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Gracia-Bondia J.M., Varilly J.C., Figueroa H. — Elements of Noncommutative Geometry
Gracia-Bondia J.M., Varilly J.C., Figueroa H. — Elements of Noncommutative Geometry

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Название: Elements of Noncommutative Geometry

Авторы: Gracia-Bondia J.M., Varilly J.C., Figueroa H.


The subject of this text is an algebraic and operatorial reworking of geometry, which traces its roots to quantum physics; Connes has shown that noncommutative geometry keeps all essential features of the metric geometry of manifolds. Many singular spaces that emerge from advances in mathematics or are used by physicists to understand the natural world are thereby brought into the realm of geometry." "This book is an introduction to the language and techniques of noncommutative geometry at a level suitable for graduate students, and also provides sufficient detail to be useful to physicists and mathematicians wishing to enter this rapidly growing field. It may also serve as a reference text on several topics that are relevant to noncommutative geometry.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Алгебра/Алгебраическая геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 685

Добавлена в каталог: 06.05.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Distribution, operator-valued      583
Distribution, periodic      275
Divergence formula      392
Divergence of a vector field      259
Dixmier trace      251 288 464 465 470 549
Dixmier trace class      398
Dixmier — Douady class      373
Dlxmier ideal      286 316 317
Domain of an operator      393
Dual A-module      57 73 75 482
Dual Banach space      315
Dual of a Hopf algebra      598 623
Duhamel equation      455
Dunford integral      28 134 281
Dyson expansion      571
Dyson expansion, quantum      586
e-Theory      110 130
Effective action      592
Eigenschaften algebra      520
Eigenspinor      396 414
Eilenberg — MacLane space      75
Einstein — Hilbert action      270 492 507 512
Eisenstein series      335 549
Elementary C* -algebra      167 373
Elementary particles      519
Elliptic curve      398 549
Elliptic operator      263 276 327 400
Elliptic operator, differential      392 425 488
Elliptic operator, pseudodifferential      158 293 303
Endomorphism algebra      83
Entire cochain      449 454
Entire cyclic cohomology      449
Enveloping C*-algebra      524
Epstem — Glaser renormalization      592 630
Equivalence bimodule      162 375 377
Equivalence of categories      11
Equivalent projectors      91
Essential extension      84
Essential ideal      13—15 84
Essentially selfadjolnt operator      393
Euler angles      417
Euler characteristic      361 428
Euler vector field      264 266 361
Evaluation map      5 10 43 45 63
Exact couple      441
Exact sequence of vector bundles      51
Exact sequence, augmentation      22
Exact sequence, split      25 51 58
Excision      103 446
Extended orthogonal group      236
Extension of C*-algebras      22
Extension of scalars      60
Exterior algebra      172 184
Exterior bundle      370
External lines      627
Faithful state      30 529 535
Fermion field      249
Feynman graph      627
Feynman rules      578
Feynman slash notation      559
Filtration      618
Finite-rank operator      142 284 471 496
Finite-rank projector      143
Finitely generated module      79
Finitely generated projectlve module      59 74 101 164 482 489 500 554 556
First order condition      489
First-order differential calculus      321
Flag manifold      420
Fock representation      187 215
Fock space      186 215 399
Fock space, bosonic      201
Fock space, polarized      186
Fock state      215
Forest      628
Formal quantum field theory      582
Formally selfadjoint operator      391
Fourier kernel      114 118
Fourier series      526 528
Fourier transform      6 271 309 331
Frame      90
Frame bundle      631
Frechet algebra      9 357 469 483
Frechet space      12 467 535
Fredholm index      142 397
Fredholm operator      142 226 446 480
Fredholmmodule      326 400 444 446 462 493
Free Hamiltonian      576
Free module      79
Full corner      165
Fun C* -module      65
Functional calculus      28 29 274 450
functor      9 95
Functor, continuous      98
Functor, contravariant      9
Functor, exact      58
Functor, faithful      58
Functor, full      58
Functor, halfexact      98 105
Functor, homotopy-invariant      98 105
Functor, K-theory      98 128
Functor, normalized      98
Functor, stable      98
Fundamental 1-form      254 337
Fundamental class      499
Gamma matrices      545 562
Gauge fixing      385 409 411
Gauge potential      386
Gaussian      208 217
Gaussian elimination      135
Gelfand spectrum      5
Gelfand topology      5 9
Gelfand transformation      5
Gelfand — Fuchs cohomology      640
Generalized Dirac operator      420
Generalized limit      288 290 464 473 474
Geometric quantization      421
GLS symbol      117 275
GNS construction      30 167 214 541
Good locally convex algebra      135 469
Graded bialgebra      38 620
Graded differential algebra      322 348
Graded differential algebra, universal      323
Graded module      188
Graded tensor product      210
Gradient      252 505
Grading operator      188 212 330 372 424 488
Graph      627
Grassmann variables      203
Grassmannian      53
Grossman — Larson Hopf algebra      614 618 626
