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Richter J. — CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming
Richter J. — CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming

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Íàçâàíèå: CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming

Àâòîð: Richter J.


In this new edition of Jeffrey Richter's popular Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming, you get focused, pragmatic guidance on how to exploit the common language runtime (CLR) functionality in .NET Framework 2.0 for applications of all types-from Web Forms, Windows Forms, and Web services to solutions for Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft code names "Avalon" and "Indigo", consoles, NT Service, and more. Targeted to advanced developers and software designers, this book takes you under the covers of .NET for an in-depth understanding of its structure, functions, and operational components, demonstrating the most practical ways to apply this knowledge to your own development efforts. You'll master fundamental design tenets for .NET, and get hands-on insights for creating high-performance applications more easily and efficiently. The book features extensive code examples in Microsoft Visual C# 2005.

ßçûê: en

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Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 736

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2007

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Load method of System.ReflectionAssembly      550—551
Loader heaps of AppDomains      526
LoadFrom method of Assembly      551—552
Loading assemblies      See assembly loading
Loading CLR      8—10
LoadLibrary      10
localization      See also globalization
Localization, exceptions, when to      433
Localization, execution contexts      617—619
Lock statements, Monitor statements, replacing with      634—635
Lock statements, passing references to      636
Lock statements, private Object fields with      638—639
Lock statements, try block generation by      440
Long type      118 119
Machine.config, administrative configuration of      90
Machine.config, application specific files compared to      63
Machine.config, location of      63
Machine.config, purpose of      62—63
Managed      See managed modules
Managed code, AppDomains for applications      17
Managed code, calling from unmanaged code      31
Managed code, finalization with      475—477
Managed code, IL      See IL (Intermediate Language) code
Managed code, modules of      See managed modules
Managed code, performance issues      14—16
Managed code, running multiple processes in single OS process      17
Managed Debugging Assistants (MDAs)      493
Managed heaps, allocating      459—461
Managed heaps, arrays in      296
Managed heaps, C-runtime heap compared to      460
Managed heaps, compact phase of garbage collection      464
Managed heaps, contiguous objects      460
Managed heaps, defined      459
Managed heaps, finalization lists      479—481
Managed heaps, freachable queues      480—481
Managed heaps, garbage collector, relationship to      460—461
Managed heaps, GC handle tables      493—500
Managed heaps, generation 0      503
Managed heaps, large object heaps      519
Managed heaps, marking phase of garbage collection      463—464
Managed heaps, newobj IL instruction      459—460
Managed heaps, next object pointer      459—460
Managed heaps, overhead bytes      459
Managed heaps, performance issues      464
Managed heaps, roots      461—464
Managed heaps, synch blocks      631—633
Managed heaps, synchronization data structures      630—631
Managed heaps, type use of      123—124
Managed modules, assemblies, combining into      6—8
Managed modules, CLR headers      5
Managed modules, defined      4
Managed modules, headers, examining      9—10
Managed modules, IL code      See IL (Intermediate Language) code
Managed modules, metadata tables      5—6
Managed modules, ModuleDef table      39
Managed modules, ModuleRef table      40
Managed modules, parts of      5
Managed modules, PE32 headers      5
Managing object lifetimes      See object lifetime management
ManifestResourceDef metadata table      47
Manifests, AssemblyDef metadata table      47 57 71
Manifests, AssemblyRef metadata table      47 71—72
Manifests, compiler command for      48
Manifests, examining      49—50
Manifests, ExportedTypesDef metadata table      47
Manifests, FileDef metadata table      47 70
Manifests, generating      47
Manifests, ManifestResourceDef table      47
Manifests, metadata tables for      46—47 49
Manifests, PE file selection      46
Manifests, PE32 files, role in      7
Manifests, purpose of      7 44—45
Manifests, self-description of assemblies      47
Manifests, type representation in      49
Manifests, verification on loading      85
