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Miller M. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computer Basics |
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* (asterisk) wildcard character
* (multiplication) operator, Excel
+ (addition) operator, Excel
- (subtraction) operator, Excel
10/100 networks
10Base-T networks
5.1 surround sound speaker systems
802.11b Wi-Fi standard
802.11g Wi-Fi standard
AAC audio file format 2nd 3rd
ABC News Web site
access points (wireless networks)
accessory programs (Windows)
accounts, email 2nd 3rd
AccuWeather.com Web site
ActiveX controls
Ad-Aware Web site
Add Hardware Wizard 2nd
Add or Remove Programs utility
Add or Remove Programs utility, installing programs 2nd
Add or Remove Programs utility, removing programs 2nd
addition (+) operator, Excel
Address Book (email) 2nd
Address Book (Microsoft Works)
Address box, Internet Explorer
administrator user accounts 2nd 3rd
Adobe GoLive
Adobe Photoshop Elements 2nd
Adobe Photoshop Elements, cropping pictures
Adobe Photoshop Elements, Quick Fix mode 2nd 3rd 4th
Adobe Photoshop Elements, removing red eye with 2nd
Adobe Photoshop Elements, resizing pictures 2nd
Adobe Photoshop Elements, Standard Edit mode
Adobe Premiere Pro
AIFF audio file format 2nd
All Games Free Web site
AllTheWeb Web site
AltaVista Web site
AMD microprocessors
America Online [See AOL]
analog-to-digital video
analog-to-digital video, capture cards 2nd
Ancestry.com website
Angelfire Web site
animating Word text
ANT 4 MailChecking
anti-spam software 2nd
anti-spyware software 2nd
antivirus software 2nd
AnyWho Web site
AOL (America Online) 2nd
AOL Instant Messenger Web site
AOL Search Web site
AOL, AOL Hometown home page community
AOL, chat rooms
AOL, Parental Controls feature
Apple Computing
Apple Computing, iTunes Music Store 2nd
Apple Computing, Mac OS
Apple Computing, Motorola CPUs
Apple iPod 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Apple iPod, connecting 2nd 3rd
applications 2nd
ArcadeTown.com Web site
archives, downloading online files 2nd
arranging, desktop icons 2nd
Art Explosion Scrapbook Factory Deluxe
articles (newsgroups)
articles (newsgroups), creating
articles (newsgroups), reading 2nd 3rd
articles (newsgroups), replying to
articles (newsgroups), viewing archives
Ask Jeeves for Kids Web site
Ask Jeeves Web site
AT&T Worldnet
attachments (email)
attachments (email), opening 2nd
attachments (email), sending 2nd
auctions, eBay
auctions, eBay, bidding process 2nd 3rd
auctions, eBay, Buy It Now (BIN) option 2nd
auctions, eBay, fraud protection 2nd 3rd 4th
auctions, eBay, process overview 2nd 3rd
auctions, eBay, selling process 2nd 3rd
audio, CDs
audio, CDs, burning 2nd 3rd 4th
audio, CDs, copying 2nd
audio, CDs, label maker programs
audio, CDs, playing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
audio, CDs, ripping 2nd 3rd 4th
audio, CDs, setting bit rate 2nd
audio, digital audio formats 2nd 3rd 4th
audio, downloading
audio, downloading, file-trading networks 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
audio, downloading, free music sites
audio, downloading, online music stores 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
audio, DVD audio options, changing
audio, Internet radio 2nd
audio, playing digital audio files 2nd 3rd 4th
automatic software installations 2nd
AutoSum function (Excel) 2nd 3rd 4th
AVI file format
Back button
Back button, Internet Explorer toolbar 2nd
backgrounds, changing in PowerPoint presentations 2nd 3rd
backgrounds, Windows desktops 2nd 3rd
balancing checkbooks (Microsoft Money) 2nd
banking online 2nd [See also Money (Microsoft)]
banking online, paying bills 2nd 3rd
banking online, setting up accounts 2nd
base station (wireless networks)
BBC News Web site
Bcc (bline carbon copy)
Bcc (bline carbon copy), email messages 2nd
bidding process, eBay 2nd 3rd
bill paying services
bill paying services, MSN Bill Pay 2nd 3rd
Bit rate 2nd
BizRate Web site
black-and-white printers
BlackICE Web site
blocking pop-up ads
Blog Search Engine
Blogger website
Blogs 2nd 3rd
BMP images
BMP images, adding to Word documents 2nd
bold text (Word)
booting systems 2nd
Boxerjam Web site
broadband cable Internet
broadband cable Internet connections
broadband cable Internet connections, setting up 2nd 3rd
broadband cable Internet connections, sharing 2nd
broadband cable Internet, connections
broadband DSL Internet connections
broadband DSL Internet connections, setting up 2nd 3rd