Grossmann — Royer reflection operators      115
Grothendieck group      92
Ground state      122
Group action      138 523 631
Group action, ergodic      537
Group algebra      40
Group C* -algebra      525
Group C* -algebra, twisted      526 533
Group-like element      40 46 624 636
Haagerup tensor product      33 46 166
Haar functional      43 46
Haar measure      43 418
Halfexact cofunctor      103 109
Halfexact functor      98 105
Hamiltonian density      582
Harmonic form      425 428
harmonic oscillator      122
Heat kernel      280
Heat kernel, expansion      283
Heaviside function      275 566
Heisenberg equation      198
Heisenberg group      67
Hermitian metric      65
Hermitian pairing      65 370 371
Hermitlan connection      338 383
Hexagon      126 343
Hilbert module      65
Hilbert transform      330
Hilbert — Schmidt operator      217 225 240 248 311 328 495 573
Hochschild boundary      348
Hochschild coboundary      349 430 599
Hochschild coboundary, truncated      430
Hochschild cocycie      349 470 476
Hochschild cohomology      349 430 438
Hochschild cohomology, continuous      356
Hochschild cycle      484 489 493 514 515 547
Hochschild homotogy      345 447 513
Hodge star operator      423
Hodge — de Rham Lapladan      261 425
Hodge — Dirac operator      426
Holder inequality      289 312 316 453 458 465 500
Holomoiphic functional calculus      28 134
Holomoiphic functional calculus, stability under      134
Homeomorphism      10 15
Homogeneous distribution      271 306
Homogeneous function      265 266 306
Homology module      105 344
Homology theory      105
Homotopic morphisms      16
Homotopic projectors      91
Homotopy class      17 20 111
Homotopy equivalence      16 17 53 137
Homotopy group      77 121
Homotopy invariance      341
Hopf algebra      34 39 601
Hopf C*-algebra      46
Hopf module algebra      47
Horn's inequaUty      289
Hubert algebra      179
Hubert space      30 65
Hubert space, virtual      422
Hyperbolic automorphism      533
Hyperplane bundle      78 408
Hypertrace      465 498
Ideallzer      14
Idempotent      18 81 87 93 137 343
Implementation problem      224 573 594
Implementor      191 562
INDEX      142 145 149 227 397
Index formula      243
Index map      130 144 154 234
Index of an odd operator      397
Index pairing      446 480 485 547
Inductive limit      56 117 358
Infinitesimal element      141
Infinitesimal operator      284
Infinitesimal spin representation      195 221 383
Inner automorphism      215
integral      326 333
Integral of a function      297
Interaction Hamiltonian      576
Interaction representation      571
Internal lines      627
Interpolation inequality      317 464
Invartance under Hopf action      636
Invertible element      18 93 134 135 147 482
Involution      27 175 338 483
Irrational rotation algebra      523
Irreducible complexity      126
Irreducible representation      31 184 215 418
Isotropic subspace      185
Jacobi identity      211 223 484
JLO cocycle      451
Joint spectrum      494
Jordan — Paull function      567
K-cycle      400
K-cycle, unbounded      401
K-homology      400 446 485
K-orientation      379
K-theory functor      98 128
K-theoryof tori      133 556
Kaehler differentials      322
Kaplansky’s formula      88 122 147 482
Kernel of a pseudodifferential operator      271 277 299
Ketbra      71
Killing form      420
KR-homology      400 483
Kronecker flow      523 553
Kronecker foliation algebra      553
Laplace expansion      219
Laplace transform      273
Laplace — Beltraml operator      259 260 425
Lapladan      259 272 291
Lapladan, generalized      263
Lapladan, scalar      398 511
Lapladan, spinor      398 511
Leaf of a rooted tree      601
Lebesgue measure class      494
Leibniz rule      47 253 320 321 335 382 383 502 632
Length of a curve      388
Length of a tree vertex      601
Levi-Civita connection      254 337 382 409 427
Lichnerowlcz formula      395 398 413 419 511
Lie algebra      38 139 182
Lie algebra cohomology      223
Lie algebra, restricted orthogonal      221
Lie derivative      253
Lie group      121 138 420
Lie superalgebra      211
Line bundle      20 75
Line bundle, canonical      421
Line bundle, Hopf      121
Line bundle, tautological      78 121 408
Liouville measure      113
Lipschltz function      389
Local frame      50 55 631
Local orthonotmal basis of 1-forms      382 406 423
Local section      50
Local uniform closure      67
Locality of Hochscbild homology      357
Locally compact space      4
Locally convex topology      134 356 469
Logarithmic element      18 128 183
Long Exact Sequence      19 104 378 436
Lorentz product      558
Lorentz transformations      558
Macaev ideal      316 317
Majorana field      244
Majorana spinor      407
Manifold      251 487
Mapping cone      23
Mapping cone, unreduced      26
Mapping cylinder      23 25
Matrix algebra      32 93 503
Matrix-valued      501
Mavimal C* cross-norm      33 113
Maximal ideal      7
Mayer — Vletoris sequence      127
Measurable operator      288 293 489 493 545
Mellln transform      283
Metaplectk representation      116 182
Metaplectlc structure      382
Metrizable space      15
Minimal coupling      263
Minkowski space      558
mod-2 reduction      378
Modular pair      46 636 638
Module morphism      61
Moebius transformation      417
Moment asymptotic expansion      118 275
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