Marking phase of garbage collection      463—464
Marshaling, AppDomainMarshalling code example      527—531
Marshaling, arguments, marshaling across AppDomains      537—538
Marshaling, marshal-by-reference demo      531—535
Marshaling, marshal-by-value demo      535—537
Marshaling, MarshalByRefObject      533 538
Marshaling, MarshalByRefType type      533
Marshaling, proxy types      533
Marshaling, return values      537
Marshaling, String objects      538
Marshaling, synch block issues      637
Marshall class, SecureString methods      284
MBCS (multi-byte character set)      274
MDAs (Managed Debugging Assistants)      493
MemberRef metadata table      40
Members, type      See type members
MemberwiseClone method      98
memcpy function      298
Memory fence instructions      625
Memory, AddMemoryPressure method      507—510
Memory, address spaces for applications      17
memory, automatic management of      See garbage collection
Memory, boxing, allocation during      130
Memory, cache memory threading issues      622—624
Memory, CLI model      628
Memory, CLR Profiler      520
Memory, fields, allocation for      179
Memory, freeing      See garbage collection
Memory, heaps      See managed heaps
Memory, InsufficientMemoryExceptions      512
Memory, large requirements for      511—513
Memory, low, invoking garbage collection      478
Memory, MemoryFailPoint class      511—513
Memory, new operator, allocation by      98
Memory, NGen.exe issues      21
Memory, OutOfMemoryExceptions      461 507 511
Memory, pressure monitoring      507—510
Memory, reference type allocation of      123
Memory, RemoveMemoryPressure method      507—510
Memory, resource allocation steps      458
Memory, roots      461—464
Memory, String type issues      254
Memory, tight, checking for      500
Metadata, AssemblyDef table      47 57 71
Metadata, AssemblyRef table      39 47 71—72
Metadata, constant generated      177
Metadata, custom attribute, tables applied to      389
metadata, defined      5—6
Metadata, definition tables      38—39
Metadata, enumerating types from table      See reflection
Metadata, EventDef table      39
Metadata, Exported TypesDef table      47
Metadata, FieldDef table      39
Metadata, FileDef table      47
Metadata, ManifestResourceDef table      47
Metadata, manifests      See manifests
Metadata, MemberRef table      40
Metadata, MetadataToken property for reflection      569
Metadata, MethodDef table      39 85—86
Metadata, ModuleDef table      39
Metadata, ModuleRef table      40
Metadata, NGen.exe, disadvantages of      20
Metadata, obfuscator utilities      19
Metadata, ParamDef table      39
Metadata, PE file part, as      38
Metadata, PropertyDef table      39
Metadata, reference tables      39—40
Metadata, reflection, obtaining by      See reflection
Metadata, strong name hash in      71
Metadata, token structure      50
Metadata, tools for examining      40—44
Metadata, TypeDef table      39
Metadata, TypeRef table      40
Method callback rendezvous technique      606—610 612—613
Method failure paradigm      xxv
MethodAccessExceptions      159
MethodDef metadata table      39 85—86
MethodImpl attribute for event synchronization      234—235
methods, accessor      See accessor methods
Methods, call IL instruction      165—166
Methods, calls to, loading scenario      50
Methods, callvirt IL instruction      166—168
Methods, constant      212
Methods, constructor      See constructors
Methods, conversion operator      199—202
methods, defined      5—24 154
Methods, defining, samples of      165
Methods, exception argument validation      437—440
Methods, exceptions, guidelines for throwing      433
Methods, exceptions, reasons for throwing      429
Methods, garbage collection issues      465—468
Methods, generic      374—376
Methods, IL instructions for calling      165—166
methods, inheritance of      312
Methods, interface, multiple with same signature      322—323
Methods, interfaces, matching to      317—318
Methods, invoking with reflection      578
Methods, Object[] as parameter      209—210
Methods, of interfaces. calling      316—317
Methods, operator overload methods      See operator overloads
Methods, ParamArray attribute      208—209
Methods, parameters of      See parameters of methods
Methods, params keyword      208
Methods, parts of      165
Methods, purpose of      165
Methods, runtime execution of      108—110
Methods, this arguments      168
Methods, type declarations for parameters      210—212
Methods, type inference for generics      375—376
Methods, validation of exception arguments      437—440
Methods, variable number of arguments for      208—210
Methods, virtual, minimizing number of      168
MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class) library      xxi
Microsoft Internet Explorer      See Internet Explorer
