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Richter J. — CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming
Richter J. — CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming

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Íàçâàíèå: CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming

Àâòîð: Richter J.


In this new edition of Jeffrey Richter's popular Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming, you get focused, pragmatic guidance on how to exploit the common language runtime (CLR) functionality in .NET Framework 2.0 for applications of all types-from Web Forms, Windows Forms, and Web services to solutions for Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft code names "Avalon" and "Indigo", consoles, NT Service, and more. Targeted to advanced developers and software designers, this book takes you under the covers of .NET for an in-depth understanding of its structure, functions, and operational components, demonstrating the most practical ways to apply this knowledge to your own development efforts. You'll master fundamental design tenets for .NET, and get hands-on insights for creating high-performance applications more easily and efficiently. The book features extensive code examples in Microsoft Visual C# 2005.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 736

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2007

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Reflection, constructors      579
Reflection, CreatInstance methods of Activator      560—561
Reflection, CreatInstanceFrom methods of Activator      561
Reflection, culture parameter of InvokeMember      576
Reflection, custom attributes using      396—400
Reflection, custom attributes, obtaining      570
Reflection, CustomAttributeData class      403—406
Reflection, DeclaringType property      569—570
Reflection, delegates using      354—355
Reflection, disadvantages of      554—555
Reflection, discovering assembly-defined types      555
Reflection, dynamically extensible applications, building      553—554
Reflection, events, invoking      578—579
Reflection, exceptions generated during      574
Reflection, ExceptionTree sample application      558
Reflection, fields, invoking      578
Reflection, filtering kinds of members returned      571
Reflection, FindInterfaces method      571—573
Reflection, generic type instance creation      562
Reflection, GetCustomAttributes method      569
Reflection, GetExportedTypes method      555
Reflection, GetInterface method      571—573
Reflection, GetMembers method      569—570
Reflection, GetParameters method      570
Reflection, instance construction of types      560—562
Reflection, interface discovery      571—573
Reflection, InterfaceMapping type      571—573
Reflection, Invoke method      561
Reflection, InvokeMember method      561 574—577
Reflection, invoking members with      555 574—582
Reflection, IsDefined method      569
Reflection, Load method of System.Reflection.Assembly      550—551
Reflection, loading assemblies      552—553
Reflection, member discovery      565—571
Reflection, MemberInfo type      566—569 582—584
Reflection, MemberType property      569
Reflection, memory issues      582
Reflection, MetadataToken property      569
Reflection, methods, invoking      578
Reflection, Module property      569
Reflection, multiple invokes after binding      578—582
Reflection, Name property      569
Reflection, ObjectHandles      560—561
Reflection, obtaining Type objects      556—557
Reflection, overview of      553—554
Reflection, parameter discovery      570
Reflection, performance issues      554—555
Reflection, private members, accessing      577
Reflection, properties, invoking      578
Reflection, ReflectedType property      569—570
Reflection, Reflection namespace      553—554
Reflection, ReflectionOnlyGetType method      557
Reflection, ReflectionOnlyLoad methods      552—553
Reflection, RuntimeXxxHandle types      582—584
Reflection, sample application      579—582
Reflection, serialization, use by      554
Reflection, slowness of      554—555
Reflection, System.Type objects      556—558
Reflection, target parameter of InvokeMember      576
Reflection, type safety blocking by      554
Reflection, type-loading role of      554
Reflection, typeof operator      557
Reflection, value types without constructors      561
Reflection, walking the object model      570
Reflection, working set reduction      582—584
Registering for events      See events registration
Remote access property performance issue      218
RemoveMemoryPressure method      507—510
Rendezvous techniques, delegates with      612—613
Rendezvous techniques, I/O-bound operations requirement of      600—601
Rendezvous techniques, method callback      606—610 612—613
Rendezvous techniques, polling      604—606
Rendezvous techniques, purpose of      599
Rendezvous techniques, types of      601
Rendezvous techniques, wait-until-done      601—604
ResolveEventHandler      228
Resource files, /link[resource] switch with CSC.exe      53
