Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Gracia-Bondia J.M., Varilly J.C., Figueroa H. — Elements of Noncommutative Geometry |
Предметный указатель |
Symbol map 173 267
Symbol of spectral density 276
Symbol, Grossmann — Loupias — Stem 117 275
Symmetric algebra 38 620
Symmetric bilinear form 172 576
Symmetric bimodule 320
Symmetric gauge function 314
Symmetric norm 288 313 463
Symmetric operator 391
Symmetrically normed ideal 2 88 313 496
Symmetry 86 314 326
Symmetry via Hopf algebras 47
Symplectic cone 264
Symplectic form 115
Symplectic group 116 182
Symplectic homogeneous space 114
Symplectic manifold 264
Tangent algebra 324
Tannaka — Krein duality 46 617
Tempered distribution 298 300
Tensor algebra 37
Tensor product 85
Tensor product of asymptotic morphisms 113
Tensor product of C* -algebras 24
Tensor product of C*-bimodules 162
Tensor product of C*-modules 159 166
Tensor product of connections 255 336 385
Tensor product of Hilbert spaces 32 33
Tensor product of modules 57
Tensor product of vector bundles 100
Tensor product, -graded 189
Tensor product, algebraic 24 32 67 73
Tensor product, Haagerup 33 46
Tensor product, projective 33 357
Tensor product, spatial 33
Theorem, Arens — Royden 20
Theorem, Ativah — Jaenich 121 144 244
Theorem, Atkinson 141
Theorem, Banach — Alaoglu 5
Theorem, Bartle — Graves 112 120
Theorem, Bass 102
Theorem, Borel — Wefl 421
Theorem, Bott periodicity 121 125
Theorem, Calkin 313
Theorem, Chem Isomorphism 343 491
Theorem, classification 64
Theorem, Connes character 479 595
Theorem, Connes spin manifold 4921 513
Theorem, Connes trace 293 479 506
Theorem, Connes — Langmann 333 479
Theorem, divergence 259 392
Theorem, Ellott 96
Theorem, Euler 265
Theorem, family index 158
Theorem, Forster 75
Theorem, Fourier Integral 115
Theorem, Frobenius — Schur 191
Theorem, Furry 581
Theorem, Gelfand — Nabnark 7 29 31 288
Theorem, Hahn — Banach 8 31
Theorem, Hardy —Littlewood 296
Theorem, Hochscbild — Kostant — Rosenberg — Connes 355 363 442 485 499
Theorem, Hochschild — Kostant — Rosenberg 356
Theorem, Hurewlcz 75
Theorem, Ikehara — Wiener 296
Theorem, Kasder — Kalau — Walze 270 280 283 511
Theorem, Kasparov absorption 147
Theorem, Kato — Rosenblum 495
Theorem, Klee 12
Theorem, Kuiper 143 145
Theorem, Kuiper — Mingo 156
Theorem, Kuroda 495
Theorem, Lichnerowicz 395
Theorem, Lidskli 580
Theorem, Liouville 28
Theorem, local index 480 635
Theorem, Milnor 137 156
Theorem, Milnor — Moore 615 621 626
Theorem, Mishchenko — Fomenko 158
Theorem, Myers — Steenrod 388
Theorem, Nash embedding 337
Theorem, Nelson 216
Theorem, open mapping 112 142
Theorem, Panaite 626
Theorem, Peter — Weyl 45
Theorem, Plymen 375
Theorem, Poincare — Birkhoff — Witt 37
Theorem, Rellich 300 306
Theorem, Riesz 160 380
Theorem, Riesz — Markov 16
Theorem, Serre — Swan 59 91 101 360 370 500
Theorem, Shale — Stinespring 216 232
Theorem, Shilov 20
Theorem, Spectral 8 273
Theorem, stable range 102
Theorem, Stokes 259 326 364 499
| Theorem, Stone — Weierstrass 7 16 45 138 324
Theorem, Tannaka — Krein 624
Theorem, Tikhonov 5 44
Theorem, Toeplitz — Schur 475
Theorem, Tomita 542
Theorem, Voiculescu 496
Theorem, von Neumann 483 542
Theorem, Weierstrass 146
Theorem, Weyl — von Neumann 495
Time-ordered product 572
Tomita conjugation 542
Topological -module 357
Topological group 9
Topological K-theory 93
Topological stable rank 102
Topologically projective module 357
Torsion group 339
Torsion tensor 254 337
Torus 291 398 527
Total complex of a bicomplex 432
Total volume of a geometry 548
Trace 30 179 268 269 285 312 343 349 479 529 538 554 636
Tracedass operator 115 285 311 495
Tracial state 30 529 535 537
Transgression formula 455 459
Transition function 50 55 408
Tree factorial 605
Triangle inequality 69 390
Trunk of a simple cut 602
Tsygan bicomplex 432
Twisting 376
Twisting of vector bundles 379
Type II factor 214
Type of the spin representation 407
U(1) gauge field 262
Ultraviolet divergences 593
Unbounded K-cyde 401
Unilateral shift 158
Unitalring 60 79 92 166
Unitary element 6 28 180 536
Unitary equivalence 86 216 224 233
Unitary equivalence of C*-modules 85 87 147
Unitary equivalence of geometries 486
Unitary group 54 156 185
Unitary operator 143 239
Unitary operator on a C*-module 85
Unitary operator, restricted 240
Unitization 14 15
Universal 1-form 321
Universal connection 336
Universal enveloping algebra 37 42 139 618 623
Unreduced cone 26
Unreduced suspension 108 109
Vacuum functional 237
Vacuum persistence amplitude 245 248 576 580
Vacuum polarization 585
Vacuum vector 186 208 215 226 228 242
Vector bundle 49
Vector bundle, dual 57
Vector bundle, equivalence 50 55
Vector bundle, Euclidean 370
Vector bundle, tautological 54 64
Vector bundle, trivial 50 52 101
Vector field 136 325
Vector field, horizontal 632 '
Vector field, vertical 632
Virasoro group 258
Virtual bundle 100 121
Virtual Hubert space 142
Virtual rank 101
Voiculescu's modulus 496
Volume element 258
Volume form 342 423 489 500 515 546
volume of a sphere 269
von Neumann algebra 129 483 542
von Neumann factor 214
Weak* topology 5 391
Weyl elements 534 535
Weyl neutrino equations 561
Weyl operators 115 539
Weyl spinors 397
Weyl's estimate 272 279 293
Whitney product formula 421
Whitney sum 52
Whitney sum of spin geometries 491 503
Wick rotation 568
Wick-ordered product 230
Wightman functions 567
Winding number 75
Wodzicki residue 251 267 282 479 492 506
Wodzicki residue, density 267 280
Zeta function 273 281
Zeta operator 274
Zeta residue 251 282
Zimmermann forest formula 608 628
Реклама |