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Richter J. — CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming
Richter J. — CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming

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Íàçâàíèå: CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming

Àâòîð: Richter J.


In this new edition of Jeffrey Richter's popular Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming, you get focused, pragmatic guidance on how to exploit the common language runtime (CLR) functionality in .NET Framework 2.0 for applications of all types-from Web Forms, Windows Forms, and Web services to solutions for Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft code names "Avalon" and "Indigo", consoles, NT Service, and more. Targeted to advanced developers and software designers, this book takes you under the covers of .NET for an in-depth understanding of its structure, functions, and operational components, demonstrating the most practical ways to apply this knowledge to your own development efforts. You'll master fundamental design tenets for .NET, and get hands-on insights for creating high-performance applications more easily and efficiently. The book features extensive code examples in Microsoft Visual C# 2005.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 736

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2007

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Object lifetime management, GCHandleType type      494—495
Object lifetime management, monitoring flags      494
Object lifetime management, Normal flag      494 495—496
Object lifetime management, Pinned flag      494 495 496
Object lifetime management, Weak flag      494 495 496—497
Object lifetime management, WeakReference class      497—500
Object lifetime management, WeakTrackResurrection flag      494 495 496—497
Object type (C# primitive)      118
Object type (System.Object), all objects derived from      97
Object type (System.Object), behaviors provided by      26
Object type (System.Object), constructor of      184
Object type (System.Object), Equals method      144—145
Object type (System.Object), Finalize method      480
Object type (System.Object), GetHashCode method      147—149
Object type (System.Object), GetType method      115—116
Object type (System.Object), implicit derivation from      97
Object type (System.Object), methods, table of      97—98
Object type (System.Object), object primitive C# type      118
Object type (System.Object), ReferenceEquals method      145—146
Object type (System.Object), referencing      80
Object type (System.Object), ToString method of      264
Object-oriented programming, complexity of solutions      162
Object-oriented programming, CSP      163
object-oriented programming, inheritance      See inheritance
Object-oriented programming, type multiplication      172
ObjectDisposedExceptions      488—489
ObjectHandles      560—561
Objects      See also classes; types
Objects, constant      212
Objects, new operator      98—99
Objects, string representations of      See ToString methods
OOP      See object-oriented programming
Open types      367—369
Operator overloads, + symbol      195
Operator overloads, += delegate combine overload      345
Operator overloads, as type members      154
Operator overloads, binary operators supported for, table of      197
Operator overloads, CLR supported, not C# supported      197
Operator overloads, CLR treatment of      195—196
Operator overloads, core numeric types undefined      197
Operator overloads, defined      195
Operator overloads, defining      196
Operator overloads, friendly named methods      198
Operator overloads, op_methods      196—198
Operator overloads, programming language interoperability      197—198
Operator overloads, public and static requirement      196
Operator overloads, public static named methods for      198
Operator overloads, special methods emitted by compiler for      196—197
Operator overloads, specialname metadata flag      198
Operator overloads, System. String      195
Operator overloads, unary operators supported for, table of      196
Operator overloads, [] operator      See indexers
Operators, != operator      412
Operators, == operator      412
Operators, ?? (null-coalescing operator)      413
Operators, generic type operands with      385—386
Operators, nullable value types with      412
operators, overloaded      See operator overloads
Op_ overload methods      196—198
OrderedBag\T\      366
OrderedDictionary\TKey, TValue\      366
OrderedMultiDictionary\TKey, TValue\      366
OrderedSet\T\      366
out keyword      202—203
OutOfMemoryExceptions      429 461 507 511
Overflows, arithmetic      121—123
overloading operators      See operator overloads
Override types, version effects of      164
P/Invoke, pinning by      496
P/Invoke, purpose of      30
Packaging assemblies      59
Paging files, MemoryFailPoint class      511—513
ParamArray attribute      208—209
ParamDef metadata table      39
Parameterful properties, accessing      220
Parameterful properties, accessing from Visual Basic      222
Parameterful properties, CLR emitted items for      220—221
Parameterful properties, default property selection      223
Parameterful properties, defined      218—219
Parameterful properties, Dictionary type as      220
