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Fowler R.H. — Statistical Mechanics: The Theory of Properties of Matter in Equilibrium |
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Electrons, assemblies of, with relativistic energies, free metallic, defined 378 — 381
Electrons, assemblies of, with relativistic energies, free metallic, electrons, assemblies of, with relativistic energies, distribution laws for 340 — 343
Electrons, assemblies of, with relativistic energies, para- and dia magnetism of 471 — 475
Electrons, assemblies of, with relativistic energies, partition function for, near nucleus 572 — 574
Electrons, assemblies of, with relativistic energies, specific heat of, in metals 343 — 344
Electrons, assemblies of, with relativistic energies, specific heat of, in nickel 391 — 397
Electrons, assemblies of, with relativistic energies, with positive ions, electrons, assemblies of, with relativistic energies, characteristic function for Assemblies of 574 — 583
Electrons, states of, in periodic fields 379 — 388
Electrons, states of, in periodic fields, states of, in periodic fields; simple bands 383 — 388
Electrons, states of, in periodic fields, theory of metals 338 — 436
Electrons, states of, in periodic fields, thermionic emission of, by metals 347- 358
Electrons, states of, in periodic fields, thermionic emission of, by tungsten 361
Electrons, states of, in periodic fields, vapour pressure of, for metals 344 — 346
Elements of even mass number, abundance lines for 657
Elliott 223
Ellis and Kneser 106
Emde see “Jahnke and E.”
Emerslcben 317
Emission and absorption of radiation by fixed atoms 720 — 724
Emission of positive ions by metals 370 — 373
Energy, of crystalline salts, calculated 328- 332
Energy, of crystalline salts, calculated, energy, of crystalline salts, calculated, transferable, in collisions 707 — 710
Energy, of crystalline salts, calculated, fluctuations of 745 — 750
Energy, of crystalline salts, calculated, fluctuations of, in dissociating assemblies 760 — 761
Energy, of crystalline salts, calculated, interatomic (q.v.)
Energy, of crystalline salts, calculated, of crystalline salts, from Born’s cycle 333- 335
Energy, of crystalline salts, calculated, of magnetization, dipole and quadripole 503 — 504
Energy, of crystalline salts, calculated, zero-point, of crystals 123
Ensemble, gibbs 7 10
Enskog 309 669
Entropy, absolute 204 231
Entropy, absolute, and thermodynamic probability 200 — 206
Entropy, absolute, change of, in reactions at zero temperature 233
Entropy, absolute, comparisons of, observed and calculated 234 — 235
Entropy, absolute, contributions 191 — 192
Entropy, absolute, defined 188 — 189
Entropy, absolute, increasing property of 193 — 194
Entropy, absolute, limit of, for zero temperature 231 — 233
Entropy, absolute, of magnetization 469 — 470
Entropy, absolute, of radiation 116
Entropy, absolute, statistical definition of 203 — 205
Epstein 496 499
Equation of mass action 160
Equation of mean values 669 — 670
Equation of state, of degenerate matter 650- 652
Equation of state, of degenerate matter,for general crystals 141 — 150
Equation of state, of degenerate matter,for imperfect gases, representation of iso-thermals 297 — 298
Equation of state, of degenerate matter,for isotropic solids 139
Equation of state, of degenerate matter,for monolayers 826 — 828
Equation of state, of degenerate matter,for simple gases, Berthelot’s 276
Equation of state, of degenerate matter,for simple gases, Dieterici’s 276 — 277
Equation of state, of degenerate matter,for simple gases, van der Waals’ 274 — 275
Equation of state, of degenerate matter,reduced 278 — 280
Equilibrium, independence of mechanisms of 3
Equilibrium, independence of mechanisms of, state, nature of 658
Equipartition theorem 60 — 62
Eraden 265 585
Escape of molecules from atmospheres 620- 630
Ettinghausen effect, defined 422
Eucken 77 127 218 223 225 230 279
Eucken and d’Or 103
Eucken and Hiller 86
Eucken and Parts 100 101
Evaporation, assemblies with 168 — 172
Ewald 315
Ewald and Hermann 329
Exclusion principle 28
External fields, distribution laws in 67 — 71
External reactions 73 — 76
External reactions, fluctuations in 755 — 757
External reactions, of crystals 138
Eyring 844 847; E. “Millikan
Eyring and Polanyi 847
Frth 783
Fabry and Buisson 632
Fajans 333 334
Falkenhagen 269
Farkas 87 168 852
Fermi 42 259 574
Fermi — Dirac statistics 42
Ferromagnetics, block structure of 501 — 503
Ferromagnetics, block structure of, specific heat of 492 — 494
Ferromagnetics, block structure of, susceptibility of, above curie point 480
ferromagnetism 477 — 521
Ferromagnetism, Bloch’s approximation for 496 — 501
Ferromagnetism, defined 10
Ferromagnetism, formal consequenoee of 762 — 764
Ferromagnetism, Heisenberg’s theory of 484 — 494
Ferromagnetism, in dissociation 758 — 760
Ferromagnetism, in distribution laws 751 — 755
Ferromagnetism, in energy 745 — 750
Ferromagnetism, in energy, in dissociating assemblies 760- 761
Ferromagnetism, in external reactions 755 — 757
Ferromagnetism, in momentum transfer 775 — 783
Ferromagnetism, simple special cases 764 — 765
Fluctuations 109 741
Fock see “Born and F.”