Microsoft SQL Server 2005      See SQL Server 2005 AppDomains
Microsoft Visual Studio      See Visual Studio Microsoft
Microsoft Windows      See Windows Microsoft
MIME filters      540
Modules, adding to assemblies      48
Modules, assemblies, role in      45
Modules, building      35—36
Modules, compiling types into      48
Modules, compiling without manifests      48
Modules, manifests, compiling into      48
Modules, ModuleDef metadata table      39
Modules, ModuleRef metadata table      40
Monitor class, C++ design example      631
Monitor class, CRITICAL_SECTION analog      630—631
Monitor class, design problems with      638—639
Monitor class, disadvantages of Microsoft paradigm      636—639
Monitor class, Enter method      633 634 639
Monitor class, Exit method      633 634
Monitor class, idea for      630—631
Monitor class, lock statements      634—635 638—639
Monitor class, locking synch blocks      633
Monitor class, sample code      633—634
Monitor class, synch blocks      631—633
Monitor class, TryEnter method      633
Monitor class, value types, passing to methods      639
MSCorEE.dll, loading      10
MSCorEE.dll, preventing references to      36
MSCorEE.dll, shims      522
MSCorLib.dll, AppDomains using      527
MSCorLib.dll, purpose of      35—36
MSCorWks.dll      522
MSI files for deployment      59
Mul, overflow checking with      121
MultiDictionary\TKey, TValue\      366
Multiple CPU computers, cache memory threading issues      622—624
Multiple CPU computers, garbage collection      517—519
Multiple CPU computers, threading benefits      587—588
multiple inheritance      311
Multiple-reader/single-writer problem      642—643
Mutable reference types exceptions      438—440
Mutexes, Dispose method of Mutex class      490—491
Mutexes, synchronization with      645—647
Naked type constraints      381—382
Namespaces, aliases      105
Namespaces, ambiguity resolution      104—105
Namespaces, assemblies, relation to      106—107
Namespaces, choosing for libraries      106
Namespaces, CLR ignorance of      104
Namespaces, compiler use of      104—105
Namespaces, creating      106
Namespaces, extern aliases      105—106
Namespaces, FCL      23
Namespaces, listing all defined by an assembly      570
Namespaces, namespace directive      106
namespaces, purpose of      103
Namespaces, using keyword      103—104
Namespaces, using x = y phrases      105
Nested types      172
Net namespace      23
NetworkStream class, APM with      600
NetworkStream class, GetString method problems      280
new operator, derived type members with      174—175
new operator, newobj IL instruction      458 459—460
new operator, operation of      98—99
new operator, OutOfMemoryException      461
new operator, pointers, return of      99
new operator, purpose of      98
new operator, reference types with      123
new operator, runtime object creation step      112
NewLine property      246
Newobj IL instruction      458 459—460
NGen.exe, advantages of      19—20 22
NGen.exe, disadvantages of      20—22
NGen.exe, execution performance issues      21
NGen.exe, file creation by      20
NGen.exe, memory issues      21
NGen.exe, purpose of      16
NGen.exe, server applications with      22
NGen.exe, synchronization issues      20—21
NGen.exe, update mode      21
Nonvirtual instance methods, runtime calling of      114
NOP instructions      15
Normal flag of GCHandleType      494 495—496
Notification of events      See events notification
Null values, generics with      384
Null-coalescing operator (??)      413
Nullable value types, boxing      414
Nullable value types, calling interface methods with      416
Nullable value types, casting      411
Nullable value types, conversions on      411
Nullable value types, declaring      411—413
Nullable value types, GetType with      415
Nullable value types, IL code size from      412—413
Nullable value types, initializing      411—413
Nullable value types, Int32 example      409—412
Nullable value types, LINQ      409
Nullable value types, need for      409
Nullable value types, Nullable\T\ class for      409—411
Nullable value types, operators with      412
Nullable value types, unboxing      414—415
Numeric conversions, Char type, to and from      242—243
Numeric conversions, strings to numbers      272—274
Numeric types, parsing strings into      272—274
Numeric types, ToString method of      265
NUnit utility custom attributes      407
Obfuscator utilities      19 84
Object lifetime management, Alloc method      494 495—496
Object lifetime management, control flags      494
Object lifetime management, flags, GCHandleType type      494—495
Object lifetime management, GC handle tables      493—500
Object lifetime management, GCHandle type      493—494
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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