Parameterful properties, exposure of      219
Parameterful properties, finding associations with accessor methods      223
Parameterful properties, hidden set accessor values      220
Parameterful properties, Item properties      221—222
Parameterful properties, name changes of      222
Parameterful properties, parameters for      220
Parameterful properties, programming language support for      223
Parameterful properties, this keyword      220
Parameterful properties, value lookups with      220
Parameterless properties, advantages of      215
Parameterless properties, backing fields      216
Parameterless properties, C# support for      217
Parameterless properties, compiler items emitted      216
Parameterless properties, defining      215
Parameterless properties, disadvantages of      217—218
Parameterless properties, get methods of      215—217
Parameterless properties, metadata for      217
Parameterless properties, set methods of      215—217
Parameterless properties, types of      215
Parameters of methods, & (ampersand)      582
Parameters of methods, arguments, exception validation for      437—440
Parameters of methods, calls requiring out or ref keywords      204
Parameters of methods, constants for      212
Parameters of methods, default CLR passing by value      202
Parameters of methods, discovery by reflection      570
Parameters of methods, exception validation for      437—440
Parameters of methods, IEnumerable for      210
Parameters of methods, interfaces for      210—212
Parameters of methods, lists, passing      210—212
Parameters of methods, Object[] as parameter      209—210
Parameters of methods, out keyword      202—203
Parameters of methods, overloading      204
Parameters of methods, ParamArray attribute      208—209
Parameters of methods, params keyword      208
Parameters of methods, passing by reference      202—207
Parameters of methods, performance issues      210
Parameters of methods, ref keyword      202—203
Parameters of methods, reference type objects, effect of passing      202
Parameters of methods, reference type objects, passing      204—205
Parameters of methods, streams, passing      211
Parameters of methods, swapping two reference types      206—207
Parameters of methods, type declarations      210—212
Parameters of methods, type safety preservation      206—207
Parameters of methods, uninitialized values with ref      203
Parameters of methods, value types passed by reference      203—204
Parameters of methods, variable number of arguments for      208—210
params keyword      208
Parse methods, exception handling performance issues      448—449
Parse methods, object representations of strings with      272—274
Parse methods, of Char type      242
Parse methods, of Enum      289
Parse methods, TryParse alternative      448—449
partial keyword      161—162
Partial signing      82—84
Passwords, SecureString type for      282—284
PE (portable execution) files, /target:module switch      48
PE (portable execution) files, compiling      36
PE (portable execution) files, manifests in      46
PE (portable execution) files, parts of      38
PE32 headers, defined      5
PE32 headers, manifests      7
Performance issues, arrays, issues with      304—308
Performance issues, boxing value types      131 133
Performance issues, cache memory threading issues      622—624
Performance issues, exception handling      420—421 444—445 447—449
Performance issues, garbage collection      464 515—519
Performance issues, generics, benefits of      361—363
Performance issues, JIT two-phase process      14—16
Performance issues, parameters of methods      210
Performance issues, PerfMon.exe tool      520
Performance issues, property issues      218 223—224
Performance issues, reference types issues      123—124
Performance issues, reflection      554—555
Performance issues, sealed types      169—170
Performance issues, String type      247
Performance issues, thread synchronization      642
Performance issues, type constructors      193—195
Performance issues, unboxing types      131 133
Permissions, AppDomains, setting for      525 531—532
PEVerify.exe      18
Pinned flag of GCHandleType      494 495 496
Platform Target selection      8—9
Policy, publisher      91—93
Polling rendezvous technique      604—606
Polymorphism, callvirt IL instruction      166—168
Pooling strings      256
Pools, thread      See thread pools
Power libraries, Wintellect, Power Collections Library      365—366
Power libraries, Wintellect, Power Threading Library      621
Primary constraints      380—381
Primitive data types, /checked+ switch      121—122 123
Primitive data types, advantages of      117—118
Primitive data types, casting issues      119—120
Primitive data types, checked operator      122—123
Primitive data types, declaring      117—118
Primitive data types, default overflow checking      121
Primitive data types, defined      117—118
Primitive data types, disadvantages of      119
Primitive data types, FCL equivalents      117—119
Primitive data types, literals      120
Primitive data types, operators with      120
Primitive data types, overflows      121—123
Primitive data types, table of      118—119
Primitive data types, unchecked operator      122—123
Primitive data types, value types acting as      126
private methods      25