Resource files, /resource switch      53
Resource files, /resource switch with CSC.exe      53
Resource files, adding with Assembly Linker      53—54
Resource files, assemblies, adding to      46
Resource files, satellite assemblies      58
Resource files, Win32 resources, embedding      53—54
Resources, allocating the managed heap      459—461
Resources, allocation steps      458
Response files, /reference switches      38
Response files, CSC.rsp files      37 38
Response files, default response file switches      37—38
Response files, defined      36
Response files, invoking      36
Response files, performance issues      38
Resurrection of objects      501—502
Reverse engineering IL code      19
Roots, memory      461—464
Run time relationships, CLR loading      110
Run time relationships, garbage collection      113
Run time relationships, method execution      108—110
Run time relationships, method tables of types      111
Run time relationships, new operator      112
Run time relationships, nonvirtual instance methods      114
Run time relationships, object creation in heap      112—113
Run time relationships, processes and threads      107—108
Run time relationships, prologue code      108—109
Run time relationships, static method calls      112
Run time relationships, System.Type objects      115—116
Run time relationships, thread execution initiation      111
Run time relationships, type structure creation      110—111
Run time relationships, types object initialization      115
Run time relationships, variable allocation      111—112
Run time relationships, virtual instance method calls      114
Runtime namespace      23
RuntimeType      556
RuntimeWrappedException class      426—427
RuntimeXxxHandle types      582—584
Safe points, threading      516—517
SafeHandle type, abstract nature of      471
SafeHandle type, additional wrapper classes      472—473
SafeHandle type, base class for      471
SafeHandle type, Close method of      484—485
SafeHandle type, CriticalHandle alternative to      474—475
SafeHandle type, Dangerous methods      474
SafeHandle type, defined      470—471
SafeHandle type, derived Dispose methods      485
SafeHandle type, dispose pattern with      482—484
SafeHandle type, handle-recycling exploit security      474
SafeHandle type, invalid handles, helper class for      472
SafeHandle type, reference counting feature      474—475
SafeHandle type, SafeFileHandle class      472
SafeHandle type, SafeWaitHandle class      472
SafeHandle type, SuppressFinalize method of GC      485
SafeHandle type, unmanaged code with      473—475
Sample code, URL for      xxvi
Satellite assemblies      58 61
sbyte type      118
Scalability, cache memory threading issues      622—624
Scalability, garbage collection issues      517—519
Scalability, threading benefits of multiple CPUs      587—588
Scalable parallel collections      517—518
SDK, .NET Framework      xxvi
Sealed types, advantages of      169—170
Sealed types, closed class proposal      170—171
Sealed types, default to unsealed by C# compiler      169
Sealed types, disadvantages of      170
Sealed types, guidelines for defining classes      171
Sealed types, performance issues      169—170
Sealed types, predictability advantage      170
Sealed types, security advantage      170
Sealed types, version effects of      164 169
Secondary constraints      381—382
SecureString type      282—284
Security, access issues      See accessibility
Security, AppDomains permission settings feature      525
Security, benefits of .NET      xxv
Security, deployment issues      34
Security, handle-recycling exploits      474
Security, permissions, setting for AppDomains      525 531—532
Security, sealed types, advantage of      170
Security, SecureString type      282—284
Security, Security namespace      23
Security, synch block issues      636—639
Security, third party code, running      See AppDomains
Security, thread pool permission checks      593
SEH (Structured Exception Handling)      422
Semaphore class      644 645—647
Sequential LayoutKind      128—129
Serialization, metadata used for      6
Serialization, reflection use by FCL types      554
Serialization, Serializable attribute      388
SerialPort class, APM with      599
Servicings      163
Set methods, accessibility issues      224
Set methods, indexers with      218—222
Set methods, parameterful properties with      218—222
Set methods, parameterless properties with      215—217
Set methods, performance issues      223—224
Set\T\      366
Shadow copying      541
Shims      522 539
Short type      118
Signing strongly named assemblies, /keyfile switch      92
Signing strongly named assemblies, delayed signing      82—84
Signing strongly named assemblies, methods for      70—71
Signing strongly named assemblies, tamper-resistance from      81—82
Simple application deployment      58—60
Singleton object thread synchronization      639
Skip Verification flag      18
Smart fields      215
SN.exe      69—70 82—84
Socket class, APM with      598
Source code, compiler process overview      4
