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Derbyshire J. — Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics
Derbyshire J. — Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics

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Íàçâàíèå: Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics

Àâòîð: Derbyshire J.


Bernhard Riemann would make any list of the greatest mathematicians ever. In 1859, he proposed a formula to count prime numbers that has defied all attempts to prove it true. This new book tackles the Riemann hypothesis. Partly a biography of Riemann, Derbyshire's work presents more technical details about the hypothesis and will probably attract math recreationists. It requires, however, only a college-prep level of knowledge because of its crystalline explanations. Derbyshire treats the hypothesis historically, tracking increments of progress with sketches of well-known people, such as David Hilbert and Alan Turing, who have been stymied by it. Carrying a million-dollar bounty, the hypothesis is the most famous unsolved problem in math today, and interest in it will be both sated and stoked by these able authors.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 446

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 28.04.2005

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Open form      64
Operator theory      265 271—279 351 see
Operators      273—274 386 see
Order of a zero      385
p-adic numbers      173 319—320
Pair correlation function      287 288 290—291
Paphnutius, Bishop      122—123
Paris Academy of Sciences      58 160
Particle Physics      198 280—281 295
Pascal, Blaise      371
Patterson, Samuel J.      217 385
Paul I, Emperor of Russia      121
Periodic terms      328 330—333 339—340 341
Perturbation theory      351
Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia      56—57 58 pl.
Petsinis, Tom      369
Picard's theorem      389—390
Picard, Emile      165 389—390
Picquart, George      162 164
Pietists      187
Planck's constant      316
PNT      see "Prime Number Theorem"
Poincare, Henri      92 159 314 377
Point at infinity      214
Poisson distribution      387
Poisson, Simeon-Denis      92 93
Polya, George      193 197 228 277 325 352 377—378 380 pl.
Polynomial, characteristic of a matrix      272—273
Polynomial, function      37 331—332
Polynomial, zero of      173
Polytopes      196 378
Popular Front      164
Power functions, derivatives of      110
Powers, complex      178 202—203 204—205
Powers, fractional      66—67 68
Powers, graphing      68 73
Powers, irrational      67
Powers, rules      65—68 69 71—72
Powers, zero      65 66
Prime counting function      38 153—154 160 297 298 299
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), calculus and      106—113
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), Chebyshev and      123—124
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), consequences of      45—47 323—324 359—360
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), equivalents      47
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), expressions      45 116
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), first published work      54
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), Gauss and      51 53—54
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), graph      117
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), improved version      116
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), log integral function and      113—117
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), logarithmic sense      45—46
Prime Number Theorem (PNT), proofs      124—125 153—155 159—160 190 198 233—234 237 356
Prime numbers and zeros of zeta function      154
Prime numbers, Chebyshev bias      125—126
Prime numbers, defined      32
Prime numbers, frequency of      see "Prime Number Theorem"
Prime numbers, infinity of      34 95—97 105
Prime numbers, probabilist model for distribution of      198
Prime numbers, series of reciprocals of      154
Prime numbers, sieve method for finding      100—101
Prime numbers, tables      33 153—154
Prime numbers, thinning out of      34—35
Princeton University      245
Principia Mathematica (Whitehead and Russell)      89 225 361 391
Product sign ($\Pi$)      105
Proper factor      32
Proper fraction      171
Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field (Hadamard)      165 359
Pushkin, Alexander      122
