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Richter J. — CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming
Richter J. — CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming

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Íàçâàíèå: CLR Via C#: Applied Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Programming

Àâòîð: Richter J.


In this new edition of Jeffrey Richter's popular Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming, you get focused, pragmatic guidance on how to exploit the common language runtime (CLR) functionality in .NET Framework 2.0 for applications of all types-from Web Forms, Windows Forms, and Web services to solutions for Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft code names "Avalon" and "Indigo", consoles, NT Service, and more. Targeted to advanced developers and software designers, this book takes you under the covers of .NET for an in-depth understanding of its structure, functions, and operational components, demonstrating the most practical ways to apply this knowledge to your own development efforts. You'll master fundamental design tenets for .NET, and get hands-on insights for creating high-performance applications more easily and efficiently. The book features extensive code examples in Microsoft Visual C# 2005.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 736

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2007

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Constructors, inheritance prohibited      184
Constructors, initialization of all fields requirement for value types      189
Constructors, initialization of fields, syntax for      185
Constructors, inline field initialization      185
Constructors, invoking for reflection      578 579
Constructors, multiple for a type      184
Constructors, nested calls to      185—186
Constructors, new operator, calls by      99
Constructors, performance, type constructors      193—195
Constructors, private keyword      189—190
Constructors, reference type constructors, defining      189—190
Constructors, RunClassConstructor method      192
Constructors, singleton object initialization      191
Constructors, static classes, default for      184
Constructors, static keyword      189—190
Constructors, struct constructors      186—189
Constructors, System.Object base class      184
Constructors, threading issues of type constructors      190—191
Constructors, type      189—195
Constructors, value type      186—190
Constructors, virtual methods in      184
Context switches, threading      586—587
Contract maintenance with exception handling      444—446
Control configuration      88—93
Conversion constructors      199—202
Conversion operators, as type members      154
Conversion operators, C# support for      201—202
Conversion operators, defined      199—200
Conversion operators, defining constructors and methods for      199
Conversion operators, implicit vs. explicit casts      199—201
Conversion operators, overloading      199—202
Conversions, arrays member casts with      297—300
Conversions, base-64 string encoding and decoding      281
Conversions, Char type, to and from      242—243
Conversions, IConvertible with Char type      243
Conversions, mailable value types      411
Conversions, operators for      See conversion operators
Conversions, System.Convert type for      243
Copy method of Array      297—300 302
Copy method of String type      259
Copyrights version information field      56
CorBindToRuntimeEx      522
Corrections for this book      xxviii
CPUs, 64 bit      See 64-bit Windows
CPUs, IA64      See IA64 Windows
CPUs, Itanium      8—9
CPUs, multiple      See multiple CPU computers
CPUs, selection for with ProcessorArchitecture string      550
CreateDomain method      531—532
CreateFile method      616
Critical regions, threads in      543—544
CriticalFinalizerObject types      469—470 471
CriticalHandle class      474—475
CRITICAL_SECTION structures      630—632 636—637
Cross language interoperability      See CLS (Common Language Specification); interoperability of programming languages
csc.exe command      35—37
CSC.rsp files      37 38
CSP (Component Software Programming), abstract types      164
CSP (Component Software Programming), attributes of components      163
CSP (Component Software Programming), base type versioning issues      172—176
CSP (Component Software Programming), CSP containers      84
CSP (Component Software Programming), override types      164
CSP (Component Software Programming), sealed types      164
CSP (Component Software Programming), servicings      163
CSP (Component Software Programming), source code access problem      169
CSP (Component Software Programming), versioning issues      163—165
CSP (Component Software Programming), virtual types      164
CTS (Common Type System), assembly type      25
CTS (Common Type System), defined      24
CTS (Common Type System), event members      25
CTS (Common Type System), family methods      25
CTS (Common Type System), field members      24
CTS (Common Type System), internal type      25
CTS (Common Type System), interoperability benefit of      xxiv
CTS (Common Type System), member access      25
CTS (Common Type System), method members      24
CTS (Common Type System), multiple base types, inheriting from      26
CTS (Common Type System), private methods      25