Fokker 734
Forces of long range, in imperfect gases 260- 266
Forces of short range, in imperfect gases 240- 245
Forces, surface, outside a crystal 335 — 337
Forsterling 129
Forsyth 14
Fowler see “Bernal and F.”; see “Darwin and F.”
Fowler and Guggenheim 639
Fowler and Lock 712
Fowler and Milne 595 598 606
Fowler and Nordheim 356
Fowler and Sterne 169
Fowler, Gossling and Sterne 357
Frhlich 359
Franck 334 685;
Franck and Cario 685
Frank and Sommerfeld 418 422
Free energy, of crystal 147
Free energy, of crystal, of intermolecular forces 267 — 269
Free path, mean, defined 622
Free path, mean, defined, in uniform or non-uniform gas 621 — 623
Free path, mean, defined, in upper atmosphere 625 — 626
Free path, mean, defined, of electrons in metals, use of 406 — 408
Frenkel 9 471 834
Frenkel, Todes and Ismailow 810
Fry 783
Fues 92
Fuoss 555
Gans and Czerlinsky 508 510 511
Gases, dielectric constants, classical, for 447- 451
Gases, dielectric constants, classical, for, dipole moments of molecules in 451
Gases, dielectric constants, classical, for, entropy of 191
Gases, dielectric constants, classical, for, imperfect (q.v.) 236 — 291
Gases, dielectric constants, classical, for, paramagnetism of 463 — 464
Gases, dielectric constants, classical, for, perfect (q.v.) 77 — 94
Gases, dielectric constants, classical, for, reactions, chemical, in (q.v.) 700 — 719
Gases, dielectric constants, classical, for, scattering of light by 765 — 769
Gatty 546
Gaunt 576 614 774
Geib and Harteck 852
Generating function, defined 43
Gentile see “Bloch and G.”
Giauque 234 235 469 839; “Johnston
Giauque and Johnston 224 234
Giauque and MacDougall 470 839
Giauque and Wiebe 234
Gibbs 7 65 186 187 195 743 750 756
Gibbs’ ensemble 7 10
Gibbs’ ensemble, phase integral 65
Glaser 462
Glasoe 364
Goens see “Gruneisen and G.”
Goppert-Mayer see “Bom and G.-M.”
| Gorsky 789
Gorter see “de Haas and G.”
Gossling see “Fowler G.
Goudsmit see “Backer and G.” “Uhimbeck
Gronwall 550
Gronwall, La Mer and Sandved 550 557
Gross and Halpem 546
Grrffiths see “Sheratt and G.”
Gruneisen and Goens 149
Guggenheim 481 522 524 527 533 560;
Hckel see “Debye and H.”
H-theorem, Boltzmann’s (q.v.) 666 — 669
Haber 333
Hall and Harkins 549 560
Hall effect, defined 422 — 423
Hall effect, defined, in semi-conductors, composite 428 — 429
Hall effect, defined, statistical theory of 423—424
Halpern see “Gross and H.”
Hammer 462
Harkins see “Hail and H.”
Harmonic oscillators, assemblies of 30 — 35
Harmonic oscillators, assemblies of, partition functions for 40
Harmonic oscillators, assemblies of, Schrdinger’s equation for 18 20
Harteck 218; see “Bonhoffer and H.” “Geib
Hartree 437 571 638
Hass and Cook 310
Hebb see “Van Vleck H.
Heckmann 148
Heilman 305
Heisenberg 25 26 84 484 487 488 516 724
Heitler 654
Heitler and London 292 486 496
Helmholtz (L.) see “Mayer and H.”