Pythagoras of Samos      175 367 379
Pythagoras's theorem      180
Quantum dynamics      291—292
Quantum factor      316
Quantum physics      313 315—317
Quasi-Riemann Hypothesis      xiv
Ramanujan, Srinivasa      227—228
random matrix      282—287 386 403
Random numbers, Gaussian-normal      283
Random numbers, spacings between      285—286
Random walk      250
Rational functions      268—269 332
Rational numbers      171 172 173 175 179 319
Real axis      180
Real line      178—180
Real numbers      171 172 173 176 178 188
Regular Polytopes (Coxeter)      196
Reid, Constance      186 188
Relative error      234—235
Relativity, general theory of      128—129 130 318
Rellich, Franz      383
Renaissance      175
Repulsion effect      284 285—286
Rh      see "Riemann Hypothesis"
Riemann Hypothesis and zeta function      136 137
Riemann Hypothesis in song      393—403
Riemann Hypothesis, "Hypothesis" vs. "Conjecture", "Theorem", etc.      386
Riemann Hypothesis, algebraic thread      197
Riemann Hypothesis, analytic number theory and      86
Riemann Hypothesis, computational thread      197
Riemann Hypothesis, consequences of      358—360
Riemann Hypothesis, elementary math      xii—xiii
Riemann Hypothesis, error term      190 234—235 236—237 244
Riemann Hypothesis, geometrically stated      190
Riemann Hypothesis, harmonic series and      12
Riemann Hypothesis, Hilbert's eighth problem      189—190 244 324
Riemann Hypothesis, mathematicians' fascination with      156—157 186—187 188 189—190 196—198 200 232
Riemann Hypothesis, physical thread      197—198 271—272
Riemann Hypothesis, presentation at Berlin Academy meeting      ix—x 31
Riemann Hypothesis, prize for proofs disproof      xi 154 354
Riemann Hypothesis, prospects for proofs disproof      354—358
Riemann Hypothesis, statements of      xi—xii 77 137 191
Riemann Hypothesis, Stieltjes' lost proof      154 160 161
Riemann integral      127
Riemann operators      312 316—319 320—321
Riemann surfaces      121 209—210
Riemann zeta function      see "Zeta function"
Riemann — Siegel formula      256—257 262 263—264 292 316
Riemann's Zeta Function (Edwards)      153 217 375 384
Riemann, Bernhard      2
Riemann, Bernhard and analytic number theory      97—98
Riemann, Bernhard and theory of many-valued functions      43
Riemann, Bernhard on error term's big oh      244—245 381
Riemann, Bernhard on error term's sign      235
Riemann, Bernhard, "breakout year"      31
Riemann, Bernhard, academic career      19 30—31 131—132 134 135
Riemann, Bernhard, bereavements      xiv—xv 23 133 134
Riemann, Bernhard, Berlin Academy      ix 119 135
Riemann, Bernhard, Collected Works      27 29 131 366
Riemann, Bernhard, death      362—364
Riemann, Bernhard, doctorate and habilitation      119—121 126 127—129 130
Riemann, Bernhard, early life and home environment      22—23
Riemann, Bernhard, friends and colleagues      27—28 29 119 120
Riemann, Bernhard, health problems      xiv 23—24 28 133
Riemann, Bernhard, honors and awards      31 135
Riemann, Bernhard, intellectual abilities and interests      129—130 131 152 194
Riemann, Bernhard, lecturing style      132
Riemann, Bernhard, lunar crater named after      374
Riemann, Bernhard, marriage and family      31 362
Riemann, Bernhard, mentors      94—95 98 119 126—127 133
Riemann, Bernhard, papers and published works      29 30—31 127—128 131 133 135 151
Riemann, Bernhard, personal characteristics      27—29 127
Riemann, Bernhard, poverty      xv 119—120
Riemann, Bernhard, religious faith      28 127 363
Riemann, Bernhard, schooling and scholarship      24—25 27 29 30—31
Riemann, Bernhard, social awkwardness      xiv—xv 133
Riemann, Clara      133
Riemann, Elise (nee Koch)      31 362 363—364
Riemann, Friedrich Bernhard (father)      22—23
Riemann, Ida (daughter)      362 364
Riemann, Ida (sister)      22 31 363—364
Riemann, Marie (sister)      134
Riemann, Wilhelm (brother)      134
Ring      267—268
Rivat, Joel      380
Romantic movement      30 92 118
Rosser, J.Barkley      258
Rubinstein, Michael      380
Rule of signs      42 367—368
Ruler exercises      10—15
Russell, Bertrand      225 226 360—361
Russia, intellectual life in      55—57 58—59 60—61 98 120—122
Rutherford, Ernest      280
S function      358 396
Sarnak, Peter      245 278 352 380 387 388
Scherrer, Paul      185
Schilling, Carl David      364
Schneider, Theodor      354
Schoenhage, Arnold      263—264
Schogt, Philibert      161