SQL Server 2005 AppDomains      541
SQL stored procedures      541 544
SqlCommand class, APM with      599
SqlTypes types mailable value problem      409
Stacks, deep, effect on garbage collection      506
Stacks, stack-based nature of IL      16
Stacks, StackOverflowExceptions      429
Stacks, StackTrace property of Exception      451—453
Stacks, StackTrace type      452—453
Static classes, abstract nature of      161
Static classes, base class for      160
Static classes, compiler errors      160
Static classes, defined      160
Static classes, members for      160
Static classes, restrictions on      160
Static classes, sealed nature of      161
Static constructors      See constructors
Static keyword, field initialization, inline      191
Static keyword, fields with      179
Static keyword, type constructors with      189—190
stored procedures (SQL)      541 544
Stream class, APM with      598
Stream class, derived classes of      329
Stream class, file streams      See FileStream class
Stream class, writer      See StreamWriter type
Streams passing as parameters of methods      211
StreamWriter type, Close method issues      492—493
StreamWriter type, encoding for      275—277
StreamWriter type, UTF-8 encoding default      275
String type, + operator      246
String type, @ symbol for verbatim strings      246
String type, base type for      244
String type, base-64 strings      281
String type, carriage returns      245—246
String type, character expansions      251
String type, character issues      257
String type, Clone method      259
String type, code page specification      277
String type, Compare method      247 249 252
String type, CompareOrdinal method      249
String type, CompareTo method      249
String type, comparison operations      247—253
String type, Concat method      210
String type, concatenation      246
String type, constructing strings      244—246
String type, Copy method      259
String type, CopyTo method      259
String type, culture issues for comparisons      248—253
String type, CurrentCulture      250
String type, CurrentUICulture      249—250
String type, custom formatters      269—272
String type, declarations, syntax for      244—245
String type, decoding characters      276 280—281
String type, defined      118 244
String type, dynamic construction of strings      260—263
String type, efficient construction of strings      260—263
String type, encoding characters to non-Unicode      274—280
String type, encoding default      275
String type, EndsWith method      247 249
String type, Equals method      247
String type, Format method      268—269
String type, GetBytes method      277—278
String type, GetChars method of Decoder      280
String type, IL code for declarations      245
String type, immutability of String objects      246—247
String type, IndexOf method      253
String type, interfaces implemented by      244 316—317
String type, interning      254—256
String type, IsPrefix method      253
String type, IsSuffix method      253
String type, Japanese characters      251—253 275
String type, LastIndexOf method      253
String type, ldstr IL instruction      245
String type, length in text elements      257—259
String type, linguistically correct comparisons      249—253
String type, marshaling String objects across AppDomains      538
String type, memory issues      254
String type, methods, other, partial list of      259
String type, multiple objects, formatting into      268—269
String type, NewLine property with      246
String type, object representation of strings      272—274
String type, operator overloads      195
String type, Ordinal comparisons      248
String type, parsing strings to obtain objects      272—274
String type, performance issues      247
String type, pooling      256
String type, primitive type nature of      244
String type, ReferenceEquals method of Object      255
String type, secure version      See SecureString type
String type, special character entries      245—246
String type, StartsWith method      247 249
String type, StringBuilder type      260—263
String type, StringComparison enumerated type      248
String type, StringInfo type      257—259
String type, Substring method      247 259
String type, substrings in text elements      257—259
String type, System.String compared to      119
String type, TextElementEnumerator objects      257—259
String type, ToLowerInvariant method      249
String type, ToString method      259
String type, ToString methods of non-string types      263—267
String type, ToUpperInvariant method      247 249
String type, unsafe code methods      245
String type, UTF encoding standards      275—276
String type, verbatim strings      246
StringBuilder type, Append property      262
StringBuilder type, AppendFormat method      269—272
StringBuilder type, AppendFormat property      262
StringBuilder type, AppendLine method      262
StringBuilder type, array nature of      260
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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