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Newman J.R. — The World of Mathematics, Volume 1
Newman J.R. — The World of Mathematics, Volume 1

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Название: The World of Mathematics, Volume 1

Автор: Newman J.R.


Volume 1 of a monumental 4-vol. set includes a general survey of mathematics; historical and biographical information on prominent mathematicians throughout history; material on arithmetic, numbers and the art of counting, and the mathematics of space and motion. Non-technical articles by and about scores of eminent mathematicians as well as literary figures, economists, biologists. and many other thinkers. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes essays by Eric Temple Bell, W. W. Rouse Ball, Leonhard Euler, Bertrand Russell, Alfred North Whitehead, many others. Numerous figures.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 724

Добавлена в каталог: 02.04.2008

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Предметный указатель
Binary theory      310
Binomial congruence      310 311 325
Binomial equation      310
Binomial theorem      139 140 256 258 299 519—524
Biological sciences      413
Biology: fibers, study of      691
Biot, Jean Baptiste      275
Biquadratic reciprocity      325
Birds, ability to count      433 434 488—496
Birds, gifted      488—489
Birds, self—conditioning      490
Birkhoff, George David, Aesthetic Measure      671 fn.
Blackboards, arithmetic      460
Blake, William, quoted      671
Blondel, Francois      616
Bode's law      221 313
Bode, Johann Elert      221—222 fn.
Boehme, Jacob      273
Boethius, Anicius      18
Bolivia, numeral words      432
Bologna, Italy, center of learning      118
Boltzmann, Ludwig      275
Bolyai, John, non-Euclidean geometry      639
Bolyai, Wolfgang      158—159
Bonnet, Charles, spirals      718
Bookkeeping, use of Roman numerals      451
Boole, George, invariants      349 350 351
Boole, George, logical algebra      163 397
Born, Max, quantum mechanics      396
Bosse, Abraham      631
Bothwell, Adam      121
Bouts, Dirk, Last Supper      604 605
Boyer, Carl B., Analytic Geometry, Invention of      236 fn.
Boyer, Carl B., Calculus, The Concepts of the      286 fn. 287
Boyle, Robert      272
Brachistochrone problem      267
Brackets, symbol      27
Bradley, Francis Herbert      387
Brahe, Tycho, astronomical speculations      120
Brahe, Tycho, celestial measurements      218
Brahe, Tycho, Kepler, association with      125—126 223—225
Brahe, Tycho, logarithmic tables      123
Brahe, Tycho, Rudolphine tables      225 232
Brahmagupta      78 117
Brainwaves, wordless      495
Bramante, Donato      609
Brazil, finger counting      435
Brazil, forest tribes number knowledge      432
Brewster, David      281 339
Brewster, David, quoted      234
Brianchon, Charles, projective geometry      631
Brianchon, Charles, theorem      637
Briggs, Henry      123—124 125 140
Briicke, Ernest      642
Brinton, D.G.      432 fn.
British Museum, Rhind papyrus      169 170
Broad, C.D.      280 395 398
Brooke, Rupert, quoted      358 fn.
Brouncker, William, Viscount      137 138
Brouwer, Luitzen E.J., paradoxes      167—168
Browne, Sir Thomas, quoted      368
Browne, Sir Thomas, symmetry in nature      712
Brunelleschi, Filippo      605
Brunswick, Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of      156 300 306 307 317—318 321
Buirgi, Joost, logarithms      125
Burning glasses, Archimedes’      179
Buxton, Jedidiah, idiosavant      465
Buxton, Jedidiah, problems solved      468—470 477
Byron, Lord      329
Cajori, Florian      286 fn.
Calandri, arithmetic book      461
Calcul infinitesimal, Reflexions sur la metaphysique (Carnot)      292 fn.
Calculate, origin of word      456
Calculating machines      see “Computing machines”
Calculating prodigies, law for rapidity of mental work      486—487
Calculation      see also “Counting”
Calculation, approximative      508
Calculation, Mental      465 467
Calculation, symbolism      28
Calculus, differential      42 47 54—55 129 132 139 142 143 152 258
Calculus, infinitesimal      43 48 52 53—62 95 127 142 146 286—293 411
Calculus, integral      42 47 90 103 104 135 139 142 143 258
Calculus, tensor      328 641
Calculus, The Concepts of the (Boyer)      286fn. 287
Calculus, variations      111 153 267 274
Cambridge University, Analytical Society      517
Cambridge University, differential calculus      152
Cambridge University, Leibniz's notation      59
