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Miller M. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computer Basics |
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renaming, files/folders 2nd
replying to email messages 2nd
ReportCreator (Works Database) 2nd
reports, creating
reports, creating from database data 2nd 3rd
resizing windows 2nd
resizing, desktop 2nd
resizing, digital pictures 2nd
resolution, changing 2nd
restore points 2nd 3rd 4th
restoring crashed systems 2nd 3rd 4th
restoring deleted files 2nd
restoring, windows 2nd
Rhapsody Web site
right-clicking (mouse)
ripping songs from CDs to PCs 2nd 3rd 4th
RoadBlock Web site
routers, wireless
rows (spreadsheets) 2nd
rows (spreadsheets), deleting
rows (spreadsheets), inserting 2nd
rows (spreadsheets), numeric labels
Roxio Easy Media Creator
Roxio PhotoSuite Web site
ruler (Microsoft Word)
Run dialog box
Safe Mode 2nd
satellite Internet connections
satellite Internet connections, setting up 2nd 3rd
satellite Internet connections, sharing 2nd
Save As dialog box
saving, digital scrapbook pages
saving, folder settings 2nd
saving, graphics
saving, graphics as desktop background
saving, Microsoft Word documents 2nd
saving, Notepad files
saving, Web pages 2nd
ScanDisk utility 2nd
Scanner and Camera
Scanner and Camera Installation Wizard 2nd 3rd 4th
Scanner and Camera, Installation Wizard
Scanners and Cameras utility 2nd
scanners, connecting to PCs 2nd
scanners, scanning pictures 2nd
Scheduled Tasks utility
scrapbooks, digital 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
screen resolution
screen resolution, changing 2nd
screensavers 2nd
scroll bars
scroll bars, Microsoft Word
scroll bars, Windows 2nd
scrolling through windows 2nd
SCSI ports
seaching, Web 2nd
search box (Internet search sites)
Search button (Internet Explorer)
search button (Internet search sites)
Search engines 2nd 3rd
search engines, Google 2nd 3rd
search engines, metasearches
Search.com Web site
searching, Web
searching, Web, directories
searching, Web, exact phrases 2nd
searching, Web, financial sites 2nd
searching, Web, Google search engine 2nd 3rd
searching, Web, health-related sites 2nd
searching, Web, kids-safe searches 2nd
searching, Web, metasearches
searching, Web, news searches 2nd
searching, Web, people searches 2nd
searching, Web, queries 2nd
searching, Web, search engines 2nd
searching, Web, sports sites 2nd
searching, Web, weather-related sites 2nd
searching, Web, wildcards 2nd
secure servers
security, email spam 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
security, email spam, anti-spam software 2nd
security, email spam, Outlook and 2nd 3rd
security, email spam, Outlook Express and 2nd
security, email spam, protecting email addresses 2nd
security, firewalls 2nd 3rd
security, Internet
security, Internet, content-filtering software 2nd 3rd
security, shopping online 2nd 3rd
security, spyware 2nd
security, viruses 2nd
security, viruses, antivirus software 2nd 3rd
security, viruses, defined
security, viruses, reducing risks 2nd
security, viruses, signs of infection 2nd
security, viruses, transmission methods 2nd
security, wireless networks 2nd
selecting, Microsoft Word text
selling process, eBay 2nd 3rd
sending email
sending email messages
sending email, attaching files 2nd
sending email, file attachments
sending email, to Address Book contacts 2nd
sending, instant messages 2nd
serial ports
serial ports, connecting peripherals 2nd
setup, connecting cables 2nd 3rd 4th
setup, ergonomics and
setup, first-time startup operations
setup, placement considerations 2nd
setup, turning on components 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
shadow text (Word)
Shareware 2nd [See also downloading online files]
sharing files
sharing files, across networks 2nd
sharing, Internet connections 2nd
shopping line
shopping line, finding products 2nd
shopping online
shopping online, comparing prices 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
shopping online, confirming orders
shopping online, eBay auctions
shopping online, eBay auctions, bidding process 2nd 3rd
shopping online, eBay auctions, Buy It Now (BIN) option 2nd
shopping online, eBay auctions, fraud protection 2nd 3rd 4th
shopping online, eBay auctions, process overview 2nd 3rd
shopping online, eBay auctions, registering for 2nd
shopping online, eBay auctions, selling process 2nd 3rd
shopping online, examining products 2nd
shopping online, ordering products 2nd
shopping online, process overview 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
shopping online, safety concerns 2nd 3rd
shopping online, travel reservations 2nd
Shopping.com Web site 2nd 3rd
shortcut icons
| shortcut icons (desktop)
