Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Gracia-Bondia J.M., Varilly J.C., Figueroa H. — Elements of Noncommutative Geometry |
Предметный указатель |
-cycle 483 489
-cycle, reduced 403 405 SOS
-cycle, unreduced 401
cofunctor 101
functor 165
-spinors 389
structure 382
-invariant functional 636 637
functor 57 59 370
-grading 174 210 371
-bimodule 81 320
-linear map 79
-compact space 15
-trace 636
(1, 1)-periodicity 177 402
*-homomorphlsm 10 12 136
4-vector 558
A-compact operator 71 84 89 146
A-compact projector 86
A-flnite rank module 91
A-flnite Tank operator 71
A-Fredholm operator 146 164
Absolute value of an operator 310
Action functional 270 492 507
Acydic complex 344 353 358 433
Adjoint 14 70 393
Adjointahle operator 70 84
AF-algebra 96 129 532
Afflne connection 254
Alexander — Spanier cobomology 325
Algebra of classical symbols 267 349
Algebra of rooted trees 602 614
Algebraic if-theory 94 131
Algebraic tensor product 32
Amplitude 298
Annihilation operator 122 187 427
Anomalous commutator 222
Anticommutation relation 173
Anticommutation relation, canonical 241
Anticommutator 173 328
Antiderivation 211
Antipode 39 606 634
Antipode, twisted 636
Antiskew operator 200 217 239
Antlunitary operator 189 399 481 505
Approximate unit 29 65 497
Arc length 390
Asymptotic expansion 118 275
Asymptotic morphism 110 130
Asymptotic morphism, Moyal 120 122
Attachment 21 109
Augmentation 153
Augmented algebra 136
Automatic continuity 12
Automorphism 15 523
Automorphism Bogoliubov 174 181 214
Automorphism group 11
Banach algebra 4 27 135 448 469
Banach algebra, involutive 6 27 138
Banach module 69
Banach space 312
Banach — Lie group 221 225
Banach-space interpolation 317 467
Bar resolution 353 362 433
Berezin integral 203 479
Berezin quantization 201
Bereztn — Patodi formula 203
Bialgebra 36 399
Bianchi identity 256 339
Bicommutant 483 542
Blmodule 81 599
Blvector 182
Bochner — Weltzenbdck formula 396
Bockstein homomorphism 19
Bogoliubov automorphism 174 161 214 232 378 488
Borel — Weil construction 420
Bore] functional calculus 129
Bott element 122 133 189
Bott map 124
Bott periodicity 189
Bott projector 77 122 514
Bra operator 378
Branch of a rooted tree 601
Bratteli diagram 96
Brouwer degree 77
Bubble diagram 585 592
Bundle equivalence 50 53 55
Bundle map 50 370
Bundle morphism 52 505
Butcher group 617
C* -bundle 158
C* -module 65 83 159 189
C* -module, full 65 159
C* -module, selfdual 73
C*-algebra 4 27 523
C*-algebra, -unital 15 29 148 157
C*-algebra, contractible 16 23
C*-algebra, elementary 167
C*-algebra, nonunital 14 97 128
C*-algebra, nuclear 33
C*-algebra, simple 214 529 538
C*-algebra, stable 85
C*-algebra, transformation group 524 550
C*-bimodule 160
C*-cross-norm 24
C*-dynamical system 523
C*-inductive limit 96 99 532
C*-norm 4 24 65 84 524
Calderon's formula 144 243
Calkin algebra 133 141
Cancellation semigroup 95
Canonical anticommutatlon relations 241
Cartan an subalgebra 420
Cartan identity 253 265 361
Cartesian product 23 •
Cauchy integral formula 134
Cauchy principal-value integral 330
Cayley's counting formula 608 615
Cech cocycle 19 50 374
Cech cohomology 18 50 325 378
Cell complex 108 420 539
Central extension 181 194 223 236
Cesaro mean 286 474
Cesaro order at infinity 275
Chain homotopy 344 431
Chain map 344 362
CHARACTER 5 617 630 636
Character of a cycle 350 352
Characteristic map 639
Charge 238
Charge anomaly 243
Charge conjugation 175 181 191 399
Charge, quantized 242
Charged field 238 328 576
Charged vacuum 244
Chern character 339 340 350 441 445 447 450 470 493 514 595
Chern isomorphism 343 485
Children of a tree vertex 601
Chirallty element 179 562
Chlral fermions 562
Christoffel symbol 256 382 409
Christoffel symbol, isotropic 410
Classical dimension 481 488
Classical symbol 301
Clifford algebra 172 214 333 504 559
Clifford bundle 370 504
Clifford connection 385 512
Clifford group 190
Clifford module 371
Clifford module, irreducible 372
| Closed operator 393
Closed range 141 146
Coadjoint orbit 114 421
Coalgebra 35 598
Coassociativtty 35