Cambridge University, Sadlerian professorship of mathematics      353
Cambridge University, women students      354
Camerarius, Joachim      671 fn.
Camerarius, Joachim, quoted      601
Cancellation and reduction, science of      117
Canonical binary forms      358
Cantor, Georg, cardinal, greatest      388
Cantor, Georg, transcendentals      514
Cantor, Moritz      572 fn. 601
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, algebra      76
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, Ars Magna      119
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, biography      119
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, cubic equation      118
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, equations, algebraic theory      120
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, pentagon      615
Cardinal numbers      389
Carlyle, Thomas, quoted      128
Carnot, L.N.M.      292fn. 631 632
Carpenter's rule      84
Carr, George Shoobridge      366 fn.
Carroll, Lewis (Charles L. Dodgson), quoted      432
Cartesian oval      131 132 337
Cat and grain problem, Rhind papyrus      175—178
Cataldi, P.A., pentagon      615
Cattle problem      105—106 116 188 197—198 201 418
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, algebraic numbers      512
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, analytic functions, complex variable      323 324 332
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, infinitesimal calculus      59 60 287
Cavalieri, Bonaventura, method of indivisibles      41—42 135 137
Cayley, Arthur, commentary on      340
Cayley, Arthur, four-color problem      591
Cayley, Arthur, invariants      163—164 341 342 344 350 359
Cayley, Arthur, Linear Transformations, On the Theory of      351
Cayley, Arthur, Mathematical Papers, Collected      362
Cayley, Arthur, plane curves      344
Cayley, Arthur, projective geometry      359 639 640
Cayley, Arthur, qualities      355
Cayley, Arthur, quoted      341
Cayley, Arthur, space geometry      160 342
Cayley, Arthur, “Invariant Twins” (Bell)      341—365
Celestial measurements, Brahe      218
Cells, mitosis      691 692—693
Center, fixation      36
Central vanishing point      604
Centroid, center of gravity      111
Ceres (planet), discovery      313—314 315
Chace, Arnold Buffum      173 174 175
Chaldeans, cuneiform numerals      443
Characteristic function      161 162 164
Charistion      187 fn.
Charles II (king of England), epitaph      27
Chasles, Michel      102 133 151 631
Chaucer, Geoffrey, quoted      75
Children, finger counting      437—439
Chiliades (Tzetzes)      187 fn.
Chiliagon      422
China, abacus      456—457
China, counting      99
China, integers      51
China, measuring a right angle      11 80
China, numerals      445
China, symbol for “three”      444
China, symbol for “two”      443
Christian Faith, Apologia of the (Pascal)      135
Christina (queen of Sweden)      129 236
Christoffel, Elwin Bruno      162 352
chromatic aberration      260 263
Chromatic scales      100
Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms Amended (Newton)      273 274
Church, A.R., Phyllotaxis, Relations to Mechanical Laws      719
Cicero      179 184
Circle, area      14 40 97 101 174
Circle, circumference to diameter, ratio      63
Circle, combinations      226
Circle, diameter bisecting      81 82
Circle, dividing      15 80
Circle, equation      34 36
Circle, Greek geometricians      11
Circle, measuring      12 14—15
Circle, perimeter      209
Circle, planetary motion      226
Circle, projection and section      628 630 633
Circle, properties      92
Circle, satisfying three conditions      108
Circle, spiral      147
Circle, squaring      33 90 91 121 139 166
Circle, tangent      37 53
Circle, two intersecting      359
Circular motion, planetary      96 126 227
Circular orbit      52
Cissoid      91
Civil life, arithmetic needful to      215
Clairaut, Alexis Claude      59 151
Clarke — Leibniz controversy      683 687
Clarke, Gilbert      265
Classes, finite and infinite      538
Classes, numbers      65—66
Classes, similarity      540
Classification, mathematics      85—86
Classification, scientific      8 409
Clifford, William Kingdon, commentary on      546—547
Clifford, William Kingdon, quoted      647
Clifford, William Kingdon, “Mathematical Laws, The Exactness of”      548—551
Clifford, William Kingdon, “Pure Sciences, The Philosophy of the”      547
