 699
Moon, celestial motions      145 266 268
Moon, diameter      421
Moon, gravitational pull      257 258
Moore, G.E.      377 386 387
More, Henry      261 268 281
Morice, A.      439 fn.
Moscow papyrus      89 169 175
Mother Goose rhyme, problem      178
Motion, change of position      64 fn.
Motion, circular      227
Motion, composition      52
Motion, conception      19
Motion, fluid      716
Motion, law of      44—48
Motion, matter      568
Motion, parabolic      49
Motion, resisting medium      267
Motion, rigid      717
Motion, transferred to space      659
Motion, transformation      570
Motion, variability      70
Motte, Andrew      266 fn.
Muller, G.E.      467 fn.
Multiplication, Ahmes' treatment      12
Multiplication, calculating prodigies      469 472 481—482
Multiplication, complex      371
Multiplication, Egyptians      172
Multiplication, fractions      17 25
Multiplication, generalization of number      30—31
Multiplication, grating method      461
Multiplication, Greek guiding process      117
Multiplication, logarithms      123
Multiplication, logical      25
Multiplication, matrices      361—362
Multiplication, negative number      29—30
Multiplication, repetitions      24
Multiplication, Roman methods      451
Multiplication, symbols      27
Multiplication, tables      460
Multiplication, velocities and times      50
Music, numerical ratios      99—100
Music, periodicities of notes      416
Music, rhythm      702—703
Musical intervals, planetary relations      127
Musical scale, harmonic progressions      85 189
Myriad      425
Mysterium (Kepler)      125
Mysticism and Logic (Russell)      379
n dimensions, geometry of      342 344 359 640
n partitions of a number (theorem)      167
n roots of algebraic equation      511
Named numbers      491 494
Napier's Bones      122
Napier, John, arithmetic triangle      135
Napier, John, biography      121
Napier, John, inventions      122
Napier, John, logarithms      23 123—125 137 140 142 148
Napier, John, quoted      123
Napier, John, spherical trigonometry      125
Napier, John, symbolic algebra      115
Natural bodies, mechanical properties      665
Natural Knowledge, An Enquiry concerning the Principles of (Whitehead)      398
Natural numbers      500
Natural science, ancient      15
Natural science, application of mathematics      43—52 69—70
Natural science, prevention of waste      5—6
Natural science, satisfaction of intellectual needs      10
Nature, economical tendencies      154
Nature, laws of, mathematically expressed      411
Nature, leftright symmetry      686
Nature, observation by scientists      411
Nature, The Concept of      398
Nature, uniformity      549
Nautical Almanac      5—6 43 44 233
Needham, Joseph, Order and Life      691
Nees von Essenbeck, Christian      314
Negative indices      131
negative numbers      6 27—28 30 33 34 65 96 115 119 147—148 162
Neugebauer, O.      89 169 449
Newman, James R., “Rhind Papyrus, The”      169—178
Newman, James R., “Srinivasa Ramanujan”      368—376
Newton, Humphrey      259 280 282
Newton, Humphrey, quoted      272
Newton, Isaac, achievement, period of      256—257
Newton, Isaac, analytical geometry      133 155 360
Newton, Isaac, apple story      145 257 328
Newton, Isaac, Arithmetica Universalis      145
Newton, Isaac, binomial theorem      139 140 256 258 519—524
Newton, Isaac, brachistrochrone problem      267 274
Newton, Isaac, calculus      256 258 267 279
Newton, Isaac, chemical operations      272—273
Newton, Isaac, chromatic aberration      260
Newton, Isaac, Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms Amended      273 274
Newton, Isaac, commentary on      254
Newton, Isaac, curves, moving points      58
Newton, Isaac, earth measurements      267—268
Newton, Isaac, equations, imaginary roots      273 364
Newton, Isaac, experiments      268 279
Newton, Isaac, finite differences, calculus      267
Newton, Isaac, fits, theory of      262
Newton, Isaac, fluxions, method of      48 58 61 142—143 145 258
Newton, Isaac, gravitation, theory of      45 62 142 144 256—258 266—268
Newton, Isaac, honors      145—146 254 268 269—270
Newton, Isaac, Hooke misunderstandings      261 271 278
Newton, Isaac, hypotheses      260 266
Newton, Isaac, infinite series      521—524
Newton, Isaac, inverse square law      145 258 264 265 266
Newton, Isaac, least resistance, problem of      267
Newton, Isaac, Leibniz controversy      58—59 143 152 165 278
Newton, Isaac, letter to Royal Society      259
Newton, Isaac, light waves      262 263 267
Newton, Isaac, limits      165 291
Newton, Isaac, logarithm      137
Newton, Isaac, mathematical analysis      299
Newton, Isaac, mathematical astronomy      313 315
Newton, Isaac, mathematical discoveries      258 295
Newton, Isaac, metallic mirrors      260 263
Newton, Isaac, motion, theory of      45
Newton, Isaac, Motu Corporum, De      264—265
Newton, Isaac, Natura Acidorum, De      272
Newton, Isaac, Opticks      259 260 261 263 264 269 272
Newton, Isaac, Opticks, quoted      266 273 286
Newton, Isaac, optics, lectures      258—259 271
Newton, Isaac, planetary motions      52 132 140 144—145 257 264 267—268
Newton, Isaac, Portsmouth Papers      274 284
Newton, Isaac, Principia      62 144 145 257—259 264 268 269 272—275 279 280 282 284 286
Newton, Isaac, projective geometry      102
Newton, Isaac, Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John, Observations upon      274
Newton, Isaac, quoted      265—266 267
Newton, Isaac, relative concepts      683
Newton, Isaac, sound, theory of      154 412
Newton, Isaac, space structure      696
Newton, Isaac, spectrum      260
Newton, Isaac, speculative theory, attitude to      262
Newton, Isaac, sphere, gravitational pull      268 279
Newton, Isaac, telescope, reflecting      142 259 260 264
Newton, Isaac, universe, system of the      153
Newton, Isaac, unpublished papers      280—282 284
Newton, Isaac, variations, calculus of      267
Newton, Isaac, waterclock      255—256
Newton, Isaac, white light discoveries      141—142 146 256 260—263
Newton, Isaac, wind force, ascertaining      140
Newton, Isaac, wind force, ascertaining, quoted      141 326
Newtonian viscosity      267
Nine, Roman numerals      449
Nineteen, Roman numerals      449
Niven, I.M., Waring problem      515
Noether, Emmy      333
Non-Euclidean geometry      102 158 165 306 332 342 396 546
Normal to a surface      335
Normals      108
Northrop, F.S.C.      399 fn.