broadband DSL Internet connections, sharing 2nd
broadband Internet connections 2nd
broadband satellite Internet
broadband satellite Internet connections
broadband satellite Internet connections, setting up 2nd 3rd
| broadband satellite Internet connections, sharing 2nd
broadband satellite Internet, connections
browsers, Web
burning, CDs
burning, CDs, process 2nd 3rd 4th
burning, DVDs
burning, DVDs, copying DVDs
burning, DVDs, creating movies from tape 2nd
burning, DVDs, creating movies from video files 2nd 3rd 4th
burning, DVDs, DVD creation programs 2nd
buttons, Close
buttons, dialog box buttons
buttons, displaying labels of
buttons, Internet Explorer toolbar buttons 2nd
buttons, Maximize
buttons, Minimize
buttons, Restore Down
buttons, Windows Media Player
Buy It Now option (eBay) 2nd
BuyMusic.com Web site
cable Internet connections 2nd
cable Internet connections, setting up 2nd 3rd
cable Internet connections, sharing 2nd
cable modems
cables, color codes
cables, connecting 2nd 3rd 4th
camcorders, connecting to PCs 2nd
camcorders, creating WMM projects from 2nd
cameras, digital [See digital cameras]
cards, adding 2nd
cards, analog-to-digital
cards, analog-to-digital, video capture cards 2nd
cards, sound
cards, sound cards
cards, video
cards, video cards
CBS SportsLine Web site
Cc (carbon copy) email messages 2nd
CD & DVD Creator
CD-R discs 2nd
CD-R drives
CD-ROM drives 2nd
CD-RW discs
CD-RW drives
CDA (CD Audio) file format
CDs, burning 2nd 3rd 4th
CDs, copying 2nd
CDs, label maker programs
CDs, playing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
CDs, playing, in random order
CDs, playing, media player programs
CDs, playing, pausing playback
CDs, playing, playlists
CDs, playing, volume, adjusting
CDs, ripping songs to PCs 2nd 3rd 4th
CDs, setting bit rate 2nd
cells (spreadsheets) 2nd
cells (spreadsheets), active
cells (spreadsheets), AutoSum function operations 2nd
cells (spreadsheets), entering data into 2nd
cells (spreadsheets), formatting 2nd
cells (spreadsheets), including in formulas 2nd
cells (spreadsheets), sorting 2nd
central processing units (CPUs) 2nd 3rd
Chart Wizard 2nd
charts, creating
charts, creating, based on spreadsheet data 2nd
charts, creating, for PowerPoint presentations 2nd
chatting online
chatting online, major communities 2nd
chatting online, Yahoo! Chat 2nd
CheatStation Web site
check boxes, in dialog boxes
checkbooks, balancing (Microsoft Money) 2nd
children, Internet security 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
ClearType 2nd
Clip Art Gallery (Word) 2nd
clock speeds, CPUs
closed captions
closed captions, displaying in DVDs
closing, Notepad
closing, programs
closing, programs with Task Manager 2nd
closing, windows
Club Photo Web site
CNN Web site
CNN/Money Web site
color printers
color scheme (Windows XP desktop), changing
columns (spreadsheets) 2nd
columns (spreadsheets), alphabetic labels 2nd
columns (spreadsheets), deleting
columns (spreadsheets), inserting 2nd
columns (spreadsheets), width, adjusting 2nd 3rd
combination printers
commands, activating
commands, activating, menu commands
commands, activating, toolbar commands 2nd
commercial online services 2nd
compressing files 2nd
compressing files, extracting files from compressed folders 2nd
computer administrator accounts 2nd 3rd
Computer viruses 2nd
Computers [See PCs]
configuration utilities 2nd
Confirm File Delete dialog box
connections, Apple iPod
connections, camcorders 2nd 3rd 4th
connections, digital cameras 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
connections, Internet
connections, Internet connections
connections, Internet connections, sharing across networks 2nd 3rd
connections, Internet, account setup 2nd
connections, Internet, broadband 2nd
connections, Internet, broadband cable
connections, Internet, broadband DSL
connections, Internet, broadband satellite
connections, Internet, commercial online services 2nd
connections, Internet, configuring Windows 2nd
connections, Internet, dial-up
connections, Internet, sharing 2nd
connections, PDAs (personal digial assistants) 2nd 3rd
connections, scanners 2nd
connections, system components 2nd 3rd
connections, wired networks
connections, wireless networks 2nd
connectors, system units
Console Gameworld Web site
Control Panel 2nd
Copy Items dialog box
copying, CDs 2nd
copying, DVDs
copying, files/folders 2nd 3rd 4th
copying, Microsoft Word text
Corel WordPerfect
Corel WordPerfect Suite
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