CTS (Common Type System), programming language issues      25—26
CTS (Common Type System), property members      24
CTS (Common Type System), protected methods      25
CTS (Common Type System), public types      25
CTS (Common Type System), standardization efforts      24
CTS (Common Type System), System.Object, inheriting from      26
CTS (Common Type System), visibility of types      25
CUI (console user interface) executables      36
Culture, Arabic Unicode characters      257
Culture, Char type specification of      242
Culture, culture-neutral assemblies      58
Culture, CurrentCulture      250
Culture, CurrentUICulture      249—250
Culture, identification strings for      57—58
Culture, Japanese characters      251—253
Culture, satellite assemblies      58 61
Culture, String type comparison issues      248—253
Culture, ToString method issues      264—267
CultureInfo type, string comparison issues      249—253
CultureInfo type, ToString methods for      265—267
CurrentUICulture      249—250
Custom attributes, AllowMultiple property      394
Custom attributes, applying      389—390 391
Custom attributes, arrays in      395
Custom attributes, Attribute suffix, omitting      390
Custom attributes, AttributeTargets enumeration      393—394
Custom attributes, AttributeUsage attribute with      392—395
Custom attributes, base class for      390
Custom attributes, Boolean inherit parameter      398
Custom attributes, compiler construction of instances      396
Custom attributes, conditional attribute classes      407
Custom attributes, constant expressions for applying      395—396
Custom attributes, constructing attribute objects      398
Custom attributes, constructors for      392 395
Custom attributes, CustomAttributeData for discovery      403—406
Custom attributes, declarative programming, similarity to      387—388
Custom attributes, defaults      395
Custom attributes, defined      390 396
Custom attributes, defining classes for      391—392
Custom attributes, detecting uses of      396—400
Custom attributes, detecting uses without security risk      403—406
Custom attributes, example of applying      389
Custom attributes, FCL defined      388
Custom attributes, GetCustomAttribute method      398
custom attributes, GetCustomAttributes method      397—400
Custom attributes, inheritance issues      398—399
Custom attributes, Inherited property      394—395
Custom attributes, IsDefined method for detecting      397—400
Custom attributes, limiting types applied to      392—395
Custom attributes, logical state container nature of      392
Custom attributes, Match method for comparing instances      401—403
Custom attributes, metadata emission for      388 396
Custom attributes, metadata tables applied to      389
Custom attributes, multiple attributes on targets      391
Custom attributes, NUnit utility attributes      407
Custom attributes, Object parameters of      395
Custom attributes, parameters for      391
Custom attributes, positional parameters      391
Custom attributes, prefixes      389—390
Custom attributes, public fields of      392 395
Custom attributes, purpose of      388
Custom attributes, Reflection classes for detecting      398—400
Custom attributes, reflection with      396—400
Custom attributes, sample code      399—400
Custom attributes, sealed classes      399
Custom attributes, security risks      403—406
Custom attributes, syntax for applying      391
Custom attributes, System.Attribute class      390
Custom attributes, typeof operators with      395
Custom attributes, [] (brackets indicating)      389
Data encapsulation      213—214
Data namespace      23
DateTime type, arrays of      301—302
DateTime type, java.util.Date null values problem      409
DateTime type, Parse method for strings      273—274
DateTime type, returned values issue      218
DateTime type, ToString method with      265 266 267
Debugging, asserts, argument validation to minimize use of      438
Debugging, catch blocks with Visual Studio      423
Debugging, exception handling detection of bugs      420
Debugging, exceptions, support for      453—455
Debugging, garbage collection issues      465—468
Debugging, stack traces with      453
Debugging, support for      xxv
Decimal type, cultural formatting of      266
Decimal type, defined      118
Decimal type, IL interpretation of      123
Decimal type, ToString overloaded method      267
Declarative programming      387—388. See also custom attributes
Decoding string classes      280—281
Decrement method of Interlocked      629—630
Default keyword, generic constraints with      384
default properties      See parameterful properties
DefaultMemberAttribute, applying to indexers      223
Definition of CLR      3—4
Definition tables, metadata      38—39
Delayed signing      82—84
Delegates, += overload for      345
Delegates, -= overload for      345
Delegates, adding to chains      341—343
Delegates, anonymous methods      348—350
Delegates, APM with      599 611—613
Delegates, base type for      337—338
Delegates, BeginInvoke with APM      599 616
Delegates, callback method definition shortcut      348—350
Delegates, callback method inheritance issues      228
Delegates, callback method invocation      339—340
Delegates, callback method signature indication by      333
Delegates, callback method specification shortcut      348