Notation, algebraic      12 22—24 26—27 32 92 120 130
Notation, Arabic      117
Notation, decimal      23 114 116 117
Notation, development      13 14
Notation, fluxions      58
Notation, integral calculus      54
Notation, Leibniz's      57—58
Notation, numerical      99
Notation, Viete's improvements      236
Notizen-journal (Gauss)      304
Nouvelles Experiences sur le vide (Pascal)      134
Number intelligence, birds      494
Number knowledge, poverty of      432
Number, concept      525—527
Number, definition      537—543
Number, digital      483
Number, group relationships      402
Number, origin      432 433 434
Number, properties      156
Numbers and limits, modern views      62—67
Numbers and Numerals (Smith and Ginsburg)      430 442—464
Numbers, abstract      24 511
Numbers, algebraic      26 313 326 499 511
Numbers, analytic theory of      158 374 499 508
Numbers, binary scale      516
Numbers, cardinal      389
Numbers, characteristic designs      84
Numbers, classes      65—66
Numbers, complex      31 60 71 119 162 308 309 321—322 529
Numbers, composite      101
Numbers, concrete      24
Numbers, diameter      207 fn.
Numbers, discrete domain      507
Numbers, Fermat's theory      236
Numbers, fractionary      25 26 27 31 34 162
Numbers, generalization      25 26 30
Numbers, ideal      499 513
Numbers, identification      85
numbers, imaginary      29—30 34 119 148 309
Numbers, integer      13 28 60 65 66
Numbers, Introduction to the Theory of (Dickson)      500
Numbers, irrational      26 27 34 62—64 87—88 89 92 95 96 97 101 162 168 525—536
numbers, large      455 458
Numbers, logical definition      65—66
Numbers, magnitudes      17
Numbers, measures of lengths      17 35
Numbers, Mersenne      500—505 506
Numbers, named      491 494
Numbers, natural      500
numbers, negative      6 27—28 30 33 34 65 96 115 119 147—148 162
Numbers, octads      418 426
Numbers, orders and periods      425—426
Numbers, ordinal      66
Numbers, pattern      136
Numbers, perfect      89 101 498 506
Numbers, points and lines, correspondence      33
Numbers, positive      27—28 34 65 96
Numbers, prime      101 157 501 505—506
Numbers, proportion      50
Numbers, rational      326 511 513 525 538
Numbers, rational reality      85
Numbers, real      34 50 63 65 96 534—536
Numbers, redefinition      28
Numbers, relation      65—66
Numbers, sequences      62 63
Numbers, series      63
Numbers, side, finding      207 fn.
Numbers, square      84
Numbers, status in realm of things      408 409
Numbers, symbols      24
Numbers, theory of      68 fn. 83 116 136 152 155 157 160 311 367 498—515
Numbers, transcendental      499 514
Numbers, triangular      84
Numbers, unnamed      491 492 494 495
Numbers, zero      96
Numerals to computation      456—464
Numerals, alphabetical      418
Numerals, Arabic      454
Numerals, beginnings      442
Numerals, changes in European (table)      454
Numerals, early Hindu      453—454
Numerals, finger      455—456
Numerals, large numbers      445
Numerals, modern      453
Numerals, modern, forbidden in commerce      451
Numerals, Roman, large numbers      458
Numerical algebra      26
Numero Terminorum Infinitas, De Analyst per Aequationes (Newton)      258
Nuremberg Council, Durer's paintings      600 fn.
Observation, mathematical science      405
Occam's razor      389
Occasion, immediate      407
octads, Archimedes' system      418 426
Octagonal symmetry      707
Octahedron, characteristic shape of air      96
Ocular measure for distances      657
Odd perfect number      506
Ohm, Martin      293 fn.
Olbers, Heinrich      312 319 331 334
One, Babylonian numeral      444
One, early numeral      443 448
One, number      65
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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