Coboundary 223 599
Cocomimitativity 35
Cocompact subgroup 550
Cocycle 236 525
Codifferential 424
Cofunctor 9 53
Cofunctor, full 10
Cofunctor, halfexact 103 109
Cograph 628
Cohomology of a bicomplex 433
Coincidence limit of a kernel 277
Collapsing map 11 17
Column vectors 80
Comer of a C*-algebra 165
Commutant 483 542
Commutation relation 198 221 249 383 526
Commutative superalgebra 356
Commutator 173 269 625
Commutator Ideal 344
Compact group 44 54 623
Compact Hausdorff space 4
Compact Lie group 416 420
Compact operator 85 310 373
Compact pair 11 21 103
Compact perturbation 141 150 155
Compact resolvent 273
Compact space 4 15
Compactification 13 15
Compactification, one-point 4 11
Compactification, Stone — Cech 13 15
Complemented submodule 70 86
Complete symbol 507
Complex projecttve space 75
Complex structure 184 226 238 240 327 570 573
Complexffication 61 173
Conditional trace 329
Conditional-expectation 536
Cone algebra 23 26
Cone of a morphism 25
Conjugate space 160 380
Connected bialgebra 618
Connecting homomorphism 105 126 130 150 436
Connection 56 253 335
Connection 1-form 262 632 635
Connection Lapladan 259 262 394
Connection, affine 254
Connection, Clifford 385 512
Connection, dual 426
Connection, Hermittan 338 383
Connection, Levt-Civita 254 337 382
Connection, spin 383
Connection, tensor product 336 385
Connection, torsion-free 254 426
Connection, universal 336
Connes bicompkx 434 637
Connes boundary map 431 452 498
Connes — Moscavid algebra 612
Connes — Moscovid weight 609 617
Connes' distance formula 390 505
Connes’ character formula 479 493 498
Continued fraction expansion 531 556
Continuous field of C*-algebras 69 167
Continuous field of elementary C*-algebras 373
Continuous field of Hilbert spaces 67 373
Continuous field, locally trivial 68
Continuous linear functional 29
Contractible C*-algebra 23
Contractible chain complex 344 433
Contractible space 17 53 143 156
Contracting homotopy 344 361 433
Contraction 172 253 371
Contragredlent operator 228
Convolution 38 523 630
Coordinate functions 494
Coproduct 35 599 604 612 613
Correlation of operators 450
Corrugation operator 381 403 413 487 505 581
Cotangent bundle 264 305 349
Counit 35 599 602
Counterterm map 628
Counting function 272 316
Covariant representation 524 527 632
Cramer's rule 205 206 260
Creation operator 187 427
Cross-norm 24 32
Crossed product 167 524 529 550 631
Crossed product, iterated 534 556
Current 242
Current group 235
Curvature 338
Curvature, Riemannian 255 339
Curvature, scalar 256 270 395 414 511
Cutoff 307 471
CW-complex 23 108 137 343
Cycle over an algebra 326 350
Cyclic category 439 637
Cyclic cocycle 350 352 498 540
Cyclic cohomology 344 432
Cyclic cohomology of Hopf algebras 637
Cyclic cohomology, analytic 446
Cyclic cohomology, asymptotic 446
Cyclic cohomology, entire 449
Cyclic cohomology, periodic 444
Cyclic pennuter 350 365 430 438 638
Cyclic skewsymmetrizer 365 430
Cyclic vector 31 216 541
de Rham boundary 355 364 365 442
De Rham cohomology 325 340 426 490
de Rham complex 325 355 423 442
De Rham current 355 362
de Rham current, closed 499
de Rham homology 442 444
Deformation of C*-algebras 69 111
Deformation retract 89 91 137
Degeneracy operators 430
Dense ideal 27
density 257
Dequantization 114 123
Derivation 211 320 325 382 446 543
Derivation, inner 320
Derivation, symmetric 540
Determinant 131 217 580
Diagonal submanifold 357
Diagram 627
Dictionary of spaces and algebras 15
Diffeomorphism group 12 240 631
Differential 322
Differential form 325 371
Differential operator 136 298
Differential operator, elliptic 427 504
Differential operator, first-order 502
Dimension spectrum 480
Dirac adjoint 583
Dirac equation 559 573
Dirac geometry 487 545 548
Dirac K-cycle 479
Dirac operator 261 387 406 411 487 506 545 559
Dirac operator, equivariant 417
Dirac operator, generalized 387 512
Dirac operator, spectrum 419
Dirac sptnors 397
dispersion relation 589
Distance 272 390 391 492
Distance geodesic 388
distribution 9 275 298 360
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