Helmholtz (L.) and Mayer 334
Henglein 325
Henning 279
Henry (D. C.) 831
Henry (P. S. H.) 93 94 97 99;
Henry’s law, for ideal solutions 527
Hermann see “Ewald and H.”
Herzberg 106
Herzfeld 1 294
Herzfeld and Rice 93
Heuee 100
Heydweiller 322
hilbert see “Courant and H.”
Hildebrand 324 533 535
Hiller see “Eucken and H.”
Hinshelwood 700 701 704 706
Hirschfelder, Eyring and Topley 847
Hobson 737
Holbom and Otto 282 297 303 308
Holomagnetization, defined 501 — 503
Holomagnetization, defined, partition function for growth of 504 — 507
Homogeneous displacement in general crystals 143
Homonuclear molecules, defined 84
Honda 493 513
Honda and Kaya 509
Hori 84
Hovorka and Rode bush 549 560
Huber 460
Huggins and Mayer 329
Hull and Williams 785
Hume — Rothery’s rule for -phases 382
Hund 26 84 94 317 465
Hydration of lone 639 — 540
Image fields, effects of 376 — 378
Image fields, effects of, hysteresis loop, for ferromagnetics 477
Image fields, effects of, of metals for electrons 350
Imes 89
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of 281 — 283
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, boundary density in 291
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, characteristic function for 283 — 286
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, critical point for 278 — 280
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, dissociative equilibrium in 266 — 260
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, distribution law, molecular, for 263 — 266
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, equations of state, simple, for 275 — 280
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, long range forces in 260 — 266
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, partition function for potential energy imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, in, general theory of 246 — 253
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, partition function for potential energy in 237 — 240
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, partition function for potential energy in, first approximation to 240 — 246
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, potential energy constants for 306
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, reduced equation of state for 278 — 280
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, short range foroes in 240 — 245
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, stress per unit area in 288 — 291
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, Thomson — Joule effect in 280 — 281
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, van der Waals’ equation of state for 244
Imperfect gases, binary mixtures of, virial, use of, for 286 — 288
Ingham see “Lennard-Jones and I.”
Insulators, semi-conductors and metals, de-fined 388 — 390
Intensive parameters, defined 52
Interatomic energies in crystals, classified 292- 293
Interatomic energies in crystals, classified, overlap energy 295
Interatomic energies in crystals, classified, van der Waals’ energy 295 — 297
Internal stresses 182 — 186
Ionization, by electron collisions 685 — 690
Ionization, by electron collisions, equilibrium, Langmuir’s test of 372 — 373
Ions, association of, in strong electrolytes 552- 557
Ions, association of, in strong electrolytes, , states of, in crystalline and magnetic fields 839 — 841
Ions, association of, in strong electrolytes, hydration of 539 — 540
Ising 801
Ismailow see “Frenkel T.
Isotopes, mixtures of, in dissociative equili-brium 164 — 168
Isotropic solids, equation of state for 139
Ittmann see “Kramers and I.”
Jahnke and Emde 315
Jeans 11 57 77 112 241 275 278 284 294 298 584 585 620 704
Jeffreys 53 68
Joff 419 436
Johnson (J. B.) 785
Johnson effect 786
Johnston (H. L.) see “Giauque and J.”
Johnston (H. L.) and Chapman 104
Johnston (H. L.) and Giauque 225 234
Johnston (H. L.) and Walker 104 106
Jones (H.) 382; see “Mott and J.”
Jones (H.) and Zener 382
Jones (J. E.) (Lennard-Jones) 669
Juttner 650
Krti and Simon 470 839
Kamerlingh-Onnes 297 303; “Mathias O.
Kamerlingh-Onnes and Keesom 275 277 303
Kamerlingh-Onnes and Weber 311
Kappler 782
Kassel 82 98 99
Kaya 508 511 521;
Keesom 277 294 299 768;
Keesom and Clark 391
Keesom and Koks 344
Kemble 83
Kemble and Van Vleck 91
Keyes see “Kirkwood and K.”
Kikuchi see “Nordheim and K.”
Kingdon see “Langmuir and K.”
Kirkwood 305 321;
Kirkwood and Keyes 292
Klein and Rosseland 4 677
Kneser see “Ellis and K.”
Knudsen 698
Kobeko and Kurtschatow 816
Koks see “Keesom and K.”
Kossel 293 312
Kramers 42 68 274 724; “de W. “Ornetein
Kramers and Ittmann 42
Kronig 437 455 457
Kronig and Penney 382
Kurtschatow 816; see “Kobeko and K.”
la Mer see “Gronwall La
Laden burg and Thiele 218
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