Schroedinger's wave equation      313
Schwartz, Hermann      363—364
Seattle conference on the Riemann Hypothesis      257 352 355
Selberg, Atle      125 198 288 352 358 374 376 384 pl.
Semiclassical dynamical system      316
Sequence of partial sums      17
Sequence, defined      16
Sequence, series contrasted      16—17
Series      see also "Harmonic series"
Series of reciprocal squares      64—65
Series, Basel      63—64
Series, convergent      11—15 79
Series, defined      8
Series, divergent      9—10 81 139
Series, infinite      59 63 75
Series, ruler exercises      10—15
Series, sequences contrasted      16—17
Serre, Jean-Pierre      372 384
Set theory      18 88
Seven Years War      60
Siegel, Carl      256—257 263—264 383 pl.
Sieve of Eratosthenes      100—101 102—104 138
Sine function      147 332
Skewes' number      236
Skewes, Samuel      236
Snaith, Nina      xiv
Snowflake curve      381
Society of German Scientists and Physicians      252
Sommerfeld, Arnold      256
Sophia Dorothea (mother of Frederick the Great)      60
Sorbonne      159 188 225
Sorcerer's Apprentice (Dukas)      156
Soundararajan, Kannan      389
Space, nature of      130 195
Space, operators on      317—318
Sprague — Grundy theory      372
Sprague, Roland Percival      372
Square roots      41 43 176 178
Squaring function      37 42 201—202 206—209 240
St. Pafnuty of Borovsk      123
St. Petersburg Academy      30 57—58 122
St. Petersburg University      122
Stegun, Irene A.      373
Steiner, Jakob      119
Step functions      124 297—302
Stern, Moritz      27
Stevens, Wallace      198
Stieltjes integral      160
Stieltjes, Thomas      154 160 161 376
Strachey, Lytton      370 380
Summation sign ($\Sigma$)      78
Sylvester, James Joseph      154 225
te Riele, Herman      161 236 258
Teichmueller Theory      383
Teichmueller, Oswald      255—256 383
Telegraph, electric      120
Tenenbaum, Gerald      389
Theory of Numbers (Hardy and Wright)      302
Theory of performances      52
Theory of the Riemann Zeta-function, The (Titchmarsh)      217 384
Thread, The (Davis)      122
Three-body problem      314
Time reversal symmetry      316
Titchmarsh, Edward Charles      217 258 262 394
topology      18 121 209 374
Trace formula      321 388
Transcendental numbers      174 185 354
Trigonometry      18
Trinity College, Cambridge      193 223—224 225—226 229 287 379 380
Trinity Hall, Cambridge      380
Truman, Harry S.      166
Turan, Paul      238 239 378
Turing machine      261 391
Turing Prize      261
Turing Test      261
Turing, Alan      258 261—262 357 377 391 pl.
Twiddle principle      46
Twiddle sign      45 368
Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture (Doxiadis)      90
Universal Computer, The (Davis)      187
Universities, academies distinguished from      30
University of Bordeaux      158—159
University of Breslau      93 94
University of Bristol, England      390
University of Cambridge      259
University of Copenhagen      228
University of Leipzig      270
University of Louvain      161
University of Manchester      259
University of Marburg      270
University of Minnesota      322 357
University of Wales, Cardiff      391
University of Washington in Seattle      352
Upper bound      235—236
Value plane      219—221 335
van de Lune, Jan      257—258
Victoria, Queen of England      26
Vienna Academy      153
Vis viva equation      313 315
Volterra, Vito      92
von Beneckendorf und von Hindenburg, Paul      254
von Humboldt, Alexander      24 93
von Humboldt, Wilhelm      24 29 92
von Koch, Helge      237 240 242 244—245 381 397
von Lindemann, Ferdinand      174 185
von Mangoldt, Hans      x 153 155 156 160—161 189 192 232
von Neumann, John      164 378 391
Vorhauer, Ulrike      350 390
w plane      379
Wagon, Stan      389
Wallace, William      92
Wave functions      318
Weber, Heinrich      29 119 257 366
Weber, Wilhelm      27 120 127 374
Wedeniwski, Sebastian      258 259
Weierstrass, Karl      135 164
Weil Conjectures      270 355
Weil, Andre      270 325 385 395 pl.
Wendland      22 94
Weyl, Hermann      170 255 385
Whitehead, Alfred North      225
Whitemore, Hugh      262
Wigner, Eugene      282 387
Wild Numbers, The (Schogt)      161
Wiles, Andrew      90 161 245 271 354—355
Wilhelm I, German Kaiser      160
William IV, King of England and Hanover      26
Wolfram, Stephen      389
Wright, Sir Edward      302
Yorke, James      387
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