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Miller M. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computer Basics |
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storage options, CD-RW drives
storage options, DVD drives 2nd
storage options, DVD-R drives
storage options, floppy disks
storage options, hard disk drives 2nd
storage options, removable drives
streaming audio
strikethrough text (Word)
styles, Microsoft Word documents 2nd
Subfolders 2nd 3rd [See also folders]
submenus (Windows)
subtitles, displaying in DVDs
subtraction (-) operator, Excel
superscript text (Word)
surfing the web 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
surfing the web, blocking pop-up ads
surfing the web, printing web pages
surfing the web, revisiting previously visited sites 2nd
surfing the web, saving favorite sites 2nd
surfing the web, steps 2nd
surge suppressors
Switchboard Web site
Sygate Personal Firewall
System Restore utility 2nd 3rd 4th
System Tools command (Windows XP)
system tray (Windows XP)
system units 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
system units, case, removing 2nd
system units, connectors
system units, maintenance tips 2nd
system units, motherboards
tabs, dialog box tabs
Talk City Web site
Task Launcher (Microsoft Works)
Task Launcher (Microsoft Works), creating new documents 2nd
Task Launcher (Microsoft Works), finding documents
Task Launcher (Microsoft Works), launching programs
Task Launcher (Microsoft Works), linking to pages
Task Launcher (Microsoft Works), opening documents 2nd
Task Launcher (Microsoft Works), planning projects 2nd
Task Manager (Windows)
Task Manager (Windows), closing applications with 2nd
Task Pane
task pane, defined
Task pane, Microsoft Word
Task pane, PowerPoint
taskbar (Windows XP)
taskbar (Windows XP), switching between programs 2nd
tBlog website
Templates page (Works Suite Task Launcher) 2nd 3rd 4th
templates, Microsoft Word 2nd
templates, PowerPoint design templates 2nd
Teoma Web site
text boxes, in dialog boxes
text, adding
text, adding, to PowerPoint presentations 2nd
text, formatting
text, formatting, PowerPoint presentations 2nd
text, Word
text, Word, copying
text, Word, cutting
text, Word, deleting
text, Word, editing 2nd
text, Word, entering
text, Word, formatting 2nd
text, Word, grammar checking
text, Word, pasting
text, Word, selecting
text, Word, spell checking 2nd
themes, Windows desktops 2nd
Thumbnails view
Thumbnails view (My Pictures)
TIF images
TIF images, adding to Word documents 2nd
time and date, resetting 2nd
title bar
title bar, Microsoft Word
tool tips
toolbars, grayed items
toolbars, Internet Explorer (IE) 2nd
toolbars, Microsoft Word
toolbars, ScreenTips
toolbars, Windows 2nd
tools, Windows XP
TopHosts.com Web site
tower PCs
transferring pictures
transferring pictures, from digital cameras 2nd
transferring pictures, from memory card readers 2nd
travel reservations, online 2nd
TravelNow.com Web site
Travelocity Web site
Tripod Web site
Troubleshooters (Windows XP) 2nd
troubleshooting, crashes 2nd
troubleshooting, crashes, restoring from 2nd 3rd 4th
troubleshooting, determining cause of problem 2nd
troubleshooting, freeze-ups 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
troubleshooting, in Safe Mode 2nd
troubleshooting, Windows XP Troubleshooters 2nd
Tucows Games Web site
Tucows Web site 2nd
turning off computers 2nd 3rd 4th
TypePad website
Ulead MediaStudio Pro
Unused Desktop icons folder 2nd
uploading Web pages 2nd
Uproar Web site
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)
USA Today Web site
USB ports
USB ports, connecting peripherals 2nd
USB ports, connecting peripherals, digital cameras 2nd
Usenet newsgroups
Usenet newsgroups, creating new articles
Usenet newsgroups, netiquette
Usenet newsgroups, reading articles 2nd
Usenet newsgroups, replying to articles
Usenet newsgroups, versus message boards 2nd
Usenet newsgroups, viewing archives
user accounts
user accounts, setting up 2nd 3rd 4th
VCRs, connecting to PCs 2nd
VCRs, creating WMM projects from 2nd
Video Capture Wizard
Video cards 2nd
video, DVDs
video, DVDs, copying
video, DVDs, creating from tape 2nd
video, DVDs, creating from video files 2nd 3rd 4th
video, DVDs, DVD creation programs 2nd
video, editing [See also WMM]
video, editing, configuring PCs for 2nd
video, editing, software 2nd
VideoGame.net Web site
View buttons (Word)
viewing, databases 2nd
viewing, documents 2nd
viewing, documents, scrolling through windows 2nd
viewing, email attachments 2nd
| viewing, files 2nd 3rd
viewing, folders 2nd 3rd
viewing, hard disk drive content 2nd
viewing, Microsoft Word documents 2nd
viewing, PowerPoint presentations 2nd