Private modifier, default to      159
Private modifier, effect of      158
Private modifier, recommended for type members      171
Private modifier, type constructors with      189—190
Privately deployed assemblies, manifest verification      85
Privately deployed assemblies, naming requirements      67
Privately deployed assemblies, shared directories for      85
Privately deployed assemblies, steps for      58—60
Privately deployed assemblies, strongly named assemblies      84—85
Probing elements, configuration file      89
Processes, running multiple in single OS process      17
Processes, Windows      See Windows processes
Processors      See CPUs
Product support, Microsoft      xxviii
Product version information field      56
Programming languages, interoperability of      See interoperability of programming languages
Programming languages, multiple within single assemblies      46
Programming languages, selection criteria      3—4
Programming languages, switching to use IL features      11
Projects referencing assemblies      50—51
Prologue code      108—109
Properties, accessibility issues      224
Properties, advantages of      215
Properties, backing fields      216
Properties, C# support for      217
Properties, call independence issue      218
Properties, compiler items emitted      216
Properties, data encapsulation role of      213—214
Properties, defined      24
Properties, defining      215
Properties, disadvantages of      217—218
Properties, exceptions      217
Properties, generic accessor methods      224
Properties, get methods of      215—217
Properties, inlining of accessor methods      223—224
Properties, invoking with reflection      578
Properties, kinds of, CLR      213
Properties, metadata for      217
Properties, method call nature of      218
Properties, overloading prohibited      215
Properties, parameterful      See parameterful properties
Properties, parameterless      See parameterless properties
Properties, passing of prohibited      217
Properties, performance issues      218 223—224
Properties, reference issues      218
Properties, remote access issues      218
Properties, set methods of      215—217
Properties, side effects from      218
Properties, thread synchronization issues      218
Properties, type members, as      154
Properties, types of      215
PropertyDef metadata table      39
Protected internal modifier      159
protected modifier      158
public keys, defined      68
Public keys, delayed signing using      82—84
Public keys, hardware devices holding      84
Public keys, obtaining      69
Public keys, tokens      70 71
Public keys, trust decisions with      71
Public keys, viewing      69—70
public modifier      159
Public types, defined      25
Public types, nested, guideline for      172
Public types, visibility of      156
Publisher policy control      91—93
PublisherPolicy elements      90
Queues, work pool      591—592
Read method end of file exceptions      427—428
Read with acquire semantics      625 626
ReaderWriterLock class      642—643
Readonly modifier      179 181
Reads, volatile      625—629
ref keyword      202—203
Reference tables, metadata, strongly named assemblies using      71—72
Reference tables, metadata, types of      39—40
Reference types, assignments      127
Reference types, boxed vs. unboxed      127
Reference types, C/C++ differences with      124
Reference types, class nature of      124
Reference types, code example      125—126
Reference types, defined      123
Reference types, design considerations      126
Reference types, initialization default      127
Reference types, new operator with      123
Reference types, performance issues      123—124
Reference types, size issues      126
Reference types, StructLayoutAttribute with      128
ReferenceEquals method, prototype of      145—146
ReferenceEquals method, string interning with      255
Referencing assemblies, directory search order      80
Referencing assemblies, strongly named      80—81
Referencing assemblies, tamper-proofing of      81—82
Referencing libraries      35 37—38
Referencing types, runtime resolution, assembly identification      86
Referencing types, runtime resolution, binding steps      87
Referencing types, runtime resolution, early bounds      86
Referencing types, runtime resolution, exceptions      87
Referencing types, runtime resolution, file extensions, checking for      87
Referencing types, runtime resolution, GAC vs. CLR identification of assemblies      88
Referencing types, runtime resolution, locations for types      86
Referencing types, runtime resolution, manifests, scanning for types      87
Referencing types, runtime resolution, MethodDef table      85—86
Referencing types, runtime resolution, unification      88
Reflection, action selection for InvokeMember      576—577
Reflection, add-in application design      562—565
Reflection, AppDomain type instance methods      561
Reflection, args parameter of InvokeMember      575
Reflection, array object creation      562
Reflection, Backu — Naur form grammar      557
Reflection, binding      See binding
Reflection, BindingFlags      See BindingFlags type
Reflection, compiler vs. application development types      554
Reflection, ConstructorInfo objects      561
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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