shortcut icons (desktop), arranging 2nd
shortcut icons (desktop), creating
shortcut icons (desktop), reducing clutter 2nd
shortcut icons (desktop), removing
shortcut icons (desktop), renaming 2nd
shortcut icons, Start menu
shortcut icons, Start menu icons, selecting 2nd
shortcut icons, toolbar icons
SHOUTcast Web site
Shutterfly Web site
shutting down
shutting down, computers 2nd
shutting down, Windows XP 2nd
single-click mode (mouse)
sizing, desktops 2nd
sizing, digital photos 2nd
sizing, document display, Microsoft Word 2nd
sizing, windows 2nd
slash (division) operator, Excel
slash (division) operator, Excel, js sb forward slash
Slide Show view (PowerPoint)
Slide Sorter view (PowerPoint)
sliders (in dialog boxes)
slides (PowerPoint)
slides (PowerPoint), adding pictures 2nd
slides (PowerPoint), adding text 2nd
slides (PowerPoint), backgrounds, changing 2nd 3rd
slides (PowerPoint), design templates 2nd
slides (PowerPoint), formatting text 2nd
slides (PowerPoint), inserting 2nd
slides (PowerPoint), running slideshows
slides (PowerPoint), transitions, applying 2nd
slideshows, DVD slideshows, creating 2nd 3rd 4th
slow motion DVD playback
SnapFish Web site
sniping (eBay)
Software 2nd
software, anti-spam 2nd
software, anti-spyware 2nd
software, antivirus 2nd
software, bundles
software, bundles, Corel WordPerfect Suite
software, bundles, Microsoft Office 2nd
software, bundles, Microsoft Works 2nd
software, bundles, Microsoft Works Suite
software, device drivers
software, digital scrapbooks 2nd
software, DVD copy software
software, DVD creation software 2nd
software, firewall software
software, home publishing 2nd
Software, installing
software, installing, automatic installations 2nd
software, installing, from the Internet 2nd
software, installing, manual installations 2nd
software, Internet content-filtering
software, media player
software, photo editing 2nd
software, removing from hard drive 2nd 3rd
software, video editing 2nd 3rd [See also WMM]
software, Web page-building software 2nd
Solitaire 2nd 3rd
Sonic MyDVD
Sonic MyDVD, creating
Sonic MyDVD, creating movies from tape 2nd
Sonic MyDVD, creating movies from video files 2nd 3rd
Sonic MyDVD, creating, DVD slideshows 2nd 3rd 4th
sorting, database data 2nd
sorting, files (Windows) 2nd
sorting, folders (Windows) 2nd
sorting, spreadsheet cells 2nd
sound cards 2nd
Spam 2nd
spam, anti-spam software 2nd
spam, Outlook and 2nd 3rd
spam, Outlook Express and 2nd
spam, protecting email addresses 2nd 3rd
SpamKiller Web site
speakers 2nd 3rd
speakers, connecting
special effects (Windows XP)
special effects (Windows XP), ClearType 2nd
special effects (Windows XP), Effects dialog box 2nd
special effects (Windows XP), Performance Options dialog box 2nd
spell checking
spell checking, Microsoft Word documents 2nd
Spoofing 2nd
SportingNews.com Web site
Sports Illustrated Web site
sports-related Web sites 2nd
spreadsheet programs
spreadsheets 2nd 3rd
spreadsheets, AutoSum function 2nd 3rd 4th
spreadsheets, cells 2nd
spreadsheets, cells, active
spreadsheets, cells, formatting 2nd
spreadsheets, cells, sorting 2nd
spreadsheets, charts based on, creating 2nd
spreadsheets, columns 2nd
spreadsheets, columns, alphabetic labels
spreadsheets, columns, deleting
spreadsheets, columns, inserting 2nd
spreadsheets, columns, width, adjusting 2nd 3rd
spreadsheets, entering data into 2nd
spreadsheets, formatting 2nd 3rd 4th
spreadsheets, formulas
spreadsheets, formulas, algebraic operators 2nd
spreadsheets, formulas, entering 2nd
spreadsheets, formulas, including cells in 2nd
spreadsheets, functions 2nd
spreadsheets, popular programs
spreadsheets, rows 2nd
spreadsheets, rows, deleting
spreadsheets, rows, inserting 2nd
spreadsheets, rows, numeric labels
Spy Sweeper web site
Spybot Search & Destory
Spybot Search & Destory, Web site
spyware 2nd
Standard Edit mode (Adobe Photoshop Elements)
Start button (Windows XP)
Start menu (Windows XP) 2nd 3rd
Start menu (Windows XP), shutting down Windows 2nd
Start menu (Windows XP), starting programs
Start menu (Windows XP), switching between programs
Start menu (XP)
Start menu (XP), adding programs 2nd
Start menu (XP), applying special effects 2nd
Start menu (XP), displaying more/fewer programs 2nd
Start menu (XP), icons displayed, selecting 2nd
starting, Internet Explorer (IE)
starting, Microsoft Word
starting, Notepad 2nd
starting, programs
starting, programs, Microsoft Works programs
starting, Windows Messenger
Status Bar
status bar, Microsoft Word
sticks (memory)
Stop button
Stop button, (Internet Explorer toolbar)
storage options
storage options, CD-R drives
storage options, CD-ROM drives 2nd
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