Viruses 2nd
viruses, antivirus software 2nd 3rd
viruses, defined
viruses, reducing risks 2nd
viruses, signs of infection 2nd
viruses, transmission methods 2nd
visualizations, Windows Media Player
Wal-Mart Music Downloads Web site
wallpaper, changing 2nd
WAV audio file format 2nd
Weather Underground Web site
weather-related Web sites 2nd
Weather.com Web site
Web browsers 2nd [See also Internet Explorer (IE)]
Web Hosters Web site
Web Layout view (Word)
Web pages 2nd
Web pages, blocking pop-up ads
Web pages, creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Web pages, creating, home page communities 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Web pages, creating, hosting services 2nd
Web pages, creating, page-building software 2nd
Web pages, home pages
Web pages, links 2nd
web pages, printing
Web pages, revisiting recently viewed pages 2nd 3rd 4th
Web pages, saving favorite pages 2nd
Web pages, URLs (uniform resource locators)
Web pages, viewing
Web pages, viewing, scrolling through windows 2nd
Web sites
Web sites, anti-spam software
Web sites, anti-spyware software
Web sites, antivirus programs
Web sites, blog directories
Web sites, blog hosting communities
Web sites, CD label maker programs
Web sites, chat communities
Web sites, CheatStation
Web sites, Console Gameworld
Web sites, downloading files 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Web sites, DVD creation programs
Web sites, Excite Message Boards
Web sites, Extreme Gamers Network
Web sites, ezboard
Web sites, file archives
Web sites, file-sharing services
Web sites, financial sites
Web sites, firewall software
Web sites, Future Games Network
Web sites, games
Web sites, games, free downloads
Web sites, games, news and reviews
Web sites, games, single-player 2nd
Web sites, games, tips and cheats
web sites, Google 2nd 3rd
Web sites, home page communities
web sites, home pages
Web sites, host search sites
Web sites, IGN.com
Web sites, instant messaging
Web sites, Internet radio
Web sites, ISPs (Internet service providers)
Web sites, iTunes Music Store
Web sites, media player programs
Web sites, medical sites
Web sites, music download sites
Web sites, music stores
Web sites, news sites 2nd
Web sites, photo-editing programs
Web sites, photo-processing sites 2nd
Web sites, price comparison sites
Web sites, sports sites 2nd
Web sites, travel reservations
Web sites, Tucows
Web sites, video editing programs
Web sites, VideoGame.net
Web sites, weather-related services 2nd
Web sites, web searches
Web sites, web searches, directories
Web sites, web searches, kid-safe sites
Web sites, web searches, metasearch engines 2nd
Web sites, web searches, search engines
Web sites, web searches, white page directories 2nd
Web sites, Yahoo! Chat 2nd
Web sites, Yahoo! GeoCities 2nd 3rd
Web sites, Yahoo! Message Boards 2nd
Web, directories
Web, message boards
Web, overview 2nd 3rd
Web, searches
Web, searches, kids-safe searches 2nd
Web, searching 2nd
Web, searching, directories
Web, searching, exact phrases 2nd
Web, searching, financial sites 2nd
Web, searching, Google search engine 2nd 3rd
Web, searching, health-related sites 2nd
Web, searching, metasearches
Web, searching, news searches 2nd
Web, searching, people searches 2nd
Web, searching, queries 2nd
Web, searching, search engines 2nd
Web, searching, sports sites 2nd
Web, searching, weather-related sites 2nd
Web, searching, wildcards 2nd
Web, surfing
Web, surfing, overview 2nd
Web, surfing, steps 2nd
Web-Radio Web site
weblogs 2nd 3rd
WebMD Health Web site
Welcome Screen 2nd
white page directories (Web)
WhitePages.com Web site
WhoWhere Web site
Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) standard
wildcards (Web searches) 2nd
WinAmp Web site
Windows 2nd
Windows Firewall 2nd
Windows Media Player 2nd 3rd 4th
Windows Media Player, CDs, playing 2nd
Windows Media Player, controls 2nd
Windows Media Player, digital audio files, playing 2nd 3rd 4th
Windows Media Player, display mode, changing
Windows Media Player, DVDs, playing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Windows Media Player, Internet radio
Windows Media Player, playlists 2nd
Windows Media Player, video/visualization window
Windows Media Player, volume, adjusting
Windows Messenger 2nd 3rd
Windows Messenger, adding contacts 2nd
Windows Messenger, launching
Windows Messenger, receiving messages 2nd
Windows Messenger, sending messages 2nd
Windows Movie Maker [See WMM (Windows Movie Maker)]
Windows XP 2nd
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Windows XP, accessory programs
Windows XP, Address Book 2nd
Windows XP, Control Panel 2nd
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