Clifford, William Kingdon, “Scientific Thought, On the Aims and Instruments of”      547
Clifford, William Kingdon, “Space Theory of Matter, On the”      547 568—569
Clifford, William Kingdon, “Space, The Postulates of the Science of”      552—567
Clocks, hands, rotation      715—716
Clocks, hands, rotation, mechanical      46
Co-ordinates      33 39 137 142 152 236 237
Cobb, H.E.      72
Codrington, R.H.      439 fn.
Coexistence, On the Derivation of (Sylvester)      346
Cognition, theory of      647 648
Colburn, Zerah, mental calculations      465 471—472 473 478 483 485
Cole, F.N., factorization of large numbers      503
Collected Works (Ramanujan)      367
Collection (Pappus)      110 207 245
Collins, John      271
Colors, aggregate      655—656 657
Colors, natural      263
Combining volumes, law of      548
Comets, Halley's      144
Comets, orbits      268
Comma, use in numbers      459
Commensurable magnitudes, balance      195
Commercial prosperity, mathematics’ part in      5—6
Compass, Durer's invention      613
Complex integers, Gaussian      325
Complex multiplication      371
complex numbers      31 60 71 119 162 308—309 322 529
Complex unity      30 31
Complex variable, analytic functions      322—323 332 337
Composite numbers      101
Compound partitions, theory of      365
Computing machines      515—518
Computing machines, Babbage      517
Computing machines, complexity      441
Computing machines, computing $\pi$      514
Computing machines, digital principal      517
Computing machines, electronic      503 504
Computing machines, Leibniz'      516
Computing machines, Pascal's      134 515
Conant, Levi Leonard, “Counting”      430 432—441
Concepts, generalizing      25
Conchoid      91
Concrete numbers      24
Cone, volume      94—95 97
Conformal mapping      337
Congruence      301—302 310 311 498 650 660 696—698 715
Congruence and similarity, relationships      639
Conic sections, construction      200—205
Conic sections, curve of order two      113
Conic sections, cutting from single cone      133
Conic sections, duality      636
Conic sections, focus of      126
Conic sections, geometry      103 107—108 112
Conic sections, Greek knowledge of      236
Conic sections, projection and section      630 633
Conic sections, second degree equations      34
Conic sections, solar system      52
Conic sections, solid problems      91
Conklin, Edwin G.      691
Connectivity, topology      587
Constants, arbitrary      35
Constants, meaning      38
Constants, motion      19
Constants, notation      131
Constants, relations      32
Constructive intuition, method of      649
Continued fractions      104 105 374
Continuity and Irrational Numbers (Dedekind)      525
Continuity, mathematics      507
Continuity, principle of      41 558—559
Continuity, straight line      528—529
Continuous aggregate      557 558
Continuous function      411
Convergence, uniform      108
Convex mirror, images in      661 662—663 665
Convivial Questions (Plutarch)      190
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, Geometrical Methods, A History of      169 fn. 236
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, Mathematics of Great Amateurs, The      601 fn.
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, quoted      237 fn.
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, “Binomial Theorem, The Story of”      519 fn.
Coorant, Richard, biography      571
Coorant, Richard, “Topology”      581—599
Copernican system      109 553—554
Copernicus, Nicolaus, heliocentric theory      110 120 218 226 227
Copernicus, Nicolaus, Mercury, motions      229
Copernicus, Nicolaus, Orbium Coelestium, De Revolutionibus      218 232
Coplanar lines      102
Correspondence, one-to-one      540
Cosine      18 39
Cosmographicum, Mysterium (Kepler)      125
Cosmos, changes in conception of      553
Cotes, Roger      151 269 280
Counters      451 458 459 462
Counting      see also “Calculation”
Counting, animals' ability      433—434
Counting, art of      430—431
Counting, board      458 459 460 462
Counting, finger method      435 436—441 455
Counting, house      459
Counting, practical methods      435—436
Counting, primitive methods      434—435
Counting, sexagesimal method      89
Counting, table      456
covariants      355
Cowper, William, quoted      255
Cristus, Petrus      605
Criticism, three processes      404—495
Cross-cap      597
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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