Delegates, callback method specification syntax      348
Delegates, calling back static methods      334—335
Delegates, calling callback methods      333
Delegates, calling instance methods      335—336
Delegates, caveat re anonymous methods      353
Delegates, chain customization      345—347
Delegates, chaining methods      340—347
Delegates, checking callback method names      339
Delegates, checking for types of instance methods      339
Delegates, CLR implementation of      336—340
Delegates, collections of      238
Delegates, compiling quirks      338
Delegates, constructors of      338
Delegates, contravariance of reference types      335
Delegates, covariance of reference types      335
Delegates, CreateDelegate method      354—355
Delegates, creating      331—333
Delegates, declaring      331—333 336
Delegates, defined      225 331
Delegates, Delegate class      337 339 354—355
Delegates, delegates, accessibility of members      334
Delegates, demystification of      336—340
Delegates, DynamicInvoke method      355
Delegates, EventHandler delegate type      227—228
Delegates, generic      373—374
Delegates, GetInvocationList method      345—347
Delegates, inline callback methods      348—350
Delegates, Invoke method      336 339—340 343—344
Delegates, members of Multicast Delegate      337—338
Delegates, metadata generated for      336—337
delegates, Method property      339
Delegates, MulticastDelegate base type      337—338 345
Delegates, overview of operation of      336
Delegates, parameter shortcut syntax      351
Delegates, passing of      233
Delegates, passing variables to callbacks shortcut syntax      351—352
Delegates, private fields in event definition      231
Delegates, references to in IL      230—231
Delegates, reflection with      354—355
Delegates, reflection, object creation for      562
Delegates, registration of method addresses      347—348
Delegates, removing from chains      344
Delegates, return values of      344
Delegates, scope of      337
Delegates, syntax shortcuts in C#      347—353
Delegates, Target property      339
Delegates, temporary field for thread safety      229
Delegates, type safety      334
Delegates, typedefs, similarity to      333
Delegates, types, indicating in event members      227—228
Delegates, weak references      497
Delegates, wrapped methods      334 335 338
Delegates, _invocationList field      338 342—343
Delegates, _methodPtr field      338 339
Delegates, _target field      337 339
DependentAssembly elements, configuration file      89—90
Deployment, .NET Framework goals      34—35
Deployment, assemblies, advantages of      7—8
Deployment, complexity of      34
Deployment, GAC, assemblies to      74—75
Deployment, global      See globally deployed assemblies
Deployment, MSI files for      59
Deployment, private      See privately deployed assemblies
Deployment, publisher policy control      91—93
Deployment, security issues      34
Deployment, shortcut links      59
Deployment, simplification benefit of .NET Framework      xxiv
Deployment, Visual Studio Publish tab      59
Deployment, weakly vs. strongly named assembly options      67
Deque\T\      366
Derived types, accessibility requirements      160
Derived types, versioning issues      172—176
Destructors      469
Dictionaries, Dictionary objects, indexer role of      220
Dictionaries, Dictionary objects, key/value pair addition      147
Dictionaries, Digital Rights Management      19
Dictionaries, disassembling code C/C++      32
Dictionaries, IL code      See ILDasm.exe
Dictionaries, metadata, examining      40—44
Dictionaries, MultiDictionary\TKey, TValue\      366
Dictionaries, OrderedDictionary\TKey, TValue\      366
Dictionaries, OrderedMultiDictionary\TKey, TValue\      366
Discovering type information, alternatives to reflection      555
Discovering type information, binding issues      See binding
Discovering type information, programmatically      See reflection
Dispose pattern, cleanup code placement      484
Dispose pattern, Close method of FileStream      487—488
Dispose pattern, Close method of SafeHandle      484—485
Dispose pattern, defined      482
Dispose pattern, derived Dispose methods      485
Dispose pattern, disadvantages of      489
Dispose pattern, disposing parameter      484—485
Dispose pattern, fields implementing      484
Dispose pattern, FileStream class example      486—489
Dispose pattern, Finalize methods with      484—485
Dispose pattern, IDisposable interface      482—483 485 490—491
Dispose pattern, implicit calls to with using statement      489—491
Dispose pattern, MemoryFailPoint class      511—513
Dispose pattern, multiple calls to      484
Dispose pattern, Mutex class with      490—491
Dispose pattern, ObjectDisposedExceptions      488—489
Dispose pattern, SafeHandle class with      482—484
Dispose pattern, StreamWriter dependency issue      492—493
Dispose pattern, SuppressFinalize method of GC      485
Dispose pattern, types with, using      486—489
Dispose pattern, using statements, creating with      489—491
Dispose pattern, versioning issues      485
DLLs, /target:module switch      48
DLLs, assemblies, as      49
DLLs, backward compatibility      34
DLLs, compiling types in      48
DLLs, DLL hell issues      xxiii
DLLs, DllImport attribute      388
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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